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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Voico (Development of a telephone headset with voice diminishing technology)


Voico is developing the most advanced noise diminishing technology and the first product consists of a technology which will dampen the human voice. This technology, a user-silencing microphone will enable people to conduct telephone conversations without anyone being able to...


Voico is developing the most advanced noise diminishing technology and the first product consists of a technology which will dampen the human voice. This technology, a user-silencing microphone will enable people to conduct telephone conversations without anyone being able to overhear the content of the conversation. The technology consists of a combination of active and passive noise cancellation, the core technology will first be implemented in the microphone rod of a telephone headset, resulting in a user-silencing microphone, for use in open plan offices.
The implementation of open plan offices is an increasing trend. For employees in open plan offices, overhearing others conversation is their biggest frustration, reducing productivity and increasing stress. The implementation of open plan offices has resulted in the development of a new market with actors providing products to dampen the sound distractions in these offices. Voico has talked to the market and the current solutions do not efficiently solve the problem of noise from other people’s telephone conversations. No one in the market are focusing on dampening the noise by the source, the mouth – but Voico is, through the user-silencing microphone. By implementing Voico’s unique technology, employees of open plan offices will experience less distraction from noise, resulting in less stress and more efficient employees.Through implementing the technology, Voico aims to help reduce the amount of sick leave due to stress, as well as increase the profitability of businesses through more efficient employees.

The objective of the EU project was to create a wearable device for Voico’s user-silencing technology and develop a business model and business plan for expanding into the different markets. The conclusion of the action is that the business idea has been abandoned by Voico, but there is an aim to try and create a research project in a relevant actor, with the technology.

Work performed

The work performed was organized in two work packages.

Work package 1 – optimization and development of a wearable test device for the user-silencing technology.
In this work package, Voico developed a flash FPGA and a USB link for the system. Suitable speakers were tested to determine the first production for test-prototype. Development of new filters for optimization of technology was the main focus of this work package. Measures were taken to reduce feedback in the system. Unfortunately, the main results of the research did not result in a technology able to dampen the human voice in a sufficient matter.

Work package 2 – develop a business model and a business plan for expanding into the European market and secure further financing.
Voico worked on the business model and the strategy of a licensing model. A business plan and prospect was created in the project period. Securement of further financing was not achieved, as Voico was not able to develop a functioning prototype.

Final results

Voico was able to dampen the human voice some. Although is was only possible to experience through measurements and not by the human ear, the progress in the project are beyond the state of art.

As the project is finished, the expected results are todays conclusion and the potential impacts are not present. Socio-economic impacts and implications of the project so far include hiring employees and collaboration with local actors as pilot customers and suppliers of technology, creating social economic value in the community.

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