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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HOPE-ON (Holistic Open Platform for Energy control and monitoring and facility digitalizatiON)


Buildings account for 40% of the EU\'s energy consumption, 36% of its CO2 emissions and 55% of its electricity consumption. Moreover, about 75% of buildings are energy-inefficient and, depending on the Member State, only 0.4-1.2% of them are renovated each year. This makes...


Buildings account for 40% of the EU\'s energy consumption, 36% of its CO2 emissions and 55% of its electricity consumption. Moreover, about 75% of buildings are energy-inefficient and, depending on the Member State, only 0.4-1.2% of them are renovated each year. This makes emissions and energy savings in this sector vital to meeting the EU\'s climate and energy targets of a 20% improvement in energy efficiency by 2020 and a 27% improvement by 2030.
In this context, Raybased is developing a holistic open platform for Building Automation System enabling intuitive management and control of building energy efficiency, without requiring specific technical knowledge. HOPE-ON allows the transfer of data to the Internet of Things (IoT), adapting the building operations to consumers’ digital lifestyle. The system creates a wireless platform with superior functionality, cost-effectiveness, and reliability.
A feasibility study is needed to confirm that there is a real market for the product whilst the conditions for the commercialization are beneficial. The study includes:
- An assessment of the possibilities of producing tailored hardware components.
- An analysis of primary target markets, key partners and main competitors.
- A Freedom-To-Operate (FTO) analysis and an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) action plan.

Work performed

An analysis of available suppliers demonstrates that the technical goals defined for the HOPE-ON project are achievable.
Interviews with current customers to better understand their needs.
Analysis of the Building Automation System market: the market is growing, customers demand a new approach to their needs and competitors are in an early stage of development (testing their products). No European competitors found.
The study demonstrates that new environmental regulations make HOPE-ON even more necessary in the market for the future years.
An IPR analysis demonstrates that HOPE-ON´s technology is not in conflict with existing patents.
The business plan demonstrates that the business idea is profitable and it has a positive impact.

Final results

HOPE-ON represents a big market opportunity capable of generating sales in excess of 75 M€ by 2023, creating 61 new direct jobs and representing a real innovation into the Building Automation System market.
The product addresses key points of real-time energy consumption control and monitoring in old and new buildings for both the private and public sector, contributing to the achievement of the EU goals for energy efficiency in buildings.

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