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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - twiner (An open, global, business directory with social networking tools for advanced leads discovery and online visibility in B2B digital marketing)


Digital Marketing (DM) counts for half of the marketing budget of the average company, with email marketing and social media marketing coming on top of the preferred channels of communication. However, when it comes to B2B activities, current tools do not fully satisfy...


Digital Marketing (DM) counts for half of the marketing budget of the average company, with email marketing and social media marketing coming on top of the preferred channels of communication. However, when it comes to B2B activities, current tools do not fully satisfy marketers’ needs.
Our solution for these B2B digital marketing requirements is Twiner; the first interactive, certified and up-to-date B2B Business Directory supporting end-to-end business cooperation. It is aimed at private organizations, public bodies, non-profit organizations, start-ups, freelancers and individual consumers. With Twiner, we bring a unique value to the B2B Digital Marketing Software market: a single marketplace for companies to connect and interact with potential customers, easily find leads, and reduce the time to turn these into sale, increasing their revenues, brand name recognition and reducing customer acquisition costs.
We have set a list of future technical and commercial objectives that should positioned Twiner as the reference B2B Business directory. Initially populated with 50,000 SMEs, NGO and freelancers, its scalability, competitive advantages and networking characteristics will allow an exponential growth in business of all sectors worldwide.

Work performed

Over the course of the Phase I project, we were able to validate the technical feasibility of Twiner, by assessing the remaining technical requirements, as well as the corresponding risks and mitigation measures to be able to take Twiner from TRL6 to TRL9. We identified the main development areas and set milestones for each one, including calendar and personnel effort.
We also performed a complete Freedom to Operate Analysis through the examination of global patent application databases, which successfully confirmed the innovative and unique characteristics of Twiner.
The validation of the commercial feasibility involved the analysis of Twiner market, its size, its end-user and customers. This analysis included extensive research to identify global trends, market opportunities and risks, as well as identify the need for early adopters and business opportunities. The research allowed us to validate the complete commercial feasibility and identify the best approach towards full commercialization after Twiner full-fledged implementation.
Finally, to validate the financial feasibility, we also developed a calculation of future revenues and costs, leading to a conservative sales forecast and ROI analysis for the 5 years following the full commercialization of Twiner. The financial feasibility also included an assessment of commercial risks associated with expanding our geographical markets.

Final results

Currently, it is broadly recognized among business the need to have a DM strategy. However, the myriad of DM offering whose ROI is difficult to measure, the cost of maintaining DM systems and the lack of tangible ROI returns, make SMEs slow in adopting DM strategies.
Twiner streamlines the DM strategy of any organization. Twiner integrates data from many sources in an up-to-date marketplace where certified business will showcase their products and service and interact with all the actors of their value chain (providers, partners and buyers). Twiner also learns from their users: using Big Data analytics, Twiner will increasingly personalize the user experience by giving each business subscribed in Twiner a wealth of reports on business behaviour and to individuals personalized suggestions on products and services.

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