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EU HEROES project deliverables

The page lists 7 deliverables related to the research project "EU HEROES".

 List of Deliverables

EU HEROES: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

Best practice cases

Based on the analysis of WP4, best practice cases will be presented in a report or factsheet which describe successful business models with little to no impact on the grid. The objective of these documents is to achieve increasing awareness of these business model solutions. Several best practice cases will be presented and published on the project website.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.2.;H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.3. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-02-12

Interim Report (reporting period M1-M18) as above required by H2020 rules).

The first reporting period (M1-M18) will be the Interim report according to the H2020 rules. However the Coordinator, together with input from the WP Leaders, will also produce an internal report contacting the progress from M1 to M12 to ensure effective management and to serve as timely input to the Interim report.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.2.;H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.3. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-02-12

Financial model for economic analysis of PV projects

A financial model will be set up in excel which can be used for the economic analysis of PV projects with different business models. The model will allow the user to introduce data of a project and extract financial results. The model will be made public on the project website.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.2.;H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.3. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-02-07

Interim stakeholder engagement community report

Reporting on the initial stakeholder mapping as well as all stakeholder engagement activities to that point. The report will also serve as an evaluation of different stakeholder processes and allow for adjustments to ensure maximum stakeholder involvement and outreach.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.2.;H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.3. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2017

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Documents, reports 2019-07-24

Description of Business models in pilot projects and context analysis

Reports will be prepared with a description of the business models of the pilot projects which is based on the information collected through interviews with stakeholders. The aim of the reports is to give a general overview of the pilot projects and their business models. The report will be completed with the context analysis which describes the environment and the surrounding conditions in which the business model is operating.
One report per pilot project and a general executive summary giving an overview of all the pilot projects will be prepared and published on the project website.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.2.;H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.3. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2017

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Documents, reports 2019-07-24

Thematic workshops

Five thematic workshops will allow for getting key stakeholders involved and receive their input during all stages of the project.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.2.;H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.3. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2017

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Documents, reports 2019-07-24

One national dissemination event per partner country

Each Member State participating in the project will host a national dissemination event that will bring together national stakeholders with an interest in grid connection of solar PV (including commercial development as well as community solar) to hear and discuss the findings of the project. These events will be completed by month 35 and a
short report produced by each of the project partners and submitted with the final report as evidence of completion.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.2.;H2020-EU.3.3.7.;H2020-EU.3.3.3. - Topic(s): LCE-21-2017

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Documents, reports 2019-07-24