The general objective of the AEMS-IdFit project is to adapt and develop generic models of aircraft electrical systems to reproduce the response from experimental measurements and manufacturers design data under different operating conditions, giving a full-representation of...
The general objective of the AEMS-IdFit project is to adapt and develop generic models of aircraft electrical systems to reproduce the response from experimental measurements and manufacturers design data under different operating conditions, giving a full-representation of electrical systems dynamics. These models are based on the right knowledge of a set of parameters in such a way that, based on experimental data, reliable parameter identification and fitting methods will be selected and developed according to its complexity. Taking into account the wide range of the devices operating conditions, mapping algorithms will be developed as well, in order to generalize the parameter calculation taking into account the dependence of the parameters on the operating conditions. On the other hand, methods to optimize the parameter model updating process will also be developed.
In this context, the development to be achieved by AEMS-IdFit, will provide model updating methods for complex electrical simulation models as follows:
1. The adaptation, transformation and updating of a data base of measured signals for all hardware components to be validated.
2. The adaptation, updating or development of SaberRD generic simulation models with the capacity of reproducing the real behaviour of the hardware components and systems from experimental measurements and design data. The source code of the SaberRD models will be modified to accommodate such models to the requirements of the identification and fitting methods developed and to improve the models to account for some physical effects not included in the original version of such models. These models will include:
- Electrical power sources
- Power converters
- Power loads
- Filters used in the above-mentioned equipment since they have an important impact on electrical network stability and power quality.
3. The analysis, selection and performance evaluation of accurate parameter identification and data fitting methods based on an optimization approach.
4. Development of a methodology for generalizing the parameter identification from a wide range of real operating conditions covering the operational spectrum of each device, by developing suitable mapping algorithms taking into account the dependence of such parameters on the operating conditions.
5. Implementation and integration of the parameter identification, fitting and mapping methods developed in the IdFit-Toolbox in the Saber RD platform.
6. Development of a user-friendly software that includes all the functions developed in the project. Different parameter identification, fitting and mapping methods will be available, depending on the imported experimental data files. The identification and fitting tool will be tuned according the level of accuracy required for the simulation, optimizing by this way the time required to calculate the required parameters.
The envisaged impacts of the project will point even beyond topic objectives, by aiming to use the knowledge gained at academic level also for other applications. The project results will have a number of economic contributions and potential industrial and market application. In fact, most of the developments within the AEMS-IdFit project can be applied to other industrial sectors, such as transportation, automobile or mechatronics sectors among others.
During the period 01/07/2017 to 31/12/2018 the AEMS-IdFit (Aircraft Electrical Model Simulation Identification and Fitting Toolbox) project has developed different tasks which are listed below,
- A detailed bibliographical research on the state-of-the-art of identification procedures for white box, grey box and black box models of electrical and electronics components was presented, as well as a detailed bibliographical research of different parameter fitting methods has also been performed.
- The main parameters for both electrical and electronics components were identified. An initial assessment of the performance of white box parameter identification methods has been assessed in electronics components, mainly based on simulated data, thus showing the potential of such methods.
- Preliminary selection of the key parameters to take into account in the SaberRD models for power generators, power converters and filters has been carried out. These parameters will be used in the SaberRD models for simulation.
- The study of identification procedures will be further extended to other models, like black and grey models of the electrical and electronics components.
Different signal post-processing tools including resizing and filtering were developed in order to facilitate the posterior parameter identification stage.
An assessment of the performance of white box parameter identification methods was carried out in all electronics components (including open- and closed-loop models), based on experimental data, thus assessing the performance of such methods under normal operating conditions and in noisy environments.
The accuracy of the identification and fitting tools was validated against experimental data, showing in all cases a mean error below 5%.
The progressive replacement of three current power sources (pneumatic, hydraulic and electric) in MEA aircrafts by only one power source such as the electric will lead to efficiency enhancements because electric systems are more efficient. In addition, it will reduce conversion losses, the control will be simpler while electric systems are easier to maintain than pneumatic and hydraulic systems. This approach also enables significant advances to reduce aircraft weight, lessen fuel consumption and pursues environmental footprint reduction, reducing life cycle costs, while improving aircraft reliability, affordability, safety and maintainability.
Different tasks will be carried out until the end of the project, which are listed below,
- Final and refined version of the parameter identification methods and fitting algorithms that further will be incorporated in the IdFit-Toolbox, including a detailed description of such algorithms.
- Final and refined selection of the key parameters to take into account in the updated SaberRD model library for power electronic devices and electrical machines.
- Report and refined update of the SaberRD model library for electrical machines and power electronic devices including different characteristics such as compatibility with the refined version of the parameter identification and fitting methods developed along the project, and inclusion of improved physical effects for some selected models.
- Report and updated version of the IdFit-Toolbox which will be compatible with the updated SaberRD model library for electrical machines and power electronic devices developed along the project.
Since the scope of the project involves the equipment present in aircraft electrical systems such as power sources, power converters, power loads including electric motors, cables and filters, and the development of specific software tools to improve the state of the art models of such devices as well as the development of parameter identification and fitting methods to better reproduce the real behaviour of such elements by means of improved models, the AEMS-IdFit project will have a great impact in a large number of SMEs and large enterprises of the aeronautic sector such as designers, manufacturers and software developers as well as research institutions.
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