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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ICARe (International Cooperation in Aviation Research)


ICARe is a Coordination and Support Action addressing the international cooperation area of the topic MG-1.5-2016-2017: Identification of gaps, barriers and needs in aviation research of the Horizon 2020 programme.In March 2011, the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and...


ICARe is a Coordination and Support Action addressing the international cooperation area of the topic MG-1.5-2016-2017: Identification of gaps, barriers and needs in aviation research of the Horizon 2020 programme.
In March 2011, the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE) released an updated European Union Vision: “Flightpath 2050” for aviation, whose goals are:
1. Meeting societal & market needs;
2. Maintaining and extending industrial leadership;
3. Protecting the environment and the energy supply;
4. Ensuring safety and security;
5. Prioritising research, testing capabilities & education.
Based on this vision, ACARE has elaborated a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).
International cooperation (cooperation between European Union (EU) and non-European Countries) in future framework programmes (e.g. Horizon Europe) will support the European Union in meeting the Flightpath 2050 vision and associated SRIA. Therefore, ICARe’s overall objective is to facilitate and increase international cooperation in civil aviation, along with joint research and innovation roadmaps. ICARe will assess the interest (both technical and non-technical) of collaboration with 21 target countries, listed hereunder, and provide the European Commission (EC) with recommendations for future actions.
21 target countries are: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Israel*, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Qatar, Russia, Serbia*, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland*, Turkey*, Ukraine*, United Arab Emirates and the USA, (*: associated countries to Horizon 2020).
For each country, ICARe examines:
• Lessons learned from past cooperation;
• Technologies and areas of interest;
• Win-win opportunities, areas of common interest, barriers and solutions.
The scope of this work is expanded for six countries: Canada, China, Japan, Russia and the United States (and a 6th to be defined later) through bilateral dialogues.
ICARe will deliver recommendations to the EC for future International Cooperation in civil aviation Research and Innovation. This will accelerate the achievement of SRIA objectives, providing benefits to the society (innovation, greener transport, industrial competitiveness and jobs…).

Work performed

WP1 - Project Coordination
The main tasks carried out in WP1 for the first period were:
• Coordination and communication with the Commission and within the consortium;
• Organisation of Steering Committee and Project Management meetings;
• Preparation, distribution and validation of meeting minutes;
• Monitoring of the project progress, with particular attention to timely delivery of the project’s deliverables and milestones;
• Monitoring of used resource against planned resource in the Grant Agreement;
• Development of management tools;
• Coordination of this First Periodic Report preparation.
WP2 - Communication, Dissemination and Networking
During the first period of the project, the emphasis of WP2 was put on raising public awareness on the project, its main activities and its goals. The aim was to inform the European as well as the International aviation community of the ICARe initiative. Dedicated communication tools were developed (website, social media, flyers…) and ICARe was presented during international events and business fairs.
WP3 - Assessment of past international cooperation in aviation
The main objective of WP3 was to gather and analyse evidence to assess past and ongoing cooperation with the 21 selected Third Countries in the field of aviation Research and Innovation. During the first period, we collected data on international projects in aviation in the previous and current framework programmes (FP6, FP7, H2020). We conducted an online study to collect data and opinions of participants on the scrutinised projects. To support the qualitative analysis, we interviewed 51 people who participated in past international cooperation projects and conducted five case studies. Based on this data, we inferred lessons learnt from past cooperation projects and formulated recommendations for future cooperation.
WP4 - Technology Mapping in non EU Countries
The objective of WP4 is to screen the 21 countries considered in ICARe to identify their technologies and competencies, which could form the basis for future international cooperation. During the first period, an online database was developed, and technologies and competences of each third country were screened, based on international roadmaps, technology and patent databases. The first selection of golden nuggets (i.e. technologies listed in the SRIA and developed outside the EU that will help the EU to fulfill SRIA objectives) was performed, and 38 golden nuggets were identified.
WP5 - EU-Third Country Open Platforms
The main objective of the WP5 is to establish open platforms to foster bilateral dialogues between aviation stakeholders from identified 6 Third Countries and EU.
The main actions undertaken in WP5 were to:
• Discuss and agree with the representatives of China, Russia, Canada, and the U.S on the expected outputs of the platforms and define a way forward;
• Define a preliminary list of aviation R&I topics of common interest, on which future collaboration can be beneficial for both parties. This list was consolidated upon iterations with EU stakeholders and served as a basis for engaging in discussion with the representatives of each third country;
• Describe the identified win-win opportunities for each country; the process of topics description varied from one platform to the other;
• Organise two workshops with Russia, two workshops with China, one workshop with Canada and one workshop with the US to discuss the win-win opportunities;
• Collect feedbacks from European stakeholders on the workshop discussions .

WP6 - Proposed Collaborations and Final Recommendations: Country profile under examination.
The main objective of WP6 is to issue evidence-based recommendations to the EC for future international cooperation in the field of aviation according to ACARE SRIA objectives. Based on inputs from WP3, WP4 and WP5, a preliminary set of recommendations was identified. These recommendations will be refined during the second pe

Final results

ICARe aims at extending and deepening international cooperation in the domain of Research and Innovation for aviation through the design of a holistic international cooperation strategy. ICARe will have three main impacts:
a) Strengthen Europe’s smart specialisation in key strategic areas of aviation research,
b) Improve the competitiveness and sustainability of Europe’s aviation industry,
c) Contribute to spread Europe’s views through bilateral dialogue with third countries.
Until the end of the project, ICARe will refine the recommendations for future international cooperation in aviation through an evidence-based approach taking into account lessons learned from past projects, mapping of technologies in third countries and inputs from stakeholders. ICARe will carry on with the bilateral dialogues initiated with Canada, USA, China, Russia and Japan to identify win-win opportunities for further cooperation. Finally, ICARe will continue to disseminate its outputs to European and international aviation stakeholders to promote international cooperation in aviation in Horizon Europe.

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