# | ||||
1 | LOBFRAM Lobbying and framing in foreign policy. EU and member states’ foreign policies towards Israel and Palestine | 2015 | 173˙076.00 | 173˙076.00 |
2 | SOWELL Social Preferences, Well-Being and Policy | 2015 | 1˙569˙820.00 | 1˙569˙820.00 |
3 | FFABFORCE The Free French and the British Forces: a case study of transnational military cooperation, 1940-1945 | 2016 | 173˙076.00 | 173˙076.00 |
4 | EUROSOCIAL Connected Transitions: Social Democratic Party Networks and the Crisis of the Keynesian Compromise in Europe | 2017 | 173˙076.00 | 173˙076.00 |
5 | WORK-CHRIST The Young Christian Workers Movement and the radicalization of Social Conflict in Mediterranean Europe: France, Italy and Spain (1963-1978) | 2017 | 173˙076.00 | 173˙076.00 |
6 | SOCSEMICS Socio-Semantic Bubbles of Internet Communities | 2018 | 1˙760˙037.00 | 1˙760˙037.00 |
7 | CAREANDWORK Male Family Caregiver’s Well-being: Balancing Work and Long-Term Care in France and Japan | 2018 | 185˙076.00 | 185˙076.00 |
8 | NUCLEAR Nuclear Weapons ChoicesGoverning vulnerabilities between past and future | 2018 | 1˙480˙145.00 | 1˙480˙145.00 |
9 | ANTICORPOL New dimensions and approaches to anti-corruption policy | 2018 | 173˙076.00 | 173˙076.00 |
10 | SNNO Strategic Narrative of Nuclear Order | 2019 | 184˙707.00 | 184˙707.00 |
11 | SLAVEVOICES Slave Testimonies in the Abolition Era. European Captives, African Slaves and Ottoman servants in 19th century North Africa | 2019 | 1˙999˙975.00 | 1˙999˙975.00 |
12 | MEDPOL The fourth estate? media, frames and political behaviour towards the EU in comparative perspective | 2019 | 196˙707.00 | 196˙707.00 |
13 | VOICED VOtIng Citizens and the Ethics of Democracy | 2019 | 184˙707.00 | 184˙707.00 |
14 | REDEM Reconstructing Democracy in Times of Crisis: A Voter-Centred Perspective | 2019 | 1˙496˙783.00 | 1˙495˙783.00 |
15 | EQUIPRICE Equilibrium methods for Resource Allocations and Dynamic Pricing | 2020 | 1˙809˙595.00 | 1˙809˙595.00 |
The Institution FONDATION NATIONALE DES SCIENCES POLITIQUES has been involved also in the following Horizon 2020 projects.