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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SoundCombplus (The first wall-integrated, ecologic sound absorbing panel)


Bad room acoustic is an increasing concern in the modern building designs, as the long-term and repetitive form of acoustic nuisance can cause serious health issues e.g. sleep disturbance, stress, hypertension, hearing impairment and many other serious ailments. Current...


Bad room acoustic is an increasing concern in the modern building designs, as the long-term and repetitive form of acoustic nuisance can cause serious health issues e.g. sleep disturbance, stress, hypertension, hearing impairment and many other serious ailments. Current solutions for optimal room acoustics range from the use of porous material to the implementation of ceiling tiles and acoustic panels to adequately reduce noise to healthy levels. However, these conventional solutions are relatively expensive, unattractive in design and mostly made from ecologically harmful materials. In addition, they usually consume a significant amount of space, reducing substantially the room’s size. To address this problem, IDEE& DESIGN has developed SOUNDCOMB+, a natural sound absorbing 3D panel made of ecologically sustainable materials that reduces up to 95% the sound in indoor spaces. It is the first dual functional acoustic panel designed to be imbedded in the wall, resulting in a customizable aesthetic object that absorbs the annoyance sound from the room without loss of space, while avoiding sound transmission through wall insulation.

Work performed

During our feasibility study we have defined the technical specifications of the final product and assessed the manufacturing process securing the supply chain of all raw materials. We have elaborated a complete Execution Plan with a risk analysis for the development of SOUNDCOMB+. Commercially, we have performed a throughout analysis of our target market, focused mainly on the construction material segment. We have assessed potential partnership to create a commercial network to distribute SOUNDCOMB+ internationally. Moreover, we have updated our Freedom-to-Operate and evaluated our IPR strategy. Finally, on the economic side, financial forecasts, based on the most business model strategy and price policy, we have been drafted to evaluate on a 5-year-projection

Final results

SOUNDCOMB+ will provide to architects eco-friendly building elements with design flexibility and optimal acoustic performance, but will also have an impact in society improving the quality of life, well-being and comfort of the end-users, while decreasing the adverse health effects caused by indoor environmental noise.

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