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Horizon2020 projects coordinated by "TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET KAISERSLAUTERN"

# project acronym  year  total cost  totalcontribution 
1 VICINITY Open virtual neighbourhood network to connect intelligent buildings and smart objects 2016 7˙499˙007.00 7˙499˙007.00
2 ENRICO Enrichment of Components at Interfaces and Mass Transfer in Fluid Separation Technologies 2016 2˙498˙750.00 2˙498˙750.00
3 SUPERMAGNONICS Supercurrents of Magnon Condensates for Advanced Magnonics 2016 2˙443˙437.00 2˙443˙437.00
4 AV-SMP Algorithmic Verification of String Manipulating Programs 2017 1˙496˙687.00 1˙496˙687.00
5 RE-CITY Reviving shrinking cities – innovative paths and perspectives towards livability for shrinkingcities in Europe 2018 3˙306˙379.00 3˙306˙379.00
6 ENGAGES Next generation algorithms for grabbing and exploiting symmetry 2019 1˙999˙094.00 1˙999˙094.00

More Horizon 2020 projects

The Institution TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET KAISERSLAUTERN has been involved also in the following Horizon 2020 projects.