The page lists 389 projects related to the topic "creates".
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1 | EUCYS 2014 | European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2014 | 2014 |
2 | BIOCASCADES | BIOCASCADES- Sustainable and Scalable Biocatalytic Cascade Reactions Training Network | 2015 |
3 | BONVOYAGE | From Bilbao to Oslo, intermodal mobility solutions and interfaces for people and goods, supported by an innovative communication network | 2015 |
4 | X-probe | Advanced XFEL and Synchrotron based Probes of Protein Structure and Dynamics | 2015 |
5 | RGGC | Random Graph Geometry and Convergence | 2015 |
6 | ChildBrain | Advancing brain research in children’s developmental neurocognitive disorders | 2015 |
7 | Phonsi | Nanophotonics by Nanocrystals, from integration to single photon operation | 2015 |
8 | InnoChain | Building Innovation in the Extended Digital Chain | 2015 |
9 | ACANTO | ACANTO: A CyberphysicAl social NeTwOrk using robot friends | 2015 |
10 | ALIGNED | Aligned, Quality-centric Software and Data Engineering | 2015 |
11 | TAMS4CPS | Trans-Atlantic Modelling and Simulation For Cyber-Physical Systems | 2015 |
12 | MusicBricks | MusicBricks: Musical Building Blocks for Digital Makers and Content Creators | 2015 |
13 | LUMENTILE | LUMinous ElectroNic TILE | 2015 |
14 | LIFE | LearnIng from Failure in a collaborative Entrepreneurship network | 2015 |
15 | EurEyeCase | Use Case for European Robotics in Ophthalmologic Micro−Surgery | 2015 |
16 | Bin2Grid | Turning unexploited food waste into biomethane supplied through local filling stations network | 2015 |
17 | GEMM | Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets | 2015 |
18 | NEGOTIATE | Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe | 2015 |
19 | QuInnE | Quality of Jobs and Innovation Generated Employment Outcomes | 2015 |
20 | COMAWARE | COMmunication and Assessment With Adaptive Realtime Environments | 2014 |
21 | ECOBREW | New eco-efficient and healthy professional espresso coffee machine | 2014 |
22 | SignSigma | Launching the next generation of mobile and multi-platform signature system based on biometric parameters | 2014 |
23 | VIPREP | MAGPIE POLYMERS: Vertical Integration into PGM Refining Processes | 2014 |
24 | CONSORT | Controlled Singlet Oxygen Release Photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy | 2015 |
25 | Art and Brain | Art and Brain: An integrated approach to causative analysis of neural function in perception of art using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation | 2015 |
26 | socialog | Social Capital, Institutional Accessibility and Local Governance | 2016 |
27 | INNOVCITIES | Institutional Innovation for Adapting to Climate Change in Water Governance within Cities | 2015 |
28 | ReMix | Developing a novel light-weight Ready Mixed Concrete | 2015 |
29 | WISE | WISE – Wide Instantaneous Support Equipment | 2015 |
30 | CAIN | Analysis of multimedia contents published on social networks, using a community of people willing to perform micro-tasks on their mobile devices. Application to marketing and branding | 2015 |
31 | DWAVE | Designing waves for the people | 2015 |
32 | DRESSFORMER | Virtual 3D fitting room for online shopping | 2015 |
33 | TWILIGHT | ToWards Immunisations that Last: the Immunology and Gerontology of Helper T cells | 2015 |
35 | Waste to Resource | Commercialisation of WarwickFBR™ technology which can recycle Mixed Plastic Waste into a hydrocarbon product, the Plaxx™ | 2015 |
36 | Fidzup-Retargeting | Physical Retargeting, innovative mobile marketing services for traditional retailers | 2015 |
37 | P3DNavitech | Novel navigation system for arthroscopy that uses solely the endoscopic video to perform measurements inside the joints and provide the necessary guidance to the surgeon. | 2015 |
38 | NOVCARBFIX | Analysis, Design and Experimental Evolution of Novel Carbon Fixation Pathways | 2016 |
39 | SynCatMatch | MATching zeolite SYNthesis with CATalytic activity | 2015 |
40 | IDH | Digital Health Hub Europe | 2015 |
41 | CliniSenz | CliniSenz(TM) - A Cost-effective Biosensor for Automatic Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring | 2015 |
42 | OsteomiR | OsteomiR-Test – An In-Vitro Test for the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis and associated Fracture Risk | 2015 |
43 | eMurmur | eMurmur, a software based, clinically tested medical device for automated heart murmur detection | 2015 |
44 | Anyoon Rotary Engine | Innovative internal combustion engine that incorporates a unidirectional rotary design and obeys to perfection the Otto cycle giving it an efficiency of 78%. | 2015 |
45 | ADMONT | Advanced Distributed Pilot Line for More-than-Moore Technologies | 2015 |
46 | MANTIS | Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance | 2015 |
47 | CONNECTINGEUROPE | Digital Crossings in Europe: Gender, Diaspora and Belonging | 2016 |
48 | NANO | Intelligent Low-Cost Real-Time Nanomagnetooptical Integrity Monitoring and Sensing System for Asset Integrity Management | 2015 |
49 | FormGram | Form-frequency correspondences in grammar | 2015 |
50 | 5G-ENSURE | 5G Enablers for Network and System Security and Resilience | 2015 |
51 | REUSABLE NGS LIBRARY | Reusable Back-up Library Construction and Storage Technology for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in Clinical Diagnostics | 2015 |
52 | PoroFrac | A high-fidelity isogeometric simulation methodology for fracture in porous media | 2016 |
53 | Be-IoT | The business engine for IoT pilots: Turning the Internet of things in Europe into an economically successful and socially accepted vibrant ecosystem | 2016 |
54 | BlendIn | oneTap e-paper business card wearable gadget to create a real meeting LinkedIN equivalent | 2015 |
55 | ACMC | Advanced Contactless Multifunction Control unit with gesture detection | 2015 |
56 | Bsmart - Pro | Smart integrated digital contents and educational platform | 2015 |
57 | CORTIME | CorTime, a Cloud-based intelligent optimization engine for 3D-CAD | 2015 |
58 | ShopStar | Image learning to create a new online marketing tool | 2015 |
59 | Body Interact | Body Interact - Training skills environment to improve patient safety and medical education | 2015 |
60 | F-CCW | Functional Cell Culture Ware (F-CCW) : Technical and Commercial feasible? | 2015 |
61 | EXC3ITE | EXploring Chemistry, Composition and Circulation in the stratosphere with InnovativeTEchnologies | 2016 |
62 | DISRUPT | Development of an innovative and safe ultralight two-seater turbine helicopter | 2016 |
63 | EDeN | Ependymal cell Development: New insight into neurological diseases | 2015 |
64 | SavingFood | An innovative solution to tackle food waste through the collaborative power of ICT networks | 2016 |
65 | METRO4-3D | Metrology for future 3D-technologies | 2016 |
66 | ASSET | Instant Gratification for Collective Awareness and Sustainable Consumerism | 2016 |
68 | BIO-ORIGAMI | Meta-biomaterials: 3D printing meets Origami | 2016 |
69 | MY NERVE | Translation of a fluorescent MYelin specific peripheral NERVE tracer | 2016 |
70 | I4F | Instant Foam for Fighting Forest Fires | 2016 |
71 | VICINITY | Open virtual neighbourhood network to connect intelligent buildings and smart objects | 2016 |
72 | Science2Society | Improving university, industry and society interfaces to boost the throughput capacity of Europe's innovation stakeholders | 2016 |
73 | cleanMOULD | Oil, fat and contaminant free moulding through advanced low friction and fretting-resistant coating solution | 2016 |
74 | epiGERMetics | Landscape of epigenetic control in early and late germ line development | 2016 |
75 | ATLAS | A Trans-AtLantic Assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based Spatial management plan for Europe | 2016 |
76 | HUNAYNNET | Transmission of Classical Scientific and Philosophical Literature from Greek into Syriac and Arabic | 2016 |
77 | ANaPSyS | Artificial Natural Products System Synthesis | 2016 |
78 | GrapheneCore1 | Graphene-based disruptive technologies | 2016 |
79 | MALORCA | Machine Learning of Speech Recognition Models for Controller Assistance | 2016 |
80 | SINet | Software-defined Intermittent Networking | 2016 |
81 | SurgASSIST | A novel 3D Stereoscopic e-learning SolutIon for theoretical Surgical Training | 2016 |
82 | Female Empowerment | “The Role of Urbanization in Female Empowerment: the Turkish Case in Comparative Perspective” | 2016 |
83 | INdAM-DP-COFUND-2015 | INdAM Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and/or applications cofunded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions | 2017 |
84 | REACH | Renewable Energy and Connectivity Hub | 2016 |
85 | HAZE | Reducing the Burden of Smouldering Megafires: an Earth-Scale Challenge | 2016 |
86 | iTRACK | Integrated system for real-time TRACKing and collective intelligence in civilian humanitarian missions | 2016 |
87 | CADENT | Competitive Advantage for the Data-driven ENTerprise | 2016 |
88 | MBD | Mapping bacterial division in Bacillus subtilis | 2016 |
89 | SafeShore | System for detection of Threat Agents in Maritime Border Environment | 2016 |
90 | ALERT | Local Training Network on Novel Tailor-Made Antimicrobials and Delivery Strategies From Synthesis towards Clinical Applications | 2016 |
91 | DEFORM | Define the global and financial impact of research misconduct | 2016 |
92 | iCARE | MobIle health-Care system for monitoring toxicity and symptoms in cAncer patients ReceivingdiseasE-oriented therapy | 2016 |
93 | BRIGHT | Brilliant Researchers Impact on Growth Health and Trust in research. | 2016 |
94 | ASURI | Advanced Surgical Implants (ASURI) | 2016 |
96 | CreativeNet | Enhancement of an advanced media sharing and networking platform to ensure connectivity among world’s creatives | 2016 |
97 | VDRConnect | VDRConnect: VDR-based vessel telematics solution | 2016 |
98 | SMART BIKING | Safe parking system for bicycles | 2016 |
99 | ECOOL | Evaporative Cooling Technologies for dry and humid climates | 2016 |
100 | NMDADYN | NMDA receptor diversity: from molecular dynamics to synaptic physiopathology | 2016 |
101 | GEPPS | Globalization, Economic Policy and Political Structure | 2016 |
102 | Thomson Controller | The Thomson Controller is a fully pre-programmed vehicle and chassis smart control module designed to provide energy efficient and safe supervisory control to an electric vehicle powertrain. | 2016 |
103 | Homebiogas | The Domestic Biogas System - Turning Waste into Value | 2016 |
104 | LOOP | Disrupting Logistics in Smart Cities and Regions through an Advanced Logistics Platform. | 2016 |
105 | Paybon | Paybon - disrupting the massive global meal voucher market with a smartphone delivery system | 2016 |
106 | ENRICH | Enriched communication across the lifespan | 2016 |
107 | Cathedral | Post-Snowden Circuits and Design Methods for Security | 2016 |
108 | INVeST | INdividual Vascular SignaTure: A new machine learning tool to aid personalised management of risk for cardiovascular disease | 2016 |
109 | CAPRI | Children and Adolescents with PaRental mental Illness: Understanding the ‘who’ and ‘how’ of targeting interventions | 2016 |
110 | INCLUSIVE | Smart and adaptive interfaces for INCLUSIVE work environment | 2016 |
111 | CircEuit | Circular European Economy Innovative Training Network | 2016 |
112 | IMCA | Immersive Cabin | 2016 |
113 | 1toStopVax | RNA virus attenuation by altering mutational robustness | 2016 |
114 | COFFERS | Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators | 2016 |
115 | HUTI | Feasibility Study for HUTI – the Human Traffic Assistance System | 2016 |
116 | Fundsphere Terms | Disruptive Regulatory Technology for Asset Management Industry. FinTech company changes the global Asset Industry forever | 2016 |
117 | PigHeat | Utilizing Pig By-products as Heat Source to Save Recycling and Energy Cost. | 2016 |
118 | MapMe | Mapping metabolic regulators at a genome-scale to switch bacteria from growth to overproduction of chemicals | 2017 |
119 | LEARN | Logistics Emission Accounting and Reduction Network | 2016 |
120 | CARTRE | Coordination of Automated Road Transport Deployment for Europe | 2016 |
121 | SHEPHERD | Energy-Efficient Activated Sludge Monitoring for Wastewater Treatment Plants | 2016 |
122 | ACTiCLOUD | ACTivating resource efficiency and large databases in the CLOUD | 2017 |
123 | IMAGINE | Robots Understanding Their Actions by Imagining Their Effects | 2017 |
124 | GEOWAKI | The analysis of geometric non-linear wave and kinetic equations | 2017 |
125 | RiserSure | Rapid Integrity Assessment of Flexible Risers for Offshore Oil and Gas Installations | 2016 |
126 | IntegraMouse3 | Next-generation, modular computer mouse device for disabled people | 2016 |
128 | Prometeo | Complete Automatization of Tissue Microarray Systems: Unleashing High-Throughput in Pathology Diagnosis, Prognosis and Anticancer Therapy | 2016 |
129 | NANOSEPSIS | Rapid Magnetic Blood Filtration for the Treatment of Sepsis: a Feasibility Study | 2017 |
130 | Force Servo | Force Servo | 2017 |
131 | DEGOO | Degoo backup – the first back-up service based on dynamic routing of transfer data to data centres | 2016 |
132 | RECAP preterm | RECAP preterm: Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm | 2017 |
133 | CO2Catalyst | Pilot scale demonstration of novel CO2 co-polymerisation catalysts in the PU polyol market | 2016 |
134 | HyLAW | Identification of legal rules and administrative processes applicable to Fuel Cell and Hydrogen technologies’ deployment, identification of legal barriers and advocacy towards their removal. | 2017 |
135 | ACTRIS PPP | ACTRIS PPP - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project | 2017 |
136 | AWARENET | The World´s First Application-Aware Network: Enabling Dynamic Bandwidth Management and Guaranteed Data Connection Quality in Mobile Networks | 2017 |
137 | DarkMix | Illuminating the dark side of surface meteorology: creating a novel framework to explain atmospheric transport and turbulent mixing in the weak-wind boundary layer | 2017 |
138 | WOW | Digitalization of outdoor advertising | 2017 |
139 | SitSmart | A sensor-equipped seat cushion to support office workers and teach a healthy lifestyle depending on physiological signals gathered unobtrusively. | 2017 |
140 | SRec BIPV | Smart Reconfigurable photovoltaic modules for Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic applications | 2018 |
141 | IMMUNO_CRC | Microbiota-immune interaction in colorectal cancer | 2017 |
142 | RSCHD | Functional dissection of the head-direction circuit in mouse retrosplenial cortex. | 2017 |
143 | MobileDeaf | Deaf mobilities across international borders: Visualising intersectionality and translanguaging | 2017 |
144 | RefBORDER | Reflexivity as capacity in EU’s border security: a contribution to theory and practice through the case of Polish Border Guard training | 2017 |
145 | DRYSTORE | Exploring dry storage as an alternative biobanking strategy inspired by Nature | 2017 |
146 | GlimS | Patient-specific tumour growth model for quantification of mechanical 'markers' in malignant gliomas: Implications for treatment outcomes. | 2017 |
147 | TOXANOID | Pharmacological safety testing in human adult stem cell-derived organoids | 2017 |
148 | WAGETRANS | Wage transparency in companies | 2017 |
149 | EMPHASIS | Enabling Multifunctional Plasmonics on Hybrid Artificial Scale-Integrated Systems | 2018 |
150 | ARTENGINE | Artificial Life TodayAnthropological and Sociological Analysis of Life Engineering | 2017 |
151 | HousePoetics | House Poetics. An 'assemblage' approach to the production and transmission of value in Bronze Age Crete. | 2017 |
152 | Prolifimeter | Growth detection and quantification (GDQ) | 2017 |
153 | METCLL | Discovery and validation of ‘epidrivers’ of cancer evolution and resistance to therapy | 2018 |
154 | CAD WALK | CAD WALK: Enabling Computer Aided Diagnosis of Foot Pathologies through the use of Metric Learning | 2017 |
155 | SPARK | Supporting Pioneer doctoral Researchers through 3i Knowledge partnerships | 2017 |
156 | Torero | TORrefying wood with Ethanol as a Renewable Output: large-scale demonstration | 2017 |
157 | GHOST | Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk Control | 2017 |
158 | ePT | ePT - Electronic Procedure Trainer for aviation pilots and cabin crew | 2017 |
159 | Fresh Solutions | Fresh Solutions –‘A fresh approach to food packaging’ | 2017 |
160 | AdiScale | Intelligent scaling service for 3D printed architectural models | 2017 |
161 | GLOBALFIRMS | Global Firms and Global Value Chains: Measurement and Mechanisms | 2018 |
162 | SURE-Farm | Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems | 2017 |
163 | AQUAS | Aggregated Quality Assurance for Systems | 2017 |
164 | ACETOGENS | Acetogenic bacteria: from basic physiology via gene regulation to application in industrial biotechnology | 2017 |
165 | BIO-H-BORROW | Biocatalytic Amine Synthesis via Hydrogen Borrowing | 2017 |
166 | CLEANTECHBLOCK2 | Market maturation of CleanTechBlock technology | 2017 |
167 | SeaBubble | Fast-Forwarding to the Future of On-Demand Urban Water Transportation | 2017 |
168 | in.nav | Advanced Intra-Operative Navigation in Arthroscopy Surgery | 2017 |
169 | DISCRETION | Discretion and the child´s best interests in child protection | 2017 |
170 | VERSUS | Violence Elites and Resilience in States Under Stress | 2017 |
171 | SMARTSOUND | Pre-Commercialisation of Sound Recognition for Surveillance Applications | 2017 |
172 | Ub-BAC | Dissecting and targeting ubiquitin networks in the course of bacterial infections | 2017 |
173 | MINIMA | Introducing the next computing power revolution: Minima microprocessor technology to reduce the energy need of digital computing by 20 times. | 2017 |
174 | Invidyo | Invidyo – Smart Baby and Baby Sitter Monitoring System | 2017 |
175 | BlockchainKYC | Blockchain-based, 100% automated KYC (Know Your Customer) service | 2017 |
176 | MCircuits | Connectivity, plasticity and function of an olfactory memory circuit | 2017 |
177 | ShipShape | Bottom-up Energy Efficient Emulsification and Structured Materials | 2017 |
178 | VOLSIGNAL | Volume regulation and extracellular signalling by anion channels | 2017 |
179 | SwiftC | A technology marketplace for hospitality compliance services that integrates with public sector authorities and relieves the burden of regulation for businesses | 2017 |
180 | EASITrain | European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training | 2017 |
181 | INCOVID | Inpainting-based Compression of Visual Data | 2017 |
182 | COSMOS | Computational Simulations of MOFs for Gas Separations | 2017 |
183 | TOPBALAT | Setting up high-value sea cucumber chain in Europe through a new fishing gear with no environmental impact and advanced processing equipment | 2017 |
184 | CATACOAT | Nanostructured catalyst overcoats for renewable chemical production from biomass | 2017 |
185 | NEMESIS | Novel Educational Model Enabling Social Innovation Skills development | 2017 |
186 | MUBIC | Mushroom and biogas production in a circular economy | 2017 |
187 | MuStMAM | Multi State Memory in Artificial Multiferroics | 2018 |
188 | SVIS | Supervised Verification of Infinite-State Systems | 2018 |
189 | SUN-PILOT | Subwavelength Nanostructure Pilot (Sun-Pilot) | 2018 |
190 | GREENPATROL | Galileo Enhanced Solution for Pest Detection and Control in Greenhouse Fields with Autonomous Service Robots | 2017 |
191 | EEC | Economic Engineering of Cooperation in Modern Markets | 2018 |
192 | MANANDNATURE | Man and Nature in Developing Countries | 2017 |
193 | INVASIMMUN | The unseen adaptation of a non-native: A unique spatiotemporal study of infection dynamics and immunogenetics at a bioinvasion front | 2018 |
194 | NanoFLP | Nanoparticles as Partners in Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Boosting the Surface Reactivity of Inorganic Nanoparticles | 2018 |
195 | PapyGreek | Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri | 2018 |
196 | BLOCKCHAINSOCIETY | The Disrupted Society: mapping the societal effects of blockchain technology diffusion | 2018 |
197 | MANU-SQUARE | MANUfacturing ecoSystem of QUAlified Resources Exchange | 2018 |
198 | KET4CleanProduction | Pan-European Access for man. SME on tech. services for clean production through a Network of premier KET Technology Centres with one stop shop access incl. EEN and discourse with policy makers on RIS3 | 2018 |
199 | NanoFEED | Nanostructured carriers for improved cattle feed | 2018 |
200 | REDFINCH | mid infraREd Fully Integrated CHemical sensors | 2017 |
201 | ReTV | Enhancing and Re-Purposing TV Content for Trans-Vector Engagement | 2018 |
202 | WHIITE | Waste Heat Integrated Industrialised Trucks and Tractors Engine | 2017 |
203 | HealMastitis | Heal Mastitis in Dairy Cattle | 2017 |
204 | AUTTO | Unlocking intelligent workflow automation for the SME market through AUTTO, an AI powered micro-automation SaaS Platform | 2017 |
205 | TOPpipes | Technology for Onsite 3D Printing Production of Lengthy Large Diameter Polyethylene Pipes with Cellular Walls | 2017 |
206 | ReIReS | Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies | 2018 |
207 | TopATLAS | Topological Atlas: Mapping Contemporary Borderscapes | 2018 |
208 | DEEDS | DialoguE on European Decarbonisation Strategies | 2017 |
209 | ECO2 | Energy Conscious Consumers | 2018 |
210 | ESI Europe | Driving Investment in Energy Efficiency through Energy Savings Insurance in Europe | 2018 |
211 | SPECTO Bowling | SPECTO Bowling® 2.0: Advanced Measurement and Analysis of Bowling Performance | 2018 |
212 | Furhat Robotics | The Human Face of AI: a novel platform to build social conversational robots for education, healthcare, retail other verticals | 2018 |
213 | MicroSpot | The first portable, low-cost, robotized scanner microscope that converts any smartphone into a high quality and intelligent tele-microscopy image diagnosis system | 2018 |
214 | GREEN BOARD | Sustainable Production of High-End Wood Products Using Recycled and Environmentally FriendlyMaterials | 2018 |
215 | Reficient | Innovative upright Refrigerator with Improved Efficiency Fully Aligned With The Eu Legislation ToControl The F-GASES” | 2018 |
216 | SENSEI | Optimizing Retail Operation With Real-Time Customer Activity Intelligence | 2018 |
217 | gridBox | A smart energy management system for energy transfers and improved grid efficiency | 2018 |
218 | DATAJUSTICE | Global data justice in the era of big data: toward an inclusive framing of informational rights and freedoms | 2018 |
219 | AxiBAU | Axions as the Origin of the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe | 2019 |
220 | CASACAMAhyps | Cucurbit[8]uril Assisted Supramolecular Architectures of Carbon Materials for Hydrogels, Photocatalysis and Sensing | 2018 |
221 | Construye2020_Plus | A new boost for green jobs, growth and sustainability | 2018 |
222 | CorticalSpaceShift | How altered sensory experience changes the cortex: plasticity processes in the visual cortex and their relation to ecological real-life events under shifted perception condition | 2018 |
223 | DEPART | DEmocratic PARticipation in Territorial states | 2018 |
224 | Urban Sharing | Urban Sharing: Sustainability and Institutionalisation Pathways | 2018 |
225 | OTmeetsDFT | Multi-marginal Optimal Transport and Density Functional Theory: a mathematical setting for physical ideas | 2019 |
226 | ESSINDEX | Essential Indexicality | 2019 |
227 | FUELSAVE | FS MARINE+: Hydrogen syngas injection unit for ships to save fuel and cut emissions | 2018 |
228 | Ventura Habitat | Commercialisation of Ventura Habitat - a novel wind turbine blade maintenance enclosure tomaximize downtime productivity | 2018 |
229 | DOUBLE EXPRESS | Gene expression level as a keystone to understanding gene duplication: evolutionary constraints, opportunities, and disease | 2019 |
230 | OpenHeritage | Organizing, Promoting and ENabling HEritage Re-use through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment | 2018 |
231 | Hypo-RESOLVE | Hypoglycaemia - REdefining SOLutions for better liVEs | 2018 |
232 | EOSC-hub | Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud | 2018 |
233 | EQFT | Emergence from Quantum Frustration and Topology | 2018 |
234 | BASILIC | Decoding at systems-level the crosstalk between the T cell antigen receptor, the CD28 costimulator and the PD-1 coinhibitor under physiological and pathological conditions. | 2018 |
235 | NASTAC | Nationalist State Transformation and Conflict | 2018 |
236 | ATTACK | Pressured to Attack: How Carrying-Capacity Stress Creates and Shapes Intergroup Conflict | 2018 |
237 | SPAGAD | Speech Acts in Grammar and Discourse | 2019 |
238 | SAMS | SAMS - International Partnership on Innovation in Smart Apiculture Management Services (Apiculture = Beekeeping) | 2018 |
239 | WasteWater Science | A novel affordable, portable and autonomous wastewater treatment unit for the agriculture industry | 2018 |
240 | Aladin | Aladin: A Smart Home-Care Solution for the Elderly. | 2018 |
241 | botconnect | Collaboration of humans and AI in the enterprise | 2018 |
242 | Clean City | Improve urban cleanliness while optimising resources and environmental footprint | 2018 |
243 | HydroPLAST | A hydrophilic polymer material | 2018 |
244 | GoSleep | Global scale-up of GoSleep Pods more than a seat | 2018 |
245 | FOGSCREEN MINI | FogsScreen Mini - breakthrough laminar air purification technology with stunning interactive images | 2018 |
246 | AORTA 2 | Alginor's Ocean Refining Total utilisation Application | 2018 |
247 | Composite Gloves | Protective Composite Gloves for Health Care | 2018 |
248 | StrawToGold | Revolutionizing the packaging industry with a patented treatment to lignin fibres | 2018 |
249 | EREDETIO | Wearable Device for Erectile Dysfunction Diagnostics and Treatment Monitoring | 2018 |
250 | GlasSkin | | 2018 |
251 | VirtualGrasp | Speeding up the virtual reality revolution with realistic & real-time animation of hand-to-object interaction | 2018 |
252 | AQRATE | Breakthrough technology for managing and purchasing translation services guaranteBreakthrough technology for managing and purchasing translation services guaranteeing transparency, savings and quality | 2018 |
253 | PTC | Machine-Learning Technology for Digital Marketing | 2018 |
254 | FlexCoil | A New Generation of Small Electric Motors: More Powerful, Smaller, Greener | 2018 |
255 | FRESHDETECT | FRESHDETECT – food safety – fast and reliable | 2018 |
256 | Woodoo | Woodoo Augmented Wood - transforming wood into construction material strong as concrete and translucent as amber | 2018 |
257 | AIRCOAT | Air Induced friction Reducing ship COATing | 2018 |
258 | Akselos Integra | Disruptive Digital Twin solution combining sensor data streams and high accuracy physics-based models to design and monitor large structural assets | 2018 |
259 | TETHIS-SBS-CTC | TETHIS-SBS-CTC: An innovative diagnostic testing platform to identify and characterize circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in blood samples. | 2018 |
260 | IMPLAGUIDE | Smart & Autonomous Guidance System for Citizen Security in Public Transport and large facilities | 2018 |
261 | SCENT | Smart Cities EMC Network for Training | 2018 |
262 | COINFLIP | Coupled Organic Inorganic Nanostructures for Fast, Light-Induced Data Processing | 2019 |
263 | LOGIC LAB | Molecular logic lab-on-a-vesicle for intracellular diagnostics | 2018 |
264 | LoCoMacro | Local Control of Macroscopic Properties in Isolated Many-body Quantum Systems | 2019 |
265 | RNAct | Enabling proteins with RNA recognition motifs for synthetic biology and bio-analytics. | 2019 |
266 | Growth regulation | The wide-spread bacterial toxin delivery systems and their role in multicellularity | 2019 |
267 | FOUNDCOG | Curiosity and the Development of the Hidden Foundations of Cognition | 2019 |
268 | Eternum | A Novel Wine Elaboration Process | 2018 |
269 | Lung EpiCheck | Blood Samples and DNA-an Innovative Technique for Lung Cancer Diagnostics | 2018 |
270 | AD Detect-Prevent | Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Detect & Prevent - Presymptomatic AD detection and prevention | 2018 |
271 | OceaNice | Paleoceanography of the Ice-proximal Southern Ocean during Past Warm Climates | 2019 |
272 | MLFPM2018 | Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine | 2019 |
273 | WINDMIL RT-DT | An autonomous Real-Time Decision Tree framework for monitoring and diagnostics on wind turbines | 2018 |
274 | DIGISMART | Multifunctional Digital Materials Platform for Smart Integrated Applications | 2019 |
275 | FluidKnowledge | How evaluation shapes ocean science. A multi-scale ethnography of fluid knowledge. | 2019 |
276 | GrowBot | Towards a new generation of plant-inspired growing artefacts | 2019 |
278 | RUST | Revolutionizing the Utilization of compound Semiconductor Technology | 2018 |
280 | ENDOSCAPE | ENDOSCAPE, a clinically applicable non-viral gene delivery technology | 2019 |
281 | Bergamot | Browser-based Multilingual Translation | 2019 |
282 | ReSurface | A combined developmental cell biology and tissue engineering approach to repair the articular surface of synovial joints | 2019 |
283 | CRACK | Cracking the neural code of human object vision | 2019 |
284 | INTERACT | Modelling the neuromusculoskeletal system across spatiotemporal scales for a new paradigm of human-machine motor interaction | 2019 |
285 | LIMBo | Zooming the link between diet and brain health: how phenolic metabolites modulate brain inflammation | 2019 |
287 | SERUMS | Securing Medical Data in Smart Patient-Centric Healthcare Systems | 2019 |
288 | MICADO | Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards | 2019 |
289 | MOCCA | Multiscale optical frequency combs: advanced technologies and applications | 2019 |
290 | UNMAKING | Societal transformation to sustainability through the unmaking of capitalism? A comparative study of radical grassroots innovations in Europe | 2019 |
291 | GuidedNW-PV | High-Voltage Micro-Photovoltaic Cells and Photodetectors Based on Guided Nanowires for On-Chip Powering of Autonomous Microsystems | 2019 |
292 | BeeHome | Automated beekeeping platform powered by AI that increases honey production by 50%, reduces labour use by 90%, and reduces colony loss by 80%. | 2019 |
293 | LightField | Seamless mixing of virtual & real-world objects in VR & AR | 2019 |
294 | LUMIDUCT | Transparent PV that regulates indoor climate | 2019 |
295 | T2DCP | Development of Thiophene Based Conjugated Polymers in Two Dimensions | 2019 |
296 | Oximonitor | The first portable monitoring medical device providing accurate prognosis for patients with circulatory failure | 2019 |
297 | ARCHITECHTURES | Empowering building design professionals through Artificial Intelligence on the cloud | 2019 |
298 | BIO2G | Technology for 2G biofuel and biosolvents production verified in a pilot plant | 2019 |
299 | InsurFarm | Oko's mobile-centric micro insurance protecting small farmers in developing countries from climate risks | 2019 |
301 | COH-LAB | Bridging the digitizing financial world to the changing attitudes and preferences of investors | 2018 |
302 | MAKERSITE | Makersite - The Product Intelligence Platform | 2019 |
303 | PANEDA | High-Dimensional Inference for Panel and Network Data | 2019 |
304 | EventAI | Revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Platform for Managing and Optimising Event Planning | 2018 |
305 | Data TrackerTM | DataTrackerTM – Artificial Intelligence Enabling a Secure and Compliant Cloud Adoption | 2019 |
306 | SUaaVE | SUpporting acceptance of automated VEhicle | 2019 |
307 | SUMAC | Interplay between High-Temperature Superconductivity, Magnetism and Composition in Doped Cuprates | 2020 |
308 | HUNG | Hunger Bonds: Food Banks, Families and the Feeding of Poverty | 2019 |
309 | PeriGO | Peripheral nerve Gel-based Orientation (Peripheral nerve injury recovery using Gel-based Orientation) | 2019 |
310 | POLAR STAR | Polymeric cyclodextrin-based nanoparticles for combination therapy of castrate-resistant prostate cancer | 2019 |
311 | AGRUMIG | ‘Leaving something behind’ - Migration governance and agricultural & rural change in ‘home’ communities: comparative experience from Europe, Asia and Africa | 2019 |
313 | MAMONET | Massive MIMO for Securing Internet of Things Networks | 2020 |
314 | BOOST HEALTH | Introducing preventive management of chronic thyroid conditions through patient empowerment and a ML-powered mHealth solution | 2019 |
315 | Seabubbles | Delivering the future of urban water transportation with novel electric hydrofoil boats | 2019 |
316 | FreezeM | Revivable freezing solution for the insect farming market | 2019 |
317 | ROBIRD | A truly and unique robotic bird of prey for a long-term effective and safe bird control management of airports | 2019 |
318 | SENSEI | Smart Energy Services Integrating the Multiple Benefits from Improving the Energy Efficiency of the European Building Stock | 2019 |
319 | SolarGaps | SolarGaps – Energy generating smart solar window blinds | 2019 |
320 | TSS | The definitive solution to prevent fuel theft in road goods transport | 2019 |
321 | VINOQUANT11SUPERPLUS | A digital based system for measuring, showing and regulation of the complexe system of wine feremtation with high precision via a Bluetooth -Refractometer, a Software and a Bluetooth Thermostat | 2019 |
322 | AI for a faster web | An automatic approach for creating faster websites using HTTP/2, machine learning, and AI | 2019 |
323 | Multicursor | Feasibility study for Multicursor - a non-contact sensor for curing quality control | 2019 |
324 | RealHands | Revolutionize the way humans interact with technology | 2019 |
325 | SmartGasGrid | Enabling large-scale injection of biomethane in the European gas distribution | 2019 |
326 | APPLAUSE | Advanced packaging for photonics, optics and electronics for low cost manufacturing in Europe | 2019 |
327 | FrEQuMP | Frequency-encoded quantum multi-photon interference devices | 2019 |
328 | PD2PI | From Postdoc to PI: Future leaders of ERA | 2019 |
329 | Formulate | Artificial Intelligence SaaS for prescribing optimal retail merchandising decisions | 2019 |
330 | ActiTOX | Active organotypic models for nanoparticle toxicological screening | 2019 |
331 | D-FENCE | D-FENCE: Deceptive Monitored Environments for Cybersecurity in Enterprises | 2019 |
332 | NewLiEP | Injecting New Life into Cellulosic Ethanol Production | 2019 |
333 | IMAGE-IN | Imaging infections: integrated, multiscale visualization of infections and host response | 2020 |
334 | OpCo | Operation Co-Pilot: Healthcare Process Improvement through Patient Empowerment | 2019 |
336 | Innovation Principle | Developing an Innovation-Friendly Legislative Culture – the Innovation Principle at Work | 2019 |
337 | NoMaMemo | Non-Markovian Memory-Based Modelling of Near- and Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamical Systems | 2019 |
338 | DATACONTROL | DataControl: Reliable, Secure and Comprehensive cloud backup as a service solution | 2019 |
339 | ChemChain | Blockchain Platform to Track Chemicals along the Value Chain | 2019 |
340 | Igentify | The disruptive personalized machine-based genetic counseling platform | 2019 |
341 | P200 | Developing an Improved High Level 2nd Stage Regulator for Scuba Divers | 2019 |
342 | FUTURBINE | Transforming distributed energy generation through the FUTURe Gas TurBINE | 2019 |
343 | LymphoDrain | LymphoDrain: The definitive solution for chronic lymphedema | 2019 |
344 | BatteryCheck | Take the mystery out of battery life. | 2019 |
345 | FoodE | Food Systems in European Cities | 2020 |
346 | INEDIT | open INnovation Ecosystems for Do It Together process | 2019 |
347 | W2W | Waste to Wealth (W2W): A total solution for municipal solid waste incinerated ash in geopolymer concrete | 2020 |
348 | Didimo | Humanity in Digital Communication | 2019 |
349 | ATELIER | AmsTErdam BiLbao cItizen drivEn smaRt cities | 2019 |
351 | eggXYt | A novel approach for sexing chicken embryos on day one before incubation - saving them from being hatched and disposed of. | 2019 |
352 | BA-AC | Cloud-based Airport Operations Planning tool with holistic forecasting of airport allocation planning. | 2019 |
353 | ThermoTON | Thermophone - a novel heat transfer based approach to global TOnal Noise cancellation in aviation | 2020 |
354 | UP2DATE | Intelligent software-UPDATE technologies for safe and secure mixed-criticality and high performance cyber physical systems | 2020 |
355 | GEMS | Genetically Evolving Models of Science | 2019 |
356 | Reuse as a service | Reusable packaging as a service for e-commerce | 2019 |
357 | Memorix | Start Learning in 3D-Worlds with Powerful Memo-Techniques | 2019 |
358 | SSR | Voltage Shield Stabilizer Regulator | 2019 |
359 | KRAKEN | Brokerage and market platform for personal data | 2019 |
360 | DiCE | Differentiation: Clustering Excellence | 2020 |
361 | UPLIFT | Urban PoLicy Innovation to address inequality with and for Future generaTions | 2020 |
362 | keyper | Captive Customer Connection: Easy and Secure Sharing and Selling of Tickets - and Other Personal Rights | 2019 |
363 | rumicon | The first holistic & preventive monitoring system of dairy cows’ health | 2019 |
364 | CodeAll | The development of an innovative toolkit for learning programming with the use of the Internet of Things sensors and actuators | 2019 |
365 | Simacan LINK | Europe-wide Connected Transport | 2019 |
366 | SIAM | Scaling Up Innovation through Analogy Mining | 2020 |
367 | PARKUNLOAD | Smart Loading Zones in EU and Global market to regulate, control and monitor City Logistics - Last Mile Delivery in dense urban areas, based on Bluetooth devices and mobile apps for commercial drivers | 2019 |
368 | HEGIAS | The World’s First Browser-based and Automated High-end Virtual Reality Content Management System | 2020 |
369 | Colourganisms | Microbial production of custom-made, pure and sustainable anthocyanins | 2020 |
370 | AMBRPAY | Decentralized subscription payments with cryptocurrency | 2019 |
373 | FEATHERS | FEATHERS (FE / MALES AND THEIR SCRIBES): Authorship and the Mediation of Voices, c. 1558-1642 | 2020 |
374 | RESILIENCE | REligious Studies Infrastructure: tooLs, Experts, conNections and CEnters | 2019 |
375 | ESS-SUSTAIN-2 | Next Steps in Securing the Sustainability of the European Social Survey, European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS-SUSTAIN-2) | 2020 |
376 | SLANG | How the brain learns to see language | 2020 |
377 | MacinNASH | Revealing the contribution of liver macrophage populations to NASH in insulin resistance | 2020 |
378 | CHANGE | CHANGE. The development of the monetary economy of ancient Anatolia, c. 630-30 BC. | 2020 |
379 | Cells in Matrix | Cells in Matrix – an innovative 3D model for R&D of Diabetes | 2020 |
380 | DeepNOE | DeepNOE: Leveraging deep learning for protein structure solving at ultra-high resolution on the basis of NMR measurements with exact nuclear Overhauser enhancement | 2020 |
381 | GlycoSpec | Unravelling Glycochemistry with Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Gas-Phase Spectroscopy | 2020 |
382 | ECOGAL | Understanding our Galactic ecosystem: From the disk of the Milky Way to the formation sites of stars and planets | 2020 |
383 | BeamSense | Making more with less: intelligent wavefront design to enable high resolution images of unstable samples. | 2020 |
384 | FuelVesicles | Commercialization of open vesicles to fuel downstream reaction networks | 2020 |
385 | feelware | Computational Design Solutions for Touch Interfaces | 2020 |
386 | TankSensor | Smart monitoring solution for better procurement and supply chain management - Speeding up chemical industry digitalization | 2020 |
387 | PHASE | How is Populism and Health Associated in Europe (PHASE)? A multilevel analysis of the bi-directional interrelationship between populism and ill health | 2020 |
388 | CANALS | Changing Water Cultures | 2021 |
389 | GiSTDS | GridEye Scalable Transactive Distribution Systems | 2020 |