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H2020 projects about "prior"

The page lists 333 projects related to the topic "prior".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ComBoNDT Quality assurance concepts for adhesive bonding of aircraft composite structures by advanced NDT 2015
2 ADALAM Sensor based adaptive laser micromachining using ultrashort pulse lasers for zero-failure manufacturing 2015
3 EyeRegen Engineering a scaffold based therapy for corneal regeneration 2015
4 FlyContext Neural processing of context-dependent innate behavior 2015
5 gRESONANT Resonant Nuclear Gamma Decay and the Heavy-Element Nucleosynthesis 2015
6 Photofuel Biocatalytic solar fuels for sustainable mobility in Europe 2015
7 VEGFDANI Novel enhancers of functional recovery after stroke 2015
8 TBVAC2020 TBVAC2020; Advancing novel and promising TB vaccine candidates from discovery to preclinical and early clinical development 2015
9 EmERGE Evaluating mHealth technology in HIV to improve Empowerment and healthcare utilisation: Research and innovation to Generate Evidence for personalised care 2015
10 CRYDIS Driving innovation in pharmaceuticals: integrated studies of physical dissolution properties of crystalline and amorphous forms using enhanced orthogonal monitoring techniques 2015
11 LOMID LOMID - Large cost-effective OLED microdisplays and their applications 2015
12 SmokeBot Mobile Robots with Novel Environmental Sensors for Inspection of Disaster Sites with Low Visibility 2015
13 DIGIWHIST The Digital Whistleblower. Fiscal Transparency, Risk Assessment and Impact of Good Governance Policies Assessed 2015
14 ENATRANS Enabling NAnomedicine TRANSlation 2015
15 MACIVIVA MAnufacturing process for Cold-chain Independent VIrosome-based VAccines 2015
16 MEMBRANEFUSION Structure and mechanism of viral and cellular membrane fusion machineries 2015
17 OptnanoATcryo Optical nanoscopy at 1 nm resolution: far-field fluorescence control at cryogenic temperatures 2015
18 BMEVLP Biomarkers for clinical assessment of lungs intended for transplantation 2014
19 CERAM First ceramics of Atlantic Europe: manufacture and function 2015
20 SalHyd5 Characterization of Salmonella enterica hydrogenase-5 biosynthesis for developing novel anti-infective compounds 2015
21 EpiNKT Transcriptional and epigenetic control of innate-like T lymphocyte development 2015
22 ACCESS2WM How prior brain states govern access to working memory 2016
23 RESCBONE The influence of mechanical loading on the decline in bone mass with ageing 2015
24 DLCHHB Artificial Tissue Actuators by the 3D Printing of Responsive Hydrogels 2015
25 COCLIMAT Fusion of Alternative Climate Models By Dynamical Synchronization 2015
26 PS-IRAQ Performing a State: State-building in Iraq (2003-2006). 2016
27 NEURINFDNA Neuronal DNA double strand breaks as novel epigenetic actors: roles in cognition, health and neuro-inflammatory diseases 2016
28 eADAM Ultra-small electrochemical aptasensors for specific dopamine real-time monitoring 2016
29 REINVEST Financing Affordable Housing Under Localism 2015
30 LacDetect A truly-rapid, one-minute test system for the dairy industry to assess raw milk quality, detect sub-clinical mastitis and monitor udder health, reducing antibiotic usage and environmental impact 2015
31 TOPMed10 Fellowship Programme supporting Career Development and Interdisciplinary Training in Omics driven Personalised Medicine 2015
32 BioValue Quality determination of solid biofuels in real time 2015
33 MCTDC Multi-channel time-to-digital converter sensor with ultra high resolution 2015
34 LEO Low-cost / energy Efficient Oleds for lighting 2015
35 ThforPV New Thermodynamic for Frequency Conversion and Photovoltaics 2015
36 HOMOVIS High-level Prior Models for Computer Vision 2015
37 CutLoops Loop amplitudes in quantum field theory 2015
38 DDRNA DDRNA-based cancer therapy targeted telomeres 2015
40 HyFast HyFast - Fast hydrogen fueling and long range for fuel cell vehicles 2015
41 FRISCO Food Retail Industry Supply Chain Optimization (FRISCO): Food Discount Intelligence to Reduce Food Waste through the implementation of the FoodLoop Platform 2015
42 PICSIMA Next generation 3D print technology (PICSIMA), which for the first time enables the direct full colour printing of silicone to make soft tissue prostheses, orthoses and removable partial dentures. 2015
43 JointPrinting 3D Printing of Cell Laden Biomimetic Materials and Biomolecules for Joint Regeneration 2015
44 EcoContainerCleaner Proving the IBC Robotics container cleaning system as an economic, climate- and environmentally-friendly and safe contribution to the EU transport system in order to disrupt the global market 2015
45 NanoCytox Development of Novel Analytical Methods to assess Nanoparticle cytotoxicity 2015
46 TVOF The values of French language and literature in the European Middle Ages 2015
47 eCAP Easy Connections Assessment Portal 2015
49 SPICE Synthetic Lethal Phenotype Identification through Cancer Evolution Analysis 2015
50 EUNCL European Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory 2015
51 NANO2ALL Nanotechnology Mutual Learning Action Plan For Transparent And Responsible Understanding Of Science And Technology 2015
52 MADE Migration as Development 2015
53 Diversity6continents Ecological determinants of tropical-temperate trends in insect diversity 2015
54 5HTCircuits Modulation of cortical circuits and predictive neural coding by serotonin 2016
55 TackSHS Tackling secondhand tobacco smoke and e-cigarette emissions: exposure assessment, novel interventions, impact on lung diseases and economic burden in diverse European populations. The TackSHS Project. 2015
56 Sequence Barcodes Product identification using sequence-controlled oligomers 2015
57 NCUscan Rapid Defect Characterisation by Non-Contact Ultrasonic Scanning 2016
58 SBSI Structure-based subwavelength imaging 2015
59 FUTEBOL FUTEBOL: Federated Union of Telecommunications Research Facilities for an EU-Brasil Open Laboratory 2016
60 HurdlingOxoWall Late First-Row Transition Metal-Oxo Complexes for C–H Bond Activation 2016
61 RHINOS RHINOS - Railway High Integrity Navigation Overlay System will define a GNSS-based system to support the localization of trains respecting the challenging requirements of the railway safety standards. 2016
62 MIRASYS The diagnostic potential of miRNAs for early diagnosis of Systemic Sclerosis 2016
63 CONQUEST Companion Nanodiagnostics for Quantifying EPR and Stratifying Patients to Targeted Nanotherapies 2016
64 REPLICATE cReative-asset harvEsting PipeLine to Inspire Collective-AuThoring and Experimentation 2016
65 METRO4-3D Metrology for future 3D-technologies 2016
66 SLICEWATCH Monitoring meat texture to optimize slicing yield and reduce wasted meat in high-speed slicing lines 2016
67 ABRACADABRA Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation 2016
68 GLOBUS Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice 2016
69 EULAC Focus Giving focus to the Cultural, Scientific and Social Dimension of EU – CELAC Relations 2016
70 METALCLEAN New Innnovative and cost effective metal cleaning machine 2016
71 HeteroDynamic Evolutionary Stability of Ubiquitous Root Symbiosis 2016
72 ASTRUm Astrophysics with Stored Highy Charged Radionuclides 2016
73 Quaco QUAdrupoleCOrrector 2016
74 EBAR Evidence Based Planning of Future Clinical Research 2016
75 Stim-Plast-O Effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on motor learning-related neuroplasticity in healthy older adults 2016
76 STILLING Towards improved understanding of the worldwide decline of wind speed in a climate change scenario 2016
77 VIRCOLLAB Virtual Proximity and Collaboration 2016
78 Integrating Memories Integrating memories: Exploring knowledge integration enhancement at the intersection of education and neuroscience 2016
79 ENDYVE ENgineering DYnamic ViscoElasticity to study cell response 2016
80 BMC Rendering Bayesian Monte Carlo for Global Illumination 2016
81 MIGRATE Cosserat phase field modelling and simulation of viscoplasticity induced grain boundary migration and recrystallisation in metallic polycrystals 2016
82 NIR-BIO-FLU Bio-conjugatable and Bio-responsive Near Infrared Fluorochromes 2016
83 MedTrain Career Development and Mobility Fellowships in Medical Device Research and Development: A CÚRAM Industry-Academia Training Initiative. 2016
84 PrinTendon Development of a tendon/ligament substitute through bioprinting 2016
85 LIQUEFACT Assessment and mitigation of liquefaction potential across Europe: a holistic approach to protect structures / infrastructures for improved resilience to earthquake-induced liquefaction disasters 2016
86 ELSi Industrial scale recovery and reuse of all materials from end of life silicon-based photovoltaic modules 2016
87 GenderJust Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the Political Economy of Gender Justice: Discursive Power, Authority and the Subaltern 2017
88 Back2theFuture Back to the Future. Perceiving the future and the development of early modern capitalism, 1500-1700 2016
89 TRISCPOL The role of the iron-sulpur cluster in human DNA polymerase delta 2016
90 GROUNDHR Challenges of Grounding Universal Human Rights. Indigenous epistemologies of human rights and intercultural dialogue in consultation processes on natural resource exploitation 2016
91 ANGIO-IMAGE ANGIO-tracer for immuno-PET imaging: a stratification and monitoring tool for anti-angiogenesis treatment 2016
92 SALTGAE Demonstration project to prove the techno-economic feasibility of using algae to treat saline wastewater from the food industry. 2016
93 ANYWHERE EnhANcing emergencY management and response to extreme WeatHER and climate Events 2016
94 MinimalSelf Embodiment, Intersubjectivity, and the Minimal Self 2016
95 CryoProtect A new cryoprotectant formulation for the next generation of high throughput screening toxicology tests 2016
96 SEA-More-Yield Sea-More-Yield: A Blue Biotechnology Solution for the Reduction of Pod Shatter in Bio-Oil Producing Crops 2016
97 IRENE Invitation to Researchers’ Night 2016-2017 HEllas 2016
98 OHFASTT Advanced Ohmic Heating for resource efficient Thermal Treatment to produce high quality food products 2016
99 ISOREE New insight into the origin of the Earth, its bulk composition and its early evolution 2016
100 C-SENSE Exploiting low dimensional models in sensing, computation and signal processing 2016
101 GlobalBioIm Global integrative framework for Computational Bio-Imaging 2016
102 ILC_REACTIVITY Biological Determinants of ILC Reactivity for Immune Responses in Health and Disease 2016
103 dsRNAEnvFate Environmental fate of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) from RNA interference crop protection technology in agricultural systems: A systematic assessment of dsRNA hydrolysis, adsorption, and photolysis 2016
104 ID-Lyme A novel immunity-based test for early diagnosis of Lyme disease 2016
105 HIOS Highly Integrated Optoelectronic Sensor 2016
106 FAST-BM FAST-BM: FibroSelect: delivering A Step-change in Biotherapeutic Manufacturing 2016
107 tagMDR Identification of Multidrug Resistance for Chemotherapy Guidance in Cancer Using a Lab-on-a-chip Platform 2016
108 PABIR Policy analysis with beliefs about identifying restrictions 2016
109 Secret-Cells Cellular diversity and stress-induced cell-state switches in the mammalian hypothalamus 2016
110 FlexTrans a universal thin film transistor platform for flexible and curved displays 2016
111 PRIORS Neural circuit dynamics underlying expectation and their impact on the variability of perceptual choices 2016
112 EAGLE Efficient Additivated Gasoline Lean Engine 2016
113 EFFORTE Efficient forestry by precision planning and management for sustainable environment and cost-competitive bio-based industry 2016
114 MPC-. GT Model Predictive Control and Innovative System Integration of GEOTABS;-) in Hybrid Low Grade Thermal Energy Systems - Hybrid MPC GEOTABS 2016
115 EXPECTBRAIN How the human brain combines the certainty of prior expectations and the clarity of sensory input during speech perception 2017
116 ivMX Development of the new generation of structural biology by coupling in vivo crystallography to intense x-ray sources 2016
117 PATHAD Pathways to Alzheimer's disease 2016
118 TBTF Addressing Too Big to Fail: Resolution, Organizational Structure, and Funding of Global Banks 2016
119 ROBUST Robust Mechanism Design and Robust Prediction in Games 2016
120 3DMP Disruptive 3D printing technology for metalworking SMEs 2016
121 Neuroheart Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging for Personalized Tailored Treatment 2017
122 CAVEHEART Heart regeneration in the Mexican cavefish: The difference between healing and scarring 2017
123 SUPRACOP Systems Chemistry Approach towards Semiconductive Supramolecular Copolymers with Homo- and Heterometallophilic Interactions 2017
124 BeyondBlackbox Data-Driven Methods for Modelling and Optimizing the Empirical Performance of Deep Neural Networks 2017
125 SZ_TEST Towards Early Molecular Diagnostics of Schizophrenia 2017
126 ODICON-ASMA Optimal Distributed Control and Application to Smart Grids 2017
127 TORPEDO Understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling the orientation of plant cell divisions 2017
128 MGUS screening RCT Screening for monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance: A population-based randomized clinical trial 2017
129 Skylynx Upgrading Railways from the Air 2017
130 HFLE Hybrid Fixed Leading Edge 2017
131 RADIOSTAR Radioactivities from Stars to Solar Systems 2017
132 Renaparin Improving kidney transplantation outcome with Renaparin® for patients with End-Stage Renal Disease by attenuating graft ischemia reperfusion injury 2017
133 CoALIVE Coenzyme A – Launch of In Vivo Experiments 2017
134 OptoFeedback Causal study of the role of feedback in the perceptual inference of figure location in the primate visual cortex using targeted optogenetics 2017
135 Monomark A comparative clinical study of a stool-based versus a blood-based screening test for earlydetection of CRC 2017
136 CriTiClean Supercritical carbon dioxide for delipidation of soft tissue - Suppressing transplant rejection. 2017
137 VALENCE-REPLAY Disentangling amygdala contributions to replay-mediated, hippocampal-dependent memory consolidation 2017
138 VESPER Volcanoes: eruptive style, pre-eruptive evolution and risk 2018
139 H2Bio2Energy Operando FTIR spectro-electrochemistry of hydrogenases: unraveling the basis of biological H2 production for innovative clean energy technologies 2018
140 OPN-Can Investigating the role of OPN-CD44 in mechanosensitive tumour invasion using biomimetic models 2017
141 AdD HyStor Demonstration of dynamic grid stabilisation with an Adaptive-flywheel/battery Hybrid energy Storage system in Ireland and UK 2017
142 BEING Behavioural Economics in Network Games 2017
143 AttoDNA AttoDNA: how electronic motions affect the photostability of the genomic material 2018
144 DESYNE Development of synaptic networks in songbirds 2018
145 PlasmoCycle DNA dynamics in the unusual cell cycle of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum 2017
146 ACOUSEQ Acoustics for Next Generation Sequencing 2017
147 protonCBCT Proton CT reconstruction with a Cone Beam CT prior 2017
148 ASPIRE Assessment Strategy for Upstream Plant Inspection and Repair 2017
149 COGTOM Cognitive tomography of mental representations 2017
150 RECAP constRaining the EffeCts of Aerosols on Precipitation 2017
151 ePT ePT - Electronic Procedure Trainer for aviation pilots and cabin crew 2017
152 eggXYt EggXYt: A novel approach for sexing chicken embryos on day one before incubation - saving them from being hatched and disposed. 2017
154 BoVLP-BVD Development of Tagged (DIVA), Virus-Like-Particle polyantigenic Vaccine against Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus (BVDc) 2017
155 ACTICELL Precision confiner for mechanical cell activation 2017
156 JETSCREEN JET Fuel SCREENing and Optimization 2017
157 OptiLift OPTILIFT - offshore lifting and logistics 2017
158 FINDER Fossil Fingerprinting and Identification of New Denisovan remains from Pleistocene Asia 2017
159 DEVBRAINTRAIN Neurocognitive mechanisms of inhibitory control training and transfer effects in children 2017
160 eMRB CodeIT Electronic Manufacturing Record Book 2017
161 CRC Centric Reciprocating Compressor 2017
162 JetConveyor A disruptive air filtration system for cleaning-free operation in dust-intensive process industrial environments 2017
164 PRIOR PRIOR - Making food and goods more accessible online 2017
165 BioProbe-PIT Local molecular profiling of tumor tissue sections: towards personalized immunotherapy 2017
166 3DTRAY Innovative lightweight sustainable solutions for additively manufactured aircraft interior parts 2017
167 MATURATION Age at maturity in Atlantic salmon: molecular and ecological dissection of an adaptive trait 2017
168 NanoStencil Nanoscale self-assembled epitaxial nucleation controlled by interference lithography 2017
169 REACT Realizable Advanced Cryptography 2017
170 CHEERS Chinese-European Emission-Reducing Solutions 2017
171 CRIMTANG Criminal Entanglements.A new ethnographic approach to transnational organised crime. 2018
172 HANDmade How natural hand usage shapes behavior and intrinsic and task-evoked brain activity. 2018
173 BugTheDrug Predicting the effects of gut microbiota and diet on an individual’s drug response and safety 2018
174 AstroNeuroCrosstalk Astrocyte-Neuronal Crosstalk in Obesity and Diabetes 2018
175 SleepSynapses The role of sleep in synaptic plasticity 2018
176 STARSTEM NanoSTARS imaging for STEM cell therapy for arthritic joints 2018
177 AIOSAT Autonomous Indoor Outdoor SafetyTracking system 2017
178 COMBACTE-CDI Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe - Clostridium Difficile Infections 2017
179 MESI-STRAT Systems Medicine of Metabolic-Signaling Networks: A New Concept for Breast Cancer Patient Stratification 2018
180 DEVTAXNET Tax Evasion in Developing Countries. The Role of Firm Networks 2018
181 PIVOTAL Predictive Memory Systems Across the Human Lifespan 2018
183 ANCHOR Articular cartilage regeneration through the recruitment of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells into extracelluar matrix derived scaffolds anchored by 3D printed polymeric supports 2018
184 WiNerve Wireless Surgical Nerve Monitoring System 2017
185 MicroCaT Micro-tumor Guided Cancer Therapy Selection MicroCaT 2018
186 Mega-Inliner High tech Inliner for ISO tank containers 2018
187 POLYADAPT Molecular-genetic mechanisms of extreme adaptation in a polyphagous agricultural pest 2018
188 VILT-DEV Virtual Instructor-Led IT Developer Training Program 2018
189 CoreSat Dynamics of Earth’s core from multi-satellite observations 2018
190 InfoSeekDev Nurturing the Development of Information Seeking Skills 2018
191 INTEREP Do cortical feedback connections store statistical knowledge of the environment? 2018
192 BEAT regulation of B-cell Epitope migration and Autoimmunity by T follicular helper cells 2018
193 CIOP Centrifugal Instability in the Orkney Passage 2018
194 COMPRESS NETS Compressed Sensing Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks 2018
195 CVVOC The ecological consequences of chemotypic variation of damage-induced volatile organic compounds in sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) 2018
196 Data Synthesis Power Reducing required sample size of new studies by effectively using historical data: new methods for evaluating mechanisms, conditions, and alternative explanations 2018
197 HETERO What does it mean to be heterosexual? 2018
198 SEA The Social Epistemology of Argumentation 2018
199 TARGETMENISCUS Targeting Meniscus Degradation in Osteoarthritis 2018
200 PREVENT RA Towards prevention of autoimmune diseases: the case of rheumatoid arthritis 2018
201 MAGALOPS The MAgnetic field in the GALaxy, using Optical Polarization of Stars 2018
202 SONORA The Spatial Dynamics of Room Acoustics 2018
203 STOP Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy 2018
204 PERSONA Privacy, ethical, regulatory and social no-gate crossing point solutions acceptance 2018
205 OsciLang OsciLang: A neurofeedback system based on oscillatory activity for diagnosis and intervention in language and reading impairments 2018
206 DeepInternal Going Deep and Blind with Internal Statistics 2018
207 SCCMMI Single cell correlates of memory, motivation and individuality 2018
208 CLAP Natural Hands for Intuitive Virtual 3D Interaction 2019
209 Ancestral Structural and biochemical studies of an ancestral enzyme with dual dehalogenase and luciferase activity 2018
210 TropicalModuli Foundations and applications of tropical moduli theory 2018
211 ION Information Diffusion on Networks 2019
212 PEAI Public Epigraphy in Ancient Italy (third-first centuries BCE) 2018
213 HTS-STABTHERAPRO High-throughput directed evolution to engineer thermostable therapeutic proteins 2018
214 simpetmr Development of quantification procedures for simultaneous PET-MR data for human brain imaging 2018
215 ITS A DIVE Individual Three-dimensional Spatial Auditory Displays for Immersive Virtual Environments 2019
216 Origen on the Psalms Origen'S Exegesis of the Psalms: Contributions from a Close Analysis of his Homilies on the Psalms (Codex Monacensis Graecus 314) 2019
217 AnBIOSST Anaerobic Biotechnology for Sewage Sludge Treatment: Integrating Anaerobic Bioleaching with Anaerobic Digestion 2018
218 ULTRACONTROL Ultra-low cost orbit transfer and orbit control for future libration point missions 2019
219 Piql-GO Ultra-secure data storage - and long-term preservation of digital and analogue data 2018
220 INSITE Development and use of an integrated in silico-in vitro mesofluidics system for tissue engineering 2018
221 IslamAnimals Animals in the Philosophy of the Islamic World 2018
222 GrowCELL The smallest of the small: determining size through cell number 2018
223 ProgrES Programmable Enzymatic Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds 2018
224 APMPAL-HET Asset Prices and Macro Policy when Agents Learn and are Heterogeneous 2018
225 CERVINO Can human embryo-released extracellular vesicles govern endometrial receptivity and inform on vanguard embryo diagnostics and fertility therapeutics? 2018
226 ENVISION Novel mechanisms of early defense against virus infections 2018
227 UCRxF A novel ulcerative colitis treatment - A phase III ready feasibility study 2018
228 EndoTrainer EndoTrainer - A revolution in non-invasive surgery training 2018
229 AllergyExplorer Automation of novel multi-parameter allergy test that is cost-efficient and delivers instantly correct results 2018
230 KOBOLD The first Local Production Unit allowing Printing of Complex Multi-material Objects Remotely 2018
231 Phytoponics A sustainable, affordable scalable hydroponic system for large-scale agriculture 2018
232 AI4EMS Artificial Intelligence for Emergency Medical Services: a smart digital assistant for faster and more accurate cardiac arrest recognition during emergency calls 2018
233 UNRAVEL UNique Refinery Approach to Valorise European Lignocellulosics 2018
234 NEWPACK Development of new Competitive and Sustainable Bio-Based Plastics 2018
235 Touchless Automation A touchless microcomponent gripper for precision handling and microassembly 2018
236 DETER A Decision Support Tool to Manage Earthworks along Road and Rail Networks 2018
237 ThoR TeraHertz end-to-end wireless systems supporting ultra high data Rate applications 2018
238 SAWE Safe with Science 2018
239 Wanderlust The desire of explore to reach new frontiers 2018
240 Nello One Self-installable device that converts intercoms into a smart keys to allow access from anywhere. 2018
241 APRICOT Artificial PeRceptIon Chip for the Intelligence Of Things 2018
242 IAWAS Innovative Aluminium filler Wires for Aircraft Structures 2018
243 QDOOZ An innovative digital crowdsourced platform to foster soft skills development to boost Europe’s productivity and economic growth. 2018
244 ISOPREP Ionic Solvent-based Recycling of Polypropylene Products 2018
245 FAST TAPS Cooled Fast-Response Wall Pressure Taps for Combustion Chamber Measurements 2018
246 EVOCLOCK From Evolution to Clockworks:Unravelling the molecular basis of circalunar clocks 2019
247 ANACO Advance Nacelle Aerodynamic Optimisation 2018
248 SCIPER Studying Cancer Individuality by Personal and Predictive Drug Screening and Differential OMICs 2018
249 WHILYAS Wound healing ILYA-style 2018
250 MIAMI Machine Learning-based Market Design 2018
251 MARTE Medically Assisted Reproduction: The Effects on Children, Adults and Families 2019
252 ASCLEPIOS Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions in Healthcare 2018
253 MENDER Securing the worlds connected devices through open source and ease of use 2018
254 Si-DRIVE Silicon Alloying Anodes for High Energy Density Batteries comprising Lithium Rich Cathodes and Safe Ionic Liquid based Electrolytes for Enhanced High VoltagE Performance. 2019
255 GROUNDS GRoup thinking: new fOUNDationS 2019
256 IE-2018-Vienna Innovative Enterprise Vienna 2018 2018
257 CAPSEL Cellulose Aluminium Polymer multi-ions composite Solid-electrolyte 2019
258 ResisTEST Developing a rapid diagnostic kit for antibiotic resistance 2019
259 TERI Teaching Robots Interactively 2019
260 wHiSPER investigating Human Shared PErception with Robots 2019
261 EcoSpy Leveraging the potential of historical spy satellite photography for ecology and conservation 2018
262 HydraMechanics Mechanical Aspects of Hydra Morphogenesis 2019
263 GlyCan Innovative Glycan-based analysis for Cancer diagnostics 2019
264 SCAUT Ser-Col; from finger to laboratory; personalized and automated serum collection for laboratory diagnostics 2019
265 Rhythm and Brains How musical rhythm moves humans: functionalmechanisms of entrainment and perception-action coupling 2019
266 3DBIOLUNG Bioengineering lung tissue using extracellular matrix based 3D bioprinting 2019
267 METABODY METABODY: Body Metacognition, Mentalization and Metamorphosis 2019
268 The New Era of Self-Care's Digitalisation. Better Health with Lower Costs More Individually. 2019
269 CO3 COld sprayed COating on COmposite 2019
270 DIGESTAIR A novel anaerobic DIGESTer solution in AIR transport for on-board safe and efficient waste management 2019
271 Gender-SMART Gender SMART Science Management of Agriculture and life sciences, including Research and Teachning 2019
272 MICROREAL Microbial Remediation of Agricultural Land 2018
273 Kinaddict Vulnerability of esophageal cancer to their addiction to kinase activities: evaluation and prediction of eSCC tumors responsiveness to kinase inhibitors. 2019
274 RECaPHOS Development of an innovative sustainable process for simultaneous sewage sludge fluidized bed combustion and REcovery of PHOsphorus in a Ca bed 2019
275 AR-DDR Co-targeting androgen receptor signalling and DNA damage repair for precision therapy in advanced prostate cancer 2019
276 WoodSpec Rapid quality assessment of wood-based materials through spectroscopy 2019
277 SOS-CROPS Solving the tangled ontogenesis of the stem for sustainable crops 2019
278 PreCoASD Assessing the predictive coding accounts of autism spectrum disorders 2019
279 ISULO Innovative Statistical modelling for a better Understanding of Longitudinal multivariate responses in relation to Omic datasets 2020
280 EndoReproTox Embodied Ecologies: An Ethnographic Study of Reproductive Toxicity, Infertility, Endometriosis and Delayed Childbearing 2019
281 RESTRICTIONAPP A multilinear approach to the restriction problem with applications to geometric measure theory, the Schrödinger equation and inverse problems 2019
282 MetD-AO Methyl Donating artificial organelles to support liver cells in Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 2019
283 COMPACT COMbined Passive and Active Flow Control Technology Wing 2019
284 Biochip-images A Breast Cancer Biomarker Point of CarePOCDiagnostic Platform Integrating Dual-Functionalized Nanoparticle for Magnetic Gradient Ranking and Electrochemical Sensing 2019
285 GRETE Green chemicals and technologies for the wood-to-textile value chain 2019
286 COMLIB Communists into Liberals: The Transformation and Demise of the Left as Precursor to the Illiberal Turn in Poland 2019
287 CLS Technology to use any standard microscope for correlative imaging 2019
288 BRIGHT 40 Hz Masked Light: A new venture to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease 2019
289 RAPID The first effective remedy for acute pancreatitis disease 2019
290 4D_REEF Past, present and future of turbid reefs in the Coral Triangle 2019
291 ConcePTION Building an ecosystem for better monitoring and communicating of medication safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding: validated and regulatory endorsed workflows for fast, optimised evidence generation 2019
292 GreenArc500 The first effective oil and water pre-separator, enabling clean water release and fuel efficiency onboard ships 2019
293 PERISCOPE Perioperative infection prediction 2019
294 XSPERINSE X-ray SPEctral detectors for Reliable, Intelligent and INnovative SEcurity 2019
295 CLIMEX Climate Exposure Tool for Financial Risk Analysis 2019
296 ACoDM Affective Control of Decision Making 2019
297 ActiTOX Active organotypic models for nanoparticle toxicological screening 2019
298 PRIME Innovative Low-Mass Tanks for a Low-Cost, Low-Carbon European Micro-Launch Vehicle 2019
299 TECTONIC The physics of Earthquake faulting: learning from laboratory earthquake prediCTiON to Improve forecasts of the spectrum of tectoniC failure modes: TECTONIC 2020
300 MERCURYREFINEMENT Refining our view on planet Mercury, in anticipation for the BepiColombo mission. 2020
301 THERADNET International NETwork for training and innovations in THErapeutic RADiation 2019
302 3TR Identification of the Molecular Mechanisms of non-response to Treatments, Relapses and Remission in Autoimmune, Inflammatory, and Allergic Conditions 2019
303 TRANSFORM Trafficking transformations: objects as agents in transnational criminal networks 2020
304 EKOFOLIO Expanding Key Opportunities in FOrest Investments: Liquidity, Impact and Ownership through Blockchain 2019
305 EpiRep Mechanism of nucleosome assembly during DNA replication 2019
306 ATTILA Advanced Testbed for TILtrotor Aeroelastics 2019
307 MUSICOL The Sound of Empire in 20th-c. Colonial Cultures: Rethinking History through Music 2019
308 sociOlfa Learning from social scents: from territory to identity 2020
309 HMI4auto aXiom – a first of its kind Human-Machine Interface Chip designed for the automotive industry 2019
310 AGRICON Ancient genomic reconstruction of convergent evolution to agriculture 2019
311 UBI Biological Integral Biogas Upgrading 2019
312 SmartCulTour Smart Cultural Tourism as a Driver of Sustainable Development of European Regions 2020
313 KlimaFacade Feasibility analysis for the development and market introduction of an innovative and multi-functional façade. 2019
314 REDIM Regional disparities in cause-specific mortality in Europe: the role of local context and national health policies 2020
315 OCSEAN OCeanic and South East Asian Navigators. 2020
316 PRIME Prevention and Remediation of Insulin Multimorbidity in Europe 2020
317 ExpectBG Elucidating the Basal Ganglia Circuits for Reward Expectation 2020
318 ESPACE Human Cell Atlas of the Pancreas 2020
319 SPAWN Simulating particle acceleration within black hole magnetospheres 2020
320 PRHYDE Protocol for heavy duty hydrogen refuelling 2020
321 ExpoBiome Deciphering the impact of exposures from the gut microbiome-derived molecular complex in human health and disease 2020
322 ACE-OF-SPACE Analysis, control, and engineering of spatiotemporal pattern formation 2020
323 SILENT Seismic Isolation of Einstein Telescope 2020
324 CYBER-PDR Disempowering Cyber-Attackers 2020
325 STEMMS Storage and Eruption of Mushy Magma Systems 2020
326 PROPERTY[IN]JUSTICE Land, Property and Spatial Justice in International Law 2020
327 feelware Computational Design Solutions for Touch Interfaces 2020
328 FACADE FAçade bio-CArbon based anti UV coating to prevent DEterioration of wooden buildings 2020
329 RoCCAA Roman Coin Circulation in Ancient Armenia 2020
330 OPEN P-CAN Dissecting the role of mitochondrial dynamics in pancreatic carcinogenesis 2020
331 SUBIMAP SUBduction Initiation at Magma-poor rifted margins: an Atlantic Perspective 2021
332 MRTFSen MRTF/SRF signalling in regulation of cell senescence and melanoma progression 2020
333 ANEMONE Evolving a Home for Nemo: Genomic Consequences and Convergence in a Model Marine Mutualism 2020