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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - A3BL (Airofit - Better Breathing, Better Life)


Airofit’s objective is to bring better breathing to the world, specifically to people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, which are not curable, but require permanente treatment in order to improve breathing, control symptoms, and increase the quality of life for...


Airofit’s objective is to bring better breathing to the world, specifically to people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, which are not curable, but require permanente treatment in order to improve breathing, control symptoms, and increase the quality of life for people with the disease. Globally, approx. 1 billion people are affected by a chronic respiratory condition, out of which 4 million die yearly from them.
Airofit is developing a breathing device, with embedded electronics and software, that combines an ergonomically designed mouthpiece and adjustable resistance regulators. Users can connect to a mobile app and access personalised treatments, while a doctor can remotely follow their patient’s health improvement. The aim is to help millions of people get back in control of their lives, by providing a reliable and safe solution, which increases compliance with treatment.
During the Phase I project we have improved our product, based on feedback from potential end-users and by analysing competitors’ offering; we planned the validationof our clinical and regulatory strategy, which is important in ensuring that Airofit can be commercialised in any geographical market. Finally,we designed a new Supply Chain for the first production line.

Work performed

1. Technical feasibility for the refinement of core technology: determined end-user requirements, redesigned some elements of the device based on user-feedback, validated the market size for EU and US.
2. Setting up clinical and regulatory strategy: defined the standards we have to meet for commercialisation in the two regions and how to achieve that, by identifying the necessary documentation and activities.
3. Preparation of business plan: identified the markets we want to enter and distribution channels to do so; identified existing competitors and our positioning on the market; identified the necessary suppliers and the manufacturing supply chain.
4. Planning Phase 2 Innovation Project: planned the activities for the second phase of the innovation project, based on the previous findings. They include demonstration activities with the final version of the system (app and device) close to end users.

Final results

Socio-economic impacts: improved solution for people with chronic respiratory diseases; lower financial burden for patients (compared to other alternatives)
Customised treatment for each user
Facilitated interaction between patients and doctors

Website & more info

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