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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Perfect Fresh (Intelligent storage and transport solutions with integrated monitoring to optimize the international fresh produce supply chain, significantly increasing shelf life and preventing food waste)


The Perfect Fresh project is one of the most important innovating developments for the fresh fruit sector, a challenge to develop the coming years. Preservation for perishable products that need to travel far distances should answer to social demand for better food quality...


The Perfect Fresh project is one of the most important innovating developments for the fresh fruit sector, a challenge to develop the coming years. Preservation for perishable products that need to travel far distances should answer to social demand for better food quality, less chemical products used in post-harvest, traceability, energy savings and providing higher benefits for the farmer and the fruit value chain.

Work performed


-Bag – Bin.
The innovative Perfect Fresh concept goes beyond the existing Janny MT module.
The result of several months of work in ‘’phase 1’’ is that Perfect Fresh can offer 3 intelligent and cost-effective integrated system
.1. For transport the key issue of return is solved by incorporating the proven membranes into a disposable bag
We realized a pre-cut easy plug and play bag with a hold to fix a cartridge on it. It gives a pre-assembled product easy to use by the end user (a biodegradable option plastic bag is also feasible).
.2. A new controlled atmosphere lid was also developed with a nestable bin to answer to the demand for transport of highly perishable products such as flowers.
3. The existing Janny MT module can be upgraded with a number of environmental sensors in order to further improve storage capacity and overall quality.

We confirm that it is possible to penetrate the market with acceptable price for the 3 solutions.

Full traceability from producer to end consumer is quickly becoming a standard requirement for perishable food. Our goal can be achieved by integrating a complete solution of an O2 and CO2 sensor connected to an application. At this step some technical aspects still need to be realized to allow for international shipping.

-New Products storage.
We tested with 4 new products with a high potential market: Pineapple, table grape, turnip, and peony roses. We confirmed the efficiency of Perfect Fresh solution.


As we mentioned before: preservation is a springboard to increase user benefits. The market study is strong and clients are enthusiastic to try the final solution. Tests have proven that the Perfect Fresh bag is able to prevent against weight loss, gives the benefit of optimizing sales prices (due to longer storage time), prevents quality loss, gives an option to sell internationally without incurring in high airfreight costs, and does all this with a minimum impact on the environment.

Final results

We demonstrated that there is a big market expectation for the Perfect Fresh solution (per country and per product). We have an SME profile ready to cover an international market. (

At the beginning of phase 1, our idea was to preserve produce during long transport.
After several months of work, the conclusion is that to realize the total challenge, the real job is to propose storage ‘’before, during and after’’ transport. It is the reason why we propose 3 technical ways of storage.

We are leader on the concept and solution in France and several other countries; we intend to develop this solution and bring it on the market with the support of an application for SME Phase 2.

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