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H2020 projects about "detection"

The page lists 1533 projects related to the topic "detection".

# achronym  title  year 
1 UTOFIA Underwater Time Of Flight Image Acquisition system 2015
2 DiaChemo Point-of-care microfluidic device for quantification of chemotherapeutic drugs in small body fluid samples by highly selective nanoparticle extraction and liquid crystal detection 2015
3 DIAGORAS Chair/bedside diagnosis of oral and respiratory tract infections, and identification of antibiotic resistances for personalised monitoring and treatment 2015
4 B-CAST Breast CAncer STratification: understanding the determinants of risk and prognosis of molecular subtypes 2015
5 SPENmr Ultrafast Spatiotemporally-Encoding: A Superior Approach to Cancer Diagnosis by Non-Invasive Diffusion-Weighted MRI 2015
6 ULTRAPLACAD ULTRAsensitive PLAsmonic devices for early CAncer Diagnosis 2015
7 ENSAT-HT Application of omics-based strategies for improved diagnosis and treatment of endocrine hypertension 2015
8 PHOCNOSIS Advanced nanophotonic point-of-care analysis device for fast and early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases 2015
9 FAPIC Fast Assay for Pathogen Identification and Characterisation 2015
10 PROSPECT PROactive Safety for PEdestrians and CyclisTs 2015
11 PoC-ID Platform for ultra-sensitive Point-of-Care diagnostics for Infectious Diseases 2015
13 ICare Integrating Technology into Mental Health Care Delivery in Europe 2015
14 XCYCLE Advanced measures to reduce cyclists' fatalities and increase comfort in the interaction with motorised vehicles 2015
15 ComBoNDT Quality assurance concepts for adhesive bonding of aircraft composite structures by advanced NDT 2015
16 iCspec in-line Cascade laser spectrometer for process control 2015
17 HEARTOFSTROKE The heart of stroke: Pipes, Perfusion, Parenchyma 2015
18 COMPUCELL Autonomous Cellular Computers for Diagnosis 2015
19 NanoSOFT Fluid transport at the nano- and meso- scales : from fundamentals to applications in energy harvesting and desalination process 2015
20 ASTROROT Unraveling interstellar chemistry with broadband microwave spectroscopy and next-generation telescope arrays 2015
21 MoNaLISA Long-term molecular nanoscale imaging of neuronal function 2015
22 NewAve New avenues towards solving the dark matter puzzle 2015
23 COALA Comprehensive molecular characterization of secondary organic aerosol formation in the atmosphere 2015
24 CUSTOM-SENSE Custom-made biosensors – Accelerating the transition to a bio-based economy 2015
25 IMAGINE Imaging magnetic fields at the nanoscale with a single spin microscope 2015
26 SMIRP Silicon mid-infrared photodetectors 2014
27 SPICES Space-borne observations for detecting and forecasting sea ice cover extremes 2015
28 INSIGHT New chemical detection methods based on NMR and nanoparticles 2015
29 SIMDEQ SIngle Molecule DEtection and Quantification (SIMDEQ): A new platform for genetic and epigenetic analysis 2014
30 A CACTUS Antibody-free method for Counting All Circulating TUmour cellS while maintaining them alive and intact 2015
31 FEXFEM On a free open source extreme scale finite element software 2015
32 IQCC Integrated quantum correlation counter 2015
33 FOSTER ITS First Operational, Secured and Trusted galilEo Receiver for ITS 2015
34 GHOST Galileo EnHancement as BoOster of the Smart CiTies 2015
35 MISTRALE Monitoring of SoIl moiSture and wateR-flooded Areas for agricuLture and Environment 2015
36 NextGenVis Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists for the benefit of innovation in health care and high-tech industry 2015
37 ClickGene Click Chemistry for Future Gene Therapies to Benefit Citizens, Researchers and Industry 2015
38 NABBA Design and development of advanced NAnomedicines to overcome Biological BArriers and to treat severe diseases 2015
39 MET-A-FOR Metabolomic analysis for the forensic detection of drugs of abuse in performance and food producing animals 2015
40 Mid-TECH Infrared sensing made visible: Combining infrared light sources and upconversion sensors for improved sensitivity in medical applications and gas analysis 2015
41 PUFF Pulsed valves: Fast Forward 2015
42 BRAINVIEW Integrated view on disruptions of early brain development 2015
43 COMPARE COllaborative Management Platform for detection and Analyses of (Re-)emerging and foodborne outbreaks in Europe 2014
44 FRESHER FoResight and Modelling for European HEalth Policy and Regulation 2015
45 eNHANCE eNHANCE - intention based enhancement of reaching and grasping in physically disabled people - personalized to maximize user performance 2015
46 SNIFFPHONE Smart Phone for Disease Detection from Exhaled Breath 2015
47 MIREGAS Programmable multi-wavelength Mid-IR source for gas sensing 2015
48 HEAT Homomorphic Encryption Applications and Technology 2015
49 Flourish Aerial Data Collection and Analysis, and Automated Ground Intervention for Precision Farming 2015
50 SAPHELY Self-amplified photonic biosensing platform for microRNA-based early diagnosis of diseases 2015
51 SWEEPER Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot 2015
52 TraMOOC Translation for Massive Open Online Courses 2015
53 PRISAR Preclinical Intra-Operative Image-Guided Surgery and Post-Operative Radiotherapy of Tumours 2015
54 smart-MEMPHIS Smart MEMs Piezo based energy Harvesting with Integrated Supercapacitor and packaging 2014
55 SCISSOR Security In trusted SCADA and smart-grids 2015
56 POSEIDON Plasmonic-based autOmated lab-on-chip SEnsor for the rapid In-situ Detection of LegiONella 2015
57 CARDIS Early stage CARdio Vascular Disease Detection with Integrated Silicon Photonics 2015
58 LUMENTILE LUMinous ElectroNic TILE 2015
59 IMMORTAL Integrated Modelling, Fault Management, Verification and Reliable Design Environment for Cyber-Physical Systems 2015
60 RAIS Scalable, point-of-care and label free microarray platform for rapid detection of Sepsis 2015
61 SEERS Snapshot spEctral imagEr for cost effective IR Surveillance 2015
62 I-ALLOW Imaging analysis in all lighting and off weather conditions 2015
63 ORCHESTRA Optical peRformanCe monitoring enabling dynamic networks using a Holistic cross-layEr, Self-configurable Truly flexible appRoAch 2015
64 iBROW Innovative ultra-BROadband ubiquitous Wireless communications through terahertz transceivers 2015
65 PRO4VIP Innovative PROcurement for Visual Impaired People 2015
66 METCOPH Metallocomplexes of macrocyclic compounds for photonic devices 2015
67 Muscle stress relief Muscle Stress Relief: An integrated research program linking together basic research on secondary myopathies in stress states to innovative translation in applied myology. 2016
68 CHEQUERS Compact High pErformance QUantum cascadE laseR Sensors 2015
69 AMMODIT Approximation Methods for Molecular Modelling and Diagnosis Tools 2015
70 WASTCArD Wrist and arm sensing technologies for cardiac arrhythmias detection 2015
71 FLEXMETER Flexible smart metering for multiple energy vectors with active prosumers 2015
72 imbh Do intermediate-mass black holes exist? 2015
73 DIvA Chromatin function in DNA Double Strand breaks repair: Prime, repair and restore DSB Inducible via AsiSI 2015
74 CosmicDust Lighting up the dark - the evolution of dust throughout cosmic time 2015
75 TIAMO Trapping Ions in Atoms and Molecules Optically 2015
76 OptnanoATcryo Optical nanoscopy at 1 nm resolution: far-field fluorescence control at cryogenic temperatures 2015
77 VIBRA Very fast Imaging by Broadband coherent RAman 2015
78 E-saving Ultrasonics Energy-saving and reducing carbon emissions by applying advanced ultrasonic technology to industrial maintenance services for compressed air systems 2014
79 TransCrisis Enhancing the EU's Transboundary Crisis Management Capacities: Strategies for Multi-Level Leadership 2015
80 BUStoB BUILD UP Skills to Business 2015
81 TherVIS A Thermal-Visual Integrated System Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for 3D energy performance mapping and forecasting and damage evaluation 2014
82 SURVEIRON SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures 2014
83 QFast2 Fast Multitarget Pathogen Detection Platform Traceable within a Quality Assurance System 2014
84 BeadCAP-DNA BeadCAP-DNA: 30-minute on-site DNA test kit 2014
85 CAREMiBRAIN A new brain-dedicated Positron Emission Tomography (PET) system to identify β-amyloid biomarker for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of cognitive decline 2014
86 PRECEDE PRECEDE: PancREatic Cancer Early DEtection 2014
87 HOLOSCAN Holographic Scanner for Safe Real-Time High Throughput Screening of People and Their Bags 2014
88 NIR-PERFECT Non-contact Near Infra-Red insPEction and monitoRing For Evaluation of ComposiTes 2014
89 TM Field Analyzer Developing a monitoring system for urban gas pipelines by utilizing state of the art accelerometers, advanced signal processing, and advanced intelligent algorithm based recognition 2014
90 SO2SAFE Enzymatic SO2 biosensor for rapid food safety monitoring 2014
91 CAPTOR cAPTor captures Advanced System Threats 2014
92 BioGuidePCa Biomarker Guided Prostate Cancer Management 2014
93 POLARIS Preventative OperationaL procedures for space weAtheR threats to CrItical InfraStructure 2014
94 PoC-Cycle Innovative Molecular Diagnostics point-of-care device for MRSA 2014
95 RetinArt Clinical biomarker for arterial hypertension based on micro-vascular retinal imaging 2014
96 TRACKANT Mobile Smart Tracking Antenna System for Remotely Piloted Aircrafts 2014
97 FIBERSTAR FIBER-optic sensors for Smart Thermal Ablation at Radiofrequency 2016
98 TRILLION TRusted, CItizen - LEA coILaboratIon over sOcial Networks 2015
99 C-BORD effective Container inspection at BORDer control points 2015
100 FORENSOR FOREnsic evidence gathering autonomous seNSOR 2015
101 SoNDe Solid-State Neutron Detector - A new Neutron Detector for High-Flux Applications 2015
102 FLYELEC Quantum Optics with single flying electrons 2015
103 FOC4SIP Functionalised Organic Complexes for rapid Sensing of Industrial Polluters 2015
104 FAANon A functional analytic approach for the analysis of nonlinear transmission problems 2015
105 NMOSPEC Experimental Nuclear Magneto-Optic Spectroscopy 2015
106 JUNO Joint Volumetric Reconstruction and Automated Analysis of the Fetal Heart from Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Images 2015
107 MycoTest Development of fast antibody-based screening tests for the detection of harmful mycotoxins in food and feed 2015
108 BlaC E-assay Portable electrochemical assay system for on-chip quantitative estimation of bladder cancer biomarkers in real samples 2015
109 MUSAL Multi-scale modelling of waves of porous media with applications to acoustic control and biomechanics 2015
110 CANCER-TECH Cervical cancer detection platform based on novel laser processing 2016
111 MUGNAIO MUltiplex Government Networks Analysis and InvestigatiOn 2015
112 HYBRIPORE Hybrid DNA-protein nanopores with large and uniform pore sizes 2015
113 DIGIPHASE Development of Maximum Efficiency Phase Contrast Electron Microscopy 2015
114 SingMet Development of MRI contrast agents based on long-lived singlet states 2015
115 TiFuN Tiny Functional Au Nanorods: Novel NIR-Photothermal Nanoprobes for Single-Molecule Tracking at Confined Cellular Environment 2015
116 GDA in staphylococci Gen Duplication and Amplification in Staphylococcal populations 2016
117 HRPCDMECH Investigating how pathogen effector recognition by the host plant activates cell death 2016
118 PLACAV Polarized light as an alternative to colour in animal vision 2015
119 ION-QNET Cavity-QED Ion Quantum Network 2015
120 PoreSelect Macroporous Polymer Monoliths as a Low-Cost Bioanalytical Platform for Biopharmaceutical Glycoprotein 2016
121 DDRR Dissecting dsRNA uptake in RNAi-based antiviral immunity 2015
122 ELSWIFLUOPRO Electrochemically Switchable Fluorescent Probes for Biological Applications 2015
123 IPSIBiM Improved Patient Safety through Intensive Biosignal Monitoring 2015
124 DEFT Dark energy, non-linearites and effective theories 2015
125 INAME Imaging nucleic acid metabolism in cells 2016
126 F-Pole Significant or trivial: Fungi in Polar Ecosystems 2016
127 SPECIFIC fMRI From surrogate hemodynamics-based fMRI towards direct functional imaging of neural activity via sensing activity-induced cell swellings and neurotransmitter releases in vivo 2015
128 AuNP-PhotoBioDrug Functionalized AuNPs and their use for biological applications 2015
129 SMI REP Investigating eukaryotic replisome dynamics at the single molecule level 2015
130 SuSiPOD Broadband Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors 2015
131 NITEC NITEC: a Negative Ion Time Expansion Chamber for directional Dark Matter search 2015
132 SCARtool Scattered radiation reduction tool to improve computer-aided diagnosis performance in digital breast tomosynthesis 2015
133 HYPERLIGHT Combining hyperspectral luminescence imaging and mineralogical identification to date mixed-component samples from volcanic eruptions 2015
134 N-SHEAD Nanoarrays: Self-assembled Hotspots for Enhanced Analyte Detection 2015
135 RISH Imaging of multiple mRNA targets using SERS nanoparticle labels and in situ hybridization in human cancer tissue sections 2015
136 KREDs in GSBs Directed evolution of ketoreductases in gel-shell beads 2015
137 ResisGal Ostreid herpesvirus 1: Genetic selection of Resistant strains and environmental interaction in the Atlantic coast of Spain (Galicia) 2015
138 WISDOM Wavelength conversIon in diSpersion engineereD Optical fibres for Mid-IR applications 2015
139 Graphene Membranes Ultrapermeable Atomically-Thin Membranes for Molecular Separations 2015
140 [e-POM-Bioanal] Electrobioanalytical Applications of Polyoxometalates 2015
141 NEURINFDNA Neuronal DNA double strand breaks as novel epigenetic actors: roles in cognition, health and neuro-inflammatory diseases 2016
142 PALADIN Positron Annihilation Detection Beyond the Limits 2015
143 MCMQCT Multi-functional Computational Microscopy for Quantitative Cell Tracking 2015
144 INVENTION INnovatiVE cohereNt detecTIon Optical access Networks 2016
145 STABLE_FABRY Calibration of Astronomical Spectrographs with Stabilized Fabry-Perot Etalons 2016
146 MWGRAV High Sensitivity Matter-Wave Gravitation Sensors 2016
147 Light-Trap A SiPM upgrade for VHE Astronomy and beyond 2015
148 SchmaVirusVacDiag Novel vaccine and diagnostic strategies against Schmallenberg virus 2015
149 OPTIMAPIC Mapping the neuronal representation in dorsal inferior colliculus through optical imaging, stimulus optimization and optogenetics 2015
150 HAAIV Adaptive evolutionary pathways of highly pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza in humans 2015
151 Chenitar Impact of chemical form of nickel ions on its molecular targets in some human cells 2015
152 FOMBIST Fibre-Optic Multi-parametric BIochemical Sensing Technology 2015
153 TERA-NANO Beam steering, frequency reconfigurable terahertz photomixer array using nano-actuators 2015
154 TONEURENDO In search for endothelial mechanisms of TPO-induced neuroprotection 2015
155 SQZOMS Squeezed Light Enhancement of Optomechanical Systems 2015
156 NewPhysicsInSpace Indirect Probes of New Physical Phenomena in Space 2015
157 SiPhoN Single-Photon Non-Locality 2015
158 COSMOS Optical point of care system for heart failure mass screening 2015
159 MagicTin Exploring the shell structure of exotic Sn isotopes with an Active Target 2016
160 EGRET European Glaucoma Research Training Program 2015
161 LacDetect A truly-rapid, one-minute test system for the dairy industry to assess raw milk quality, detect sub-clinical mastitis and monitor udder health, reducing antibiotic usage and environmental impact 2015
162 ID_MOBILE Solution to authenticate and read ID documents using mobile devices at point of origin in real-time, eliminating manual handling and providing better, more secure services. 2015
163 OLDIAS Online Dialysis Sensor 2015
164 SmartDesalt Smart Pressure Vessel for water desalination with reverse osmosis membranes 2015
165 CSAR Ensuring pipeline integrity using Earth Observation Data 2015
166 QUIST Quick Sepsis Test 2015
167 Bacticon1 BACTerial detection and CONtrol of urinary tract infection 2015
168 TRAINSFARE Transport System with Artificial Intelligence for Safety and Fare Evasion 2015
169 SOMA Analytics Chronic Stress Biomarkers for Early Detection and Prevention of Burnout 2014
170 SixthSense Early diagnosis of cervical cancer through the validation of Human Papilloma Virus viral load and expression of oncogenic viral proteins E6/E7 as risk indicators 2015
171 ULISENS Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing 2015
172 Pathogens detection Antibiotics reduction with early mastitis pathogens detection for @ point of animal care usages 2015
173 SAFETY4WORKERS Breakthrough for outdoor autonomous heavy machines: Safety-directed collision avoidance system for workers based on UWB radios with performance level 2015
174 MalaDiag Development of a very rapid diagnostic test for malaria, based on break-through detection technology and new biomarkers of infection. 2014
175 PHOCCS Photon Cross Correlation Spectroscopy 2015
176 XMED Medical Phase Contrast X-ray Imaging with Laser Plasma Accelerator 2015
177 FLOVISP Flow Visualization Based Pressure 2015
178 PhotonCount Imaging with Photon Counting: Reduced costs, increased dynamic range 2015
179 HYMEDNA Hypermethylated DNA detection using NanoGaps 2015
180 CHIRALSENSE CHIRALSENSE : Sensing Chirality using cavity-enhanced polarimetry: advances in sensitivity and time-resolution 2015
181 2-NanoSi Ratiometric FRET Based Nanosensors for Trypsin Related Human Recessive Diseases 2015
182 IF-EBOla Control of the Ebola Oubreak by both innovative Ultrasensitive Detection of EBOV and therapy 2014
183 DSTB Dyadic Secures The Breach 2015
184 PAYPLUG LABS Next generation online payments and fraud detection API for European SMEs 2015
185 SDO-MET Automatic Rail Safety Solution 2015
186 PCT Plant CT - Making Plants Healthier 2015
187 LOUISA-3D Clinical validation of Laser Optoacoustic Ultrasonic 3D Imaging System Assembly for breast cancer detection and characterization through endogenous biomarkers. 2015
188 HEATSENS_S Lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device based on plasmonicdriven thermal sensing for rapid detection of Salmonella typhimurium in agro-food field. 2015
189 MicroLAB MicroLAB lab-on-a-cartridge, a disruptive concept. Towards an innovative solution for food safety 2015
190 CLINISC Clinical validation of pCO2 sensor system for ischemia detection 2015
191 TruckSecurity Truck Security_ Fuel and cargo theft detection alarm system 2015
192 GaSeS First low cost handheld infrared camera for fugitive emissions, early detection and location, increasing energy efficiency in industrial plants, infrastructures and utilities 2015
193 MAP-Detector Development of a novel low dose, high resolution, high contrast X-ray detector for medical applications to improve patient diagnoses and reduce the risk of X-radiation induced cancer 2015
194 Vaprosep Validation of Progranulin as Biomarker in Diagnostics and Prognosis of Sepsis 2015
195 Delirium Monitor Objective delirium detection with an innovative EEG-based spot monitor 2015
196 PANOSTICS The AA2-Ratio: A Novel Diagnostic Biomarker for Primary Aldosteronism 2015
197 LeakFree Development of a reliable quality control system using advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) technologies for the production environment of leak-free fuel tanks from plastics and composites 2015
198 BRAINSPECT Ultra high resolution Single Photon Computed Emission Tomography for the molecular imaging of brain disease 2015
199 ASWD Advanced Space Weather Detector 2015
200 DryEye Validation of a Novel Diagnostic Biomarker for Dry Eye Syndrome based in nucleotides detection 2015
201 BEEP-WATER “Biosensor for Effective Environmental Protection through the on-site, automated monitoring of a large set of chemical contaminants in Water.” 2015
202 BI-MARK Clinical validation of the CD32b biomarker on the European market 2015
203 EDePDAC Feasibility study for the validation and industrialization of two diagnostic kits in both ELISA and CLIA formats for the early detection of pancreatic cancer based on the novel biomarkers EZR and ENOA 2015
204 OPTILIFT OPTILIFT offshore lifting and logistics 2015
205 HELMO Cardiovascular Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart Remote Monitoring System based on known Heart Activity Biomarkers 2015
206 ResMet Resampling methods for nonstationary stochastic processes 2015
207 PCSP Odour-GPCRs based technology for detection and stratification of cancer: Prostate Cancer Smell Print as first vertical market 2015
208 PIGRISK Investigation into emerging, evolving or novel viruses of swine in respiratory, reproductive and enteric pathologies: horizon scanning for risks to swine health and food security 2016
209 PARK-IT Unobtrusive, continuous and quantitative assessment of Parkinson’s disease: hard evidence for optimal disease management with information technologies 2015
210 LCODA Electronic scanning MIMO Radar for railway level crossing obstruction detection alerting 2015
211 ABLASE Advanced Bioderived and Biocompatible Lasers 2015
212 HOMOVIS High-level Prior Models for Computer Vision 2015
213 CYTO-WATER Integrated and portable image cytometer for rapid response to Legionella and Escherichia coli in industrial and environmental waters 2015
214 NANORESTART NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART 2015
215 STRINGFLATION Inflation in String Theory - Connecting Quantum Gravity with Observations 2015
216 QuantumMagnonics Interfacing spin waves with superconducting quantum circuits for single magnon creation and detection 2015
217 BrightSens Ultrabright Turn-on Fluorescent Organic Nanoparticles for Amplified Molecular Sensing in Living Cells 2015
218 NOSY New Operational Sensing sYstem 2015
219 IntraMEMS Microfluidic platform for intra-operative tumor immunohistochemistry 2015
220 LineVu A novel optical sensor platform for detection and measurement of contaminants in gas pipelines to protect critical infrastructure from disruption and damage - Linevu 2015
221 DDRNA DDRNA-based cancer therapy targeted telomeres 2015
222 ZSCAN Hand pose and gesture analysis for next generation device interaction 2015
223 DigiArt The Internet Of Historical Things And Building New 3D Cultural Worlds 2015
224 Zoterac Zinc Oxide For TeraHertz Cascade Devices 2015
225 CAPTURE-CTC A Streptavidin Microarray Platform for Capturing of Circulating Tumor Cells from the Blood of Cancer Patients 2015
226 iPIM Development of an Intelligent Onshore Pipeline Integrity Monitoring System 2015
227 MEMEMTUM Neurological evaluation with simple tools to track evolution and perform early detection of neurodegenerative issues 2015
228 Dermtest An empowering toolkit for general practitioners to prevent, detect and treat melanoma (Dermtest) 2015
229 DIADEM Low-Cost Diagnostics Monitoring Technology 2015
230 OCAMIR The world’s fastest low noise infrared camera: Optic camera infrared 2015
231 NanoPoreFab On-chip fabrication of solid state nanopores for high throughput single molecule analysis 2015
232 BIRDWATCH BIRDWATCH, The first integral and modular mobility and security solution for smart parking management 2015
233 ProCanEx Prostate cancer diagnostic assay based on protein kinase activity profiling in exosomes 2015
234 OPTIMALZ Optical imaging of ocular pathology in Alzheimer’s disease 2015
235 INCANA Insect-inspired capillary nanostamping 2015
236 CLOUD DIAGNOSIS Providing Predictive Maintenance for Wind Turbines Over Cloud 2015
237 Calcivis CAIS Validation of clinical performance and pre-commercial development of a novel diagnostic for dental caries assessment 2015
238 INNODIAB Innovative diagnostic device for the early detection of diabetic neuropathy in diabetes patients 2015
239 eMurmur eMurmur, a software based, clinically tested medical device for automated heart murmur detection 2015
240 MISTRANSMITO Tissue-specific mitochondrial signaling and adaptations to mistranslation 2015
241 AQUAINVAD-ED AQUAtic INVAders: Early Detection, Control and Management 2015
242 E-SPACE European Standardised Process Approach to Cognitive Evaluation in older people 2016
243 AQUIRE Advanced QUadrature sensitive Interferometer REadout for gravitational wave detectors 2015
244 Invest INtelligent Video analytics to analyse complex scenes and Enhance Security of critical infrastructure and urban soft Targets 2015
245 AquaSHIELD Protecting citizens against intentional drinking water contamination with a water quality firewall 2015
246 FANTASTIC-5G Flexible Air iNTerfAce for Scalable service delivery wiThin wIreless Communication networks of the 5th Generation 2015
247 TEST-IC Integrated Cicuit Testing Software 2015
248 Excalibur 2.0 Revolutionary trustworthy platform for seamless authentication of Internet users 2015
249 AutArt Clinical validation of the AutArt rheumatoid arthritis diagnostic device 2015
250 VISUM An IR-spectroscopy-based platform for the rapid integration and customisation of affordable, real-time monitoring solutions for the food and pharmaceutical industry 2015
251 FASTPRK-2 Enhanced on-street parking management system 2015
252 NEW_FUN New era of printed paper electronics based on advanced functional cellulose 2015
253 CIGUALERT Reference standards for a specific, reliable and early detection of the marine toxins that causes ciguatera disease 2015
254 COMBIOSCOPY Computational Biophotonics for Endoscopic Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy 2015
255 DARKHORIZONS Dark Matter and the Early Universe in the LHC Era 2015
256 NanoCytox Development of Novel Analytical Methods to assess Nanoparticle cytotoxicity 2015
257 IMPAM Development of a new immunoassay platform based on porous antibody microparticles 2015
258 LAUREN bLadder cAncer URine cEll aNalysis 2015
259 SafeTrain Piloting and industrial validation of autonomous and sustainable animal deterring system for the rail transport 2015
260 LEONID Lung cancEr fusiOn geNes: a new dIagnostic Device 2015
261 MycoQuest Rapid on-site detection of Mycotoxin in wheat 2015
262 SmartMic Smart Multimodal Microscopy for High-Throughput Developmental Biology in Real-Time 2015
263 ISOTOP Interactions, Spins and Edges in Optical Lattices with Topological Band Structures 2016
264 MIRIPSHE MID-IR Integrated Photonic Sensor for Health and Environment 2016
265 BeadDiagnosis Prognosis and Diagnosis of Protein Misfolding Diseases by Seeded Aggregation in Microspheres 2015
266 INSULATRONICS Controlling Electric Signals with Insulating Antiferromagnets and Insulating Ferromagnets 2015
267 HEALTH-CODE Real operation pem fuel cells HEALTH-state monitoring and diagnosis based on dc-dc COnverter embeddeD Eis 2015
268 SENEX Table Top Device based on Nanostructured Sensors for the continuous ENvironmental monitoring of EXplosive substances in sensitive areas 2015
269 SOUTHPARK SOUTHPARK - SOcial and Universal Technology HelPing to detect ARrivals via sdK 2015
270 SMS SMS - Safety Micro Sensor 2015
271 AMOR A Mile Of Runway 2015
272 FLOWERPOWER Establishing a new generation of horticulturists: Multidisciplinary approach for breeding innovative novelties using classical and biotechnological methods 2016
273 WASP Wide Spectral Range Photonic Glucometer 2015
274 EFD The e-wallet Fraud Detection 2015
275 EXIST Extended Image Sensing Technologies 2015
276 SIMSEA Scenario simulations of the changing Black Sea ecosystem 2015
277 IMMPACT Clinical validation of a serum protein biomarker signature for the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. 2015
278 BNYQ Breaking the Nyquist Barrier: A New Paradigm in Data Conversion and Transmission 2015
279 APOLs Role of Apolipoproteins L in immunity and disease 2015
280 EVOluTION European Vascular Interventions and Therapeutic Innovation Network 2016
281 SINGEK Promoting SINgle cell GEnomics to explore the ecology and evolution of hidden microeuKaryotes 2016
282 GlyCoCan Exploiting Glycosylation of Colorectal Cancer for the development of improved diagnostics and therapeutics 2015
283 ambliFibre adaptive model-based Control for laser-assisted Fibre-reinforced tape winding 2015
284 Eco-Solar Eco-Solar Factory - 40%plus eco-efficiency gains in the photovoltaic value chain with minimised resource and energy consumption by closed loop systems 2015
285 NANO Intelligent Low-Cost Real-Time Nanomagnetooptical Integrity Monitoring and Sensing System for Asset Integrity Management 2015
286 AIRS Advanced Intelligent Raman System for detection of explosives and harmful substances at urban soft targets 2015
287 OPATHY From Omics to Patient: Improving Diagnostics of Pathogenic Yeasts 2015
288 Oligomers Characterising protein oligomers and their role in neurodegenerative disease in humans 2015
289 EGRET-Plus European Glaucoma Research Training Program-Plus 2016
290 ULTIMA ULTrafast Imaging sensor for Medical Applications 2015
292 IRON High sensitivity multi-gas handheld gas analysis technology 2015
293 NED- Nano Eye Device THE NANO EYE DEVICE 2015
294 i-LiveRest Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure ulcer risk by real time measuring of tissue viability and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context 2015
296 NOVLASE Novel light sources for biomedical-imaging applications 2015
297 SCENT SCENT: Hybrid Gels for Rapid Microbial Detection 2015
298 ACTINIT Brain-behavior forecasting: The causal determinants of spontaneous self-initiated action in the study of volition and the development of asynchronous brain-computer interfaces. 2015
299 Colodetect Development of a novel blood-based diagnostic test for colorectal cancer 2015
300 FIRST LIGHT Early Star-Forming Galaxies and Cosmic Reionisation 2015
301 ImmunityByPairDesign Design and redesign of a plant immune receptor complex 2015
302 Con Espressione Getting at the Heart of Things: Towards Expressivity-aware Computer Systems in Music 2016
303 LightNet LightNet - Tracking the Coherent Light Path in Photosynthetic Networks 2016
304 hybridFRET hybridFRET - deciphering biomolecular structure and dynamics 2015
305 ACES ACES: Air Cargo Explosive Screener 2015
306 SPIDERS Synthetic aPerture Interferometric raDiometer for sEcurity in cRitical infraStructures 2015
307 ChemSniff Chemical sniffer device for multi-mode analysis of threat compounds 2015
308 DigiRead Digital readout of protein detection via super rolling circle amplification of DNA tags 2015
309 BioBarPro A Hot-Spot Bio-Barcode Strategy for Prognostic Biomarkers In Colorectal Cancer 2015
310 BIOVALID Clinical validation of the DiviTum assay in two high profile clinical studies in Europe 2015
312 Nanonets2Sense Nanonets2Sense 2016
313 PRETREAT PRoteome-based assessment of vascular disease for the Establishment of a Translational REsearch plATform 2016
314 EPICHECK Detection of Various Cancer Types for Screening and Diagnosis through Blood Samples with Epigenetic Biomarkers Panels 2015
315 ISPNET Intelligent System for Pressure Networks 2015
316 XPRESS XPRESS ENGINE - The Future of Affective Market Research 2015
317 D3IMPACT Data-driven decisions for intelligent management of public transportation 2015
318 CANDLE Cancer Diagnosis by Multiplex Protein Epitope Profiling 2015
319 CYTOPRO Profiling of tumour cells in blood for personalized treatment of metastatic cancer 2015
320 OMIS Optical Mid Infrared Spectrometer 2015
321 TOPO-TB TOPO-TB 2015
322 e-Safe Novel low-cost ground penetrating radar system for safe, simple and swift detection of all utilities piping and cabling located underground 2015
323 DrugStop Drug detection for personal protection 2015
324 VALPAS VALidation of human PApilloma virus assays on Self-collected first void urine samples 2015
325 papabuild Advanced physical-acoustic and psycho-acoustic diagnostic methods for innovation in building acoustics 2016
326 MARA Molecular Analytical Robotics Assays 2015
327 PROSEQO PROtein SEQuencing using Optical single molecule real-time detection 2016
328 NCUscan Rapid Defect Characterisation by Non-Contact Ultrasonic Scanning 2016
329 SBSI Structure-based subwavelength imaging 2015
330 3D-COUNT 3D-Integrated single photon detector 2016
331 PROTECTDAIRY-F2F Eco-innovative and fully integrated microbial rapid monitoring system - PROTECTING shelf life, food safety and quality throughout the DAIRY supply chain, from farm to fork. 2015
332 ASTROSTAT Development of Novel Statistical Tools for the Analysis of Astronomical Data 2016
333 LoveFood2Market A portable MicroNanoBioSystem and Instrument for ultra-fast analysis of pathogens in food: Innovation from LOVE-FOOD lab prototype to a pre-commercial instrument 2016
334 EDAX Beating Complexity through Selectivity: Excited state Dynamics from Anti-Stokes and non-linear resonant inelastic X-ray scattering 2016
335 RAAI Whole Life Rail Axle Assessment and Improvement Using Ultrasonic Phased array and Corrosion Inspection Systems 2015
336 FireSpec Integrated spectroscopic sensors for the risk assessment of fires 2016
337 ACMC Advanced Contactless Multifunction Control unit with gesture detection 2015
338 NanoPP Large Scale Protein Library Screening Biosensor 2016
340 ClearPEMplus Enhanced Silicon Photomultiplier-based detectors for high-resolution Positron Emission Mammography. 2015
341 SMARTDIAGNOS Next generation sepsis diagnosis 2016
342 HYPERQTOTAL “Diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease by means of innovative and highly accurate high frequency QRS electrocardiogram analysis” 2016
343 ImMoRiSt Immune Monitoring for RIsk STratification in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients 2016
344 NanoPacks NanoPacks: Assembling nanoparticles via evaporation-driven droplet collapse for ultrasensitive detection techniques 2016
345 NANOSCREEN Disruptive portable device for pre-screening of Persistent Organic Pollutants –POPs- in food products and water 2015
346 ERNCIP CBRNE STDS 16 ERNCIP thematic group activities in 2016 supporting development of Mandate 487 for standards in security 2016
347 i-PROGNOSIS Intelligent Parkinson eaRly detectiOn Guiding NOvel Supportive InterventionS 2016
348 OscillatoryVision The retinae as windows to the brain: An oscillatory vision 2016
349 COMPROP Computational Propaganda:Investigating the Impact of Algorithms and Bots on Political Discourse in Europe 2016
350 HYPMED Digital Hybrid Breast PET/MRI for Enhanced Diagnosis of Breast Cancer 2016
351 CoCA Comorbid Conditions of Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder 2016
352 GLINT GlucoCEST Imaging of Neoplastic Tumours 2016
353 MEDIT-AGEING Investigating the impact of meditation training on mental health and wellbeing in the ageing population 2016
354 SPCCT In Vivo Spectral Photon Counting CT Molecular Imaging in Cardio- and Neuro-Vascular Diseases 2016
355 NVS Nano Voltage Sensors 2016
356 CHEMCOMRHIZO Chemical communication in the rhizosphere of plants 2015
357 COIN Coding for Optical communications In the Nonlinear regime 2016
358 MIRASYS The diagnostic potential of miRNAs for early diagnosis of Systemic Sclerosis 2016
359 VocEmoApI Voice Emotion detection by Appraisal Inference 2015
360 datACRON Big Data Analytics for Time Critical Mobility Forecasting 2016
361 REPLICATE cReative-asset harvEsting PipeLine to Inspire Collective-AuThoring and Experimentation 2016
362 SUMMA Scalable Understanding of Multilingual Media 2016
363 PLASMOfab A generic CMOS-compatible platform for co-integrated plasmonics/photonics/electronics PICs towards volume manufacturing of low energy, small size and high performance photonic devices 2016
364 MURAB MRI and Ultrasound Robotic Assisted Biopsy 2016
365 U_CODE Urban Collective Design Environment: A new tool for enabling expert planners to co-create and communicate with citizens in urban design 2016
366 City4Age Elderly-friendly City services for active and healthy ageing 2015
367 VISION Validation of Integrated Safety-enhanced Intelligent flight cONtrol 2016
368 miRNA-DisEASY microRNA biomarkers in an innovative biophotonic sensor kit for high-specific diagnosis 2015
369 FORMILK Innovative technology for the detection of enzyme activity in milk 2016
370 STEP2DYNA Spatial-temporal information processing for collision detection in dynamic environments 2016
371 E2District Energy Efficient Optimised District Heating and Cooling 2016
372 IMPRINT Defeat of Insider Theft in Nuclear and Radioactive Sites 2015
373 Knocky Knock prevention and increase of reliability and efficiency of high power gaseous internal combustion engines 2015
374 BILAT USA 4.0 Bilateral Coordination for the Enhancement and Development of STI Partnerships between the EU and the USA 2016
375 PhotonicSensing Photonics based sensing 2016
376 ELIRAD Everyday Life Radar Sensors For Transportation 2016
378 Liqbiopsens Reliable Novel Liquid Biopsy technology for early detection of colorectal cancer 2016
379 my-AHA My Active and Healthy Aging 2016
380 LDMThExp Going Beyond the WIMP: From Theory to Detection of Light Dark Matter 2016
381 FLAIR Flexible Hyperspectral Infrared Detectors 2016
382 HEMOTECT Hemozoin Detection using Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in Diamond 2016
383 MECHANOGENOMICS Unravelling mammalian mechanosensor diversity by functional genomics 2016
384 GRACE Integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects 2016
385 ICEWIS Intelligent and cost-efficient wind turbine power production using optical sensors 2016
386 ARIADNE ARgon ImAging DetectioN chambEr 2016
387 MultiSens A revolutionary quality indicator platform for the food industry 2017
388 CMDrive Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Drive-Trains via Non-Contact Acoustic Sensors 2016
389 STEMM-CCS Strategies for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage 2016
390 SENSE-Cog Ears, Eyes and Mind: The ‘SENSE-Cog Project’ to improve mental well-being for elderly Europeans with sensory impairment 2016
391 FUNBIT Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Fungal – Bacterial Interplay 2016
392 DIRECT-fMRI Sensing activity-induced cell swellings and ensuing neurotransmitter releases for in-vivo functional imaging sans hemodynamics 2016
393 GSR Genome surveillance by small non-coding RNAs 2017
394 EDOR BOX Electrodermal Orienting Reactivity-based Safeguard System for Early Detection of Suicide Propensity 2016
395 Subfailtec Operation Optimization and Improved Reliability Solution for Electrical Substations 2016
396 ThruBlood Clinical validation of Trop-2 as a serum biomarker for monitoring of disease-course in patients affected by breast and colon cancer 2016
397 GravityWaveWindow Gravitational Self-Force and Post-Newtonian Methods for Gravitational Wave Detection 2016
398 DIALOY Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (LOY) in blood cells - a new biomarker for risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease in men 2016
399 HYMNS High-sensitivitY Measurements of key stellar Nucleo-Synthesis reactions 2016
401 HELIOS Second Generation Beacon for GALILEO/EGNOS EGNSS Search And Rescue applications 2016
402 SCouT Sparse Composite Likelihood Inference in Count Time Series 2016
403 IPLATFORM Implementation of a dynamical Pollen Module and the transformations of the pollen including feedbacks in a numerical Weather Forecast Model 2016
404 BIDMAG Biological detection with functionalized Magnetic Sensor 2016
405 OFBioSens-MIP Optical fibre biomimetic sensors based on Lossy Mode Resonances with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers 2016
406 Bioinformatics4Breeding Harnessing the power of bioinformatic analysis to improve genetic selection for fertility in dairy cows 2016
407 MCNANO “Multi-component nanoparticles as bimodal contrast agents for MRI and optical detection of tumors and for targeted photodynamic therapy” 2016
408 MPSC Membrane Potential and Stem Cell Potency in Normal and Malignant Tissues 2016
409 SMART-LANLIGHT New Scanning nearfield Microscopy method bAsed on Radio-frequency Trap and LANthanide nanoprobe for LIGHT matter interaction. 2016
410 NanoMembR Nanoscale Effects within Biological Membranes caused by Radiation 2017
411 EVOL-WNS Genetic factors contributing to White Nose Syndrome tolerance in North American and European Myotis-bats 2016
412 DIVAS Distributed vibrational and acoustic sensing technology 2016
413 TalkingHeads TalkingHeads: Audiovisual Speech Recognition in-the-wild 2016
414 CONNECT Connecting neuronal network activity with regional specificity for Alzheimer pathology: a multi-modal neuroimaging approach 2018
415 GLUTORHIV Glucose metabolism and mTOR pathway role in CD8+ T cell control of HIV-1 2016
416 ChroMoLEME The Character of Monastic Landscapes in Early Medieval Europe 2016
417 RECORDER Rare Earth based Upconversion Luminescent Nanomaterials as novel bioprobes for the detection of cardiac biomarkers 2016
418 NIR-BIO-FLU Bio-conjugatable and Bio-responsive Near Infrared Fluorochromes 2016
419 LORD First R'n'D and Physics Results with a Novel Opaque Neutrino Detector 2016
420 VAPOMOF Vapour phase deposition of metal-organic frameworks with luminescent guests for solid-state lighting and sensing 2016
421 SURVEIRON SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures 2016
422 PRONKJEWAIL Protecting patients with enhanced susceptibility to infections 2016
423 Eye Light Eye fundus colour images enhancement service for Diabetic Retinopathy diagnosis 2016
424 pressureNose Enhance efficiency of combustion engines by monitoring internal chambers Pressure with Novel contactless Optical SEnsor 2016
425 t-Clinic An innovative medical device for early diagnosis based on a disruptive body temperature monitoring and analysis scheme-t-Clinic 2016
426 EpiHelmet Clinical validation of a mobile EEG medical device for diagnosis and remote monitoring in epileptic patients 2016
428 HAZEL HAZEL: Commercialization of a novel, high efficiency equipment for the determination of hazardous atmospheric pollutants 2016
429 RAD A study for the technical and business feasibility of a fast-acting consumer test to detect gluten and other contaminants in food. 2016
430 RETINAL Retinal Imaging prevention and early detection of chronic diseases 2016
431 iBILD iBILD: Imaging Biomarker for Intelligent Lung Cancer Detection 2016
432 LDMBI Low dose Molecular Breast Imaging for improved cancer detection in dense breast tissue. 2016
433 FLUOPHOT Remotely quantifying vegetation productivity: exploiting sun-induced fluorescence-photosynthesis relationships through field and modelling methods 2016
434 PATH PAssive Tracking of people and things for physical beHavior analysis 2016
435 NanoPorous DNA-array Ultra-high density three dimentional DNA arrays for biosensing 2016
436 NeuroVisEco Zebrafish vision in its natural context: from natural scenes through retinal and central processing to behaviour. 2016
437 MIRACLS Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of radionuclides 2017
438 Tolerome Evolution of antibiotic tolerance in the 'wild': A quantitative approach 2016
439 REPSUMODDT Mechanisms and regulators coordinating replication integrity and DNA damage tolerance. 2016
440 NANOZ-ONIC Bio-inspired electrONIC NOSE interfacing olfactory electrical biosensors and carbon NANOtubes 2016
441 HAZE Reducing the Burden of Smouldering Megafires: an Earth-Scale Challenge 2016
442 COCONIS Coherent multidimensional spectroscopy of controlled isolated systems 2016
443 MINIMA MItigating Negative Impacts of Monitoring high levels of Automation 2016
444 PROTECT Pervasive and UseR Focused BiomeTrics BordEr ProjeCT 2016
445 C3ISP Collaborative and Confidential Information Sharing and Analysis for Cyber Protection 2016
446 ATENA Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over Critical InfrAstructures 2016
447 iBorderCtrl Intelligent Portable Border Control System 2016
448 AMUSIC nonlineAr Multimode and mUlticore optical fiberS for multIple appliCations 2016
449 DrugSense Ribo-regulators that sense trace antibiotics 2016
450 defence_SC Computation of innate threats and defensive behaviour in the mouse 2017
451 EASTMED-PALEOTSUNAMI Towards a paleotsunami chronology in the southern Aegean and Levantine seas, Eastern Mediterranean 2016
452 ODESI Optoelectronic detection of single spin in silicon 2016
453 INFRASTAR Innovation and Networking for Fatigue and Reliability Analysis of Structures - Training for Assessment of Risk 2016
454 INCEPT INhomogenieties and fluctuations in quantum CohErent matter Phases by ultrafast optical Tomography 2016
455 DynaOmics From longitudinal proteomics to dynamic individualized diagnostics 2016
456 SPRINT Ultra-Short Pulse laser Resonators IN the Terahertz 2016
457 WADI WADI 2016
458 GROW GROW Observatory 2016
459 STAMP Separation Technology for A Million Peaks 2016
460 TReX Transient Relativistic eXplosions 2016
461 TENSOR Retrieval and Analysis of Heterogeneous Online Content for Terrorist Activity Recognition 2016
462 MESMERISE Multi-Energy High Resolution Modular Scan System for Internal and External Concealed Commodities 2016
463 RANGER RANGER: RAdars for loNG distance maritime surveillancE and SaR opeRations 2016
464 SafeShore System for detection of Threat Agents in Maritime Border Environment 2016
465 THOR THOR – Total solution for High throughput surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy 2016
466 AutoScan AutoScan – Rail inspection by autonomous systems 2016
467 CD4DNASP Cell intrinsic control of CD4 T cell differentiation by cytosolic DNA sensing pathways 2016
468 nextDART Next-generation Detection of Antigen Responsive T-cells 2016
469 ASTONISH Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health 2016
470 MYCLASS Towards prevention, early diagnosis, and noninvasive treatment of uterine leiomyomas through molecular classification 2016
471 IMAGIT Information gain in Multi-pixel Acquisition Ghost Imaging Techniques 2017
472 SENSE SENSE - a roadmap for the ideal low light level sensor development 2016
473 CryoProtect A new cryoprotectant formulation for the next generation of high throughput screening toxicology tests 2016
474 NEURAM Visual genetics: establishment of a new discipline to visualize neuronal nuclear functions in real-time in intact nervous system by 4D Raman spectroscopy 2016
475 NanoSCAN Developing multi-modality nanomedicines for targeted annotation of oncogenic signaling pathways 2016
476 COMPASS Control for Orbit Manoeuvring through Perturbations for Application to Space Systems 2016
477 EVOLOR Cognitive Ageing in Dogs 2016
478 FLAMENCO A Fully-Implantable MEMS-Based Autonomous Cochlear Implant 2016
479 TransPhorm Single molecule imaging of transmembrane protein structure and function in their native state 2016
480 SINCHAIS In situ analysis of single channel subunit composition in neurons: physiological implication in synaptic plasticity and behavior 2016
481 SCEON Scanning Electron Optical Nanoscopy 2016
482 VegAlert Low cost, early Phytosanitary monitoring and alert service for horticultural farmers 2016
483 ULISENS Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing 2016
484 HYPERA Affordable Hyperspectral Imaging System for on-line foreign body detection and chemical composition analysis 2016
486 Scubacraft Submersible vessel used for multi-purpose sub-aqua applications to enhance marine life, environment conservation and structural integrity of offshore installations. 2016
487 SuperEh Super Variable Vector Combnation for Voltage Optmisation Energy Saving Hub 2016
488 REFOCUS ‘Plug And Play’ Forest Asset Monitoring Service For Small and Medium Forest Owners based on Sentinell 2016
489 dSense dSense – Self adapting, cost efficient method for detecting context of a mobile device and a mobile device with a context detection module 2016
490 EnviroALARM Early alarm system for groundwater contamination monitoring 2016
491 SEIZSAFE Patient-self-adaptive system for detection, recording and alert to caregivers of night-time seizures, linked to private cloud platform for patient tracking and big data exploitation. 2016
492 MYA MYA, the innovative diagnostics platform for the full mapping of personal allergies 2016
493 ABSOLUTESPIN Absolute Spin Dynamics in Quantum Materials 2016
494 Valleys Valley and spin devices based on two-dimensional semiconductors 2016
495 C-SENSE Exploiting low dimensional models in sensing, computation and signal processing 2016
496 TeraTrace A Compact Terahertz Trace Gas Detector 2016
497 CLOUD DIAGNOSIS Development of Low Cost Cloud Monitoring for the Diagnosis and Prognostic of the Wind Turbines 2016
498 CONAN COmplete Nucleic acid ANalysis at genome scale using ultra high throughput sequencing 2016
499 POnTE Pest Organisms Threatening Europe 2015
500 USECFrontiers Frontiers of Usable Security – Principles and Methods for Administrator and Developer Usable Security Research 2016
501 HRMEG HRMEG: High-resolution magnetoencephalography: Towards non-invasive corticography 2016
502 CODECHECK CRACKING THE CODE BEHIND MITOTIC FIDELITY: the roles of tubulin post-translational modifications and a chromosome separation checkpoint 2016
503 COHERENCE Exploiting light coherence in photoacoustic imaging 2016
504 ADASANDME Adaptive ADAS to support incapacitated drivers Mitigate Effectively risks through tailor made HMI under automation 2016
505 RespeCT Respiratory Disease Screening with Dark-Field Computed Tomography 2016
506 BLINDSPOT Diversity and Performance: Networks of Cognition in Markets and Teams 2016
507 Dark-OsT Experimental Searches for Oscillating and Transient effects from the Dark Sector 2016
508 CRESUCHIRP Ultrasensitive Chirped-Pulse Fourier Transform mm-Wave Detection of Transient Species in Uniform Supersonic Flows for Reaction Kinetics Studies under Extreme Conditions 2016
510 AutoStopS GluCl as an epileptic seizure autoregulatory Gene therapeutic approach 2016
511 QBAS A Quantum Boost for Atomic Sensors 2016
512 Detect and React Distracted drivers in autonomous cars: Do drivers safely detect and react to unexpected warning signals? 2016
513 MoGEs Modelling of Generic Extreme mass-ratio inspirals 2017
514 INVERTIDAL Chromosomal rearrangements and diversification on environmental gradients 2016
515 CAREMIBRAIN A new brain-dedicated Positron Emission Tomography (PET) system to identify β-amyloid biomarker for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of cognitive decline 2016
516 GlioDx GlioDx - Blood platelet-based monitoring and treatment optimisation for glioblastoma patients 2016
517 ID-Lyme A novel immunity-based test for early diagnosis of Lyme disease 2016
518 LASER-HISTO In vivo histology using femtosecond laser multiphoton tomograph for the early diagnosis of skin cancer and corneal diseases while simultaneously reducing Europe’s health care costs 2016
519 OMiProbe Bio-optical probe technology for safe, fast and non-destructive cancer diagnosis 2016
520 PLATINUM Portable Diagnostic Medical Device Based on Lab-on-Chip for Detection of Protein Biomarkers of Medical Interest. 2016
521 NO-META Feasibility study of a NOvel METAbolic liquid biopsy for cancer therapy monitoring 2016
522 Qone Novel pressure relieving and sensing mattress and an intelligent control system that predicts and prevents pressure ulcers in bedridden patients 2016
524 OILBLOCK Immediate Oil Spill containment to mitigate impact on the marine ecosystem 2016
525 MAGTEST MAGTEST: Simple and specific next generation lab-on-a-chip in-vitro molecular diagnostic device 2016
526 DigiSCAN DigiSCAN 2016
527 ASSIMILES Advanced Spectroscopy and Spectrometry for Imaging Metabolism using Isotopically-Labeled Endogenous Substrates 2016
528 SuperMagnonics Supercurrents of Magnon Condensates for Advanced Magnonics 2016
529 SABRE Towards a Reliable Model for Dark Matter Search Experiments 2016
530 MIMICS MicroRNA Isoforms for Molecular Interception of Cervical cancer using Self-samples 2016
531 ESSENS Early Stage Sensing of Fouling in Membrane Water Treatment 2016
532 VISUM Cloud-enabled IR spectroscopy platform for the rapid integration and customisation of affordable, real-time chemical monitoring solutions for food and pharmaceutical industries 2016
533 Trapview Trapview - Automated pest-monitoring system for sustainable growing with optimal insecticide use 2016
534 EPoCH Exploring and Preventing Cryptographic Hardware Backdoors: Protecting the Internet of Things against Next-Generation Attacks 2016
535 transcriPTIon Understanding transcriptional regulation in plant PAMP-triggered immunity 2016
536 ISOMET Atmospheric content of the most abundant of 12CH4 isotopologues from ground-based and satellite infrared solar observations and development of a methane isotopic GEOS-Chem module. 2016
537 NASUM Innovative nanotech-based detection equipment in the area of homeland security 2016
538 HEATSENS_S Lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device based on plasmonic driven thermal nanobiosensing for rapid detection of Salmonella in chicken meat. 2016
539 CoPro Improved energy and resource efficiency by better coordination of production in the process industries 2016
540 BBDiag Blood Biomarker-based Diagnostic Tools for Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease 2017
541 NDTonAIR NDTonAIR: Training Network in Non-Destructive Testing and Structural Health Monitoring of Aircraft structures 2016
542 SAINT Science and Innovation with thunderstorms 2017
543 TRACT Training in Cancer Mechanisms and Therapeutics 2016
544 Z-Fact0r Zero-defect manufacturing strategies towards on-line production management for European factories 2016
545 IDEAS Innovative DEsign of acoustic treatments for Air conditioning Systems: from laboratory to an industrially-relevant environment 2016
546 MONSOON MOdel based coNtrol framework for Site-wide OptmizatiON of data-intensive processes 2016
547 GO0D MAN aGent Oriented Zero Defect Multi-stage mANufacturing 2016
548 FBI Multimodal, Functional Bio-Photonic Imaging 2016
549 PROTECTED PROTECTion against Endocrine Disruptors; Detection, mixtures, health effects, risk assessment and communication. 2017
550 THOMAS Mobile dual arm robotic workers with embedded cognition for hybrid and dynamically reconfigurable manufacturing systems 2016
551 BioCapture Smart capture phases for proteomics, glycomics and biomarker assays 2016
552 BRIDAS Brillouin Distributed sensor for Aeronautical Structures 2016
553 iPerm iPerm: Guided wave monitoring tool 2016
554 TAVAC Technologies for Active Vibration and Acoustic Comfort 2016
555 EVOTION EVidenced based management of hearing impairments: Public health pΟlicy making based on fusing big data analytics and simulaTION. 2016
556 BSSTD Bioelectrochemical Sensing of Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2016
557 NOMBIS Nano-OptoMechanical Systems for Biological Sensors 2016
558 MIMODETECT Improved detection of underground pipes by Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar for The Radar Networks 2016
559 SUMO-ZNHIT6-snoRNPs ZNHIT6: a new SUMO E3 ligase regulating RNA metabolism 2016
560 FNS-4-NAMOSAT Development of fluorescence nanospectroscopy to elucidate the roles of nanoscale molecular segregation in the activation of T-cells 2016
561 CINMAB Chiral Plasmons in Protein-Nanoparticle Hybrid Materials for Application as Biosensors 2016
562 ADST Advanced Digital Stuttering Therapy Tools 2016
563 FIThydro Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower 2016
564 ThreatMark Advanced Fraud Detection System - Protecting digital transactions against cyber attacks 2016
565 VIRUSCAN Optomechanics for Virology 2016
566 INSPEX Integrated Smart Spatial Exploration System 2017
567 COEMS Continuous Observation of Embedded Multicore Systems 2016
568 ProEmpower Procuring innovative ICT for patient empowerment and self-management for type 2 diabetes mellitus 2016
569 SMART Smart Automation of Rail Transport 2016
570 DECCA Devices, engines and circuits: quantum engineering with cold atoms 2017
571 ReCAP Real-time Content Analysis and Processing (ReCAP) for Agile Media Production 2016
572 NIGHTINGALE Connecting Patients and Carers using wearable sensor technology 2016
573 FLAIR FLying ultrA-broadband single-shot InfraRed sensor 2016
574 CYRail Cybersecurity in the RAILway sector 2016
575 XF-ACTORS Xylella Fastidiosa Active Containment Through a multidisciplinary-Oriented Research Strategy 2016
576 PLASMECS NanoPlasmoMechanical Systems 2016
578 GoSAFE RAIL GoSAFE RAIL – Global Safety Management Framework for RAIL Operations 2016
579 TiMaScan Recirculated tissue macrophages (TiMa) in blood: Novel approach to early diagnosis and treatment monitoring in oncology 2016
580 InertialSensors Interferometric inertial sensors for gravitational-wave detectors 2016
581 CosNeD Radio wave propagation in heterogeneous media: implications on the electronics of Cosmic Neutrino Detectors 2016
582 WaterSpy High sensitivity, portable photonic device for pervasive water quality analysis 2016
583 BIOCDx A miniature Bio-photonics Companion Diagnostics platform for reliable cancer diagnosis and treatment monitoring. 2017
584 PhasmaFOOD Portable photonic miniaturised smart system for on-the-spot food quality sensing 2017
585 MADIA Magnetic DIagnostic Assay for neurodegenerative diseases 2017
586 ODYCCEUS Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Conflict in European Spaces 2017
587 Shape Evolution Investigation of shape evolution in neutron-rich nuclei using gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques 2016
588 GRANITE GRAvitational waves from Neutron stars: Investigating Transient Emission 2016
589 RESTASSURED Secure Data Processing in the Cloud 2017
590 FashionBrain Understanding Europe’s Fashion Data Universe 2017
591 LYT SONIC Smart Home security device based on infrasound detection technology 2016
592 PJ10 PROSA Controller Tools and Team Organisation for the Provision of Separation in Air Traffic Management 2016
593 PAPA Pathophysiology of Primary Aldosteronism 2017
594 PICCOLO Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improved in-vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision support 2017
595 SENSIBLE SENSors and Intelligence in BuLt Environment 2017
596 VISGEN Transcribing the processes of life: Visual Genetics 2017
597 WISH Wearable Integrated System for Early Detection of Preterm Labour 2016
598 MilkTeeth MilkTeeth: a biogeochemical investigation of ancient weaning and dairy Milk consumption using human Teeth 2016
599 HP4all Persistent and Transportable Hyperpolarization for Magnetic Resonance 2017
600 GlycoImaging Imaging and detection of tumor-associated glycan structures on tumor cells 2017
601 AB-SWITCH Evaluation of commercial potential of a low-cost kit based on DNA-nanoswitches for the single-step measurement of diagnostic antibodies 2017
602 GALAHAD Glaucoma – Advanced, LAbel-free High resolution Automated OCT Diagnostics 2016
603 SONAR Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in doped semiconductor nanocrystals 2017
604 VirFree Virus free Fruit Nurseries 2017
605 LungCARD Blood test for clinical therapy guidance of non-small cell lung cancer patients 2017
606 SZ_TEST Towards Early Molecular Diagnostics of Schizophrenia 2017
607 MAGNAMED Novel magnetic nanostructures for medical applications 2017
608 WILDTHING Crowdsourcing for the control of Invasive Alien Flora Species 2016
609 COSMOS Control and measurement of single macromolecules in space and time 2018
610 SMART.MET PCP for Water Smart Metering 2017
611 IMPACT TB IMPACT TB: Implementing proven community-based active case finding interventions in Vietnam and Nepal 2017
612 qSOFC Automated mass-manufacturing and quality assurance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stacks 2017
613 ChipScope Overcoming the Limits of Diffraction with Superresolution Lighting on a Chip 2017
614 AMTRAS Adaptive Multifunctional Test Rigs for Aeronautical Structures 2017
615 ANTI-SUPERBUGS PCP ANTI-SUPERBUG Precommercial procurement 2016
616 THZCALORIMETRY Time Resolved THz Calorimetry explores Molecular Recognition Processes 2016
617 ALFA Advanced Low Flying Aircrafts Detection and Tracking 2017
618 SNABO Self-calibrating nanobolometer based on superconductor–normal-metal hybrids 2016
619 EUSCREEN Implementation of cost-optimized childhood vision and hearing screening programmes in middle-income countries in Europe 2017
620 M-CUBE MetaMaterials antenna for ultra-high field MRI 2017
621 ULTRACHIRAL Ultrasensitive chiral detection by signal-reversing cavity polarimetry: applications to in-situ proteomics, single-molecule chirality, HPLC analysis, medical diagnostics, and atmospheric studies 2017
622 ArrestAD 3-O-sulfated heparan sulfate translocation in altered membrane biology: A new strategy for early population screening and halting Alzheimer’s neurodegeneration 2017
623 ColdNano-X ZnO-nanotech cold cathode x-ray tube for the security market 2016
624 NANO Low-Cost Real-Time Nanomagnetooptical Integrity Monitoring Tool and Intelligent Asset Integrity, Risk and Performance Management Software 2017
625 3D-REPAIR Spatial organization of DNA repair within the nucleus 2017
626 TIC-AUV Towards Intelligent Cognitive AUVs 2017
627 Bio-ICD Biological auto-detection and termination of heart rhythm disturbances 2017
628 HONOURs Host switching pathogens, infectious outbreaks and zoonosis; a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Training Network 2017
629 chromo-SUMMIT Decoding dynamic chromatin signaling by single-molecule multiplex detection 2017
630 CHIC On CHip terahertz frequency Combs 2017
631 VideoPlus A platform for augmented video content 2017
632 NZi-VITAL Novel Smart Motorcycle helmet with integrated health monitoring system, accident detection and eCall compliance. 2017
633 I-MUST A handheld, ultra-sensitive device for rapid contactless explosive vapour detection in open air, based on Ion Mobility Universal Sensor Technology 2016
634 DRAMATIC Development of Relevant Approaches to Mathematically Model Increasingly Complex Microbially-driven Processes 2017
635 RewardedPerception Functional circuits mediating the effects of reward value on perception within and across sensory modalities 2017
636 INISH MINI-BAR Inish Mini for On-Site Rapid Detection of Bacteria in Beer Directly from the Tap 2017
637 ENFOC Exploiting the Nonlinear Fiber-Optical Channel 2016
638 BIOSENSIZE SIZE selective optical SENsing of BIOmolecules with functionalized porous photonic structures 2016
639 GSTHgNDD Role of GST gene variation in susceptibility to mercury (Hg)-induced neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) in zebrafish 2017
640 PredAMEG Identifying Oscillatory Signatures of Predictive Coding in Hierarchical Auditory Networks with MEG 2017
641 CAPABLE Chemical Composition characterization of air pollution (aerosols and gases) on the basis of nonlinear multi-channel lidar experiments 2017
642 GASPARCON Molecular steps of gas-to-particle conversion: From oxidation to precursors, clusters and secondary aerosol particles. 2017
643 MicroCyFly Microcircuitry of the Drosophila visual system 2017
644 DEEPVIEW High accuracy error detection in curved (prismatic) surfaces at high manufacturing speed 2017
646 AgroRadar Using Copernicus Earth Observation radar data to disrupt Precision Agriculture 2017
647 METAdiag METAdiag: Diagnose to Cure 2017
649 DEVILS DEVILS (Development of Vhbr engines Innovative Lubrication System) 2017
650 SOCOSYS Sensors for Oil COoling SYStem 2017
651 CHEMMINE Chemical proteome mining for functional annotation of disease relevant proteins 2017
653 HANNOVER Hannover – automatic monitoring of horses 2017
654 CBIT Customisable Bioink Technology Platform 2017
655 APMAV Innovative drone-based solution for agriculture 2017
656 PRECISE Pulsed eddy current inspection system for pipeline health monitoring 2017
657 WECARMON Wearable Cardiorespiratory Monitor 2017
658 iMDx Microfiber Electrofluidics for Integrated Molecular Diagnostics 2017
660 MaRiA Microbiota and Resolvins in Arthritis 2017
661 EnvFate Study of the environmental impact of insecticides by metabolomic foot-printing approach 2017
662 SupramolecularWires Multicomponent supramolecular wires as a platform for the control of protein functions 2017
663 HyQuIP Hybrid Quantum Integrated Photonics 2017
664 ESA 2.0 Pushing forward irradiation monitoring efficiency in the PV industry 2017
665 ODR A ubiquitous system for disrupting how Western blot imaging and data processing is carried for clinical analysis 2017
666 AutoMonoDroplet Development of a commercially-viable system for the automatic generation of high-throughput well-defined microdroplets 2017
667 FOODSELFI FOOD Safety monitoring by Electrochemical Lateral Flow Immunoassay 2017
668 CANCERSCREEN Screening for cancer in the post-genomic era: diagnostic innovation and biomedicalisation in comparative perspective 2017
669 EPI-Centrd Epilepsy Controlled with Electronic Neurotransmitter Delivery 2017
670 CellStructure Structural cell biology in situ using superresolution microscopy 2017
671 ZIPgeting Quantitative understanding of target recognition on DNA based on directional zipping processes 2017
672 iGear Intelligent Gearbox for Endurance Advanced Rotorcraft 2017
673 CTFMAUTOMATION Automation of Correlative Optical Tweezers-Fluorescence Microscopy Experiments 2017
674 Wave-Locked Loop Wave-Locked Loop for Frequency Synthesis (WLL) 2017
675 MSIOAM Multifocal structured illumination optoacoustic microscopy 2018
676 SKDWONTRACK Room temperature stabilization and all-electrical manipulation of chiral spin structures in metallic multilayers 2018
677 ExoSensor A Nano-photoelectric Exosome Biosensor for Point-of-care Diagnosis of Early-stage Cancer 2017
678 ICEDNA Investigating Changes in Antarctic Marine Ecosystems using Environmental DNA 2017
679 EXCITING-CT Excellent lung cancer imaging and tumour identification using next generation computed tomography 2017
680 OptoFeedback Causal study of the role of feedback in the perceptual inference of figure location in the primate visual cortex using targeted optogenetics 2017
681 LocationWise LocationWise Payment Card Validation: A cloud based location verification system that willsignificantly lower cost of payment card cyber security 2017
682 ULTIMATE Towards the ultimate dark matter detector 2017
683 Monomark A comparative clinical study of a stool-based versus a blood-based screening test for earlydetection of CRC 2017
684 ISPEC Imaging SPECtral deconvolution specialist 2017
685 DiracEntangler Cooper pair splitter based on Dirac materials 2017
686 FreezeAlz Theoretical prediction of spectral biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease enabled by highly efficient and adaptable mutli-level response methods 2017
687 WaMStrIn Water management strategies and climate change in the Indus Civilisation 2018
688 AntibioPICs Enzyme-Degradable Polyion-Complex (PIC) Particles for the Treatment and Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2018
689 SENSHOR A Wearable Sensor for Hormones Based on a Native Microbial Sensing 2017
690 VLS-QPP Very-Large-Scale Quantum Photonic Processing 2017
691 GEMS Gluten Epitope Molecularly imprinted polymer Sensor 2018
692 RUBSEE Extending artificial intelligence revolution in the waste field beyond sorting 2017
693 ODORPREP Real time, automatic and remote-activated sampling system for industrial odour emissions compliant with the European Standard EN 13725 2017
694 PIONEER Peri-Ocularly Navigated Exteroceptive Snake Robot for Novel Retinal Interventions 2017
695 IPISA Inkjet Printed Sensor Arrays for high efficient, low cost, environmental monitoring 2017
696 LockChip A custom lock chip for compact NMR 2017
697 ASISA Advanced Superlattice Infrared detectors for Space Applications 2017
698 INDIV-STAT Statistical learning and second language acquisition: individual differences and neurobiological underpinning. 2017
699 DogSPEC Multimodal Spectral Imaging for Canine Skin Erythema Estimation: from the Lab to the Clinic – DogSPEC 2017
700 Gal-HD Our Galaxy at full HD 2018
701 LIPMETIN-sURFing Small open reading frames (smORF) as novel modulators of disorders of dietary excess 2018
702 FISHODOR Integrating conspecific odors into tilapia reproductive behaviour 2017
703 SMART-WORKFLOW Development of a smart workflow based on high resolution mass spectrometry for the assessment of the performance of wastewater treatment technologies 2018
704 BNSmergers Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Counterparts from Generic Binary Neutron Star Systems 2018
705 ESSEVOL Adapting to Change: Experimental Evolution of Environmental Sensing Systems in Bacteria 2017
706 MIDxPRO Microwave Diagnosis of Breast Cancer with Open Ended Contact Probes 2017
707 GAMODRONE Game of Drones: Multimedia Streaming with Flying Terminals in Next Generation Mobile Networks 2017
708 NanoVoltSens Voltage-sensing nanorods for super-resolution voltage imaging in neurons 2017
710 MiLC Monotonicity in Logic and Complexity 2017
711 Qdet Quantum Detectors 2017
712 MoniTank Underground Storage Tanks Risk Mitigation System for petrol fuel stations 2017
713 Mofina Mobile Filovirus Nucleic Acid Test – Sofia ref.: 115848 2015
714 INCEPTION Incremental Nonlinear flight Control supplemented with Envelope ProtecTION techniques 2017
715 NanoPD Single Molecule Nanoscale Sensors for Improved Therapies and Diagnostics 2017
716 SpinSolar Characterisation method for spin-dependent processes in solar energy technology 2017
717 funcSOFI-PD Quantitative super-resolution optical fluctuation and phase microscopy for structural and functional imaging of Parkinson's disease 2017
718 ATM-METFIN Quantifying atmospheric ice nucleating particle (INP) concentrations via advances in measurement techniques and field studies of ice nucleation 2017
719 PlateletLiquidBiopsy Exploring the cellular heterogeneity underlying 'tumor-educated' platelets 2017
720 DSMT16 Deciphering causes and consequences of inflammation in subtypes of sporadic intestinal cancer 2018
721 NARCOREADER Novel electrochemical strategies for rapid, on-site multiscreening of illicit drugs 2017
722 CreepUT An ultrasonic non-destructive testing system for detection and quantification of early stage subsurface creep damage in the thermal power generation industry 2017
723 interACT Designing cooperative interaction of automated vehicles with other road users in mixed traffic environments 2017
724 FLUOSWITCH Pushing the frontiers of biological imaging with genetically encoded fluorescence switches 2017
725 HEGEMONIC HEpatocellular carcinoma GErmline MutatiONs ImpaCt (HEGEMONIC) 2017
726 ANGRAM Antimatter gravity measurement: How does antihydrogen fall? 2017
727 UNGULATE Mechanisms of collective predator detection and information transfer in African ungulates 2017
728 ZNEOPSIN_II The role of novel opsins in non-visual light detection in the zebrafish brain 2018
729 SAFER-LC SAFER Level Crossing by integrating and optimizing road-rail infrastructure management and design 2017
730 PyroTRACH Pyrogenic TRansformations Affecting Climate and Health 2017
731 ROBORDER autonomous swarm of heterogeneous RObots for BORDER surveillance 2017
732 TopSpiD Topological states with Spin-Dependent potentials for ultracold lithium 2018
733 ELECTROQUANTUM-2D Atomistic Electrodynamics-Quantum Mechanical Framework for Characterizing, Manipulating and Optimizing Nonlinear Optical Processes in 2D Materials 2018
734 CTCapture_2.0 Advanced platform for profiling of therapeutic targets and functional analysis of circulating tumour cells in cancer patients 2017
735 LUMABS Therapeutic antibody drug monitoring using bioluminescent sensors proteins and a smartphone 2017
736 PLAY.CARE PLAY.CARE – revolution in early detection and therapy of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). 2017
737 EPICODE Programmable Readers, Writers, and Erasers of the Epigenetic Cytosine Code 2017
738 NEST Nanoengineering of radioactive seeds for cancer therapy and diagnosis 2017
739 SAURON Scalable multidimensionAl sitUation awaReness sOlution for protectiNg european ports 2017
740 SMel Electric field imaging of single molecular charges by a quantum sensor 2017
741 SMuPhoS Solid-State Multi-Photon Sources for Larger-Scale Quantum Optics and Photonics 2017
742 SECOPS An Integrated Security Concept for Drone Operations 2017
743 TryptoBoost Boosting tryptophan fluorescence with optical nanoantennas to watch label-free protein dynamics with single molecule resolution at high concentration 2017
744 ASTEROID ASTronomy EuROpean Infrared Detection 2017
745 STOP-IT Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastructure against cyber-physical Threats 2017
746 RED-Alert Real-time Early Detection and Alert System for Online Terrorist Content based on Natural Language Processing, Social Network Analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Event Processing 2017
747 CS-AWARE A cybersecurity situational awareness and information sharing solution for local public administrations based on advanced big data analysis 2017
748 DEFENDER Defending the European Energy Infrastructures 2017
749 GHOST Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk Control 2017
750 TRIVALENT Terrorism pReventIon Via rAdicaLisation countEr-NarraTive 2017
751 ELECTRA Electrochemically induced Asymmetry: from materials to molecules and back 2017
752 ROMEO Reliable OM decision tools and strategies for high LCoE reduction on Offshore wind 2017
753 QUESCA Quantum Enhanced Sensing with Cold Atoms 2017
754 BioTec Detection of bio-signatures in space research using a new and innovative measurement technique based on laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry 2017
755 FLUINEMS Suspended Fluidic nanochannels as optomechanical sensors for single molecules 2017
756 EU-China-Safe Delivering an Effective, Resilient and Sustainable EU-China Food Safety Partnership 2017
757 DELTA-FLU Dynamics of avian influenza in a changing world 2017
758 MDDS Mechanism Design for Data Science 2017
759 F-IMAGE Seismic Functional Imaging of the Brittle Crust 2017
760 Xenoscope Towards a multi-ton xenon observatory for astroparticle physics 2017
761 ACCURATE Aerospace Composite Components - Ultrasonic Robot Assisted Testing (ACCURATE) 2017
762 BreathSpec A rapid, non-invasive, cost-effective, analytical device for bacterial or viral infection diagnosis through ultra-high sensitivity breath analysis. 2017
763 CLASS CLear Air Situation for uaS: Maturing ground based technologies for a real-time Unmanned Aerial System Traffic Management System (UTMS) to monitor and separate Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) traffic 2017
764 FeetWell Innovative diagnostic and eHealth monitoring system for diabetic foot complications 2017
765 EDU EggDetect Unit, the first non-invasive technology to detect egg fertility pre-incubation and thechicken's gender pre-hatching 2017
766 SECURE the new gold standard for nondestructive testing in industry, using next generation electromagnetic induction techniques 2017
767 PACS Pantograph Active Control System for e-Highways 2017
768 FastFinder Artificial intelligence for automated, standardised interpretation of DNA testing results 2017
769 SWaT An innovative system capable of monitoring and removing heavy metals, phenolic compounds and biological pollutants in drinking water 2017
770 MCodaq Mcodaq is a new benchtop instrument for fraud detection in cosmetics, perfumes, candles and other consumer products, based on NMR and used by technicians without specific analytical chemistry skills 2017
771 CORTEX Core monitoring techniques and experimental validation and demonstration 2017
772 CHANCE Characterization of conditioned nuclear waste for its safe disposal in Europe 2017
773 ADVISE ADVanced Inspection of Complex StructurEs 2017
774 POINTS Revealing the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the visual perception of social interactions 2017
775 CATCH-U-DNA Capturing non-Amplified Tumor Circulating DNA with Ultrasound Hydrodynamics 2017
776 SMARTSOUND Pre-Commercialisation of Sound Recognition for Surveillance Applications 2017
777 CAPABLE Composite integrated photonic platform by femtosecond laser micromachining 2017
778 HOTFLOW A Photothermal Lateral Flow Test for Visual Point of Care Detection 2017
779 IN2DIAG Application of genomic inversions as diagnostic markers in precision medicine 2017
780 ANDRUPOS Automatic non-destructive recognition of used printing techniques on substrates 2017
781 PercEvite PercEvite - Sense and avoid technology for small drones 2017
782 ColoFast Developing a Non-Invasive Kit for Early Colorectal Cancer Detection 2017
783 Invidyo Invidyo – Smart Baby and Baby Sitter Monitoring System 2017
784 CompactDating A compact radioisotope dating device for rapid sample analysis 2017
785 ANALYTICS All-electrical analytic platform for digital fluidics 2017
786 ePatriot Evolved Sky Patriot – Phase 1 Feasibility Study 2017
787 CBRNE STNDS 2017 ERNCIP CBRNE STANDARDS 2017 and 2018 – support to Mandate 487 2017
788 MammoWave The first ultra-high sensitive breast imaging device based on non-ionizing safe microwave 2017
789 MFDS Multi-Functional Detective System (MFDS) – Advanced, ‘Intelligent Transport System’ creating smarter and safer European roads 2017
790 NATVIS Characterizing neural mechanisms underlying the efficiency of naturalistic human vision 2017
791 PoCOsteo PoC in-office device for identifying individuals at high risk of Osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture 2017
792 Railscope Improving Railway Safety Through Innovative Sensor System 2017
793 SPICY Simulating 2d Spin Lattices with Ion Crystals 2017
794 STREAM STREAM - Sonar Technology for Remote Environmental Monitoring 2017
795 Z-BRE4K Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories 2017
796 HEMs-DAM Hybrid Epitaxial Materials for Novel Quantum State Detection and Manipulation 2017
797 HIGCC Search for Higgs bosons decaying to charm quarks 2017
798 ArcheoDyn Globular clusters as living fossils of the past of galaxies 2017
799 ElectroBee Mechanisms of electroreception in bees and other terrestrial animals 2017
800 IBIS Platform for label-free quantitative detection of single proteins and extracellular vesicles 2017
801 CAPSYS Capillary systems for advanced point-of-care diagnostics 2018
802 ConCare Leveraging the scalability of mobile devices to improve the outcome of all critically ill patients: a multi-faceted health platform to enable the continuum of care from ICU to home. 2017
803 A-FOD SAFER and TIMELY FLIGHTS with Automated Foreign Object Detection System 2017
804 TAPAS Training Network on Automatic Processing of PAthological Speech 2017
805 ALADDIN Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification Neutralization 2017
806 CITCOM A Complimentary Inspection Technique based on Computer Tomography and Plenoptic Camera for MEMS Components 2017
807 COPAC Coherent Optical Parallel Computing 2017
808 CURE-XF Capacity Building And Raising Awareness In Europe And In Third Countries To Cope With Xylella fastidiosa 2017
809 FAIR Stations Future Secure and Accessible Rail Stations 2017
810 FLASH Far-infrared Lasers Assembled using Silicon Heterostructures 2017
811 IBEX QDR IBEX QDR: A Ground-breaking Technological Upgrade based on Quantitative Digital Radiography to Exploit the Full Diagnostic Potential of Standard Digital X-Ray 2017
812 INDEX Integrated nanoparticle isolation and detection system for complete on-chip analysis of exosomes 2017
813 KNOX Cost advantageous and scalable drone alarm and protection system for urban contexts 2017
814 microSPIRE micro-crystals Single Photon InfraREd detectors 2017
815 MY-ATRIA MultidisciplinarY training network for ATrial fibRillation monItoring, treAtment and progression 2017
816 PreCoM Predictive Cognitive Maintenance Decision Support System 2017
817 REACT Optimising Radiomics for MRI-based personalised cancer treatment 2017
818 blackQD Optoelectronic of narrow band gap nanocrystals 2018
819 FUN-PM Fundamental Understanding of Nanoparticle chemistry: towards the prediction of Particulate emissions and Material synthesis 2018
820 ProteinDynamics Visualizing the Conformational Dynamics of Proteins by Time-Resolved Electron Microscopy 2018
821 PRe-ART Predictive Reagent Antibody Replacement Technology 2017
822 PIC Personalised In-Silico Cardiology 2017
823 S4CE Science for Clean Energy 2017
824 ViBrANT VIral and BacteRial Adhesin Network Training 2018
825 A4B Analytics for Biologics 2017
826 ZULF Zero and ultra-low field nuclear magnetic resonance 2018
827 RESOLVD Renewable penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage Distribution grids 2017
828 X2RAIL-2 Enhancing railway signalling systems based on train satellite positioning, on-board safe train integrity, formal methods approach and standard interfaces, enhancing Traffic Management System functions 2017
829 TWIST TOF PET With Strip SiPMs 2018
830 AptaCheck Bioelectronic lab-on-a-chip for point-of-care detection of infectious agents 2017
831 MIRA Next Generation Machine Intelligence for Medical Image Representation and Analysis 2018
832 DarkGRA Unveiling the dark universe with gravitational waves: Black holes and compact stars as laboratories for fundamental physics 2017
833 REM Resonant Electromagnetic Microscopy: Imaging Cells Electronically 2018
834 SBS3-5 Stimulated Brillouin Scattering based RF to Optical Signal Transduction and Amplification 2018
835 AV-SMP Algorithmic Verification of String Manipulating Programs 2017
836 INSIKT Novel Social Data Mining Platform to Detect and Defeat Violent Online Radicalization 2017
837 ARIA Advanced ultra-wideband Radar for Integrated Applications 2017
838 TRIPLE Three Indirect Probes of Lyman continuum LEakage from galaxies 2018
839 HiRISE High-Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy of Exoplanets 2017
840 GEO-4D Geodetic data assimilation: Forecasting Deformation with InSAR 2018
841 PANTHEON Precision Farming of Hazelnut Orchards 2017
842 SUGARSmart SUGARSmart: Smart design of recombinant antibody fragments specific for carbohydrate molecules 2018
843 NANOELECTROCHEM Electrocatalytic Nanoreactors for Absorption, Detection and Decontamination of Hazardous Compounds 2017
844 QuadraComb Quadratic dispersive resonators for optical frequency comb generation 2018
845 sCENT Cryptophane-Enhanced Trace Gas Spectroscopy for On-Chip Methane Detection 2018
846 MisloQC Dissecting Quality Control Mechanisms of Mislocalized Proteins 2018
847 TOP Towards the Bottom of the Periodic Table 2018
848 EMPATHIC Empathic, Expressive, Advanced Virtual Coach to Improve Independent Healthy-Life-Years of the Elderly 2017
849 SWINOSTICS Swine diseases field diagnostics toolbox 2017
850 VIVALDI Veterinary Validation of Point-of-Care Detection Instrument 2018
851 SYMBIOSIS A Holistic Opto-Acoustic System for Monitoring Marine Biodiversities 2017
852 EOPEN EOPEN: opEn interOperable Platform for unified access and analysis of Earth observatioN data 2017
853 GREENPATROL Galileo Enhanced Solution for Pest Detection and Control in Greenhouse Fields with Autonomous Service Robots 2017
854 bTB-Test Volatolomics test for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis 2018
855 THOR TeraHertz quasiOptical Receiver 2017
856 DARWIN Dual capillary waveguide endoscope 2018
857 UPRECON Ultrafast photonics for the detection and recognition of toxic spine-structures of amyloid aggregates linked to neurodegenerative disease 2018
858 NANOCARGO Photo/magnetic stimulated nanocargos for superior cancer treatments 2018
859 MESI-STRAT Systems Medicine of Metabolic-Signaling Networks: A New Concept for Breast Cancer Patient Stratification 2018
860 INSITUMUT Direct detection of cancer-causing mutations in tumour specimens 2018
861 LIMA Liquid biopsies and Imaging for improved cancer care 2018
862 MyPeBS International Randomized Study Comparing personalized, Risk-Stratified to Standard Breast Cancer Screening In Women Aged 40-70 2018
863 TOPODY Exploring topological matter with atomic Dysprosium 2018
864 PyraSig Pyrazine Signalling in Commensal and Pathogenic Bacteria 2018
865 ATOMICAR ATOMic Insight Cavity Array Reactor 2018
866 M3DLoC Additive Manufacturing of 3D Microfluidic MEMS for Lab-on-a-Chip applications 2018
867 NEMOSINE Innovative packaging solutions for storage and conservation of 20th century cultural heritage of artefacts based on cellulose derivate 2018
868 IMPETUS Pilot line for paper based electrochemical test strips dedicated to quantitative biosensing in liquids 2018
869 VHIALab Vision and Hearing In Action Laboratory 2018
871 ISCQuM Imaging, Spectroscopy and Control of Quantum states in advanced Materials 2019
872 eDREAM eDREAM - enabling new Demand REsponse Advanced, Market oriented and Secure technologies, solutions and business models 2018
873 BeyondPlanck Beyond Planck -- delivering state-of-the-art observations of the microwave sky from 30 to 70 GHz for the next decade 2018
874 GRIMASSE General aviation Rescue capacity IMprovement for the worldwide Adoption of a Safe Solution based on European GNSS 2017
875 ExoplANETS A Exoplanet Athmosphere New Emission Transmission Spectra Analysis 2018
876 HOLDON HgCdte APD Optimization for Lidar Detection Of greeNhouse gases 2018
877 STANDUP Smartphone Thermal ANalysis for Diabetic foot Ulcer Prevention and treatment 2018
878 FunFiCO Fundamental fields and compact objects: theory and astrophysical phenomenology 2017
879 CanBioSe Novel 1D photonic metal oxide nanostructures for early stage cancer detection 2018
880 HYFLIERS HYbrid FLying-rollIng with-snakE-aRm robot for contact inSpection 2018
881 SiNBioSys Luminescent silicon nanocrystals as bioimaging systems 2017
882 REDFINCH mid infraREd Fully Integrated CHemical sensors 2017
883 DeepMiR Innovative testing of microRNA from liquid biopsies using bistable molecular circuits 2017
884 MOLOKO Multiplex phOtonic sensor for pLasmonic-based Online detection of contaminants in milK 2018
886 OneRNA4Bladder Non invasive Cell Based Liquid Biopsy Platform for Bladder Cancer 2017
887 I-Cuvette Smart cuvette and portable Time-Resolved FRET for fast analysis of milk 2017
888 CellCount CellCount, a revolutionary technology platform to solve current problems with microbiological contamination in water and food industries. 2017
889 IntelHeat Intelligent control system for railway points heating with supreme saving of electicity 2017
890 SOFT SOFT, the first camera-based colorectal cancer screening test to detect occult blood in faeces immediately and with no lab analysis. 2017
891 V-SPHERE Vulnerability Search and Prevention through Holistic End-to-end Risk Evaluation 2018
892 FARSIGHTS Fast And Reliable Surveillance and Identification of Ground asseTs from Space 2017
893 EyeWideVision An assessment and treatment tool for visual dysfunctions in children 2017
894 CyanoKit CyanoKit®, the fastest and easiest test for reliable on-site cyanide detection. 2017
895 EXACT-dna EXtended Analysis of Circulating Tumour DNA to improve cancer management strategies 2017
896 Outsense Phase-1 Toilet IoT sensor for medical monitoring and wellness tool 2017
897 HIV ECLIPSE HIV-1 acquisition and the future of prevention strategies: deciphering the eclipse phase through modelling and phylogenetics 2018
898 EXOKLEIN The Climates and Habitability of Small Exoplanets Around Red Stars 2018
899 SIMDAMA Strong-interaction matter coupled to electroweak probes and dark matter candidates 2018
900 BHSandAADS The Black Hole Stability Problem and the Analysis of asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes 2018
901 TransSec Autonomous emergency manoeuvring and movement monitoring for road transport security 2018
902 ExoSonic A microfluidic chip for non-invasive, early detection of pancreatic cancer – liquid biopsy 2018
903 YAKSHA Cybersecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application 2018
904 BASIC Functional Blood Analysis for Clinical Application in Sepsis 2018
905 Wardiam Perimeter An innovative intruder detection hidden technology based on Controlled Magnetic Fields able to detect threats before happening 2018
906 PICOPROP4CT Commercial feasibility assessment of the first single-photon detector for CT 2018
907 DANTE DANTE: Digital Alarm Network and Tracking Equipment for forest fire detection 2018
908 HepaCheC HepaCheC - an in vitro diagnostic assay for the early detection of liver cancer 2018
909 neuronSW Early detection and prediction of mechanical malfunction of machinery by sound analysis 2018
910 Radiation detector Novel radioactive radiation technology feasibility verification 2018
911 KYTERA COMPANION Disrupting the elderly home care with contextual analysis software 2018
912 MicroAdiPSChip Micro-Fat Tissue on Chip 2018
913 SENSORIANCE SEnsorial awareNess System fOR obstacle detectIon And collisioN avoidanCE 2018
914 ADD-ON Advanced Damage Detection though Optical sensor Network 2018
915 HADES HADES - Optical Hot Air Leak DEtection System 2018
916 INTELLICONT Development and Manufacturing of Intelligent Lightweight Composite Aircraft Container 2018
917 INSPECTO INSPECTO: A disruptive portable device with an innovative Method for Pesticides and contaminants Detection in Food 2017
918 flexiLED A new dynamic precision LED-lighting system for hydro- and aquaponic indoor farming 2018
919 ColiSense Online Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water 2018
920 quMercury Ultracold mercury for a measurement of the EDM 2018
921 InflamCellDeath Mechanism and function of gasdermin-induced inflammatory cell death 2018
922 QUEM-CHEM Time- and space- resolved ultrafast dynamics in molecular-plasmonic hybrid systems 2018
923 TeraSHAPE Terahertz Waveform Synthesis and Analysis Using Hybrid Photonic-Electronic Circuits 2018
925 CIDAR Combustion species Imaging Diagnostics for Aero-engine Research 2018
926 Re-MAPMATH Re-Mapping the Numerical Brain. 2018
927 ShaMROCk Superconductive MiR phOton Counter 2018
928 Exoplanet Finder Blazing the Trail: Enabling Exoplanet Imaging in the Habitable Zone with the European Extremely Large Telescope 2018
929 IMMUNOMARK Omics integration for precision cancer immunotherapy 2018
930 MicroMOUPE Microscopy - Making optimal use of photons and electrons 2018
931 MetaBil Metacognition and bilingualism in linguistic and non-linguistic domains 2018
932 ZIDOMS Using Zebrafish as a novel tool to Improve the Diagnosis and Outcome of Marfan Syndrome 2018
933 Peripheality Exploring the function of peripheral vision in humans using virtual reality 2018
934 ChromaFish Chromatographic micro-column development for pharmaceutical applications in zebraFish 2018
935 OE Scan A next generation diagnostic device that effectively screens for breast cancer in all tissue types, without the use of ionising radiation 2018
936 PAALD Passive and Active Acoustic Leak Detection System 2018
937 BEAT regulation of B-cell Epitope migration and Autoimmunity by T follicular helper cells 2018
938 BITCRUMBS Towards a Reliable and Automated Analysis of Compromised Systems 2018
939 Bits2Cosmology Time-domain Gibbs sampling: From bits to inflationary gravitational waves 2018
940 FINSEC Integrated Framework for Predictive and Collaborative Security of Financial Infrastructures 2018
941 RESISTO RESIlience enhancement and risk control platform for communication infraSTructure Operators 2018
942 SAFECARE SAFEguard of Critical heAlth infrastructure 2018
943 CHAMPAGNE CoHerent AMplification and PArametric GeNeration of Euv radiation 2018
944 Co-Inform Co-Creating Misinformation-Resilient Societies 2018
945 COLONINFO Improving COLOrectal cancer screening: Novel INverse and FOrward algorithms for a new real-time microwave endoscopy 2018
946 Construye2020_Plus A new boost for green jobs, growth and sustainability 2018
947 DualDur DualDur: A Disruptive Diagnostic Technology that Enables for the First Time an Early and Accurate Diagnosis of the tick-borne Lyme Disease. 2018
948 E-SCENT Epidermal sensors as personal chemical environmental monitoring tools 2018
949 ENCORE Exploring Neutrinos: Cosmology, Oscillations, REactors 2018
950 SynBioBrain Building biological computers from bacterial populations 2018
951 mPP machine learning for Particle Physics 2018
952 VALITEST Validation of diagnostic tests to support plant health 2018
953 OPTIMA Optimised Pest Integrated Management to precisely detect and control plant diseases in perennial crops and open-field vegetables 2018
954 MoViS An innovative screening protocol device for early identification of neonates at high-risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders 2018
955 CYBER-TRUST Advanced Cyber-Threat Intelligence, Detection, and Mitigation Platform for a Trusted Internet of Things 2018
956 CONNEXIONs InterCONnected NEXt-Generation Immersive IoT Platform of Crime and Terrorism DetectiON, PredictiON, InvestigatiON, and PreventiON Services 2018
957 FLEET Flying Electromagnetic Toroids 2018
958 ASTRID AddreSsing ThReats for virtualIseD services 2018
959 SPEAR SPEAR: Secure and PrivatE smArt gRid 2018
960 EU-SENSE European Sensor System for CBRN Applications 2018
961 FOLDOUT Through-foliage detection, including in the outermost regions of the EU 2018
962 OsciLang OsciLang: A neurofeedback system based on oscillatory activity for diagnosis and intervention in language and reading impairments 2018
963 N6MeA ChemSeq Development of chemical methods for DNA N6-methyladenine mapping 2018
964 OPTOSENSE Optical sensing of relative humidity using photoswitchable molecules 2018
965 TREMOR TRemor as Eruption MOnitoR 2019
966 Nanozymes POC Nanozymes POC 2018
967 PHILOS PHILOS: Real-time Detection and Automated Mitigation of BGP Prefix Hijacking Attacks 2019
968 SenPET Innovative cancer management: First in human senescence imaging 2018
969 AMP-FWBD Advanced Molecular Platform for detection of Food- and WaterBorne Diseases 2019
970 SMERC Strong Microwave Erbium Coupling 2019
971 VolThinSens VolThinSens. Challenging societal needs involving ions detection: New strategies for the development of Voltammetry ion Sensors based on Thin membranes 2018
972 NanoFEITH Nanoparticles for Fluorescence-Enhanced Imaging and Therapy of Breast Cancer 2018
973 POLARSENSE Polarimetry with spatially coherent detection for ultrasensitive detection 2018
974 SHINE Self-Healthcare for breast cancer detection using an INtegrated paper-based Electrochemical device 2019
975 ErMIR Mid-infrared erbium cascade lasers for the remote detection of carbon dioxide 2018
976 MUST Magnetoelectric Ultra-low-power Spin-wave Transducers 2018
977 Upbiosens Near-infrared nucleic acids sensing and imaging using lanthanide-based nanoparticles capped with DNA 2019
978 rSAMs-NANO Nanoparticles with switchable shells for virus sensing and inhibition 2018
979 UGMNanoSens Black phosphorous quantum dots as fluorescent nanosensing platforms for detecting unauthorised genetically modified material 2018
980 MOFUS Metal Oxide Functionalized carbon nanostrUctures for photonic gas Sensors 2018
981 GLYCANLIPO Selective glycan recognition using molecularly imprinted liposomes 2018
982 ADAPT An adaptation-based approach to understand resilience after job loss: Identifying the underlying mechanisms leading to adaptive coping and re-employment 2019
983 NeMESIS Neuron-based Monitoring Electrochemical Bio-Sensor Interface System 2019
984 Hot-TEA Hot Terrestrial Exo-planet Atmospheres: preparing new generation instrument observations with a global climate model 2018
986 COLOVOC Reliable and specific urinary biomarkers for colorectal cancer 2019
987 Human Glymphatics Effects of sleep deprivation and adrenergic inhibition on glymphatic flow in humans 2018
988 VOLCANOWAVES State of unrest of active VOLCANOes through advanced seismic WAVES analysis - An application to eruption forecast modelling. 2018
989 TWODPS TWO-Dimensional nanomaterial-based metasurfaces for enhanced Plasmonic Sensing 2018
990 Smart BioSense Smart engineered Bioreceptors for developing BioSensors 2018
991 NANOBIOME Gradient NANOcluster Screening Arrays for SERS Analytics of Wound MicroBIOMEs 2018
992 MAPoPHAGY Maturation of plant autophagosomes: mapping the route to sustainability 2018
993 2STOP_TBE Structural Openings to Understand and Prevent Tick Borne Encephalitis 2018
994 ICOFAS Improved Coherence Fast Swept Source Lasers for Optical Imaging Applications 2019
995 kANNa Knowledge graph completion using Artificial Neural Networks for Herb-Drug Interaction discovery 2019
996 QPARK A Quantitative Approach for Smart Parking 2018
997 SEQURE Targeted complete next-generation sequencing for companion diagnostics and personalized treatment of cancer 2018
998 HOMED HOlistic Management of Emerging forest pests and Diseases 2018
999 HealthyLivestock Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance through improved livestock Health and Welfare 2018
1000 SMARTFAN Smart by Design and Intelligent by Architecture for turbine blade fan and structural components systems 2018
1001 PATROLS Physiologically Anchored Tools for Realistic nanOmateriaL hazard aSsessment 2018
1002 COG-LO COGnitive Logistics Operations through secure, dynamic and ad-hoc collaborative networks 2018
1003 DEMOBLACK Demography of black hole binaries in the era of gravitational wave astronomy 2018
1004 TICTOCGRAV Exploring Gravity with Ultracold Cadmium and Strontium Optical Clocks and Bragg Interferometers 2018
1005 AFarCloud Aggregate Farming in the Cloud 2018
1006 BiomeRiskFactors Discovering microbiome-based disease risk factors 2019
1007 4DBIOSERS Four-Dimensional Monitoring of Tumour Growth by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering 2018
1008 QUANTUM-N Quantum Mechanics in the Negative Mass Reference Frame 2018
1009 NECROPTOSIS Necroptosis in immunity, inflammation and autoimmunity induced by nucleic acid sensors 2018
1010 E-DUALITY Exploring Duality for Future Data-driven Modelling 2018
1011 IAXOplus Towards the detection of the axion with the International Axion Observatory 2018
1012 CODE Coincidence detection of proteins and lipids in regulation of cellular membrane dynamics 2019
1013 CoMoQuant Correlated Molecular Quantum Gases in Optical Lattices 2019
1014 SENSATIONAL TETHERS Tethers for sensory mechanotransduction: from molecules to perception 2018
1015 KID KiD: A low-cost KInematic Detector to assist early diagnosis and objective profiling of ASD 2018
1016 Hi-FrED High-Frequency Spin Entanglement Generation in Diamond 2018
1017 MAPSYNE Miniaturized automated patch-clamp system combined with high-density microelectrode arrays for multi-scale functional mapping of neuronal networks 2018
1018 ErBeStA Error-Proof Optical Bell-State Analyzer 2018
1019 Q-MIC Quantum-enhanced on-chip interference microscopy 2018
1020 EDIT Novel precision technological platforms to promote non-invasive early diagnosis, eradication and prevention of cancer relapse: proof of concept in the bladder carcinoma. 2018
1021 NanoTBTech Nanoparticles-based 2D thermal bioimaging technologies 2018
1022 RETINAL Retinal imaging prevention and early detection of chronic diseases 2018
1023 ULTRACEPT Ultra-layered perception with brain-inspired information processing for vehicle collision avoidance 2018
1024 ONE-MIX Mid-infrared optical dual-comb generation and spectroscopy with one unstabilized semiconductor laser 2019
1025 DAMIC-M Unveiling the Hidden: A Search for Light Dark Matter with CCDs 2018
1026 AGRISCENTS Scents and sensibility in agriculture: exploiting specificity in herbivore- and pathogen-induced plant volatiles for real-time crop monitoring 2018
1027 E-T1IFNs Elaboration of the type I interferonopathies 2018
1028 ENVISION Novel mechanisms of early defense against virus infections 2018
1029 QBH Structure The Quantum Structure of Black Holes and the Recovery of Information 2019
1030 PRECRIME Self-assessment Oracles for Anticipatory Testing 2019
1031 PITBUL Point-of-Care implementation of TB testing with ultra-fast Local Heating PCR 2017
1032 F3D-Fastsight-PoC We enable safe and smarter urban transportation with laser imaging of surroundings, avoiding collisions with pedestrians and enabling autonomous navigation. Our single chip implementation delivers 2018
1033 FODBASA Advanced System for Foreign Object Debris and Bird-Aircraft Strike Avoidance 2018
1034 GI-BCT Disruptive imaging technology for accurate and painless breast cancer diagnosis 2018
1035 NEOSONICS NEOSONICS – First non-invasive screening medical device for infant meningitis. 2018
1036 WELLGENETICS Disruptive tracer technology based on synthetic DNA to map subterranean resources 2018
1037 LEAD Miniature colon spectral scanner that gives real-time automatic alerts for pathological findings. 2018
1039 Sex-Assault-ID Crime Scene Presumptive Sperm Identification Test for Sexual Assault Evidence and DNA Collection 2018
1040 OCSIC The Optical Coding System of the Information Channel 2018
1041 SafeZone Fully integrated CBRN incident management system for public safety and private venues with large crowds 2018
1042 Pozyx RTLS An ultra-wideband-based location system that allows highly accurate positioning in indoor environments. 2018
1043 IoTree IoTree, a cutting edge low-cost, low-energy and highly sensitive solution for early detection of pests attacking trees. 2018
1044 AGLYC The First In Vitro Diagnostic Device for the Early Detection of Cardiac Ischemia 2018
1045 PICARD Disruptive GPCR Lead Discovery Platform Delivering New and Safer Therapeutics 2018
1046 Bac-Tracker Empowering food manufacturers with a novel device for fast, accurate and cost-effective food safety testing 2018
1047 AIASGA The Unparalleled AI Platform using High-Performance Computing to Scale Industrial Operations 2018
1048 Blocknetwork Blocknetwork - Fusing Big Data and Implementing Novel Cyber Security Solutions 2018
1049 FOCALISE Facile Oxygen Consumption Assay for Lacteal Industry and Spoilage Evaluation 2018
1050 HistologTM Scanner Intra-operative microscope for tumor margin assessment 2018
1051 DART Diagnostics Saving Time, Money and Lives Through Rapid Plug & Play Salmonella Diagnostics 2018
1052 Hydro-S3DP Sens Solutions Smart Disinfection Platform for Legionella Prevention in Hospital and Hotel water heating & cooling systems. 2018
1053 SenolT Fast and effective diagnostic test for the early detection of residual tumours to prevent cancer recurrence 2018
1054 CellCount CellCount – a revolutionary testing platform to solve current problems with microbiological contamination in water and food industries 2018
1055 AirBrush A fast non-intrusive vapour detection system that rapidly identifies explosives in public areas 2018
1056 Stellar i-ris First non-invasive, reliable and quickest biometric system detecting users’ fatigue and narcotics consumption for road safety and the prevention of accidents at safety-critical workplaces in Europe 2018
1057 HPV OncoPredict A Groundbreaking Stand-Alone Diagnostic Kit to Predict Human Papilloma Virus Infections Evolving into Cervical Cancer 2018
1058 HOL-DEEP-SENSE Holistic Deep Modelling for User Recognition and Affective Social Behaviour Sensing 2018
1059 MEsHH DNA MEthylation for HPV-related disease among women living with HIV 2018
1060 PreSpeech Predicting speech: what and when does the brain predict during language comprehension? 2018
1062 LiionFire Automated e-buses Lithium Ion Battery Early Warning and Fire Suppression System 2018
1063 SIGAGuard Cybersecurity anomaly detection solution for critical infrastructures 2018
1064 SPARTerS Subsurface Precision detection of Asparagus with Robot Technology for Selective harvesting 2018
1065 QuickMIC QuickMIC™ - an ultra-rapid diagnostic system for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (AST) 2018
1066 SeroStrat The first blood test for the early detection and prognosis of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia 2018
1067 TETHIS-SBS-CTC TETHIS-SBS-CTC: An innovative diagnostic testing platform to identify and characterize circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in blood samples. 2018
1068 AQUA-REUSE ReAl-time online QUality Assurance for REUSE of water 2018
1069 TERRIFFIC Tools for early and Effective Reconnaissance in cbRne Incidents providing First responders Faster Information and enabling better management of the Control zone 2018
1070 ColonScan A simple to use, accurate and cost-effective blood test for large-scale colon cancer screening 2018
1071 Bio-LP-1 Bio-LP-1 - A novel technology for water safety and surveillance testing 2018
1072 FESTA Flexible Euv SpecTrometer for Attosecond science 2018
1073 Biomode Diagnosing Pathogen Bacteria Earlier and More Accurately with Biomode’s Probe4@ Rapid Diagnostic Kits 2018
1074 PaSION A longitudinal assessment of treatment experience, symptoms and potential associations with biomarkers in cancer patients undergoing immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy 2018
1075 MaMs3 Crack-Defined Nanogap Electrodes for High-Throughput Decoding of DNA 2018
1076 Microguard A neural network based counterfeit detection system to verify the authenticity of products 2018
1077 IDT The IntelliDogTrainer, a new high throughput training device to train high level security dogs 2018
1078 ENDONANO Quantitative detection of bacterial endotoxin by novel nanotechnological approaches 2019
1079 Primavera Primavera: immunobiotics for treating early stage Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) 2018
1080 SiMAero Simulation-Driven and On-line Condition Monitoring with Applications to Aerospace 2018
1081 2D-SIPC Two-dimensional quantum materials and devices for scalable integrated photonic circuits 2018
1082 Qombs Quantum simulation and entanglement engineering in quantum cascade laser frequency combs 2018
1083 CoLLaboratE Co-production CeLL performing Human-Robot Collaborative AssEmbly 2018
1084 HECTOR Τhe New Generation of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for Critical Infrastructures 2018
1085 ViewGas ViewGas – Patented gas vision system for a safe and fast detection of gas leaks 2018
1086 ATTRACT breAkThrough innovaTion pRogrAmme for a pan-European Detection and Imaging eCosysTem 2018
1087 PEQEM Photonics for engineered quantum enhanced measurement 2019
1088 EntangleUltraCold Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Quantum Many-Body Systems with Ultracold Atoms 2019
1089 StrEnQTh Strong Entanglement in Quantum many-body Theory 2018
1090 COYOTE Coherent Optics Everywhere: a New Dawn for Photonic Networks 2019
1091 SPECTRODOT Hand-held broadband hybrid graphene-quantum dots spectrometer 2018
1092 KlotoDx KlotoDx A quick and cost-effective near-patient tool to identify sepsis-related bacteria and antibiotic resistances 2018
1093 NEAT Neutron based Elemental Analysis Technology 2018
1094 OILBLOCK Immediate Oil Spill containment to mitigate impact on the marine ecosystem 2018
1095 iConsensus Integrated control and sensing platform for biopharmaceutical cultivation process high-throughput development and production 2018
1096 PartonicNucleus Understanding the Quark and Gluon Structure of the Nucleus 2018
1097 COCLICAN COllaborative Consortium for the early detection of LIver CANcer 2018
1098 RNADIAGON Excellence in research and development of non-coding RNA DIAGnostics in ONcology 2019
1099 COSMIC CBRNE Detection in Containers 2018
1100 MiRTLE Next generation, high performance, long range, standoff, concealed threat detection system to protect European citizens and critical infrastructure 2018
1101 ROSSINI RObot enhanced SenSing, INtelligence and actuation to Improve job quality in manufacturing 2018
1102 DeltaScan Public private partnership to revolutionize delirium care in hospitals 2018
1103 MONIFAULTS Monitoring real faults towards their critical state 2019
1104 JENNIFER2 Japan and Europe Network for Neutrino and Intensity Frontier Experimental Research 2 2019
1105 Lung EpiCheck Blood Samples and DNA-an Innovative Technique for Lung Cancer Diagnostics 2018
1106 AD Detect-Prevent Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Detect & Prevent - Presymptomatic AD detection and prevention 2018
1107 ModGravTrial Modified Gravity on Trial 2019
1108 PREFET Proactive FET Observatory for early trends, project building and social responsibility 2018
1109 WIREDETECT High resolution X-ray detectors based on nanowire arrays 2019
1110 MIDNP Metal Ions Dynamic Nuclear Polarization: Novel Route for Probing Functional Materials with Sensitivity and Selectivity 2019
1111 BiopSense Proof of concept and pre-commercialisation of personalised liquid biopsies in cancer therapy 2018
1112 iqClock Integrated Quantum Clock 2018
1113 GoodNews Fake news detection in social networks using geometric deep learning 2018
1114 BREAK BIOFILMS Breaking Bad Biofilms. Innovative Analysis and Design Rules for Next-Generation Antifouling Interfaces 2019
1115 RadNu Radio detection of the PeV - EeV cosmic-neutrino flux 2019
1116 In Motion Investigation and Monitoring of Time-varying Environments on Macro and Nano Scales 2018
1117 RedStroke Smart ICT-solution to cost-efficiently detect atrial fibrillation to Reduce Europe’s burden of Stroke 2018
1118 MammoWave Cutting edge microwave imaging device for safe and accurate breast cancer screening 2018
1119 ODESSA Obstruction DEtection Sensor for Surveillance on Aircraft 2018
1120 REACT Renewable Energy for self-sustAinable island CommuniTies 2019
1121 Snowless Real-time reaction, autonomous and energy-efficient snowmelt technology for lightly and heavily trafficked pavement surfaces. 2018
1122 HydMet Fundamentals of Hydrogen in Structural Metals at the Atomic Scale 2018
1123 ACDC Artificial Cells with Distributed Cores to Decipher Protein Function 2019
1124 Auger-Horizon A large-scale radio detector for the Pierre Auger cosmic-ray Observatory – precision measurements of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays 2018
1125 EnTimeMent EnTimeMent - ENtrainment and synchronization at multiple TIME scales in the MENTal foundations of expressive gesture 2019
1127 HERMES-SP High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites, Scientific Pathfinder 2018
1129 SmartDataLake Sustainable Data Lakes for Extreme-Scale Analytics 2019
1130 SocialTruth Open Distributed Digital Content Verification for Hyper-connected Sociality 2018
1131 i-GRAPE Integrated, Low-Cost and Stand-Alone Micro-Optical System for Grape Maturation and Vine Hydric Stress Monitoring 2018
1132 QUICK Quick Disconnect System 2018
1133 Dide The pioneering platform for detection and management of learning and development difficulties and preventionof school failure 2018
1134 Lymphit LYMPHIT: an innovative easy-to-use and cost-efficient diagnostic microneedle patch for the early detection of Lymphedema 2018
1135 vmRail The on-board railway track & vehicle monitoring system 2018
1136 CALORIC The Smart Thermostat with Heating Power Adjustment 2018
1137 SAMBAfun System for AcceleroMeter-Based Assessment of cardiac FUNction 2018
1138 SiMBiT Single molecule bio-electronic smart system array for clinical testing 2019
1139 SARMENTI Smart multisensor embedded and secure system for soil nutrient and gaseous emission monitoring 2019
1140 5G-MOBIX 5G for cooperative & connected automated MOBIility on X-border corridors 2018
1141 OBERON An integrative strategy of testing systems for identification of EDs related to metabolic disorders 2019
1142 HOPE automatic detection and localization of High frequency Oscillation in Paediatric Epilepsy 2019
1143 SENS4ICE SENSors and certifiable hybrid architectures FOR safer aviation in ICing Environment 2019
1144 MIGOSA MIGOSA - Image Sensor for low light Camera Applications 2018
1145 CONAN II CONAN II - COmplete Nucleic acid ANalysis at genome scale at ultra-high throughput Phase 2 2018
1146 SENSiSOFT New sensor devices based on soft chemistry assisted nanostructured functional oxides on Si integrated systems 2019
1147 SM-Epigen Revealing the Epigenetic Regulatory Network with Single-Molecule Precision 2018
1148 MoViD Brownian Motor Based Virus Detection 2019
1149 BUBBLE CURE Targeted microbubble vibrations to accurately diagnose and treat cardiac device-related bacterial biofilm infections 2019
1150 DNAFoil Rapid DNA screening to secure the global food supply chains 2018
1151 ProTego Data-protection toolkit reducing risks in hospitals and care centers 2019
1152 eolACC Advanced wireless system for predictive monitoring of structural wind turbine components 2018
1153 Nevada Diagnostics device for rapid testing of prostate cancer at Point-of-care 2018
1154 Limbic An API for Emotional Intelligence 2018
1155 SCUBY SCale Up an integrated care package for diaBetes and hYpertension for vulnerable people in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium 2019
1156 PeV-Radio Digital Radio Detectors for Galactic PeV Particles 2019
1157 AMANDA AutonoMous self powered miniAturized iNtelligent sensor for environmental sensing anD asset tracking in smArt IoT environments 2019
1158 ELSAH Electronic smart patch system for wireless monitoring of molecular biomarkers for healthcare and well-being 2019
1159 ELEVATE Early detection of cervical cancer in hard-to-reach populations of women through portable and point-of-care HPV testing 2019
1160 PillSense Accelerating market introduction of the first real-time diagnistic and monitoring device for upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) 2019
1161 SHAREWORK Safe and effective HumAn-Robot coopEration toWards a better cOmpetiveness on cuRrent automation lacK manufacturing processes. 2018
1162 VHFMoDRAD Viral Haemorrhagic Fever: Modern Approaches for developing bedside Rapid Diagnostics 2019
1163 ESCALON European-Latin American network for the assessment of biomarkers to predict and diagnose hepatobiliary malignancies and characterization of risk factors for cancer development 2019
1164 REALNANO 3D Structure of Nanomaterials under Realistic Conditions 2019
1165 SensApp Super-sensitive detection of Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in plasma by an innovative droplet split-and-stack approach 2019
1166 B Massive Binary massive black hole astrophysics 2019
1167 ENGAGES Next generation algorithms for grabbing and exploiting symmetry 2019
1168 PODIUM PODIUM™ - A home device and cloud-based software and algorithm for diabetic foot ulcer monitoring 2019
1170 AI-MICADIS Artificial Intelligence System for Multi-Cancer Detection Support 2019
1171 IVD4Sepsis Novel ultrasensitive detection device for early Sepsis diagnosis 2019
1172 MAMSCAN New Method for Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection 2019
1173 Super-Pixels Super-Pixels: Redefining the way we sense the world. 2019
1174 CFA The Clinical Flexible Analyzer- a new generation IVD testing device aimed to increase the competitiveness of local healthcare vs. large laboratories 2018
1175 ResisTEST Developing a rapid diagnostic kit for antibiotic resistance 2019
1176 BEBOP Binaries Escorted By Orbiting Planets 2018
1177 ENDOMICS Raman Endoscopic Proteo-lipidomics of Bladder Cancer 2019
1178 SYSTEM SYnergy of integrated Sensors and Technologies for urban sEcured environMent 2018
1179 CENNS Probing new physics with Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering and a tabletop experiment 2019
1180 INFLAME Deciphering the host and microbial grounds that license inflammasome-mediated execution 2018
1181 BIOMORPHIC Brain-Inspired Organic Modular Lab-on-a-Chip for Cell Classification 2019
1183 EUPHORIA Enhancing Ultrasound and PHOtoacoustics for Recognition of Intestinal Abnormalities 2019
1184 A-Patch Autonomous Patch for Real-Time Detection of Infectious Disease 2019
1185 KETJU Post-Newtonian modelling of the dynamics of supermassive black holes in galactic-scale hydrodynamical simulations (KETJU) 2019
1186 EPIC Earth-like Planet Imaging with Cognitive computing 2019
1187 Mu-MASS Muonium Laser Spectroscopy 2019
1188 NeuroMag The Neurological Basis of the Magnetic Sense 2019
1189 MagentiqEye Automatic Polyp Detection System 2019
1190 COM Cavity-enhanced optical microscope 2019
1191 UCTIL Urban Chemical Threat Location and Identification 2019
1192 ELEVATE ELEVATE - Automated Detection & Response Control Access Network Security Platform to face the most sophisticated security threats 2019
1193 ChipAI Energy-efficient and high-bandwidth neuromorphic nanophotonic Chips for Artificial Intelligence systems 2019
1194 CANCER SCAN A Body Scan for Cancer Detection using Quantum Technology 2019
1195 OXiNEMS Oxide Nanoelectromechanical Systems for Ultrasensitive and Robust Sensing of Biomagnetic Fields 2019
1196 PRIME Advanced and versatile PRInting platform for the next generation of active Microfluidic dEvices 2019
1197 INITIO INnovative chemIcal sensors for enanTioselective detectIon of chiral pOllutants 2019
1198 BPET The Next-Generation of Small, Cost-Effective and Mobile Brain Scanner for an Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease 2019
1199 RayVS1 A unique radar sensor system to monitor movement and vital signs for elderly people in care homes 2019
1200 QuantumBirds Radical pair-based magnetic sensing in migratory birds 2019
1201 LHCtoLISA Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA 2019
1202 PHOTOMASS Imaging Biomolecular Self-Assembly with a Molecular Photonic Scale 2019
1203 THOR TeraHertz detection enabled by mOleculaR optomechanics 2019
1204 APACHE Active & intelligent PAckaging materials and display cases as a tool for preventive conservation of Cultural Heritage. 2019
1205 SUMMIT Site-specific Ultrasensitive Magnetic resonance of Mixtures for Isotopic Tracking 2019
1206 GRAMS GRavity from Astrophysical to Microscopic Scales 2019
1207 METAmorphoses Shapeshifting Metasurfaces for Chemically Selective Augmented Reality 2019
1208 BrightEyes Multi-Parameter Live-Cell Observation of Biomolecular Processes with Single-Photon Detector Array 2019
1209 INITIUM an Innovative Negative Ion TIme projection chamber for Underground dark Matter searches 2019
1210 ARREST-TB Accurate, Rapid, Robust and Economical diagnostic technoliogieS for Tuberculosis 2019
1211 MindGAP Bridging the gap between Mind, Brain and Body: exosome role and monitoring 2019
1212 T-GRAND-SLAM Translating the Global Refined Analysis of Newly transcribed RNA and Decay rates by SLAM-seq 2019
1213 NIMM Fluorescence-based nano-immunoassay IVD platform 2019
1214 STV Seeing the View 2019
1215 IMIR-UP Scale-up of INNER MAGIC and INNER REFLECTION: Virtual Ultrasound Sensors for Smart Devices. 2019
1216 H2S Analyzer Market launch of an autonomous and online based hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Analyzer for the implementation of IIoT - digitalization of the sewer system 2019
1217 QSEIF QSEIF: The new pathogen, DNA and immunological testing platform 2019
1218 MYRIAD Airborne Artificial Intelligence for more efficient, safer and sustainable inspection and surveying of energy industrial areas 2019
1219 Sound Health Acoustic Intelligence and AI, the Next Frontier. Listen, detect, predict. 2019
1220 IPC Intelligent Pest Control – a first-line defence system against rats’ infestation 2019
1221 HMCS Handheld Molecular Contaminant Screener 2019
1222 SoundID The Smart Broadcast Monitoring and Management System 2019
1223 Metachip A pan-cancer diagnostic platform based on nanobiotechnology and machine learning for simple and accessible early cancer detection 2019
1224 Picterus A remote and price efficient tool for jaundice screening 2019
1225 XSOCCER Real Time Soccer Analysis System 2019
1226 EGM A disruptive life-saving solution for early detection of lung edema in heart failure patients 2019
1227 ARFM Automated Remote Foetal Monitoring 2019
1228 CRISPR2.0 Microbial genome defence pathways: from molecular mechanisms to next-generation molecular tools 2019
1229 INCALO INCALO: Internal black carbon loading: validation of a novel biomarker 2019
1230 SonicScan Innovative quality inspection methods for CFRP primary structural parts 2019
1231 DNACom Compartmentalized DNA Computers for In-Vitro Diagnostic Applications 2019
1232 SealedwithoUTaKiss Non-destructive testing (NDT) of bonded assemblies 2019
1233 SQP Opening new markets for Single Quantum Photodetectors 2019
1234 PURE-WATER Improved Estimation Algorithms for Water Purification and Desalination Systems 2019
1235 DNAsensPROT Ultrasensitive Quantification of Proteins based on Amplification of DNA Displaced from DNA Aptamer Duplex using Semiconductor Technology 2018
1236 DermoSafe 2.0 An Integral Platform for the Early Diagnosis of Skin Cancer 2018
1238 FODBASA Advanced System for Foreign Object Debris, Drone and Bird-Aircraft Strike Avoidance 2019
1239 Visual Proteomics Biomarker discovery by AI-guided, image based single-cell isolation proteomics 2019
1240 MicroSPARK A Single-Molecule Technology for Resolving Chaperone Action in Neurodegenerative Diseases 2019
1241 MaGnum Majorana bound states in Ge/SiGe heterostructures 2019
1242 SELENDIS SELENDIS: A novel detection strategy to discover light Dark Matter 2019
1243 INHuMAN Intra-tumoral heterogeneity in NRAS-driven metastatic melanoma 2019
1244 LifeTime Revolutionizing Healthcare by Tracking and Understanding Human Cells during Disease 2019
1245 BrEXo-Apt Non-invasive and accurate diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. 2019
1246 SafeFood Tracing allergenic plants in food products 2019
1247 OPTOSOL Interacting optical and topological solitons in frustrated cholesterics 2019
1248 DIFTERIA Development of a simple and rapid assay for early diphtheria diagnosis. 2020
1249 TLRstorm Spatial and temporal control of self/non-self discrimination in innate immunity 2019
1250 ESCAPE Exploring Shortcuts for the Characterization of the Atmospheres of Planets similar to Earth 2019
1251 THERAPROBES Biodegradable fluorescent nanoprobes for early detection of (pre)malignant lesions of the gastrointestinal tract 2019
1252 NU-RING NUclear reactions at RINGs 2019
1253 SO-ReCoDi Spectral and Optimization Techniques for Robust Recovery, Combinatorial Constructions, and Distributed Algorithms 2019
1254 SAECG Prediction of AF incidence using PR interval measurements, echocardiographic data and biomarker profiles: Analyses within epidemiological Framingham Heart Study and LIFE Health Care Study cohorts 2019
1255 MagnetoVirology Diamond Magnetometry: A Versatile Tool for Virology and Medicine 2019
1256 PullEd-MS Finding unknown endocrine disrupting compounds through target pull-down assay filtration, effect direct analysis and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry for a comprehensive efficient workflow. 2019
1257 STOICISM Stochastic Communication Inside Cortical Microcolumns 2019
1258 MOSTAPDE MOde-localized mass Sensors with Thermal Actuation and Piezoresistive DEtection 2020
1259 GlucOrigami Modular DNA Origami Platform for the Design of Tunable Glucose Biosensor 2020
1260 AXIONRUSH Rethinking Ultraviolet Scenarios for Hunting the AXION 2019
1261 TEAMS Modelling Trust-based Evolutionary Dynamics in Signed Social Networks 2020
1262 DarkSphere Search for light Dark Matter with a Spherical Proportional Counter 2019
1263 CHIRALSCOPY Probing Ultrafast Stereochemical Dynamics by Femtosecond Electronic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy 2019
1264 2D-MES Two Dimensional Molecular Electronics Spectroscopy for DNA/RNA Mutation Recognition 2020
1265 SWEET-PI Aromatic stacking in Glycochemistry: can glycosidations be tamed? 2020
1266 INFORM Innovative Electrochemical Multiplex Biosensor for Detection and Quantification of Clinically Relevant Circulating miRNAs 2020
1267 DNA-NANO-AB “DNA-based NANOdevices for the point-of-care electrochemical detection of AntiBodies” 2020
1268 nuHEDGE Neutrinos at High Energies: Disentangling Galactic and Extra-galactic components 2019
1269 LISHCCAD The Living Image of Sherlock Holmes: The Cult of Celebrity in the Age of Disenchantment 2020
1270 FIT-SEP Fully integrated technology for predictive diagnosis of sepsis 2020
1271 FaultScan Passive seismic scanning of the preparation phase of damaging earthquakes 2019
1272 MATRIX Novel mitochondria-targeted therapies for cancer treatment-induced cardiotoxicity 2019
1273 CURSOR Coordinated Use of miniaturized Robotic equipment and advanced Sensors for search and rescue OpeRations 2019
1274 Biochip-images A Breast Cancer Biomarker Point of CarePOCDiagnostic Platform Integrating Dual-Functionalized Nanoparticle for Magnetic Gradient Ranking and Electrochemical Sensing 2019
1275 PHOENIX Electrical Power System’s Shield against complex incidents and extensive cyber and privacy attacks 2019
1276 SATIE Security of Air Transport Infrastructure of Europe 2019
1277 aqua3S Enhancing Standardisation strategies to integrate innovative technologies for Safety and Security in existing water networks 2019
1278 MIRROR Migration-Related Risks caused by misconceptions of Opportunities and Requirement 2019
1279 SIMARGL Secure Intelligent Methods for Advanced RecoGnition of malware and stegomalware 2019
1280 InfraStress Improving resilience of sensitive industrial plants & infrastructures exposed to cyber-physical threats, by means of an open testbed stress-testing system 2019
1281 SAPPAN Sharing and Automation for Privacy Preserving Attack Neutralization 2019
1282 GUARD A cybersecurity framework to GUArantee Reliability and trust for Digital service chains 2019
1283 RegRNA Mechanistic principles of regulation by small RNAs 2019
1284 PREVENT PRocurEments of innoVativE, advaNced systems to support security in public Transport 2019
1285 nIoVe A Novel Adaptive Cybersecurity Framework for the Internet-of-Vehicles 2019
1286 BorderSens Border detection of illicit drugs and precursors by highly accurate electrosensors 2019
1287 SDN-microSENSE SDN - microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm 2019
1288 D4FLY Detecting Document frauD and iDentity on the fly 2019
1289 nanoCellSense A nanotechnology-based approach for label-free single-cell analysis of cytoplasmic proteome 2019
1290 Photonic Radar Implementation of Long Reach Hybrid Photonic Radar System and convergence over FSO and PON Networks 2019
1291 SatCV Satellite CV-QKD 2019
1292 GW Analysing the heavy element factories of the Universe : photometric and spectroscopic sample study of kilonovae 2019
1293 CALCHAS Computational Intelligence for Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Analytics 2019
1294 HarmonizATforms Defining the antithrombin measurand: role of proteoforms in harmonisation of diagnostic tests in thrombosis 2019
1295 TECh-MoDE Nanoscale-enhanced Spectroscopies in Electrochemically-Gated Single-Molecule Devices 2019
1296 IMPRESS Integrated Modular Power Conversion for Renewable Energy Systems with Storage 2019
1297 MIRAGE Measuring Interstellar Reactions of Aromatics by Gas-phase Experiments 2019
1298 PEDPOC Rapid diagnosis of preeclampsia at the point-of-care 2019
1300 OCTAV A novel approach to non-invasive and personalized skin cancer diagnosis 2019
1301 MIRACLE Metabolic Imaging with RF Antennas to predict Chemotherapy Efficacy 2019
1302 MEC Mercury Emissions Control (MEC) technology to enable thorough assessment of combustion and waste incineration plants to meet upcoming legislation directives for the reduction of mercury emissions 2019
1303 AFREELAMIDE Safe and fast control system for acrylamide in food 2019
1304 SensoGenic SensoGenic: empower food allergy sufferers and their families with the freedom to enjoy eating safely everywhere & anytime 2019
1305 MS-INFINITE MASS SPECTROMETRY WITHOUT LIMITS: Pioneer MS equipment and Automated Sample Preparation unit to boost New Therapies Development 2019
1306 BIOsens BIOsens – cutting-edge portable device for precise and rapid analysis of crops 2019
1307 SIM Smart Incubator Microbium 2019
1309 FF-IPM In-silico boosted, pest prevention and off-season focused IPM against new and emerging fruit flies ('OFF-Season' FF-IPM) 2019
1310 NAIADES A holistic water ecosystem for digitisation of urban water sector 2019
1311 HELIAUS tHErmaL vIsion AUgmented awarenesS 2019
1312 AI4DI Artificial Intelligence for Digitizing Industry 2019
1313 CREST Fighting Crime and TerroRism with an IoT-enabled Autonomous Platform based on an Ecosystem of Advanced IntelligEnce, Operations, and InveStigation Technologies 2019
1314 C4IIoT Cyber security 4.0: protecting the Industrial Internet Of Things 2019
1315 UWB-IODA SF-PC Ultra Wide Band Integrated Optical-and-Digital Approach for Smart Factory and Perceptive Car 2020
1316 VECTRACK Earth observation service for preventive control of insect disease vectors 2019
1317 hivepoll Polling beehives to monitor parasitic infestations and gather pollination information 2019
1318 ONCOTECT Early detection of tumor DNA in liquid biopsies as a biomarker of cancer recurrence 2019
1319 Bio Ring Diagnostics Bio Ring Diagnostics 2019
1320 GAIA-Health GAIA-Health: microbiome suite for personalized medicine 2019
1321 OroraTech The first commercial CubeSat Constellation for early detection and real time monitoring of wildfires across the entire globe 2019
1322 PERISCOPE Perioperative infection prediction 2019
1323 T-Sense Development of temperature sensitive labels for products in cold supply chain 2019
1324 Fleximodo Feasibility Study for Fleximodo – Smart IoT Sensors with Software for Parking Management 2019
1325 HARPER Home based Augmented Reality Platform for Efficient Rehabilitation of stroke patients 2019
1326 InsoFeet Cutting-edge insoles with advanced characteristics for medical and sports applications 2019
1327 C0PEP0D Life and death of a virtual copepod in turbulence 2019
1328 INSPECTr Intelligence Network and Secure Platform for Evidence Correlation and Transfer (INSPECTr) 2019
1329 VERDAD A blood based biomarker identifying early Alzheimer Disease's pathology 2019
1330 5G-HEART 5G HEalth AquacultuRe and Transport validation trials 2019
1331 NGI Next Generation Imaging 2019
1332 LOUISA 3D Innovative 3-dimensional optoacoustic imaging for safe breast cancer screening 2019
1333 FACETS Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies 2019
1334 GammaRayCascades Probing the origin of intergalactic magnetic fields and cosmic rays with gamma-ray cascades 2019
1335 NP-SPAD Uncooled Nanopillar Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes (NP-SPADs) at Telecommunication Wavelengths 2020
1336 ICELEARNING Artificial Intelligence techniques for ice core analyses 2020
1337 TRI-HP Trigeneration systems based on heat pumps with natural refrigerants and multiple renewable sources. 2019
1338 SIMULTANEOUS DBTMI Preclinical and Pilot Co-Clinical Evaluation of Simultaneous Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Mechanical Imaging 2019
1339 DNANanoProbes Design of light-harvesting DNA-nanoprobes with ratiometric signal amplification for fluorescence imaging of live cells. 2019
1340 AGLYC The First In Vitro Diagnostic Device for the Early Detection of Cardiac Ischemia 2019
1341 variaTECT A novel genetic assay for risk assessment of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s Disease 2019
1342 HeartService ECG patch and diagnostic service center for efficient and accurate ECG home monitoring 2019
1343 BiomStrip Over-The-Counter Test Strip for Early-Stage Cancer Screening 2019
1344 DynapIP Innovative and ultra-low power neuromorphic unit for advanced signal processing in wearable medical devices 2019
1345 FIREOUT First fully autonomous fire detection and extinction system for industrial settings 2019
1346 DISTINCT Dementia: Intersectorial Strategy for Training and Innovation Network for Current Technology (DISTINCT) 2019
1347 GATHERS Integration of Geodetic and imAging TecHiques for monitoring and modelling the Earth's surface defoRmations and Seismic risk 2019
1348 COBRAS COvariance Based RAman Spectrometer (COBRAS) 2019
1349 COGDEC Quantifying ageing related cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment 2019
1350 ColiSense Online Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water 2019
1351 D-FENCE D-FENCE: Deceptive Monitored Environments for Cybersecurity in Enterprises 2019
1352 EnergyShield Integrated Cybersecurity Solution for the Vulnerability Assessment, Monitoring and Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructures 2019
1354 MMEM Miniaturized Matrixed Enthalpy Metter - Portable, affordable, easy to operate, diagnostic device enabling a rapid & accurate diagnosis of a patient infected by antibiotic-resistant bacteria 2019
1355 VISION Strategies to strengthen scientific excellence and innoVation capacIty for early diagnoSIs of gastrOintestinal caNcers 2019
1356 PANDa Portable ANalyser for Detection of metal micropollutants in water 2019
1357 CATANA Composite AeroelasTics ANd Aeroacoustics 2019
1358 ZIMASS Smart Mobile awarenes and safety system for workzone invasion 2019
1359 TAcTIC TArgeTed molecular Imaging and surgery for gastro-intestinal Cancer 2019
1360 DrugPhosphoProfiler Accelerating drug and biomarker discovery through a new proteomic service: DrugPhosphoProfiler 2019
1361 NeuroCompSkill A neuro-computational account of success and failure in acquiring communication skills 2019
1362 INJURMET Impact of tissue injury induced by diagnostic biopsies and surgery on cancer metastasis 2019
1363 AGRICAM AGRICAM – reducing the usage of antibiotics and increasing animal welfare through advanced thermal imaging system for detecting early cases of mastitis in dairy cows 2019
1364 Biotrack-MED Diagnostics device for rapid identification and antibiotics susceptibility testing of pathogens 2019
1365 ESPS Epileptic Seizure Prediction System (ESPS) - Predicting and preventing epileptic seizures based on respiratory biofeedback & machine learning. 2019
1366 MrDoc Development and commercialization of a semi-supervised learning AI for robust diagnosis in real world settings. 2019
1367 InAir An Air Quality Monitoring Station in a Chip 2019
1368 Terra SmartHDD Worldwide unique automated mixing and dosing technology for precise dosed and homogenous mixed drilling fluids for horizontal directional drilling with AI-based soil type and wear detection 2019
1369 Presque Smart Nursing Bra 2019
1371 DetectInMen Infection detection in human semen 2019
1373 VOTIS Vascular Optical Tomographic Imaging System” We help diabetics keep their feet 2019
1374 Pythia Artificial Intelligence to predict and control the behavior even in the most complex industrial processes 2019
1375 Terrabio The first portable genetic analyser for crop pathogen detection 2019
1376 CandidaHunter A Nanotechnology Based Blood Culture Medium to Detect Invasive Candida in Bloodstream 2019
1377 SCMS ScreenCancer Mole Scanner - Easily accessible mole scanning service for early detection of skin cancer. 2019
1378 Tuberculini A novel in-vitro diagnostic test for drug-resistant tuberculosis and a personalized antibiotic treatment plan. 2019
1379 Malaria POC Ultrasensitive detection of transmissible malaria 2019
1380 MERWIS Melanoma Early Warning System 2019
1382 UPTEKO First Fully Integrated Drone System for Maritime Operations 2019
1383 UUR Unique Universal Reference for e-invoicing 2019
1384 EULAT Eradicate GBC Establishment and Exploitation of a European-Latin American Research Consortium towards Eradication of Preventable Gallbladder Cancer 2019
1385 SOCCRATES SOC & Csirt Response to Attacks & Threats based on attack defence graphs Evaluation Systems 2019
1386 MoSaiQC Modular Systems for Advanced Integrated Quantum Clocks 2020
1387 LISA Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinide elements 2019
1388 SUPERGALAX Highly sensitive detection of single microwave photons with coherent quantum network of superconducting qubits for searching galactic axions 2020
1389 H2OXIDES Efficient hydrogen sensing with atomically engineered materials 2019
1390 i-LiDAR metasurface-Integrated Light Detection and Ranging 2019
1391 S2IGI Integrated Fire Management System 2019
1392 preSENSE IoT-ready radar sensors with micrometer-level accuracy for safe human-machine collaboration 2019
1394 EOLOGIX The first wireless wind turbine blade sensor for automatic, real-time condition-based monitoring 2019
1395 SuperMaMa Superconducting Mass Spectrometry and Molecule Analysis 2020
1396 PAN Development of a demonstrator for the Penetrating Particle Analyser (PAN) technology 2020
1397 PROCOMM Commercialisation of Proteus 2019
1398 QUARTET Quantum readout techniques and technologies 2019
1399 UltraFastNano Electronic generation and detection in nanoelectronic devices at the picosecond scale 2020
1400 RSENSE Revolutionizing disease and environmental detection with portable optoacoustic sensing 2020
1401 FreeATPOC Towards an instrument-free future of molecular diagnostics at the point-of-care 2020
1402 s-NEBULA Novel Spin-Based Building Blocks for Advanced TeraHertz Applications 2020
1403 SENTINEL Multi-spectral remote system for real-time alarm and monitoring of natural hazards 2019
1404 SNIPER Water Mist Fire Protection Systems for Engine Compartments in Buses and Coaches 2019
1405 AWARE Advanced Face Recognition and CroWd Behavior Analysis for Next GeneRation VidEo Surveillance 2019
1406 LIKE LIdar Knowledge Europe 2019
1407 PRIMOGAIA Prepolarized MRI at Earth Field to seek new contrasts linked to molecular events for very early detection of pathologies 2019
1408 ElectroMed Electrochemically-enabled high-throughput peptidomics for next-generation precision medicine 2020
1409 myPAL-NET Underwater passive aquatic listening network system for smart monitoring of high impact weather events - myPAL-NET 2019
1410 WoRShIP Wearable chemical sensors for public health-based business models 2019
1411 INTERPRETER Interoperable tools for an efficient management and effective planning of the electricity grid 2019
1412 DynAMic Dynamic adaptive microscopy for label-free multi-parametric imaging in biology and medicine 2020
1413 Windrone Zenith Autonomous & Intelligent UAV-based Wind Turbine Inspection System for Cost-effective, Reliable, Safe and Actionable Blade Fault Detection and Prediction 2019
1414 LearnBugs Learning to Find Software Bugs 2020
1415 IPANEMA Integration of PAper-based Nucleic acid testing mEthods into Microfluidic devices for improved biosensing Applications 2020
1416 CLARA The first superbot to audit calls 2019
1417 XAI Science and technology for the explanation of AI decision making 2019
1418 SHADES Scintillator-He3 Array for Deep-underground Experiments on the S-process 2020
1419 AlternativesToGd Hyperpolarised MR technologies and molecular probes as alternatives for conventional metal-containing contrast agents for MRI examinations 2019
1420 TERAmeasure Non-contact millimeter and Terahertz frequency measurement paradigm for instrumentation and sensing applications unlocking metrology-grade results 2019
1421 NEUROPA Non-invasive dynamic neural control by laser-based technology 2020
1422 SiC nano for PicoGeo SiC optical nano-strain-meters for pico-detection in Geosciences (SiC nano for picoGeo) 2019
1423 U-CROSS Early detection and progress monitoring and prediction of corrosion in aeronautic Al alloys through calibrated Ultrasonic CorROSion Sensors application 2019
1424 vACCINE AeronautiCal Cyber INtrusion dEtection mechanism 2019
1425 ConquerIons Conquering a New Paradigm for Addressing Ion Detection in Real Scenarios 2020
1426 REFOCUS Chip-Scale Self-Referenced Optical Frequency Comb Sources 2020
1427 QUNET A quantum network for distributed quantum computation 2019
1428 HoloHair Information Encoding in Quantum Gravity and the Black Hole Information Paradox 2020
1429 NANOCELL A DNA NANOtechology toolkit for artificial CELL design 2020
1430 RadSpec A New Strategy for Vibronic Spectroscopy of Radicals 2020
1431 PeVSPACE Direct Detection of TeV--PeV Cosmic Rays in Space 2020
1432 SafeNcy SafeNcy - the safe emergency trajectory generator 2019
1433 SUBMODULAR The Power of Randomness and Continuity in Submodular Optimization 2019
1434 NanoEX Nanoextraction, separation and detection of micropollutants in one single and simple step 2019
1435 GLYCOSWITCH Probing the mysteries of sweet “on-off” switches of the human immune system: toward the development of novel glycomimetics against bacterial infections 2020
1436 Bug-Flash Coherent Back-Lasing from Atmospheric Insects 2020
1437 PANTHEON Novel Approaches for Plant Health Monitoring 2019
1438 IMMUNE Investigation into the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying NEmatode recognition by the Ma resistance protein in perennial plum roots 2019
1439 RAVEN Routing Attack Vulnerability Evaluation for Networks 2020
1440 PAVIMON AI for Predictive Maintenance on Wind Turbines 2019
1441 TERAWAY Terahertz technology for ultra-broadband and ultra-wideband operation of backhaul and fronthaul links in systems with SDN management of network and radio resources 2019
1442 ReDS A disruptive, life-saving solution for home monitoring and management of lung fluid congestion in heart failure patients 2019
1443 H2OMon In-situ Total Nutrient Analyser System for Natural Waters 2019
1444 AQUASERS The European first generation of aquaculture SERS-based Biosensor 2019
1445 mfloDx Adaptable Multiflow Diagnostic Platform to Genetically Identify Drug Resistant Infection 2019
1446 PROSCOPE Point-of-care instrument for diagnosis and image-guided intervention of Colo-Rectal Cancer 2020
1447 BD4OPEM Big Data for OPen innovation Energy Marketplace 2020
1449 ONCORELIEF A digital guardian angel enhancing cancer patient’s wellbeing and health status improvement following treatment. 2020
1450 OffshoreMuster An integrated emergency response decision support system for enhancing workers’ safety in offshore oil & gas operations 2019
1451 NanoBiOptics A Synthetic Biology Approach to Developing Optical NanoAnalytics 2020
1452 VIDEO Video Imaging Demonstrator for Earth Observation 2019
1453 NanoPD_P High throughput multiplexed trace-analyte screening for diagnostics applications 2020
1454 Miiskin ML-powered app and platform to identify skin changes over time 2019
1455 AID Artificial Intelligent Dentistry for cost-efficient X-ray analysis and diagnosis 2019
1456 Self-Brett 2.0 Self-test2, wine analysis kit for Brettanomyces yeast identification 2019
1457 IBDetect Point of Care Diagnostic Test for the Differential Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2019
1458 AUTOSITE100 Autonomous cranes based on computer vision and AI to increase productivity and safety on construction sites 2019
1459 B6VitaStat A diagnostic device for personalized determination of vitamin B6 status and health 2019
1460 PRYSM Early recognition of intracranial aneurysms to PRevent aneurYSMal subarachnoid hemorrhage 2020
1461 NORATEST NORATEST: An e-Health solution for a better Alzheimer's diagnosis and management 2019
1462 FIRESENSE Flame Detector Based on Epitaxial Metal Oxides (EMO) Technology 2019
1463 FIDELITY Full field Imaging for Damage Evaluation in Lightweight structures under Impact TYpe Loading 2020
1464 MindTrack Analysis of eye vergence responses for the early detection and monitoring of cognitive and mental disorders 2019
1465 aiVision Innovative AI-based Ophthalmologic Diagnosis 2019
1466 GALIRUMI Galileo-assisted robot to tackle the weed Rumex obtusifolius and increase the profitability and sustainability of dairy farming 2019
1467 ASTROSTAT-II Development of Novel Statistical Tools for the Analysis of Astronomical Data 2020
1468 RAILS Roadmaps for A.I. integration in the raiL Sector 2019
1469 SMART2 Advanced integrated obstacle and track intrusion detection system for smart automation of rail transport 2019
1470 Cancersensing A multi-cancer screening platform for fast and accurate early stage cancer detection from urine samples 2019
1471 HEGIAS The World’s First Browser-based and Automated High-end Virtual Reality Content Management System 2020
1472 HEATILE An innovative, thin and quick-to-install prefabricated Prefabricated ‘click-in’ underfloor heating system capable to be installed directly on the existing floor and connectable to the radiator system. 2019
1474 BornToGetThere Implementation of early detection and early intervention service delivery in infants at risk for cerebral palsy to promote infants’ psychomotor development and maternal health 2020
1475 EMPOWER European platforM to PromOte Wellbeing and HEalth in the woRkplace 2020
1476 MonoComb Monolithic frequency comb spectrometers 2020
1477 PEROXIS ground-breaking PEROvskite technologies for advanced X-ray medical Imaging Systems 2020
1478 PlasmoniAC Energy- and Size-efficient Ultra-fast Plasmonic Circuits for Neuromorphic Computing Architectures 2020
1479 MOOD MOnitoring Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context 2020
1480 RUBY Robust and reliable general management tool for performance and dUraBility improvement of fuel cell stationarY units 2020
1481 CUDI Implementation of contrast-ultrasound dispersion imaging for better prostate cancer care 2020
1482 DPR-VAX Dipeptide-Repeat Vaccine to prevent ALS and FTD in C9orf72 mutation carriers 2020
1483 GenomtecTumor MicroRNA-based tool for non-invasive early-stage cancer diagnosis 2019
1484 iScan Automated retinal scans for early detection of diabetic eye diseases through use of artificial intelligence 2020
1485 ProExcer Projectile exciter for noiseless environment 2020
1486 PRIVATETRACK PRIVATETRACK: Privacy-friendly, low-power intelligent room occupancy detection and people counting. 2019
1487 AquaGen Water quality biomonitoring combining AI and environmental genomics 2019
1488 SEQUAM Symmetries and Entanglement in Quantum Matter 2020
1489 LightAtLHC Search for Axion-Like Particles at the LHC 2020
1490 GPRV Overcoming stellar activity in radial velocity planet searches 2020
1491 COLLABS A COmprehensive cyber-intelligence framework for resilient coLLABorative manufacturing Systems 2020
1492 MKD Mine Kafon Drone: An Unmanned Airborne Demining System 2020
1493 X2Rail-4 Advanced signalling and automation system - Completion of activities for enhanced automation systems, train integrity, traffic management evolution and smart object controllers 2019
1494 MultiSeroSurv Algorithms and multiplex assays for integrated serological surveillance of malaria and neglected tropical diseases 2020
1495 CORAL COntrolling network RAndom Lasers on chip 2020
1496 PROSTATOR Reliable urinary test for the diagnosis of prostate cancer 2020
1497 PoreDetect Bench-top system for detection and analysis of miRNA using solid-state nanopores 2020
1498 UnDark New Approaches to Uncover Dark Matter in the post-WIMP Era 2020
1499 EVA-GLOBAL European Virus Archive GLOBAL 2020
1500 THERA Therapeutic Drug Monitoring with Smartphone-integrated Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 2020
1501 CarbOcean An integrative approach to unravel the ocean's biological carbon pump 2020
1502 CHAMELEON Virtual Laboratories for Exoplanets and Planet Forming Disks 2020
1503 emergenTopo Emergent topology in photon fluids 2020
1504 Walleye The world’s first fully portable hand-held microwave imaging technology scanner 2019
1505 BiFlowFilter Bidirectional flow filter: microfluidic device for separation of biomolecules 2020
1506 ThermoRise Rise of the 3rd dimension in nanotemperature mapping 2020
1507 EXAFONIS Exploring antiferromagnetic order at the nanoscale with a single spin microscope 2020
1508 SENECA Shape-Shifting Ultrathin 2D Colloidal NanoPlatelets 2020
1509 SILENT Seismic Isolation of Einstein Telescope 2020
1510 CYBER-PDR Disempowering Cyber-Attackers 2020
1511 RARE MAPS Dynamic proteomic maps of stem cell-derived neurons as a mechanistic discovery pipeline for rare neurological disease 2020
1512 nanoEx Towards nanopore proteomics: enhancing cytolysin performance through genetically encoded noncanonical amino acids 2020
1513 HERCULES HEterodyne RefraCtive index sensor Using photonic crystal LaSers 2020
1514 ARCTIC Air Transport as Information and Computation 2020
1515 neutronSPHERE Neutron Spectroscopy with a Spherical Proportional Counter for precision measurements in deep-underground laboratories 2020
1516 EXPLOSIA EXpansion and Phenotype Loss Of SMCs In Atherosclerosis: Causal effects and therapeutic possibilities 2020
1517 BRILLIANCE Bright, coherent and focused light to resolve neural circuits 2020
1518 LightForNuLAND Scintillation Light For New Physics with Liquid Argon Neutrino Detectors 2021
1519 AETSOM Engineering a solution to the “resolution gap” problem for probing local optoelectronic properties in low-dimensional materials 2021
1520 ReSensE Reversed-polarity III-nitride Sensors for Enhanced UV-detection 2020
1521 AmpliFISH Bright nanoparticle probes for amplified fluorescence in situ hybridization in cancer diagnostics 2020
1522 miRanDa microRNA assay system based on self-assembled nanoscale DNA origami arrays 2021
1523 MolecularMAGNET Molecular Magnetic Materials Based on Nanographenes: Controllable Synthesis and Characterization 2020
1524 SOCIAL MATCH The role of social behaviour in mate choice 2021
1525 APRIL multipurpose robotics for mAniPulation of defoRmable materIaLs in manufacturing processes 2020
1526 SM-SPAD Single-molecule imaging with SPAD array detection 2021
1527 ICG68-PROG Imaging of c-Met aberrant cancers with Gallium-68 chelators for positron emission tomography 2020
1528 SIGNAL Sensing Neuro-immune Activation in the Lung microenvironment 2020
1529 POTION Photodiode integration on silicon nitride 2020
1530 HTS MALDI-TOF MDD MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry metabolite screening assays for drug discovery in human disease 2020
1531 EcoScan guano-based monitoring of ecosystems – a novel approach to capture ecological processes underlying ecosystem health 2020
1532 VUAD Video Understanding for Autonomous Driving 2020
1533 Biohybrids Biohybrid phytosensing system for plant-technology interactions in mixed-reality and smart-home systems 2020