Sea bream (SBG) and sea bass (BSS) are by volume the third (36.4%) and fourth (28%) most farmed fish species in the EU and their farming contributes significantly to wealth and job creation in coastal areas in the EU-Med countries. However, in the last decade overall...
Sea bream (SBG) and sea bass (BSS) are by volume the third (36.4%) and fourth (28%) most farmed fish species in the EU and their farming contributes significantly to wealth and job creation in coastal areas in the EU-Med countries. However, in the last decade overall production in the EU has stagnated and the industry faces significant sustainability challenges. PerformFISH was designed to explore and tackle biological, technical and operational weaknesses and increase the competitiveness of the Mediterranean Marine Fish Farming (MMFF) sector, while addressing social and environmental responsibility and contributing to Blue Growth and Food Security.
PerformFISH is an industry-led project but technically and scientifically driven. It is expected to generate outputs for the industry, the consumers, the environment and to serve robust policy implementation; validated tools for genomic selection; robust indicators of juvenile quality for commercial hatcheries, egg and larval programming protocols; husbandry practices to respond to disease challenges and welfare demands by the consumer through efficient diagnostic, prevention and treatment tools; threshold of nutritional quality for MMFF feeds and sustainable fish feeds of high performance linked to genetic optimization and technology for improved feed management; common marketing strategies for BSS and SBG products and new methods of consumer outreach on the target markets; robust benchmarking system based on Key Performance Indicators and revisited code of conduct; vocational training courses; contribution to policy and research initiatives.
PerformFISH is structured into ten Work Packages (WPs), hosting different type of activities that range from research and technology development to demonstration, prototype testing and benchmarking, development of human capacities, sector strategic planning and interaction with the consumers. So far, 20 Deliverables were submitted, and four Milestones were achieved. A collaboration was established with the project MedAID and a plan of Collaborative Activities was drafted and implemented.
A great part of the work in WP1 was directed to the development of a SNP genotyping tool for marker assisted/genomic selection. The genetic screening of wild and farmed populations covering almost the entire geographical range was performed for both species. PerformFISH worked together with partners of the MedAID project enlarging the samples’ collection. The analysis of these results will lead to the selection of SNPs to be included into the first common SNP-array. Furthermore, work was carried out to develop new phenotyping methods for disease resistance, feed efficiency, and fish shape.
In WP2, a rich collection of crucial developmental stages from different commercial hatcheries was developed based on a specially designed sampling manual and zootechnical worksheets to ensure standardized procedures and recording of parameters across the industry. Histological markers, whole fish morphometrics, biochemical approaches and gene markers linked to specific tissue characteristics and function were identified and optimized as putative indicators of larval and juvenile quality of commercial hatcheries. New insights into the developmental trajectories of juveniles and adults and the persistence of malformations were gained.
WP3 launched a holistic, integrative and progressive approach based on identification, evaluation and development of health risk assessment strategies in companies, robust welfare indicators and welfare evaluation methods, solid and quick disease identification methodologies, development of improved prophylactic methods such as new vaccines and vaccination methods, refined, rational and sustainable remediation and control methodologies.
WP4 up-dated the existing information on nutritional requirements for SBG and BSS and trials were conducted to precisely define optimum dietary levels of most micronutrients for both species. Selective breeding and nutritional programming through broodstock diets were integrated to condition offspring for a better use of diets. WP4 has also advanced to optimize feed management through advanced modelling and technology development for the estimation of cage biomass in production. Finally, a preliminary GUI-less implementation of the functions required by the FEEDEST web tool that simulates growth, body composition and environmental impact, along with optimization of feeding strategy was undertaken.
The structure and activities of WP5 include analysis of seven target markets for BSS/SBG products (Italy, Spain, Greece, France, Germany, the UK and the USA) and analysis of consumer habits, perceptions and preferences of BSS/SBG products on those respective markets. So far, the tasks implemented include analysis of the Italian and Spanish markets for BSS/SBG products, consumer surveys in Italy and Spain, identification of the challenges and barriers for BSS/SBG products in the Italian and Spanish markets, and suggested marketing strategies and activities in the Italian market, based on the outcomes of the findings.
A benchmarking system based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) was developed in WP7 specifically for the MMFF sector to be applied to the whole production cycle at hatchery, pre-grow and grow-out facilities, with the exclusion of the packaging and processing chain. The PerformFISH benchmarking system integrates a set of 55 KPIs ready to be used; a harmonized system to collect production data at Hatcheries, Pre-grow and Grow-out industrial installations; a handbook of Standard O
PerformFISH outputs will create impacts for the industry, the society and the environment through increased competitiveness of MMFF sector, production of safe and healthy food, highly skilled professionals, improved image of aquaculture production, job creation in coastal areas, lower environmental impact of MMFF activities, consumer driven MMFF production and contribution to the implementation of CFP and the European Bioeconomy Strategy.
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