Opendata, web and dolomites


Intelligent scaling service for 3D printed architectural models

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






Project "AdiScale" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
address: ROVSINGSGADE 88 2
postcode: 2200
website: n.a.

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Denmark [DK]
 Project website
 Total cost 71˙429 €
 EC max contribution 50˙000 € (70%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.2.1.1. (INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT))
2. H2020-EU.2.3.1. (Mainstreaming SME support, especially through a dedicated instrument)
 Code Call H2020-SMEINST-1-2016-2017
 Funding Scheme SME-1
 Starting year 2017
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2017-05-01   to  2017-10-31


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
1    ADIMANT APS DK (KOBENHAVN N) coordinator 50˙000.00


 Project objective

The overall goal for the innovation project is to offer a 3D model scaling service for 3D print service bureaus and architectural offices. Architects use 3D printed scale models (e.g. 1:100) to showcase projects. Current state-of-the-art software cannot automatically convert the architects’ 3D drawings to a 3D printable scale model, because this typically creates features that are too small to print. Today it takes several weeks to manually prepare the scale model for 3D printing and it easily costs several thousand euros. Our intelligent scaling service, which selectively scales features, can speed up this process drastically.

The main barrier to manufacturing 3D printed scale models is not the equipment, but rather the weeks and trouble it takes to perform the scaling. The potential demand is several hundreds of thousands of scale models per year, and even the current demand indicates a market potential of tens of millions of euros per year.

The objective of the feasibility study are to adjust and elaborate our business plan by establishing test agreements with two print service bureaus and by evaluating the business potential directly through at least 15 scaling jobs. Furthermore, we will perform a freedom to operate analysis and use the test scalings to further mature the prototype.

Are you the coordinator (or a participant) of this project? Plaese send me more information about the "ADISCALE" project.

For instance: the website url (it has not provided by EU-opendata yet), the logo, a more detailed description of the project (in plain text as a rtf file or a word file), some pictures (as picture files, not embedded into any word file), twitter account, linkedin page, etc.

Send me an  email ( and I put them in your project's page as son as possible.

Thanks. And then put a link of this page into your project's website.

The information about "ADISCALE" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.

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