Explore the words cloud of the PROSPECT project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "PROSPECT" about.
The following table provides information about the project.
Coordinator |
Organization address contact info |
Coordinator Country | Spain [ES] |
Project website | http://www.prospect-project.eu |
Total cost | 6˙931˙978 € |
EC max contribution | 6˙931˙978 € (100%) |
Programme |
1. H2020-EU.3.4. (SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Smart, Green And Integrated Transport) |
Code Call | H2020-MG-2014_TwoStages |
Funding Scheme | RIA |
Starting year | 2015 |
Duration (year-month-day) | from 2015-05-01 to 2018-10-31 |
Take a look of project's partnership.
The past decade has seen significant progress on active pedestrian safety, as a result of advances in video and radar technology. In the intelligent vehicle domain, this has recently culminated in the market introduction of first-generation active pedestrian safety systems, which can perform autonomous emergency braking (AEB-PED) in case of critical traffic situations. PROSPECT will significantly improve the effectiveness of active VRU safety systems compared to those currently on the market. This will be achieved in two complementary ways: (a) by expanded scope of VRU scenarios addressed and (b) by improved overall system performance (earlier and more robust detection of VRUs, proactive situation analysis, and fast actuators combined with new intervention strategies for collision avoidance).
PROSPECT targets five key objectives: i. Better understanding of relevant VRU scenarios ii. Improved VRU sensing and situational analysis iii. Advanced HMI and vehicle control strategies iv. Four vehicle demonstrators, a mobile driving simulator and a realistic bicycle dummy demonstrator v. Testing in realistic traffic scenarios and user acceptance study
The consortium includes the majority of European OEMs (Audi, BMW, DAIMLER, TME and Volvo Cars) currently offering AEB systems for VRU. They are keen to introduce the next generation systems into the market. BOSCH and CONTI will contribute with next generation components and intervention concepts. Video algorithms will be developed by UoA and DAIMLER. Driver interaction aspects (HMI) are considered by UoN and IFSTTAR. Euro NCAP test labs (IDIADA, BAST, TNO) will define and validate test procedures and propose standardization to Euro NCAP and UN-ECE. Accident research will be performed by Chalmers, VTI and BME, based on major in-depth accident databases (GIDAS and IGLAD) and complemented by East Europe data. The work will be done in cooperation with experts in Japan (JARI, NTSEL) and the US (VTTI, UMTRI, NHTSA).
Final Workshop and Showcase Event | Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Assessment of safety systems including socio-economic evaluation | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Report on simulator test results and driver acceptance of PROSPECT functions | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Report on vehicle-based functional tests | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Advanced HMI and vehicle control concepts for VRU active safety | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
VRU Motion and Intent Modelling, Situation Analysis and Collision Risk Estimation | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Update of test protocol as a proposal for consumer testing | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Vehicle demonstrators | Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Mobile simulator | Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Report on methodology for balancing user acceptance, robustness and performance | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Realistic bicycle dummy demonstrator | Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Obstacle detection, VRU classification and tracking | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Sensor fusion | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:24 |
Policy support strategy document | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:23 |
Accident Analysis, Naturalistic Driving Studies and Project Implications | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:23 |
The addressed VRU scenarios within PROSPECT and associated test catalogue | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:23 |
Specification of the PROSPECT demonstrators | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:23 |
Test protocol as a proposal for consumer testing | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:23 |
Project Identity and Website | Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. | 2019-10-16 14:41:23 |
Specification of User Needs and Functional Requirements | Documents, reports | 2019-10-16 14:41:23 |
Take a look to the deliverables list in detail: detailed list of PROSPECT deliverables.
year | authors and title | journal | last update |
2018 |
Julia Bräutigam, Alvaro Esquer Trajectory derivation from NDS for more realistic consumer testing scenarios published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
7th International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC2018) | 2019-10-16 |
2017 |
Krebs, S., Duraisamy, B., & Flohr, F. A survey on leveraging deep neural networks for object tracking. published pages: pp. 411-418, ISSN: , DOI: |
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2017 | 2019-10-16 |
2018 |
Bálint, A; Kovaceva, J. A new framework for modelling road-user interaction and evaluating active safety systems published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
7th International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC2018) | 2019-10-16 |
2019 |
Julian F. P. Kooij, Fabian Flohr, Ewoud A. I. Pool, Dariu M. Gavrila Context-Based Path Prediction for Targets with Switching Dynamics published pages: , ISSN: 0920-5691, DOI: 10.1007/s11263-018-1104-4 |
International Journal of Computer Vision | 2019-10-16 |
2018 |
Large, D.R., Burnett, G., Salanitri, D., Harvey, C., Antrobus, V., Bruyas, M.P., Jaussein, M. Using Naturalistic Simulation to Evaluate Driver Acceptance of the PROSPECT Proactive Safety System for Cyclists published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
7th International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC2018) | 2019-10-16 |
2018 |
M. Li, Z. Feng, M. Stolz, M. Kunert, R. Henze, F. Küçükay High Resolution Radar-Based Occupancy Grid Mapping and Free Space Detection published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems - VEHITS | 2019-10-16 |
2016 |
Braun, M., Rao, Q., Wang, Y., & Flohr, F. Pose-RCNN: Joint object detection and pose estimation using 3D object proposals. published pages: pp. 1546-1551, ISSN: , DOI: |
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2016 | 2019-10-16 |
2018 |
Martin Stolz, Maximilian Wolf, Frank Meinl, Martin Kunert, Wolfgang Menzel A New Antenna Array and Signal Processing Concept for an Automotive 4D Radar published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
EUMW 2018 | 2019-10-16 |
2018 |
Jordi Bargallo, Johann Stoll, Martin Kunert, Fabian, Maxim Arbitmann, Gary Burnett, Dariu Gavrila, Ilona Cieslik, Patrick Seiniger Next Generation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems towards the protection of Vulnerable Road Users - cyclists and pedestrians. The project PROSPECT (PROactive Safety for PEdestrians and CyclisTs) published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
JSAE Annual Congress | 2019-10-16 |
2018 |
Bálint, A; Kovaceva, J. A new framework for modelling road-user interaction and evaluating active safety systems published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
7th International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC2018) | 2019-10-16 |
2019 |
David R. Large, Hyungil Kim, Coleman Merenda, Samantha Leong, Catherine Harvey, Gary Burnett, Joseph Gabbard Investigating the effect of urgency and modality of pedestrian alert warnings on driver acceptance and performance published pages: 11-24, ISSN: 1369-8478, DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2018.09.028 |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 60 | 2019-10-16 |
2017 |
M. Li High-Resolution Radar Based Environment Perception and Maneuver Planning published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
- Automated Driving, future Mobility & Digitalization ADFD International Symposium | 2019-10-16 |
2017 |
David R. Large, Gary Burnett, Coleman Merenda, Hyungil Kim, Joseph L. Gabbard, Samantha Leong Did You See Me? Assessing Perceptual vs. Real Driving. Gains Across Multi-Modal Pedestrian Alert Systems published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’17) | 2019-10-16 |
2017 |
Large, D. R., Harvey, C., Burnett, G., Merenda, C., Leong, S., Gabbard, J. Exploring the Relationship Between False Alarms and Driver Acceptance of a Pedestrian Alert System During Simulated Driving. Road Safety and Simulation International Conference published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
2018 |
Large, D.R., Khan, J., Burnett, G. Fostering Trust and Acceptance of a Collision Avoidance System through Retrospective Feedback published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
6th Humanist Conference | 2019-10-16 |
2018 |
David R. Large, Victoria Banks, Catherine Harvey, Gary Burnett Towards a Predictive Model of Driver Acceptance of Active Collision Avoidance Systems published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
The Transport Research Arena Conference | 2019-10-16 |
2018 |
Andres Aparicio, Ilona Cieslik, Johann Stoll, Martin Kunert, Fabian Flohr, Maxim Arbitmann, Thomas Wimmer, Julia Bräutigan, Dariu Gavrila Advancing Active Safety towards the Protection of Vulnerable Road Users by Evolution of ADAS Solutions that Meet Real-World Deployment Challenges: The Project PROSPECT published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1222119 |
2019-10-16 | |
2016 |
A. Glás and J. Juhász. Car-pedestrian and car-cyclist accidents in Hungary published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
2019-10-16 | |
2016 |
I. Gohl, A. Schneider, J. Stoll, M. Wisch, V. Nitsch Car-to-cyclist accidents from the car driver’s point of view published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
2019-10-16 | |
2017 |
The 25th International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) | 2019-10-16 |
2016 |
Large, D.R., Harvey, C., Burnett, G., de Hair-Buijssen, S. Understanding the cues and characteristics which indicate and affect a cyclist’s future path: A focus group study in the UK and Netherlands published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
2019-10-16 | |
2017 |
Patrick Seiniger, Adrian Hellmann, Oliver Bartels, Irene Gohl, NEXT-GENERATION Active Safety and Testing: The Horizon 2020 Project PROSPECT published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
The 25th International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) | 2019-10-16 |
2016 |
Andrés Aparicio, Applus IDIADA PROactive Safety for PEdestrians and CyclisTs published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
EUCAR Project Book 2016-2017 | 2019-10-16 |
2017 |
Ilona Cieslik, IDIADA EUCAR Project Book 2018 published pages: 33, ISSN: , DOI: |
2019-10-16 | |
2016 |
F. Meinl, M. Kunert and H. Blume. Hardware Acceleration of Maximum-Likelihood Angle Estimation for Automotive MIMO Radars. published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
2019-10-16 | |
2017 |
Ewoud A. I. Pool, Julian F. P. Kooij, Dariu M. Gavrila Using Road Topology to Improve Cyclist Path Prediction published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) | 2019-10-16 |
2016 |
L. LevulytÄ—, D. Baranyai, Ã. Török, E. Sokolovskij Bicycles’ roles in road accidents – a review of literature published pages: , ISSN: 1407-6179, DOI: |
Transport and Telecommunication Journal | 2019-10-16 |
2016 |
M. Kunert, M. Stolz, F. Meinl Herausforderungen, Migrationspfade und Zukunftstechnologien auf dem Weg hin zum vollautomatisierten Fahren Perspektiven und Sichtweisen aus dem Blickwinkel eines Automobilradars published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
2019-10-16 | |
2017 |
Andrés Aparicio, Laura Sanz, Gary Burnett, Hans Stoll, Maxim Arbitmann, Martin Kunert, Fabian Flohr, Patrick Seiniger, Dariu Gavrila ADVANCING ACTIVE SAFETY TOWARDS THE PROTECTION OF VULNERABLE ROAD USERS: THE PROSPECT PROJECT published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
The 25th International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) | 2019-10-16 |
2017 |
Marie-Pierre Bruyas, Andrés Aparicio, Miklós Kózel, Sébastien Ambellouis, Céline Estraillier, Fabien Moreau, Laura Sanz, Joan Costa, Tamás Soltész, Miklós Bánfi NATURALISTIC OBSERVATIONS TO INVESTIGATE CONFLICTS BETWEEN DRIVERS AND VRUS IN THE PROSPECT PROJECT published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
The 25th International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) | 2019-10-16 |
2015 |
Andrés Aparicio, Applus IDIADA PROactive Safety for PEdestrians and CyclisTs published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
EUCAR Project Book 2015-2016 | 2019-10-16 |
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The information about "PROSPECT" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.