Evaporators are key elements in refrigeration systems and are divided in 2 types: dry expansion and flooded ones. The first ones are cheaper but less efficient and the second ones work at high efficiency but are costly and large. Teklab Evaporator Management (TEM) system...
Evaporators are key elements in refrigeration systems and are divided in 2 types: dry expansion and flooded ones. The first ones are cheaper but less efficient and the second ones work at high efficiency but are costly and large. Teklab Evaporator Management (TEM) system allows new and existing industrial and commercial refrigeration equipment to save energy (15%), and refrigerant load (when compared to flooded type ones) (20%) by safely, and reliably allow flooding evaporators originally designed for dry expansion operation (so adding them the benefits of flooded solutions). Besides, our system is designed to cope with any kind of refrigerants and has a compact size.
With TEM, we pursue energy efficiency, and use of natural refrigerants such as CO2: solutions that contribute to reducing global warming in an energy intensive sector.
Additionally, we save energy operational costs, key for end-users in a reluctant environment. Our overall objective is to optimise our current TEM design in terms of energy savings, reliability, size and cost.
We established SMART technical objectives for the Phase 2: energy savings, reduction of costs, size and refrigerant load required.
We carried out 2 pilot tests and upgraded our original TEM design. We detailed the needs for TEM production: machinery, tools and human resources. We created protocols for demonstration tests under different international standards (ISO 23953-2:2015) mainly considering temperature measurement and energy consumption.
We see double market segmentation: new installations versus existing ones, and a second linked to geographies (northern/southern countries).
We plan to contribute in fairs and exhibitions devoted to refrigeration such as Chillventa in Nuremberg, EuroShop in Dusseldorf, and AHR in USA.
Our TEM solution is a simple approach to gaining efficiency in refrigeration equipment, and an affordable and valuable upgrade to expansion valves (used in dry expansion evaporators), as an easy to customise, easy to install, easy to run product for both new and existing installations.
We plan to start selling our TEM system by mid-2020 at an estimated retail price of €200/unit, realising a margin of 40% as an average on the different segments (new/existing installations; different countries). As part of our growth plan, our target is to grow steadily from 5,000 units the first year to over 50,000 units sold by 2024, achieving an additional cumulative annual turnover of €22.5 M and gross profits of € 9 M.
More info: http://www.teklab.eu/.