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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HApi (HApi - Hyperthermia in Apculture - A new product against the Deformed Wing Virus of honey bees.)


The project is about hyperthermia as sustainable solution for apiculture. Based on our exceptional technology know-how, we have developed an innovative pest management device based on which is - compared to existing products - significantly safer and effective to use all times...


The project is about hyperthermia as sustainable solution for apiculture. Based on our exceptional technology know-how, we have developed an innovative pest management device based on which is - compared to existing products - significantly safer and effective to use all times of the year, dramatically increasing the productivity of apiaries, and significantly reducing the Varroa mite driven honeybee colony losses. Beyond controlling the Varroa mite, this technology in its new form provides the base for the safe control of honeybee viruses - in particular of the Deformed Wing Virus.

Work performed

Reassessing IP and FtO with the support of an external IP/patent expert, resulting is a verified FtO status in the three country groups.
Performing Market Research for the three country groups CZ and SK; BE and FR; and AT, DE and CH. The result is the market description with detailed information for each country group.
Assessing potential risks to introduce the new machine in the three selected country groups. The result is a risk assessment.
Assessing the steps and costs for introducing the new machine in the three selected country groups. The result is a description of these steps and costs.

Final results

The results will pave the way to more extensive applications of hyperthermia in apiculture, as a comprehensive pest and disease control, unfolding large positive commercial, societal and environmental impacts. Our innovative product is building on a proprietary hardware and customized electronic made in Austria, with high precision sensors, and refined software based on our own developed models. The HApi (Phase 1) project is aligned with the development and business strategy for bringing a completely new, market changing solution to the beekeeping market in various European countries. Specific results of the feasibility study include the confirmation of the freedom to operate, a detailed market research in three EU country regions (AT-DE-CH; FR-BE; and SK-CZ) with information on the business opportunities, to build up our cost models for the detailed business and market introduction plan considering the existing TRL6 of our product; and a comprehensive risk assessment including a set of initial mitigation measures.

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