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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CSA-Industy4.E (Coordination and Support Action for Industry4.E)


The digitalisation of industry - labelled the 4th Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 – is rapidly transforming all stages of the production value chain globally. Advances in robotics, data collection, cybersecurity and other technologies are creating increasingly...


The digitalisation of industry - labelled the 4th Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 – is rapidly transforming all stages of the production value chain globally. Advances in robotics, data collection, cybersecurity and other technologies are creating increasingly efficient, sustainable, flexible and tailored manufacturing processes. If exploited, these technologies could create huge growth in European industries, enabling production of innovative and highly tailored end products for citizens in a cost, energy, resource and time efficient way. The Industry4.E Lighthouse is a new ECSEL-JU initiative, set up to coordinate and link Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) activities, and to subsequently help European industry achieve digital transition and strengthen Europe’s competitiveness.
CSA-Industry4.E, is an EU, ECSEL-JU and nationally funded project, which brings together a select team of experts from across Europe, to promote the Industry4.E Lighthouse vision of greater interaction and cooperation between stakeholders from across digital industry. These stakeholders include industry, SMEs, research institutes, universities, policymakers, and end users. Uptake of results from pioneering research projects will be accelerated through targeted activities, addressing major challenges across the EU. The CSA-Industry4.E project also provides for strategic planning initiatives in raising public awareness and stakeholders\' outreach to the general public. CSA-Industry4.E approaches include a mix of mapping work, expert groups, workshops, campaigns and online tools to be expanded throughout the project. This holistic approach aims to fully realise, develop and expand project impacts and enhance European capability, capacity and competitiveness for the future digitalisation of industry.

Work performed

To date CSA-Industry4.E has:
1. Identified overlaps, complementarity and added value regarding relevant roadmaps, programmes, activities and project. An extensive review of relevant activities in Europe has been carried out, identifying overlaps, complementarity and added value with the Electronic Components & Systems Strategic Research Agenda (ECS SRA). The analysis has been performed with two goals in mind:
• Identify possible overlap and synergies between the ECS SRA (ECSEL MASP) and other relevant initiatives.
• Identify the commonalities, overlaps and complementarities among the projects of the lighthouse in order to stimulate synergies between projects.
2. Supported the LIASE in developing a strategy for engaging the different research communities in collaboration.
• Facilitating interaction between projects and between stakeholders, promoting best practice in addressing cross-cutting issues.
• Stimulating cooperation on technical and operational levels.
• Elaborating the added value of Industry4.E and stimulate the participation of SMEs.
3. Supported Industry4.E research projects internal needs. We have engaged Industry4.E projects, to provide them with support and assistance to effectively exploit the project results, transfer knowledge, measure impact and communicate successes.
4. Developed and started to implement a public engagement and outreach strategy to raise the visibility of Industry4.E to the broader public and related initiatives. The aim is to ensure maximum visibility of Industry4.E both within the public consciousness, as well as the wider stakeholder community, by pursuing a strategy emphasising outreach, accessibility, connectedness and tangible, beneficial impacts.
A suite of promotional material has been developed to help communicate Industry4.E. In addition, where possible materials developed by the Industry4.E Lighthouse projects will also be used to promote Industry4.E. As a first step to establishing links to related initiatives, hubs, clusters and projects, we have been promoting the Industry4.E Lighthouse at a number of events including (IndTech2018, EFECS2018, Basque industry 4.0 (Nov 2018), ICT2018 (Dec 2018), Irish Manufacturing Expo (Jan 2019), Productive4.0 meeting (Mar 2019), ARTEMIS IA Technology Conference (Apr 2019), Factories of the Future Community Days (May 2019), ECSEL-JU Symposium (June 2019)). Similarly, we have been promoting the Industry4.E Lighthouse (including all the Industry4.E Lighthouse projects and their results) through our website and through Twitter

Final results

CSA-Industy4.E is a Coordination Support Action (CSA) supporting and facilitating the goals of the Industry4.E Lighthouse Initiative through proactive actions designed to promote an environment in which projects and stakeholders can more readily network, interact and cooperate. By identifying and capitalising on complementary opportunities in strategic planning, networking and coordination between initiatives across Europe, this CSA will help Industry4.E related projects and programmes achieve their full synergistic potential. Additionally, by improving dissemination, public awareness, communications, and standardisation, the CSA will help raise the profile of Industry4.E issues and so create a culture in which the 4th Industrial Revolution may thrive.

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