Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) represent a group of six technologies: micro and nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, photonics, and advanced manufacturing technologies. KETs underpin the shift to a greener economy, they are...
Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) represent a group of six technologies: micro and nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, photonics, and advanced manufacturing technologies. KETs underpin the shift to a greener economy, they are instrumental in modernizing Europe’s industrial base, and drive the development of entirely new industries.
With respect to the crucial role of KETs and their innovation potential, the Back4Future project intends to upgrade the currently existing CoE CEITEC, being located in the city of Brno, Czech Republic, by strengthening the already existing partnership with two leading universities in technical and life sciences situated in Vienna, Austria: Vienna University of Technology and University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, respectively. CEITEC is the first centre in the Czech Republic to integrate research and development in the fields of life sciences, advanced materials and technologies in such a large scope.
The overall objective of the Back4Future project is to upgrade an existing CoE in Brno (CEITEC BUT), by unique bridging of bio- and nanosciences, and by exploiting Europe’s talent pool in fields of advanced nanomaterials, nanotechnologies and life sciences due to cooperation with leading Austrian universities. Moreover, the Back4Future project addresses some of the main challenges that are faced by the existing CoE: strengthened cross-disciplinary collaboration, internationalization, and the necessary structural shift in the culture of the local scientific community. Therefore, the aim of the proposed project and the long-term vision of the centre is to make CEITEC highly competitive and sustainable as a research institution combining its international profile with the strong impact on the national and regional economy. With this respect, the research at CEITEC shall cover the whole spectrum from pure, fundamental science to applied research in co-operation with companies.
The research topics pursued at the upgraded CoE are particularly aimed at a study of nanostructures and nanostructured materials at nanoscale and molecular levels. Unique properties and behaviour at the molecular level are also a key property of biological systems. Consequently, study of biological nanostructures is an integral part of the proposed research, leading also to new results of technological interest such as bio-inspired materials. The unique properties of nanostructured materials offer a lot of potential benefits for a broad society, touching many aspects of human life: electronics, medicines, everyday products, our cars and our homes. The addressed research area is in a direct link with the recent EU initiatives, namely the KETs helping tackle societal challenges.
The Back4Future project to opgrade the CoE will be delivered in two Phases. Phase 1 relates to the preparation and submission of the Widespread Teaming Business Plan to upgrade the CoE. Phase 2 will upgrade the CoE, further boost its development into a high quality user community of students, researchers, industrial and business stakeholders.
As per the conditions of the TEAMING Phase 1 call, the scope of the one year action is to prepare a robust Business Plan for the future upgrade and development of the CoE. Therefore, the direct result of the action is the Business Plan, which is a document whose dissemination level was set and approved by the EC as Confidential - only for the members of the Consortium (including the Commission Services). Several other outputs (deliverables) served as input for Business Plan preparation.
- Minutes of the Kick-Off meeting (25.9.2017)
- Project website and visual identity (5.10.2017)
- Minutes of the Scientific Committee meetings (1 per month)
- Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (25.10.2017)
- Gender Equality Plan (22.11.2017)
- Data Management Plan (23. 11. 2017)
- Minutes of the Workshop and Roundtable with Industrial Stakeholders (24.11.2017)
- Quality Management Plan (28.11.2017)
- Ethics Requirements (30.11.2017)
- Market Analysis (20.12.2017)
- Analysis of the Scientific Potential (30.12.2017)
- Minutes of the Mid-Term Steering Committee Meeting (23.2.2018)
- Innovation Strategy (26.2.2018)
- Long Term Scientific Vision and Research Strategy (27.2.2018)
- Analysis of CEITEC Infrastructure (27.2.2018)
- Update of the CDE Plan (28.2.2018)
- Minutes of the Industry-Academia Workshop (15.3.2018)
- HR Development Strategy (27.4.2018)
- Infrastructural Development of the Centre (29.5.2018)
- Technology Transfer Model (28.6.2018)
- Report on External Financial Resources (28.6.2017)
- Minutes from the Final Steering Committee Meeting (27.7.2018)
- Final Update of the CDE Plan (27.8.2018)
- Dissemination Progress Report (31.8.2018)
Not applicable for the Phase 1 of the project.
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