Renewable energy based off-grid Hybrid Power Systems (HPS) provide clean and reliable electricity in several situations where current alternatives are not able to provide it: decentralized energy sources in developed countries, basic electricity in developing countries and...
Renewable energy based off-grid Hybrid Power Systems (HPS) provide clean and reliable electricity in several situations where current alternatives are not able to provide it: decentralized energy sources in developed countries, basic electricity in developing countries and water desalination in both cases. These systems consist of a complex mix of different technologies and current solutions for monitoring and controlling them are prohibitively expensive, not allowing the interconnectivity of all components. In addition, current systems are unable to address the issue of distributed storage.
Infinite Fingers has developed U-Control, an innovative universal monitoring and control solution for off-grid HPS. U-Control is the first solution for HPS, which integrates every single part of the system, significantly simplifying operation and maintenance tasks.
A feasibility study is needed to confirm that there is a real market for the product whilst the conditions for the commercialization are beneficial.
The work performed included a technical, a commercial and a financial feasibility study and a Freedom-To-Operate analysis.
The analysis of the technical improvements needed for U-Control´s commercialization showed that the basis of the core of the technology is solid, but it needs further development. Additional technical improvements needed are user-centered approach, front-end development, and remote control and analytics. Infinite Fingers has the expertise to complete these improvements.
Furthermore, Infinite Fingers has key partners that will contribute to accelerate the commercialization phase. The market is growing in all segments (electricity, mini grids and water desalination). The connectivity of all the components and the Lithium-Ion Battery Management System are the main competitive advantages (no competitor is able to manage the batteries in such an advanced way).
An IPR analysis demonstrates that U-Control´s technology is not in conflict with existing patents.
The business plan demonstrates that the business idea is profitable and it has a positive impact
U-Control represents a real innovation into the HPS market with a huge market opportunity, being able to create 11 new direct jobs by 2020 (during the project) and generating sales in excess of €43 M by 2025.
U-Control can save up to 50% savings in O&M tasks, increase up to 20% the battery life-span as well as improving productivity of the system by increasing reliability.
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