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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BBT (High performance intelligent Bottle Bore Tool for machining of the engine drive shaft)


The vision of the EU programme HORIZON 2020 is to bring breakthroughs, promising discoveries and great ideas from the lab to the market. This shall create and ensure jobs. The aeronautical sector through Clean Sky 2 Work Programme aims at contributing to one of the key...


The vision of the EU programme HORIZON 2020 is to bring breakthroughs, promising discoveries and great ideas from the lab to the market. This shall create and ensure jobs. The aeronautical sector through Clean Sky 2 Work Programme aims at contributing to one of the key Societal Challenge ‘smart, green and integrated transport’ defined in Horizon 2020, enabling cutting edge solutions to decrease the environmental impact of the sector and to achieve the ACARE 2020 goals, facilitating the first steps to the Flightpath 2050 targets that include 75% cut of CO2 and 90% of NOx consumptions as well as 65% noise reduction.
The programme Clean Sky 2 pursues the delivery of full-scale in-flight demonstration of novel architectures and configurations including advanced technologies demonstrated at full systems level, that otherwise are not affordable by the private sector with a manageable risk. In this sense, the competitiveness of the European industry is fostered from environmental and economic point of view.
Clean Sky 2 affords the development of different technology demonstrators to advance towards the mentioned objectives. The Ultra High Propulsive Efficiency (UHPE) engine architecture is within the ITD devoted to the develop and validate new radical engine architectures able to meet the targets of ACARE 2020. The UHPE includes significant changes in the configuration and functioning scheme compared to current technology for the aircraft engines. A main change is the addition of a gearbox to decouple the fan and the turbine rotation, resulting in new requirements for the main turbine shaft (increased RPM and decreased torque); these aspects involve new size and shape needs for this shaft that challenge the current manufacturing methods to achieve an internal bottle bore geometry with Length to Diameter ratio above 30 and length over 2 meters. At this point, the BBT project covers the development of new tooling systems to perform the machining of the shaft with the required precision and quality.
The main objective of the BBT project is to develop an intelligent tool concept for the internal profiling of the engine drive shaft integrating different technological subsystems that enable the achievement of large Length to Diameter ratio and meeting the aeronautic requirements related to the machined surface condition.
The achievement of this main objective is complemented with two specific objectives for the research and innovation activities driving to the development of the BBT tool. These specific objectives are related to the development of the different subsystems and their integration in the tool concept design that will be tested in the project.
Objective 1: Design of the subsystems of the tooling system
This objective is related to the selection of the different functional elements that must be integrated in the tooling system to achieve the requirements for the machining of the engine drive shaft. The identified systems include:
• Mechanism for the tool radial movement to achieve the required geometry in the workpiece.
• Supports to achieve a suitable stiffness in the system.
• Cutting system, including insert, insert holder and cooling/lubrication system.
• Monitoring system, including sensors, measuring chain and data treatment.
• Chip evacuation system
Objective 2: Integration of the subsystems in a tool concept design.
The integration of the different subsystems (actuation mechanisms, supports, cutting inserts/tool-holder, cooling systems, sensors and monitoring system, chip evacuation system, different drive systems for cutting inserts and supports) in a single tool concept becomes a challenge due to the large amount of systems to be integrated in the system and the reduced space available. In this way, the selection of the different subsystems becomes a process to balance the performance and the complexity of the tool concept.
At the end, the integrated design must allow the manufacturing of the tool and the

Work performed

The activities carried out during the first period of the project (15 months) corresponds to the design of the boring bar, being the remaining activity the development of the prototype and the testing of it. This covers the Objective 1 (\'Design of the subsystems of the tooling system\') and partially the Objective 2 (\'Integration of the subsystems in a tool concept design\').
Initially, within the WP1 (“Establishment of requirements and concepts for the new tool system”), the requirements of the project were established to adapt the design development to them. These WP also include the preliminary design of the different subsystems and the conceptual design of the boring bar.
Within the WP2 (“Sensors, signal processing and presentation of results”), the selection of sensors for the control of the process, the chip size and the surface integrity were selected. These sensors were integrated in the design of the boring carried out in the WP3. On the other hand, the activity related to the characterization of the sensors’ behavior, the establishment of the data analysis algorithms for the treatment of the sensors’ data and the software for the presentation of the results are still ongoing (scheduled to be completed by month 18).
Within the WP3 (“Tool and system design”), the detailed design of the boring bar is already finished. The materials purchasing and components manufacturing is ongoing; while the assembly of the boring bar and the verification tests are expected to be completed in month 19.
The remaining activity for the second period of the project covers the manufacturing and assembly of the boring bar to proceed with the development of the experimental validation after installing the boring bar in a machine tool. The manufacturing and assembly of the boring bar is a part of the WP3 of the project; while the integration in a machine tool and the validation tests are part of the WP4 (“Demonstration and verification”) of the project.

Final results

The progress beyond the state of the art are related to the subsystems developed and the integration of these subsystem in the boring bar design. These advances can be summarized as:
- Integration of sensors and actuation system in the boring bar.
- Development of a chip size monioring system.
- Development of a internal support for the boring bar.

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