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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - R-Mesh radio (R-MESH radio development project)


Summary of performed work:The addressed issues were the deeper market study and the impact on the technical solutions.The society benefits from the better communications when there will be less restrictions inthe communications and the increased data rate allows to use new...


Summary of performed work:

The addressed issues were the deeper market study and the impact on the technical solutions.

The society benefits from the better communications when there will be less restrictions in
the communications and the increased data rate allows to use new methods for sharing information.

Overall objectives are the precise project planning, modularity of the platform, easy to use
solution by the potential customers, many different use-cases and different customers- means also
large potential market. Objectives are also better connectivity and security.

Work performed

Business plan has been made (8)
The coach added there more marketing visions and potential customers (9)
The project plan for technical development and the tasks have been created. (9)
Objectives have been to create these plans and with trust that we can realize the final
product development.

Project plan draft is now also ready for further editing for the next phase.

We have prepared the updated business plan and also project plan draft for the next phase.
We have done deeper market study and we now understand better the needs by different market segments.
The technical solutions will be based on modular and flexible platform that will be designed in the
SME instrument Phase II. We plan to leave our application for this as soon as possible.

Final results

After the SME Instrument Phase I, we understand now better the market and it\'s segmentation.
Also we know how to meet the needs by each market segment and the applications for
different customers.
Better communications and security certainly impact to the work of emergency and security,
industrial applications and transport/logistics. Our solutions will help the work and officials
duties to complete their daily contributions.

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