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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CivDrone (CivDrone – fast, remote and reliable staking solution)


Construction follows precise blueprints and instructions. When the project plan is implemented in the real-world site, the land surveyor places physical markers, also known as stakes, according to the general contractor’s construction plan. The staked reference points...


Construction follows precise blueprints and instructions. When the project plan is implemented in the real-world site, the land surveyor places physical markers, also known as stakes, according to the general contractor’s construction plan. The staked reference points include instructions of the works that needs to be done – for instance how deep to dig in order to place the pipeline in the right depth. Most construction tasks require physical staking, even simple tasks such as placing the road railing and sidewalk. Physical staking is a laborious and time-consuming job that presents multiple drawbacks such as inefficiency, high cost and human error. CivDrone has developed a solution to achieve physical staking with higher efficiency and at a lower cost, and reducing the amount of marking and measurement mistakes caused by human error.

Work performed

During the Feasibility Study, CivDrone has completed a full analysis of the technical and business potential of their CivDrone system. Throughout the project, CivDrone has greatly expanded it\'s knowledge regarding the industrial validation and regulatory approval required for the European market launch.

Final results

CivDrone\'s main advantage with comparison to competing solutions (both traditional and robot-based), CivDrone\'s main advantage is it\'s autonomous staking and measurement ability. CivDrone will significantly improve the quality and productivity of work performed by professionals in the construction industry (e.g. with regard to roads, railways, pipelines, ports and energy plants)

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