DILECO will contribute to the huge effort to maintain leadership in aviation industry while trying to adapt to new trends related to sustainability in global markets, by means of an eco-efficient production and digitalization of the factory.Many processes in the Ground System...
DILECO will contribute to the huge effort to maintain leadership in aviation industry while trying to adapt to new trends related to sustainability in global markets, by means of an eco-efficient production and digitalization of the factory.
Many processes in the Ground System Tests (GST) Station of the Final Assembly Line (FAL) of an aircraft, present a relatively low grade of automatization, with a lot of room for improvement when it comes to digitalization and product PLM integration. The introduction of some of the aforementioned technologies in the modern FAL can definitely impact the factory’s lean manufacturing and the environmental sustainability of the whole process. Implantation of new assembly procedures can take advantage of commercially available technology, but also actual methods and procedures like the moving assembly line, visual control systems, point-of-use staging, just-in-time delivery systems, etc. can be significantly improved.
The General Objective of this proposal is the Development and deployment of PLM Tools for A/C Ground Functional testing with Eco-design criteria in order to improve the sustainability of the FAL and the efficiency of the Ground System Tests process end to end. All the works will be done on site, in close contact with the Topic Manager, with as many revision cycles as possible before a final release.
During the first Reporting Period, nearly all the tasks planned under Activity A1 have been accomplished:
• Technical and functional requirements were formulated by the TM to incorporate the energy and environmental impact in the iDMU, to give more complete information of the manufacturing processes.
• A new manufacturing data model was defined with the technical and functional requirements of the TM, extending the current manufacturing model of the Topic Manager with sustainable parameters, ecoefficient key performance indicators and strategic and operational dashboards.
• The proposal of a first version of the sustainable manufacturing model integrated in the PLM tools of the TM has been developed and tested.
• An ontological model to foster system semantic interoperability within the DILECO framework has been developed.
• A synchronous communication model has been developed and some new requirements for the model have been added as part of the DILECO system, mainly associated to the PPR structure.
• New requirements specified by the TM, which extend the previous ones, were defined, developed and are being tested to obtain a final version of the manufacturing model using PLM tools that allow the validation of the energy efficiency of the process planning for the DILECO project.
During the First Reporting period, the work performed under Activity A2 was mainly focused on the study of the Requirements set by the Topic Manager for future developments. Deliverable D.2.1 “Orientation capacity analysis for the requirements of actuals TNs/GTRs and GTIs/FTs†introduces the DILECO project design of a solution powerful and flexible enough to satisfy all the identified needs related to the application of the concept of collaborative engineering in the field of A/C functional tests. The objective was to specify the requirements of the core application, operational and functional requirements and also requirements that depend directly on how the designed solution is to be implemented, such as the GTR/GTI specification format necessary for CATS integration and compatibility.
As the integration with already existing productive processes will be performed, the preliminary study of viability and Requirements was deemed critical and has resulted on various reports detailing the results.
Activity A1 has consisted in the definition of a model with the main relevant parameters that impact in the eco-efficiency of aerospace assembly, in terms of energy and resources used and product waste, and in its implementation using an architecture compatible with the PLM environment of the Topic Manager, that is the PLM solutions from Dassault Systèmes in their version 5 for product and assembly line design.
Concretely, DILECO extends the IDMU concept to a new SIDMU (Sustainable Industrial Digital Mockup Unit) concept. The sustainable model is integrated in the PPR structure and defined by the user through the DELMIA 3D interface. All the interaction with the DILECO system is done through DELMIA, so that the user can work with the system in an easy way. The system connects synchronously to an external LCA application in order to obtain the values of the eco-efficient KPIs of the process.
The model developed and integrated in CATIA 3D environment will allow computing the eco-efficient impact of a new product or process. Therefore, DILECO must become a reference simulation framework as a test laboratory where Topic Manager will evaluate and analyze Eco-efficient indicators. This test laboratory has the ability to analyze and evaluate the assembly process evolution including the process and resources change into assembly or manufacturing.
The expected results and potential impacts under Activity 2 are those in the original proposal, for the current stage of the Project.
More info: http://skylife-eng.com/en/projects/dileco/.