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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - infra4Dfuture (Infrastructure for the Future)


infra4Dfuture originTransport infrastructure managers have an urgent need for innovative solutions that are cost-effective and readily implementable in their operations. These operations comprise of the basic physical and organisational tructures and facilities needed for the...


infra4Dfuture origin
Transport infrastructure managers have an urgent need for innovative solutions that are cost-effective and readily implementable in their operations. These operations comprise of the basic physical and organisational tructures and facilities needed for the operation of the transport network. This includes buildings, access roads and flanking supply networks for power and data/information.
Acknowledging the large commonality in the challenges each of them needs to address, nineteen infrastructure managers from Europe, Turkey and Israel have joined forces in the infra4Dfuture (i4Df) initiative to deliver an effective coordination mechanism for demand driven infrastructure innovation and implementation up to larger network scales.
The i4Df initiative is financed as a Coordinated and Support Action (CSA) by the European Commission with a Duration from 1 October 2019 to 30 September 2020 (Grant Agreement No 824269). In addition, the initiative is supported by the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) and the European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM).
Combined, the i4Df consortium partners are responsible for managing transport infrastructure that cover the largest part of the TEN-T network. Through the support from CEDR and EIM the initiative achieves virtual complete leverage of the results across the European transport system. i4Df joins forces to address common transport infrastructure challenges.

Work performed

infra4Dfuture approach
In order to build awareness, understanding, trust and endorsement, over the course of the project runtime (until 30 September 2020), four high level Stakeholder Conferences will be organised, in which high level representatives from the four mentioned Stakeholder groups will discuss and conclude on the (strategic) content and workings of the mechanism. The high Level Stakeholder Conferences are supported by expert workshops and EU-regional outreach events. Following endorsement of the coordination mechanism in the fourth high level Stakeholder Conference that is planned in conjunction with the TRA conference in Helsinki in April 2020, its roll-out will focus on concertation of a portfolio for European and transnational innovation programmes for the next decade.

Final results

infra4Dfuture impact
The overall objective of delivering the i4Df coordination mechanism is to enable effective, demand driven infrastructure innovation and implementation ensuring noticeable benefits for the transport system’s end-user. More in particular the Impact of rolling out the i4Df coordination mechanism will be:
More ready-to-implement, cost effective innovative solutions to address the challenges infrastructure managers are facing (already today). This will be enabled by cutting out duplications between the various corresponding innovation programmes as well as by enabling focused twinning of results, and structured gate reviewing of next stages in innovation development and implementation.
Shorter time to market of the respective innovative solutions, enabling a faster response by the infrastructure managers –as the implementing clients- to the demands and needs of the end-users for infrastructure services. This will be enabled by anticipating follow-up stages along the designated innovation pathways towards deployment of cost-effective solutions.
More on target solutions through concerted cooperation and collaboration of the relevant stakeholders under the guidance of a coherent set common, long term objectives from the public infrastructure managers. This approach will ensure appropriate ‘market perspective’ for industrial suppliers’ innovation actions and initiatives.
i4Df will deliver maximum impact from innovation and implementation funding.

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