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H2020 projects about "longue"

The page lists 15 projects related to the topic "longue".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ABANDONMENT People under Pressure: Settlement Abandonment and Human Responses to Environmental and Socio-Economic Stress during the Medieval and Post-Medieval Periods 2016
2 PLANTCULT Identifying the food cultures of ancient Europe: an interdisciplinary investigation of plant ingredients, culinary transformation and evolution through time 2016
3 ATLANTIC_ANGOLA Race, Church, and Colonial Government in the Atlantic: the case of Angola in the age of Enlightenment 2017
4 ARTEFACT The Global as Artefact: Understanding the Patterns of Global Political History Through an Anthropology of Knowledge -- The Case of Agriculture in Four Global Systems from the Neolithic to the Present 2017
5 PAIXUE Classicising learning in medieval imperial systems: Cross-cultural approaches to Byzantine paideia and Tang/Song xue 2017
6 AlchemEast Alchemy in the Making: From ancient Babylonia via Graeco-Roman Egypt into the Byzantine, Syriac and Arabic traditions (1500 BCE - 1000 AD) 2017
7 SurvCom Surveilling Communities: Public office holders and popular control in Southern Europe (13th-15th century) 2018
8 TerrACE Terrace Archaeology and Culture in Europe 2018
9 DIVLAW How God Became a Lawgiver: The Place of the Torah in Ancient Near Eastern Legal History 2020
10 YARNSCAPE YARNSCAPE: Ecological Economies of Ancient Textiles 2020
11 TRANSLATIO 'Translatio.’ The art of (re)moving relics and reforming holiness in Europe’s borderlands. 2020
12 Gentime Eschatological time as women’s time? Gendered temporality and female holiness in Early Christianity and Byzantium 2019
13 JustCity The Just City: The Ciceronian Conception of Justice and Its Reception in the Western Tradition 2020
14 CHANGE CHANGE. The development of the monetary economy of ancient Anatolia, c. 630-30 BC. 2020
15 LyrA Lyric Authority: Editing and Rewriting Dante’s Lyric Poetry (14th – 16th c.) 2020