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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - INTERPLAN (INTEgrated opeRation PLAnning tool towards the Pan-European Network)


The EU energy security policy faces significant challenges as we move towards a pan-European network based on the wide diversity of energy systems among EU members. In such a context, novel solutions are needed to support the future operation, resilience and reliability of the...


The EU energy security policy faces significant challenges as we move towards a pan-European network based on the wide diversity of energy systems among EU members. In such a context, novel solutions are needed to support the future operation, resilience and reliability of the EU electricity system in order to increase the security of supply, also accounting for the increasing contribution of RES. The goal of INTERPLAN project is to provide an INTEgrated opeRation PLAnning tool towards the pan-European Network, with a focus on the TSO-DSO interfaces to support the EU in reaching the expected low-carbon targets, while maintaining the network security and reliability. The tool is integrated in the sense that all voltage levels are taken into account in the operation planning, and that it builds a bridge between static, long-term planning and considers operation issues by introducing controllers in the operation planning. The tool, consisting of a library of grid equivalents and controllers, allows the user to solve a set of network challenges (e.g., grid congestion) through a proper grid operation planning and based on a close cooperation between TSOs and DSOs.

Work performed

During the first reporting period, INTERPLAN project already achieved very good progress against scientific and dissemination objectives. With reference to the scientific activities, the main results achieved are:
-Delivery of a detailed assessment of existing grid codes, regulations and policies at European and National level, which influence the implementation of the emerging technologies (e.g., RES, storages, and DR) into the grid.
-Definition of INTERPLAN use cases, which were developed for addressing the main challenges for grid operation planning in the presence of high shares of RES and emerging technologies. In detail, seven use cases were developed by addressing issues such as coordinated voltage/reactive power control, grid congestion management, inertia management, etc.
-Definition of INTERPLAN scenarios, where the future challenges and rising technologies are depicted and addressed in order to meet the 2030 and 2050 EU goals.
-Definition of INTERPLAN requirements, which are assumptions of the defined use cases, and the prerequisites for running the technical actions related to grid clustering and development of operation planning tool and controllers.
-Characterization of available network models at different voltage levels with the aim to build up realistic TSO-DSO grid examples, and development of a clustering method for distribution grids.
-Definition of INTERPLAN showcases defined as the presentation of use case(s) in the frame of chosen scenario, simulation type, test model, time-series data and planning criteria. In total, five showcases were developed, addressing issues such as resiliency of the interconnected grid with effective use of local resources. For each showcase, a relevant base showcase was created in order to analyze the impact of controllers proposed in the showcases, being the base showcase the presentation of base use case(s) with no controllers for emerging technologies.
-Analysis of use cases, showcases, scenario settings, and available simulation input data (time series and network data) for models validation and testing. The result of the analysis is a definition of a reference validation scenario.
NTERPLAN project reached very good progress also for dissemination aspects, through the presence at several international scientific events such as ENERGYCON2018, IRED2018, EUW2018 and CIRED2019, thereby obtaining a good level of networking activities and dissemination of the results attained during the first reporting period.

Final results

INTERPLAN advances over the known state of the art are summarized below:
-Designing an operation planning tool, which takes into account all voltage levels in an integrated top-down approach, going from high voltage down to low voltage up to end consumer
-Building a bridge between static, long-term planning, and considering operational issues by introducing controllers in the operation planning
-Focusing on specific issues occurring at TSO-DSO interfaces, through the definition of realistic TSO-DSO example grids
-Developing control system logics which suit the complexity of the integrated grid
-Managing flexibility resources as “local active elements” within the grid
-On the policy front, identifying possible amendments to the existing grid codes, reflecting the work developed.
The expected results until the end of the project are described below:
-Generation of grid equivalents based on INTERPLAN use cases and showcases.
-Development of the Integrated Operation Planning Tool, as a methodology describing how to use a toolbox consisting of a set of tools (grid equivalents, controllers) for the operation planning of the Pan-European network, by addressing a significant number of system operation planning challenges of the current and the future 2030+ EU power grid, from the perspective of the transmission system, the distribution system, and with a particular focus on the transmission-distribution interface
-Simulation results of grid equivalents for the different base showcases and showcases
-Validation of INTERPLAN tool by simulation
-Improved OpSim co-simulation platform, particularly regarding “OpSim As a Service”
-Identification of amendments to the existing grid codes.
The main potential impacts of INTERPLAN Project are in the following:
-Compatibility with the broad EU energy policy context: INTERPLAN addresses planning, development and operational issues of the integrated grid capable of handling effectively intermittent RES technologies, storage in its broader context, flexible aggregated demand capable of offering DR services complementing other system flexibilities as a positive response to the needs of intermittent energy sources. INTERPLAN thus responds to the strategic objectives of EU for reducing emissions by 40% by 2030 and be No 1 in RES technologies, as well as to the paradigm change from “generation is following load” to “load following the generation” by building the grid with the end-user at the centre.
-Optimized grid planning and design at European level, maximizing the capacity of the grid to host variable RES: INTERPLAN addresses operation planning aspects of the integrated grid from the European perspective without losing the myriad benefits of distributed resources and smart controllers spread throughout the grid. The grid equivalenting procedure of INTERPLAN to be integrated with the cluster and interface controllers, suits the complexity of the integrated grid as it will evolve through the adaption of the most competitive technologies in the sustainability trajectory.
-Enabling new flexibility services to the grid associated with new business opportunities, offering the access to cheaper energy for the consumers and maximising the social welfare: INTERPLAN develops a platform for analysis, development and operation of the interconnected grid of tomorrow with the seamless integration of the intermittent sustainable technologies, supporting technologies such as storage and aggregated flexibilities through the active involvement of the end users. These possibilities facilitate the evolution of the electricity grid in a direction that will optimise resource availability in line with the sustainable policies of Europe, and create opportunities for new market participants to emerge.

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