The page lists 17 projects related to the topic "processes".
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1 | EVOluTION | European Vascular Interventions and Therapeutic Innovation Network | 2016 |
2 | IDEA | Island Diversity from an Eco-evolutionary Approach | 2016 |
3 | BEND | Bendable Bioplatform for Electrically stimulated Neuronal Differentiation | 2016 |
5 | OMPorg | Spatiotemporal organisation of bacterial outer membrane proteins | 2017 |
6 | COMPASS | COMPASS: Climate-relevant Ocean Measurements and Processes on the Antarctic continental Shelf and Slope | 2017 |
7 | DEVOMIND | How do infants mentalize? Bringing a neuroimaging approach to the puzzle of early mindreading. | 2018 |
8 | AMBER | Dating fossils with molecules – innovative approach to determine the age of Baltic AMBER | 2018 |
9 | DYNOS | The coupled dynamics of Southern Ocean climate change | 2018 |
10 | MIMe | The multisensory dimension of memory, from single neuron to neural network. A multiscale electrophysiological approach to reveal the mechanism of face-voice association for person identity recognition | 2018 |
11 | ATTACK | Pressured to Attack: How Carrying-Capacity Stress Creates and Shapes Intergroup Conflict | 2018 |
12 | RE-CITY | Reviving shrinking cities – innovative paths and perspectives towards livability for shrinkingcities in Europe | 2018 |
13 | FIAT | The Foundations of Institutional AuThority: a multi-dimensional model of the separation of powers | 2020 |
14 | SDN-microSENSE | SDN - microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm | 2019 |
15 | DGLC | Domain-general language control: Evidence from the switching paradigm | 2019 |
16 | PTEROSOR | PT-symmetric electronic structure theory | 2020 |
17 | DEEP-MAPS | Deep Earth Mantle Phase Transition Maps: Studied by Time-Resolved Experiments | 2020 |