In order to meet EU’s targets to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions by 80% until 2050, today’s emissions of not only the electricity, but also the transport and industrial sector have to be decreased drastically. In this regard, hydrogen can be seen as most tangible...
In order to meet EU’s targets to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions by 80% until 2050, today’s emissions of not only the electricity, but also the transport and industrial sector have to be decreased drastically. In this regard, hydrogen can be seen as most tangible path towards providing a renewable fuel that combines easy and quick refuelling with long ranges even for large cars, trucks and busses. The HySTOC project does address this issue, by using Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) in order to significantly facilitate large scale roll-out of hydrogen mobility. The use of LOHC for hydrogen transport and storage has several advantages compared to compressed hydrogen, such as high transport capacity, low transport costs, easy road transport and high safety.To demonstrate the feasibility of LOHC-based hydrogen supply for Hydrogen Refuelling Stations (HRS), the HySTOC project mainly includes the development of container based hydrogen storage- and release systems, including the required purification to meet the ISO 14687:2-2012 standard for FCEVs. For this reason, the testing of the system is divided in two periods. During the first testing period, the hydrogen release system will be located at the VTT site in Espoo. The released hydrogen will be continuously analysed, to ensure the compliance of the hydrogen purity with the ISO standard. The second period will cover the field testing at the HRS from Woikoski.
Development of a containerized 1 kg H2/h LOHC hydrogen storage system:
Basic and detail engineering of the system as well as purchasing of the main equipment is completed. The system is designed to meet the local requirements at the Woikoski site in Kokkola, Finland, especially the harsh climate conditions. Hydrogen supply will take place from an existing electrolyser, feeding a 300 bar pipeline at the Woikoski site. The storage system is in the last phase of assembly. Automation of the system will allow fully automated operation of the storage system, to ensure continuous hydrogenation of LOHC to be supplied for the release system. The system will be connected with two external tanks at the Woikoski site for LOHC storage and feed.
Transportation and logistics solutions for HRS supply:
The logistic concept for HySTOC was developed to ensure hydrogen supply for the release system in both locations. This includes stationary tanks and pumps at the storage and release sites, as well as the transportation of LOHC. Since the existing logistics of Woikoski includes truck transport between these locations, 1m³ -IBC containers will be used for LOHC transport for the HySTOC project. This will allow easy handling at all sites. Tanks and pumps have been ordered by Woikoski, preparation for ground works are ongoing.To gain permission for LOHC handling at the sites in Finland, a PPORD registration was carried out by Woikoski for the hydrogenated and the dehydrogenated LOHC. Special care was taken to develop a logistic systems suitable for future large scale transportation. Interfaces at the stationary tanks can easily be adapted to feed a 30m³ truck. By this means, the HySTOC project will also demonstrate the suitability of the developed tank concept for large-scale transport.
Development of a containerized 1kg ³ H2/h LOHC hydrogen release system:
Basic and detail engineering of the system is completed. The majority of the equipment is purchased, with only a few remaining parts to be ordered. The system will be installed in a 30 ft.-container, the assembly works are in progress. The system is designed to meet the requirements for both testing periods. This includes several sample ports for the online gas analytics at VTT and a hydrogen output pressure of 30barg as required for the Woikoski HRS. The hydrogen release system also includes the purification unit developed by HyGEAR. Special care is taken to optimize the energy demand for the release system. This includes heat recovery within the process as well as optimized insulation of the equipment.
Development of hydrogen purification unit:
The hydrogen purification for HySTOC is developed by HyGear. The unit manly consists of a compressor and a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) to purify the released hydrogen and meet the ISO 14687-2 standard. The system is designed to deliver the hydrogen at the required pressure of 30barg for the HRS supply. Assembly of the PSA is completed, internal start-up of the system is ongoing. After completion of internal testing, the purification unit will be shipped to Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies to be integrated in the release system.
Preliminary LCA and research carried out:
A preliminary LCA was carried out by VTT, indicating the environmental impacts of the LOHC based hydrogen logistics. This includes storage- and release system, transportation as well as purification. The results are used to optimize the system design, focusing on minimizing the energy required for the release system.
Research at the CRT (Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) showed that mixtures with different ratios of dibenzyltoluene (DBT) and benzyltoluene (BT) have positive impact on viscosity and therefore allow easier LOHC handling.
A first investigation from VTT on the impact of toluene showed no negative impact on fuel cell performance at values much higher than required in the ISO standard.
Dissemination and communication:
In order to disseminate, c
The LOHC technology offers high safety and efficiency, thus being able to significantly support large scale hydrogen supply, by making its storage and transport cost efficient and technologically viable. Until now, LOHC systems have been mostly tested and operated in a protected test environment and with limited purification technology. The HySTOC project will significantly contribute to the development of a safe and reliable LOHC-based hydrogen supply for refuelling stations, and furthermore will significantly reduce the cost of hydrogen delivered. An expected impact will be the increased competitiveness of FCEV vehicles, especially busses. The use of LOHC liquids has a large benefit regarding the allowed storage amounts, using the existing diesel storage permits. The low toxicity and low hazard risks of LOHC-based hydrogen storage offers therefore a huge potential in storage capacity and safety, especially in populated areas. In addition, the same infrastructure that is currently used for fossil fuels can be used for LOHC-based hydrogen logistics. Furthermore, LOHC based hydrogen logistic is expected to enhance public acceptance for hydrogen technologies, as human beings are more comfortable in using a liquid compared to a gas. By this means, HySTOC will have positive impact on the public perception of hydrogen mobility – and therewith demonstrate LOHC technology’s potential to be the missing link of efficient hydrogen transport.
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