The first phase of the project had the following aims:Producing an anthology of texts on ancient play and games (postdoc1), producing a commented edition of Pollux Onomasticon on ancient play and games (postdoc2), preparing a PhD thesis on the agency of children on Greek vasea...
The first phase of the project had the following aims:
Producing an anthology of texts on ancient play and games (postdoc1), producing a commented edition of Pollux Onomasticon on ancient play and games (postdoc2), preparing a PhD thesis on the agency of children on Greek vasea (candoc1), PhD thesis on ludic material for comparing east and west regions of the roman world (candoc2).
In the first phase of the Project all the milestones have been achieved:
Team management and organisation of the work for the first period
Recruiting members of the team as well as subcontracting for the first project modules.
Set up of of a website and of work space (notion)
Set up of reconstructing informatically ancient Games (subcontracting, Vienna University of Applied Arts)
Set up of an enlarged database for the iconography of Games, and set up of another one, as planned, for the topography of ancient games
Two animations from a Greek vase and a Roman wall-painting are ready and will soon be available on our website
Work of the team:
the first period was focussed as planned on the production of an anthology, of Pollux and the study of play, games and education.
This was achieved thanks to regular seminars of the team, invited guest lectures of renowned scholars, workshops, conferences organised in Fribourg as well as in Caen and in the Swiss Museum of Games.
Many publications in preparations.
The edition with commentary of Pollux is ready for publication, to appear in edizione del\'Orso, gold open access.
Dissemination in wide audiences thanks to demonstrations in open events: in Caen Museum, Swiss Museum of Games, Gallo-Roman Museum in Lyon
The emulation of the international academic community thanks to conferences, workshops, invited lectures, in and out, was very successful, involving many international collaborations and providing access to unpublished material.
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