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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - acteno (Industrial Energy Storage Integration - development of a new bussiness segment in the area of energy storage at the SME acteno energy)


How do we achieve the goal to reduce the CO2 emission by 80 % to 95% until 2050 and how can we economic, safe and sustainable energy system?The dramatic and nearly instant change in the energy production won’t be achieved just by building wind turbines and photo-voltaic...


How do we achieve the goal to reduce the CO2 emission by 80 % to 95% until 2050 and how can we economic, safe and sustainable energy system?
The dramatic and nearly instant change in the energy production won’t be achieved just by building wind turbines and photo-voltaic systems.

Electrical energy storage is becoming increasingly relevant to integrate volatile renewable energy systems and provide system services to stabilize operations of the electrical grid. This concludes to the fact that our energy system shall be secure, economic and efficient to operate. Storing energy is not new, yet providing energy storage at a local level in a cost-efficient manner is the tipping point that has led to a recent strong development of this market. With storage operations becoming very popular in the residential field, the question was what the business cases for industrial scale applications are on the rise and can be utilized practically.

In the innovation project we have introduced the business scope of storage to our scope of business an can now clearly outline the technical and commercial challenges with partners and customers. Until now we have mainly seen distributed storage systems being utilized for primary reserve services and increasing the self consumption degree of renewable energy assets.

Overall we could identify that the IRR of many distributed energy storage applications can be valued with 20 percent or more for grid or industrial related applications. These can yet only be identified and utilized when aspects of energy costs, system utilization, smart meter data and demand response are combined in an integrated the “storage application platform” where we have leveraged the untapped potential of storage system for frequency regulation, black start capability, renewable energy integration, peak shaving, price arbitrage, voltage control and grid optimized operation.

Work performed

We started with a case study to specifically look at industrial storage applications in Japan, the USA and other potential markets of interest. Ongoing from the case study we developed a comparision report to show potential power storage application related to the European market and address the relevant stakeholders with an evaluation of use cases that relate to these stakeholders. We were positively surprised to see that storage can have a strong impact on how energy trading will work in the future and that there are opportunities for distribution and transmission system operators to be leveraged.
Speaking with the different stakeholders as manufactures of battery components, scada providers, engineering teams, renewable asset operators, grid operators and representatives of regulators we further focused our work in the scope of industrial storage applications, including risks and advantages for users as well as the concrete procedure, legal regulations and organizational actions. Summing up the evaluation and progress done we combined the findings in a first demo version of the \"\"energy storage application\"\". This included the realization of an individual project: determination of the energy storage dimension and therefore selection of a suitable storage system, calculation of all costs and savings, specification of part steps of the individual application and documentation of all activities.

In a nutshell the project was a full success for the team, partners and prospects involved.
We could successfully present results of the different project steps to partners in industry and research. Specially we had shown a demo at a main energy event known as \"\"Kisters Energy Days\"\" in Potsdam Germany and will also be represented at the trad show Hamburg Wind and Windenergietage 2018.\"

Final results

\"Beyond the project acteno and the associate Dr. Antoan Milkov supported the work on two university thesis works. The thesis works were done by Mr. Shahzad at University Kaiserslautern and Ms. Keller at Hochschule Mannheim. Both were / are employed at acteno during the duration of their thesis projects.
The thesis work of Ms. Keller at acteno and Hochschule Mannheim refers to the branch of electrical engineering and energy networks. The research objective of her thesis was to develop an operation concept of how wind energy assets can be integrated into the electrical energy system. The work of Ms. Keller and Dr. Milkov was brought together to outline capabilities of energy storage for systems services in wind energy networks and provide further applications of storage systems.
The thesis work Mr. Shahzad is in progress at the University of Kaiserslautern at the informatics department. His thesis relates to new concepts for data visualization, also in relation to complex energy networks.
A major success has further been that in cooperation with the ZEW Mannheim acteno had been awarded to participate in the state Baden Württemberg research project \"\"Lokale Märkte für Flexibilität - Stromkunden als Anbieter von Systemdienstleistungen im Verteilnetz\"\" or \"\"Local markets for flexibility - Customers as providers as systems services in the distribution network\"\"

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