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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - eyecontrol (EyeControl)


“Locked-in” syndrome is a condition in which patients retain full cognitive function but lose the ability to move or speak. Today, there are more than 1.2 Million ALS and other “locked-in” patients (due to stroke, neurological disease, traumatic brain injury, etc.)...


“Locked-in” syndrome is a condition in which patients retain full cognitive function but lose the ability to move or speak. Today, there are more than 1.2 Million ALS and other “locked-in” patients (due to stroke, neurological disease, traumatic brain injury, etc.).
Likewise, patients who have experienced trauma and are admitted to intensive care units are often left without the ability to communicate, whether this is a temporary or permanent loss of function, thus inhibiting patients from effectively communicating with their loved ones and medical staff. More than 5.7 million patients are admitted into ICU departments each year in the US. Approximately 40% of those patients require mechanical ventilation, precluding from communication, leaving them temporarily locked-in. In the US alone, $2B within 5 years was lost due to inadequate communication between patients and medical staff within ICUs.

-EyeFree Assistive Communication has developed the EyeControl, a wearable, screen-free and easy to use communication device. The IP protected technology enables communication by intuitive eye gestures and vocal feedback, eliminating the need for users to be calibrated to a screen.
The EyeControl is unique amongst its competitors for numerous reasons including:

o Wearable: The device is fully portable and wearable, and, due to the inbuilt AI, it requires no calibration. This feature enables communication during transport, while in the bathroom, outside, and most importantly, immediately upon waking.

o Simple to use: The device learning curve is proven to be under 20 minutes, unlike other devices that require long hours/days/weeks of training. This has facilitated the EyeControl in providing a solution to ventilated patients within hospitals and rehabilitation centers.
EyeControl provides a solution for these patients, enabling them to communicate with medical professionals and loved ones, and to take part in their care plan.
o Competitive pricing: Empowers individuals who previously could not afford a communication device to purchase an innovative solution. Additionally, the device requires minimum manpower for training and support.
o Patient empowerment and privacy: Users may choose what to send to the output speaker. Moreover, the device allows personalization of messages and other features.

OUR SOLUTION IS A “GAME CHANGER”: Our innovative solution offers the first wearable, screen-free and easy to use communication device which enables “locked-in” patients to communicate 24/7 with intuitive eye gestures, anytime, anywhere.

Due to the ease of use, the EyeControl device is also an ideal solution for temporarily “locked-in” patients within Intensive care or other hospital units. This is a revolution for patients who were previously unable to communicate their needs to medical staff and loved ones. The EyeControl capabilities were demonstrated with our original prototype, before starting the Phase-2. During tHe phase-2, our aim is to evolve it towards a market ready product.

Work performed

During the past year, the company finalized the development of the EyeControl device and successfully completed the necessary steps to achieve regulatory standards for CE marking, FDA and ISO 13485 for medical devices.
Additionally, the company developed the product business model and Go-to-Market in two distinct market segments: Home care market, facilities market.
The EyeControl is currently displayed in a yearlong exhibition at the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation, and was chosen to be presented among the most important and promising technology ideas developed in Israel. Additionally, the company is featured at the Jewish Museum & Tolerance Center in Moscow, Russia.

Final results

The company has successfully developed the beta version to be tested in different trials during the second period. Trials have been also designed and agreed with corresponding organizations (focus on UK, USA and Israel).
Beta Sites are been held in Israel and the UK where real time feedback is returned to the company for the integration of necessary improvements and changes. These sites have enabled us in developing key personalization features for locked-in individuals, such as the ability to control the device with minimal eye movement abilities.
Moreover, these beta sites have allowed us to continue working on environmental control features (controlling other smart devices in the environment: such as TV, Tablets, Smart phones etc\') that will be integrated into the device for ease of use.
Additionally, the device is undergoing a clinical trial within the Ichilov Hospital Intensive Care and Internal Units. The trial has enabled the company to develop entertainment features such as connection of the device to the radio, controlled by the user. Such features could allow us to generate new revenue models within the facilities market, enabling users to opt-in to entertainment subscription packages during their stay in the facility.
On a socio-economic level, the lower price of the device in comparison to other communication devices empowers individuals who previously could not afford a communication device to purchase an innovative solution.
Furthermore, due to the efforts of getting the EyeControl to be included in the Israeli Health Basket and the NHS Supply Chain, individuals will have the ability to afford the opportunity to purchase the device at a subsidized rate due to government funding.
The company has also hired people and is structuring the team into additional departments, with special focus on internationalization.

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