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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MIDIH (Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs)


MIDIH wants to provide a European CPS/IOT Open Digital Platform connecting the Real World with digital Enterprise Systems through common open standards. The growing process in digitization for the Manufacturing Industries will be facilitated by the ICT SMEs that could provide...


MIDIH wants to provide a European CPS/IOT Open Digital Platform connecting the Real World with digital Enterprise Systems through common open standards. The growing process in digitization for the Manufacturing Industries will be facilitated by the ICT SMEs that could provide competencies and technologies in data-driven smart Industry 4.0 services.
MIDIH is complementing the manufacturing side of the innovation with the ICT side of the Digital Transformation coin. MIDIH DIHs not only provide the manufacturing SMEs with the right technological CPS/IoT technologies also ICT innovators with a protected and trusted environment, really open-to-all and not dominated by any proprietary technology, offering them access to technology, knowledge, market services. This way, ICT innovators can customize, integrate, test and validate their solutions in a neutral open environment (e.g. Training Factories).
The MIDIH objectives are to support the Digitization of the European Industry (DEI) by making available to developers, corporates, SMEs and startups a network of Competence Centers and Digital Innovation Hubs providing them with i) technological services including access to IoT platform, support to customization and project design, ii) business services: incubation, business acceleration, access to market, access to finance, and iii) skill building services: webinars, virtual experiments in physical teaching factories, professional courses for industry professionals and executives.

Work performed

MIDIH in alignment with the Digitising European Industry (DEI) strategy and vision, wants to provide industry with access to the most advanced digital solutions, the most advanced industrial experiments, pools of human and industrial competencies and access to “ICT for Manufacturing” market and financial opportunities. MIDIH from the beginning of the project has addressed the DEI four pillars:
a) developing an Open Digital Platform. MIDIH has developed an Open Source Platform, integrating the cutting-edge open source solutions available for the Manufacturing Industries such as FIWARE with reference architectures such as Mindsphere or Arrowhead. The platform has been tested and validated in the MIDIH Lighthouse experiments: in Fiat, in NECO (Tivoly Group) and in ThyssenKrupp. In parallel MIDIH has setup 15 different open call experiments as innovation boosters of MIDIH technologies that have used part of the MIDIH open Source Platform architecture with the aim to increase their business services.
b) setting up a network of Competence Centers and Digital Innovation Hubs. MIDIH has identified processes and services that a DIH should have, mapped over ecosystem, technology, business, skills and data. A collaboration platform, DIHIWARE, has been implemented in MIDIH serving as an example how a DIH could provide such services with the aim to guarantee to his ecosystems the access to knowledge, to expertise, to technology, to market and finance, finding connections, and a collaboration tool.
c) providing data driven services using IDSA as role model, MIDIH has developed business and technical innovation in Data Sovereignty and defined rules and processes for the data access and ownership thanks to the MIDIH partner, IDSA, and the activities performed in the Lighthouse experiments.
d) providing skill building services. MIDIH has provided recommendation for the Industry 4.0 skills development within the 6Ps migration methodology dedicated to the SMEs that want to assess their digital maturity and want to know which steps are to be performed to migrate their 6P assets towards the new technologies.

Final results

MIDIH is focusing on the following areas going here beyond the state of the art:
The MIDIH Open source Reference Architecture (MIDIH RA) has been defined taking into consideration the most relevant existing Reference Architectures of CPS/IoT and Industry4.0, such as the FIWARE RA, the IDS Reference architecture Model, the IIC Reference Architecture and the Platform Industrie 4.0, assuring that the MIDIH Reference Architecture is defined following a data-driven approach, covering both, data-in-motion and data-at-rest. Therefore, edge/fog computing and analytics capabilities, together with the interoperability that is essential to enable the integration of legacy and emerging connectivity technologies into a stable and long-term IIoT system architecture, have been key requirements.
For the second period of the project, the objective is to improve the MIDIH RA, trying to obtain a uniform structure for industrial CPS/IoT, standardize communication interfaces and enhance interoperability between CPS/IoT Industrial systems. In parallel the alignment of the MIDIH RA with the IDSA Reference Architecture Model v3.0, will be also key to cover the security aspects in the industrial cyber physical systems to guaranty security, safety and privacy.
Starting from the first version of the IDS Reference Architecture, 20 new different implementations of IDS Core Components are available today and 4 of them are available as Open Source. In the MIDIH project currently 1 implementation is used and additional components (e.g. MASAI and OLOGER) are currently updated with IDS concepts. The MIDIH Competence Center on Data Sovereignty, Fraunhofer IML, is actively participating in this process and uptaking the findings together with IDSA in the running industrial experiment. Additionally, several MIDIH partners are working on uptakes of the Data Supply Chain innovation results with the goal to implement the IDS base components into their products or services towards manufacturing SMEs. Finally, four MIDIH CCs (Cefriel, Innovalia, IMT, VTT) have been recently nominated as IDSA Hubs in their country with the goal to facilitate and support knowledge transfer activities towards manufacturing SMEs.
Until the end of the project additional components based on IDS concepts will be available, such as a Usage Policy Language and technologies for the Enforcement of Usage Policies to ensure Data Sovereignty in B2B scenarios.
In sum thanks to MIDIH activities IDSA has aligned and sharpened its offering towards manufacturing SME. Via the existing MIDIH network of CCs and DIHs manufacturing SME are able to uptake, implement and use data sovereignty base components in order to share data without losing the control over their data, considered as an economic asset.
A new “DIH Innovation Management and Sustainability Model” has been analysed with the aim to define an open innovation framework driving the MIDIH Innovation Strategy, covering a) access to technology needs, through the support of the CCs covering the different CPS/IoT technologies, and b) access to market needs. The proposed approach is a platform-based model supported by a collaboration platform (DIHIWARE) providing unique technology-business-skill building services (access to knowledge, competencies, technology, experiments, market and finance) to SMEs. The approach has been quite new because MIDH has linked the classical servicer marketplace with a collaboration platform, which objective has been the implementation of a knowledge sharing system, taking into account the main aspects coming from different research fields (ICT, Social Sciences, Communication, etc.), needed to enable the “business and social dimension” in a knowledge management software platform for the manufacturing domain.

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