In the geographical area covered by the EEN consortium GalacteaPlus, there are many innovative companies that need support for growth in an international market. In these sense this project offers key account management support to companies granted with a SME Instrument phase...
In the geographical area covered by the EEN consortium GalacteaPlus, there are many innovative companies that need support for growth in an international market. In these sense this project offers key account management support to companies granted with a SME Instrument phase 1 and/or two, FET Open or FTI projects. On the other hand, this project offers also support to the companies that want no improve the innovation management capacity of the most innovative companies in the region.
The development of activities carried out in this project will aim to improve the innovation results of every individual company, having therefore direct influence on the turnover and on the employment with direct impact in the society.
The overall objective To define a number of 60 7-day service packages, estimating a total number of 27 KAM services, in both phases 1 and 2, and 33 Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity, supported by the Improve tool.
The number of KAM services provided has been 23 to 6 SME Instrument phase II and a FET Open project. The number of innovation assessment made has been 19 versus 33 foreseen services.
The communication strategy applicable for this project is the EEN communication strategy, so the public diffusion of the results (when the non disclosure policy does not apply) is made through the web page, blog and other social networks.
For the KAM services, There is a clear economic impact here that comes from the European Commission financing. In the cases of companies granted with a SME phase II, the budget is huge and may have a very important impact in the company with creation of new jobs and improvement of infrastructures. The KAM service is very helpful for the companies y very much appreciated.
In the case of the EIMC service, the companies accept an action plan to develop. There are regional funding measures that can help these companies to implement these actions. The impact in this case is more difficult to measure, at least at a short term. From a more qualitative point of view, the companies appreciated very much the process of reflection, the analysis of results and the action plan proposed. It is a question of follow-up and signposting to other EEN services.
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