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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - WASTE2GRIDS (Converting WASTE to offer flexible GRID balancing Services with highly-integrated, efficient solid-oxide plants)


The W2G project relates to the topic FCH-02-8-2018, ‘waste-stream based power-balancing plants with high efficiency, high flexibility and power-to-X capability’. The concept is expected to contribute to accommodate renewable-power in RES-dominated zones via the W2G plants...


The W2G project relates to the topic FCH-02-8-2018, ‘waste-stream based power-balancing plants with high efficiency, high flexibility and power-to-X capability’. The concept is expected to contribute to accommodate renewable-power in RES-dominated zones via the W2G plants, which first convert various types of carbon-containing wastes (e.g., industrial and municipal waste, secondary and tertiary biomass) into syngas (a mixture of H2/CO/CO2) via gasification technologies. Then, the syngas is cleaned and further conditioned (if necessary), and enters the SORC subsystem to provide the grid-balancing service, thanks to the dual functionality (fuel cell (SOFC) and electrolysis cell (SOEC)) of the highly-efficient SORC:

Considering the large challenges European countries are faced with due to the ambitious climate and environmental goals, for example increasing the share of electricity production from renewable sources, solutions need to be developed at the same time in parallel at the different stages of the value chain, from core technology and component development up to system design and integration including boundary conditions. This project can provide critical visions for the future large-scale deployment of solid-oxide cell technology, pinpoint the fastest pathways for the industrial and business realization of such large-scale plants (if feasible), and thus speed up the whole value chain to establish and enhance the leading position of EU in this field.

The overall objective of the Waste2GridS (W2G) project is to identify the most promising industrial pathways of waste gasification and solid-oxide cell (SOC) integrated power-balancing plants (W2G plants in short). The project aims are to perform a preliminary investigation on the long-term techno-economic feasibility of the W2G plants to meet different grid-balancing needs and to identify several promising business cases with necessary preconditions.

Work performed

\"During the first half of the project, the four objectives have been accomplished as planned: the grid balancing needs, the waste availability, optimal plant design, and the upscale strategy.

The investigation of the grid-balancing needs has been completed as D1.2. Six potential RES dominated zones were identified as given in the figure \"\"grid balancing summary\"\". After the quantification of the perspective power balancing needs in 2030, four of these zones (DK1, DK2 and Bornholm in Denmark and SUD in Italy) have shown significant balancing needs. The analysis of all four zones, as shown in the figure \"\"grid balancing summary\"\", has concluded that the maximum capacity of UP/DOWN regulations at 2030 was 4042/7900 MW for DK1, 2812/2250 MW for DK2, 43/114 for Bornholm island, 4937/2567 MW. The distribution of the operating hours for different capacities is quite different for the four zones with the operating hour share of UP/DOWN regulation being 38/62% for DK1, 79/21% for DK2, 55/45% for Bornholm island, and 86/14% for SUD.

The sustainable potential of organic waste and residual biomass available for the four RES-dominated zones was quantified in D1.2 for 2030. Four different aggregations of Biomass have been evaluated: Agriculture Residues (Straw and Pruning), Forest (net increment and residues), MSW (organic, wood and paper fraction) and Bio-Waste. Denmark is divided into 3 RES-Dominated zones with the 2030 biomass base potential for forest residues of around 1850 k.t. d.m, agriculture residues of 1484 k.t. d.m, biowaste of 1931 k.t. d.m. Italy southern regions ‘in-around’ SUD (the identified zone) have the 2030 annual base potential of 826,384 t.d.m straw, 1,221,102 t.d.m Prunings, 3,317,461 tons of forest increment, an additional stream of 1,287,385 tons of MSW organic fraction. All wastes distributions have been provided as visualized in the figure \"\"waste example\"\" (with high resolution up to 100 m).

The optimal plant design is investigated in D2.1 based on a well-established optimization methodology with an improved W2G plant concept with three operating modes: power generation (PowGen), power storage (PowSto) and power neutral (PowNeu) modes. The major conclusions of the analysis of optimal conceptual designs illustrated in the figure \"\"plant design summary\"\" are: (1) The plant efficiencies of most optimal conceptual designs are within 20 – 45% for the PowGen mode, 40 – 70% for the PowSto mode, and 20 – 45% for the PowNeu mode. Depending on the plant design, the CAPEX can vary between 20 – 40 M€ (for 20 MWth biomass energy input), thus highlighting the importance of incorporating plant design optimization to identify economic-optimal case studies. The FICFB layout options can achieve slightly higher efficiency for both PowGen (45 – 50%) and PowSto (70 – 75%) modes.

Six different plant designs approximately evenly distributed in the figure \"\"plant design summary\"\" were then fed to WT1.3 in order to roughly estimate whether the balancing needs identified in D1.1 can be supported by the available wastes identified in D1.2 for the identified four zones. It is concluded that in most cases the amount of waste and residues is enough to meet the DOWN regulations. Only in DK1, it was not sufficient due to the large excess renewable power. For the UP regulation, the residues were enough for 2 of the 4 zones selected (DK1 and Bornholm), while for DK2 and SUD the residues and waste are not enough to generate all the electricity needed by the power grid. The potential capacity for deploying the W2G plants is impressive, with the order of magnitude of the few GWh of electricity produced or stored per year for DK1, DK2 and SUD, and tens of MWh for Bornholm.

The upscaling strategy of the RSOC systems has been fully completed in D3.1, which investigated a possible pathway for the upscale of SORC systems to meet the multi-MW market via the opportunities at different levels: cell size (figure \"\"upscaling strategy\"\" left), mult\"

Final results

The information from Section 2.1 of the DoA is still relevant. Most of the impacts will be achieved in the second half of the project in line with the accomplishment of relevant deliverables. Up to now, only the second impact point has been partially realized by the submission of D2.1.

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