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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - prudenta (Prudenta: Electronic Solution for Safer Drugs)


Prudenta is an innovative software solution in drug safety (pharmacovigilance) area, which would allow for the automation of signal searching for adverse reactions. There is no such solution available in the market until now and it is extremely important to automate such...


Prudenta is an innovative software solution in drug safety (pharmacovigilance) area, which would allow for the automation of signal searching for adverse reactions. There is no such solution available in the market until now and it is extremely important to automate such process (until now completely manual) in order to increase the safety of drugs available in the worldwide market and also to reduce the cost of such activities for pharmaceutical companies, therefore reducing the cost of the medicines to the end-user (patient).

The overall objectives of the project were to finalise the programming of the prototype and launch Prudenta (commercialise) to be available for pharmaceutical companies by Q1 of 2019.

Work performed

As a result of the project, Prudenta: a cloud-based software solution with components of artificial intelligence has been developed. Prudenta was tested and the functionality of modules has been expanded and improved, therefore allowing for the better readiness for commercialisation.

Secondly, preparation work for commercialisation of Prudenta has been performed. We have protected our intellectual property by registering trade mark of Prudenta around the world. Our team has performed a number of successful marketing activities in preparation for the launch: we have made a number of publications in the industry media, our sales team has been approaching clients for pre-sales of Prudenta, and finally we have prepared for the launch of Prudenta in Europe and in the United States in two largest industry event meetings (DIA Europe and DIA America in Q1 and Q2 of 2019 respectively). Sales and marketing team have been trained on the prototype.

Thirdly, technical work in preparation for the launch has been performed: legal contract drafts with journals, translation companies and clients have been prepared, suppliers have been contracted, negotiations with journals have been commenced and continue.

Final results

Prudenta has artificial intelligence capacity in-built, which allows for warning the user (representative of pharmaceutical company) to be alerted, when unusual patterns are found in searching and potentially representing high risk adverse reactions.

Besides, Prudenta is using another artificial intelligence component for learning languages and ensuring speedy searching.

Innovative quality control concept to ensure the searching is 100% accurate has been introduced.

As a result Prudenta project has achieved securing jobs to at least 15 full time people to date, as well as on a larger scale has been commercialised and shall make drugs safer by automating searching for adverse reactions.

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