The page lists 27 deliverables related to the research project "CityxChange".
title and desprition | type | last update |
Trondheim project documentation repository including project status reports 1This report documents the organisation of regular meetings to ensure effective and efficient daily management, dialogue with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth and successful roll-out of the Trondheim demonstration projects, risk management, clarification and detailing of KPIs for the different demonstration projects, and coordination of monitoring and evaluation roll-out in cooperation with WP7. Additionally, the report details activities of coordination of local replication and scaling up with WP8, coordinating of interaction with the other LHC and FC managers in cooperation with T9.1, and LCCCs participation in extra-project activities in WPs 9 and 10 (connected to Task 5.12). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Limerick project documentation repository including project status reports 1This report documents the organisation of regular meetings to ensure effective and efficient daily management, dialogue with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth and successful roll-out of the Limerick demonstration projects, risk management, clarification and detailing of KPIs for the different demonstration projects, and coordination of monitoring and evaluation roll-out in cooperation with WP7. Additionally, the report details activities of coordination of local replication and scaling up with WP8, coordinating of interaction with the other LHC and FC managers in cooperation with T9.1, and LCCCs participation in extra-project activities in WPs 9 and 10 (connected to Task 4.12). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Report on the Flexibility MarketThis report will deliver an integrated local microgrid balancing market, to secure power distribution and grid balance connected to DPEB allowing all prosumers and consumers to participate in the Flexibility Market. In addition, a market design tool will be detailed that includes requirements for data and analytics that will constitute a digitized and standardized method that takes into account local conditions in the market design (connected to Task 2.6). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
List of targeted media and partnershipsThis report identifies the the target audiences, media channels, media partnerships, including standard texts regarding the project, a record of activities related to dissemination, and marketing and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned (connected to Task 10.1). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 1This deliverable will describe the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC-01 projects, events, workshops, and expert meetings from: EIP-SCC Action Clusters, EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities, Urban Europe Research Alliance, and the Covenant /Compact of Mayors. (connected to Tasks 9.1 and 9.2). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Monitoring and Evaluation DashboardThe M&E Dashboard is an interactive web-based system employing various methods of modelling, pattern algorithms, and analysis to build intelligence and a representation of events. The data output from the platform will be stored and managed in an M&E repository with spatial capabilities. This database will be arranged in a variety of different spatial formats for interoperability in the design of the database. Core functionality of the Dashboard includes: 1) the ability to publish web-based or mobile reporting with intuitive interactive displays that indicate the state of a performance metric compared with a goal or target value; 2) dissemination of up-to-date data from operational applications, or in conjunction with a complex-event processing engine; 3) provision of an ‘early warning’ scoring system that will assess and measure on-going impact. Finally, the system can operate as a standalone facility or through the ICT ecosystem integrated/overlayed with other interfaces or public screens (connected to Task 7.2). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes | 2020-04-02 |
Data Collation, Management and Analysis Methodology FrameworkThe report will include data collection and management guidelines, and develop and pull from other tasks technical recommendations related to Distributed Positive Energy Blocks, Community Grid, electro-Mobility-as-a-Service, storage solutions, energy trading and flexibility markets, regulatory and legal aspects; socio-economic and gender perspectives,; and spatial and urban planning to support roll-out of positive energy blocks, districts, and cities. The report will also include follow up on ICT architecture, ecosystem, and data integration and its implications and feedback from the DPs and use cases as reusable blueprints with recommendations on digitisation and big data, ICT use, data management, security, and protection. The experiences of the project partners will also be captured in the replication profiles in T8.1, and used to disseminate project experiences to EU and national stakeholders (connected to Task 7.4) and be linked to the SCIS reporting of T7.4. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Report on bankability of the demonstrated innovationsThis report will detail new business concepts and models to create the Distributed Positive Energy Blocks using new cooperation models and distributed resources including: 1) a review of the existing value chain, including directly and indirectly connected stakeholders; 2) the results of a workshop held in the first consortium meeting with all relevant Solution Providers and LHCs/FCs; 3) financing options and the cost of financing will be analysed; and the monetized value of the innovation (expressed in Return on Investment) for all stakeholders in the value chain will be assessed (connected to Task 2.7). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Project leaflet in local languagesDissemination material about the overall project will be translated and made available in all local languages of LHCs/FCs (connected to Task 10.1) Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Other | 2020-04-02 |
Project website and social mediaWebsite and social media channels set up and operational. External communication strategy and guidance complete, including standard communication templates and logos. Content available with regular updates (connected to Task 10.2). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Other | 2020-04-02 |
Report on enabling regulatory mechanisms to trial innovation in citiesThis report will map the regulations in each LHC/FC, perform a gap analysis of the demands for each of the Demonstration Projects including necessary changes and flexibility in the system, and perform feasibility assessment/state-of-the-art review of existing energy markets and models in Europe (DSO/TSO) linked to EU legislation/regulation. The experiences will be documented and integrated in a guidance package/replication handbook and will result in regulatory recommendations for how such regulatory sandboxes can be planned, designed, and implemented (connected to Task 2.1). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Reporting to the SCIS systemThe +CxC Monitoring and Evaluation database will collect all relevant data points related to the reporting requirements of the Smart Cities Information System (as specified in the KPI table). Where self-reporting features or automation are not implemented, data will be collected via data collection sheets, online surveys, or other appropriate measures. (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Other | 2020-04-02 |
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 1This report details intra-project (between +CityxChange LHCs/FCs) collaboration including preparation, results, and evaluation of study visits, peer-to-peer workshops held, and key lessons learned/disseminated (connected to Task 9.1). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Data Collection and Management Guideline Reports 1The report will include data collection and management guidelines, and develop and pull from other tasks technical recommendations related to Distributed Positive Energy Blocks, Community Grid, electro-Mobility-as-a-Service, storage solutions, energy trading and flexibility markets, regulatory and legal aspects; socio-economic and gender perspectives,and spatial and urban planning to support roll-out of positive energy blocks, districts, and cities. The report will also include follow up on ICT architecture, ecosystem, and data integration and its implications and feedback from the DPs and use cases as reusable blueprints with recommendations on digitisation and big data, ICT use, data management, security, and protection. The experiences of the project partners will also be captured in the replication profiles in T8.1, and used to disseminate project experiences to EU and national stakeholders (connected to Task 7.4) and be linked to the SCIS reporting of T7.4 Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Other | 2020-04-02 |
Data Management Plan 2This deliverable is an annual update describing how data is handled in accordance with FAIR principles. In addition, description of the processing of personal data, including Data Protection Officer appointments linked with the DMP, technical and organisational measures and anonymisation techniques to ensure privacy and data protection rights of data subjects, informed consent for data processing, and relevance of data collected will be described (connected to Task 11.6) Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Press kits about the project for each cityThis deliverable contains press kits for +CityxChange partners that include: 1) a compilation of Year 1 results, particularly for LHCs/FCs, including upcoming events, results and milestones and 2) summaries of press releases, website/social media activities, project flyers, and workshop results (connected to Task 10.1). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
+CityxChange storytelling workshops, inviting other LHCs and FCs 1This report describes the results from storytelling workshops where existing and aspiring LHCs and FCs can exchange trial-and-error experiences on how to create robust support among local politicians and stakeholders, create justifiable impacts, manage complex projects across divergent interests, goals, and needs, build targeted networks locally and internationally, support capacity and assess strengths and weaknesses, mobilize demonstration and research partners, develop IPR agreements, distribute responsibilities, create the right storyline, vision and profile for their city, and arrange successful partner workshops building on the replication profiles created in T8.1 (connected to Task 9.3). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project results 2This report includes the development, implementation and regular update of a plan for the dissemination, marketing and exploitation of +CityxChange results. The plan will include the visual identity (see also Task 10.2), the target audiences and an analysis of channels how to reach them, default texts about the project, a record of activities related to dissemination, marketing and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned. Additionally, the report details the monthly online strategic communication meetings with local dissemination managers of the LHCs and FCs as well as the activities of the local dissemination managers identifying relevant local events which can be exploited for communication of +CityxChange results and activities and updates of cities’ local websites and social media channels in English as well as local language (connected to Task 10.1). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Data Management Plan (Initial version)This deliverable describes how data is handled in accordance with FAIR principles. In addition, recruitment and informed consent procedures and templated will be included in the deliverable as per Sec 5.1. In addition, description of the processing of personal data, including Data Protection Officer appointments linked with the DMP, technical and organisational measures and anonymisation techniques to ensure privacy and data protection rights of data subjects, informed consent for data processing, and relevance of data collected (connected to Task 11.6). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Open Research Data Pilot | 2020-04-02 |
Risk Mitigation RegistryThis deliverable contains a review and update of the risk tables in the Description of Action. Including an analysis of lessons learned, new risks identified, risk avoidance measures, and mitigation measures employed, based upon ISO 31000:2018 guidelines. The report also includes a state of the art review of existing SCC-01 projects in collaboration with T9.1 in order to identify gaps in the risk management strategy and collect lessons learned from existing SCC-01 projects(connected to Task 11.5) Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Consortium Identity and TemplatesThis deliverable contains a finished visual consortium identity and guidelines for communication including default file templates and texts for use by all project partners (connected to Task 10.2). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Other | 2020-04-02 |
Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 2This report contains a semi-annual update detailing intra-project (between +CityxChange LHCs/FCs) collaboration including preparation, results, evaluation of study visits, and peer-to-peer workshops held, and key lessons learned/disseminated (connected to Task 9.1). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Risk Mitigation Registry 1This deliverable contains an annual review and update of the Risk Mitigation Registry including an analysis of lessons learned, new risks identified, risk avoidance measures, and mitigation measures employed, based upon ISO 31000:2018 guidelines (connected to Task 11.5). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 2This deliverable is a semi-annual update describing the knowledge exchange and lessons learned from other SCC-01 projects, events, workshops, and expert meetings from: EIP-SCC Action Clusters, EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities, Urban Europe Research Alliance, and the Covenant /Compact of Mayors. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Framework for Intra-Project CollaborationThis report details an open innovation framework facilitating interaction to better align goals and priorities, promote cross-cultural communication, understanding and collaboration between the partners, and speed up the learning process and iteration of results. The framework will include study visits to the lighthouse cities as well as peer-to-peer workshops using participatory design methods, forecasting, mock-ups, storyboards, future workshops, brainstorming and experience prototyping, building on the innovation playground frameworks. Finally, the report will include an ex-ante/ex-post evaluation framework of cross-cutting issues within clean energy, open innovation, gender, socio-economic science and humanities (connected to Task 9.1) Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project results 1This deliverable describes the establishment of a communication protocol that includes: 1) development, implementation and regular update of a plan of activities for the dissemination, marketing, and exploitation of +Cityxchange results; 2)target audiences; and 3) an analysis of media channels coordinated with WP11 (connected to Task 10.1). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Documents, reports | 2020-04-02 |
Reporting to the SCIS system 2This deliverable will provide all necessary datasets and reports to SCIS, extracted from the +CityxChange monitoring and evaluation system (connected to Tasks 7.3 and 7.4). Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 |
Other | 2020-04-02 |