The page lists 38 projects related to the topic "pollination".
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1 | BIG4 | BIG4 - Biosystematics, Informatics and Genetics of the big 4 insect groups: training tomorrow's researchers and entrepreneurs | 2015 |
2 | FlyHigh | Insect-plant relationships: insights into biodiversity and new applications | 2015 |
3 | HiDDaProTImA | High-dimensional data processing: from theory to imaging applications | 2016 |
4 | KinCoop | Do plants cooperate in reproduction? The effect of sharing pollination services on plant reproductive strategies | 2015 |
5 | MEPOL | The role of plant primary and secondary metabolism in pollination | 2015 |
6 | SIAM | Sex-Specific Interactions in Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in an Ecological Community Context | 2015 |
7 | FLORALWOOD | Selecting non-crop flowering plants for enhancing natural enemies of crop pests in agro ecosystems under climate change perspective | 2016 |
8 | MICRO4BEE | A sustainable organic solution for bees decline | 2016 |
9 | BeeSymOverSpace | How to help the hive? Incidence and impact of heritable microbes on bee health | 2016 |
10 | MIGRAGEN | The genetic and environmental basis of migration in the marmalade hoverfly | 2016 |
11 | FLORADAPT | Plant resilience and floral adaptation to pollinator change during a range expansion | 2016 |
12 | TRIM | Vulnerable trait-combinations in corals and fishes and their management | 2017 |
13 | DRiveR | How does dopamine link QMP with reproductive repression to mediate colony harmony and productivity in the honeybee? | 2018 |
14 | HELICOID | Bio-inspired helicoidal multilayers for photonic innovation | 2017 |
15 | IoBee | Beehive health IoT application to fight Honey Bee Colony Mortality | 2017 |
16 | HApi | HApi - Hyperthermia in Apculture - A new product against the Deformed Wing Virus of honey bees. | 2017 |
17 | RESPEC | Reconstruction of Pollinator-Mediated Speciation by Identification and Substitution of Causative Mutations | 2017 |
18 | Biocrete | Biocrete – Bio-inspired bacteria-based stress-responsive concrete. | 2017 |
19 | BEEOXAL | Treatment against honeybee varroosis based on highly effective application of oxalic acid through sublimation | 2017 |
20 | NO PROBleMS | Nourishing PRObiotics to Bees to Mitigate Stressors | 2018 |
21 | BEE LABEL | Bee Label: A new remote beehive surveillance for better bee health and secured pollination | 2018 |
22 | DEFPOLL | Origins of trait diversity in flowering plants: understanding interactions between plant defence and pollination using molecular, phenotypic and ecological studies of natural selection | 2018 |
23 | TEMPNET | Climate change and phenology: long-term temporal dynamics of mutualistic ecological networks | 2018 |
24 | PoshBee | Pan-european assessment, monitoring, and mitigation Of Stressors on the Health of BEEs | 2018 |
25 | SAMS | SAMS - International Partnership on Innovation in Smart Apiculture Management Services (Apiculture = Beekeeping) | 2018 |
27 | BEF 2.0 | Bee Ethic Frames 2.0 a disruptive technology in Apiculture | 2018 |
28 | WarmHive | SMART thermotherapy solution for varroa mite treatment. | 2019 |
29 | FOG | Frequency protector generator for honeybees | 2019 |
30 | BeeHome | Automated beekeeping platform powered by AI that increases honey production by 50%, reduces labour use by 90%, and reduces colony loss by 80%. | 2019 |
31 | DrivenByPollinators | Driven by mutualists: how declines in pollinators impact plant communities and ecosystemfunctioning | 2019 |
32 | V-eliminator | V-eliminator, innovative solution for varroa fighting | 2019 |
33 | PERCEPSION | Sexual selection in plants: testing new ideas on the perception of the mating environment and on the mate choice physiology | 2020 |
34 | FAB | Functional Agricultural Biodiversity : Optimising ecosystem service provision via functional agricultural biodiversity | 2019 |
35 | hivepoll | Polling beehives to monitor parasitic infestations and gather pollination information | 2019 |
36 | HIVE-TECH | Artificial Intelligence revolution in beekeeping sector: the “Internet of Bees” | 2019 |
37 | FoodE | Food Systems in European Cities | 2020 |
38 | Pollenity | Introducing the Internet of Bees: A Smart Beehive System | 2020 |