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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BOUNCE (Predicting Effective Adaptation to Breast Cancer to Help Women to BOUNCE Back)


The overreaching goal of BOUNCE is to incorporate elements of a dynamic, predictive model of patient outcomes in building a decision-support system used in routine clinical practice to provide physicians and other health professionals with concrete, personalized...


The overreaching goal of BOUNCE is to incorporate elements of a dynamic, predictive model of patient outcomes in building a decision-support system used in routine clinical practice to provide physicians and other health professionals with concrete, personalized recommendations regarding optimal psychosocial support strategies of early breast cancer patients.
There is a growing need for novel strategies to improve understanding and capacity to predict resilience of women to the variety of stressful experiences and practical challenges related to breast cancer. This is a necessary step toward efficient recovery through personalized interventions. BOUNCE will take into consideration clinical, cancer-related biological, lifestyle, and psychosocial parameters in order to predict individual resilience trajectories and eventually increase resilience in breast cancer survivors and help them to enjoy a better quality of life.
1.To survey personal, clinical, and biological measures available for existing patient cohorts developed by clinical partners, in order to construct a preliminary model of patient resilience and quality of life.
2.To construct a measurement model of patient resilience to the physical and emotional challenges associated with the disease itself and with the burden incurred by BC treatments using data from the clinical pilot.
3.To develop operational algorithms for predicting long-term patient outcomes by taking into account individual levels of resilience at each time point during the course of illness, as well as current/past biological, sociodemographic, psychosocial, personal, clinical, and life-style patient characteristics
4. To address long-standing issues in the field of psycho-oncology regarding the dynamics of time-varying relationships between determinants of resilience and disease outcomes.
5. To define measurable and potentially modifiable social, psychological, and lifestyle parameters that optimally define successful adaptation to BC-related stressors as determinants of long-term patient outcomes. ensure wide communication and scientific dissemination of the innovative BOUNCE results to the research, academic, and international community, the efficient exploitation and business planning of the BOUNCE concepts and tools to the market in order to identify end-users and potential customers, as well as the contribution of specific project results to relevant standardization bodies.

Work performed

First in WP1 the value chain for the project was defined, different stakeholders identified, the requirements for the outputs of the computer models and the overall BOUNCE platform and services/tools were defined and methodology was elaborated.
WP2 dealt with definition and assessment of resilience in women with breast cancer and
the definition and suitable measures of resilience as a dynamic process critically involved in effective illness adaptation and recovery , definition and assessment of multi-level factors potentially affecting resilience, definition of multi-scale factors related to the evolution of resilience, in relation to both constant and time-varying patient characteristics, changes in social context, and other significant life circumstances.
WP3 involved an extensive search for internal and external data sources and registries containing data pertinent to resilience in women with breast cancer. An initial version of the semantic model has been produced, the methodology for aggreting, cleaning, harmonization and storage of data has been established and all tools required are under development.
In WP4 important correlations between several clinical, psychological, functional and quality of life factors have been identified through statistical techniques, by using the retrospective data provided. A preliminary framework of factor correlation hypotheses has been formulated. A temporal data mining approach has been outlined. A comprehensive plan describing machine learning tools to be applied to data from the prospective clinical pilot study has been developed in detail and linked to specific aims of the project.
WP5 deals with model computational implementation and integration. Now a commonly agreed technical implementation roadmap and a documented and agreed integration plan is in place. The BOUNCE conceptual and reference architecture has been completed. The initial implementation of computational models and repositories has been delivered. The BOUNCE security-by-design principles and approach has been designed and agreed among all partners. A stable prototype ready for integration of the BOUNCE Access Controller has been implemented for granting access rights to the various stakeholders to different platform services / functionalities and APIs. Several integrations are ongoing or already completed, such as the integration of the BOUNCE Access Controller.
In WP 6 the prospective data which will be collected in four countries (Finland, Italy, Israel, Portugal) will be very important part of the data collection for the modelling of resilience and will serve to build a quantitative mathematical model of factors associated with optimal adjustment capacity to cancer. During the first 18 months the consortium focused on design and pilot-study implementation issues. The prospective pilot started on January 2019.
In WP8 the work focused on dissemination and exploitation. No major administrative or ethical issues occurred during the first 18 months period.

Final results

The main exploitable asset of BOUNCE will be a decision support system for the stakeholder group of clinicians treating breast cancer patients. The system is comprised of a set of clinically validated, in silico resilience trajectory prediction algorithms and the integrated BOUNCE technological platform. The algorithms will form the basis of a prediction system capable of providing individualized predictions of resilience levels. The resilience trajectory models can support the selection of personalized interventions (psychological, medical, lifestyle, etc.) and ultimately enhance the capacity of individual breast cancer patients to better adapt to the illness.
aims to achieve this by:
-Making the prediction algorithms and the BOUNCE technological platform available for interested users
-identifying consortium partner or consortium partners to manage the system licences, distribution and user support
-Describing the roadmap and developing a business model/ models for commercialization
One of the main aims for BOUNCE is to contribute to the academic community and have a societal impact. BOUNCE partners strive to reach out and engage closely with project stakeholders throughout the project. BOUNCE partners have started to and will continue to build a scientific community around the project via organizing and participating in workshops and conferences.
Wider implications so far:
The primary goal of the first year was to prepare the pilots, to ensure the success of the critical task of patient recruitment and prospective data collection. The other tasks and deliverables of the first year were related to conceptual development, stakeholder identification and developing supporting technology and scanning retrospective data. Once the first prospective data sets can be extracted and analysed (during year 2), the understanding of exploitation possibilities will increase significantly.

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