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H2020 projects about "components"

The page lists 2068 projects related to the topic "components".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ERCSC-VPRES-SUP2014 Support to the Vice-Presidents of the ERC Scientific Council 2014 2014
2 MORE-CONNECT Development and advanced prefabrication of innovative, multifunctional building envelope elements for MOdular REtrofitting and CONNECTions 2014
3 Feed-a-Gene Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems 2015
4 IDEAS Improving Design, Evaluation and Analysis of early drug development Studies 2015
5 APERIM APERIM: Advanced bioinformatics platform for PERsonalised cancer IMmunotherapy 2015
6 DiscardLess DiscardLess – Strategies for the gradual elimination of discards in European fisheries 2015
7 SECURE Secondary prEvention of CardiovascUlaR disease in the Elderly trial 2015
8 MMTech New aerospace advanced cost effective materials and rapid manufacturing technologies 2015
9 DIAGORAS Chair/bedside diagnosis of oral and respiratory tract infections, and identification of antibiotic resistances for personalised monitoring and treatment 2015
10 PROSPECT PROactive Safety for PEdestrians and CyclisTs 2015
11 PROTEIN2FOOD Development of high quality food protein through sustainable production and processing 2015
12 CIRCODE Cell-type specific mechanisms regulating rhythms in leukocyte homing 2015
13 IN2RAIL Innovative Intelligent Rail 2015
14 XCYCLE Advanced measures to reduce cyclists' fatalities and increase comfort in the interaction with motorised vehicles 2015
16 INSITER Intuitive Self-Inspection Techniques using Augmented Reality for construction, refurbishment and maintenance of energy-efficient buildings made of prefabricated components 2014
17 I2MPECT Integrated, Intelligent modular power electronic converter 2015
18 AMANAC Advanced Material And NAnotechnology Cluster 2015
19 LOWBRASYS a LOW environmental impact BRAke SYStem 2015
20 NOVELOG New cooperative business models and guidance for sustainable city logistics 2015
21 PRIMCHEM Primitive chemistry in planetary atmospheres: From the upper atmosphere down to the surface 2015
22 ICP4Life An Integrated Collaborative Platform for Managing the Product-Service Engineering Lifecycle 2015
23 ACCEPT Assistant for Quality Check during Construction Execution Processes for Energy-efficienT buildings 2015
24 MAGNETO Active Magnetorheological Elastomers: from Hierarchical Composite Materials to tailored Instabilities 2015
25 iCspec in-line Cascade laser spectrometer for process control 2015
26 MOBILE FLIP Mobile and Flexible Industrial Processing of Biomass 2015
27 SYMPLEXITY Symbiotic Human-Robot Solutions for Complex Surface Finishing Operations 2015
28 ENLIGHTMENT Photonic Electrodes for Enhanced Light Management in Optoelectronic Devices 2015
29 ECO-Binder Development of insulating concrete systems based on novel low CO2 binders for a new family of eco-innovative, durable and standardized energy efficient envelope components 2015
30 Co-FACTOR Cooperate, Communicate and Connect to boost smart Components for tomorrows Industry 2015
31 ENTANGLED-TM-ALKANE Entangled pincer ligand architectures and their application in the transition-metal-mediated activation of alkanes 2015
32 Lensless High-resolution microscopy without lenses: a new generation of imaging technology 2015
33 MaMMoTH-Up Massively extended Modular Monitoring for Upper Stages 2015
34 ThermoTex Woven and 3D-Printed Thermoelectric Textiles 2015
35 TREECLIMBERS Modelling lianas as key drivers of tropical forest responses to climate change 2015
36 BacBio Mechanistic and functional studies of Bacillus biofilms assembly on plants, and their impact in sustainable agriculture and food safety 2015
37 Human Decisions The Neural Determinants of Perceptual Decision Making in the Human Brain 2015
38 GalNUC Astrophysical Dynamics and Statistical Physics of Galactic Nuclei 2015
39 C4T Climate change across Cenozoic cooling steps reconstructed with clumped isotope thermometry 2015
40 Autophagy in vitro Reconstituting Autophagosome Biogenesis in vitro 2015
41 SenseX Sensory Experiences for Interactive Technologies 2015
42 CIRCUITASSEMBLY Development of functional organization of the visual circuits in mice 2015
43 NSECPROBE Probing quantum fluctuations of single electronic channels in model interacting systems 2015
44 FLATLIGHT Functional 2D metamaterials at visible wavelengths 2015
45 BUCOPHSYS Bottom-up hybrid control and planning synthesis with application to multi-robot multi-human coordination 2015
46 QPE Quantum Photonic Engineering 2015
47 EUSTACE EU Surface Temperature for All Corners of Earth 2015
48 PAMPA Plastic Components for Advanced Microwave Equipment of New Generation SatCom PAyloads 2015
49 REACT REsettable Hold-Down and Release ACTuator 2015
51 INVEST IN-orbit Validation of European Space Technologies 2015
52 DESCRAMBLE Drilling in supercritical geothermal condition 2015
53 RED-Heat-to-Power Conversion of Low Grade Heat to Power through closed loop Reverse Electro-Dialysis 2015
54 LTCeramics Low Temperature Ceramics Applications 2015
55 CAPTure Competitive SolAr Power Towers – CAPTure 2015
56 IQCC Integrated quantum correlation counter 2015
57 WETFEET Wave Energy Transition to Future by Evolution of Engineering and Technology 2015
58 FAME Flexible and Mobile Economic Processing Technologies 2015
59 CloseWEEE Integrated solutions for pre-processing electronic equipment, closing the loop of post-consumer high-grade plastics, and advanced recovery of critical raw materials antimony and graphite 2014
60 WATERINNEU Applying European market leadership to river basin networks and spreading of innovation on water ICT models, tools and data 2015
61 INREP Towards Indium free TCOs 2015
62 TOLLerant Toll-Like Receptor 4 activation and function in diseases: an integrated chemical-biology approach. 2015
63 CaFE Development and experimental validation of computational models for cavitating flows, surface erosion damage and material loss 2015
64 Mid-TECH Infrared sensing made visible: Combining infrared light sources and upconversion sensors for improved sensitivity in medical applications and gas analysis 2015
65 BIOGEL Engineering responsive and biomimetic hydrogels for biomedical therapeutic and diagnostic applications 2015
66 SPARCARB Lightning protection of wind turbine blades with carbon fibre composite materials 2015
67 COLLDENSE Hybrid Colloidal Systems with Designed Response 2015
68 InCeM Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility 2015
69 Chromatin3D Chromatin Dynamics in Development and Disease 2015
70 SC0806 Regenerative treatment of complete Traumatic Spinal Cord injury with a surgical implantation of a biodegradable device with FGF1 and nerve grafts 2015
71 Optintegral Advertisement displays manufactured by hybrid in-mould integration 2015
72 ALABO Advanced laser ablation barrier films for organic and large area electronic devices 2015
73 ECOMODE Event-Driven Compressive Vision for Multimodal Interaction with Mobile Devices 2015
74 Road2CPS Strategic action for future CPS through roadmaps, impact multiplication and constituency building 2015
75 IOSTACK Software Defined Storage for Big Data 2015
76 MIREGAS Programmable multi-wavelength Mid-IR source for gas sensing 2015
77 LISTEN Hands-free Voice-enabled Interface to Web Applications for Smart Home Environments 2015
78 OpenAIS Open Architectures for Intelligent Solid State Lighting Systems 2015
79 DiDIY Digital Do It Yourself 2015
80 PERGAMON PERvasive Serious GAMes suppOrted by Virtual CoachiNg 2015
81 MUSA MUlti-cloud Secure Applications 2015
82 SMARTER-SI Smart Access to Manufacturing for Systems Integration 2015
83 CloudSocket Business and IT-Cloud Alignment using a Smart Socket 2015
84 FREME Open Framework of E-Services for Multilingual and Semantic Enrichment of Digital Content 2015
85 CARDIS Early stage CARdio Vascular Disease Detection with Integrated Silicon Photonics 2015
86 VITAL VIrtualized hybrid satellite-TerrestriAl systems for resilient and fLexible future networks 2015
87 PROTEUS AdaPtive micROfluidic- and nano-enabled smart systems for waTEr qUality Sensing 2015
88 POPART Previz for On-set Production - Adaptive Realtime Tracking 2015
89 CYCLONE Complete Dynamic Multi-cloud Application Management 2015
90 HUMANE HUMANE: a typology, method and roadmap for HUman-MAchine NEtworks 2015
91 SANSA Shared Access Terrestrial-Satellite Backhaul Network enabled by Smart Antennas 2015
92 SmokeBot Mobile Robots with Novel Environmental Sensors for Inspection of Disaster Sites with Low Visibility 2015
93 WiSHFUL Wireless Software and Hardware platforms for Flexible and Unified radio and network controL 2015
94 TOP HIT Transfer-print operations for heterogeneous integration 2015
95 ROAM Revolutionising optical fibre transmission and networking using the Orbital Angular Momentum of light 2015
96 ARIA-VALUSPA Artificial Retrieval of Information Assistants - Virtual Agents with Linguistic Understanding, Social skills, and Personalised Aspects 2015
97 REC Root zone soil moisture Estimates at the daily and agricultural parcel scales for Crop irrigation management and water use impact – a multi-sensor remote sensing approach 2015
98 SMARCOAT Development of Smart Nano and Microcapsulated Sensing Coatings for improving of Material Durability/Performance 2015
99 FRIENDS2 Framework of Innovation for Engineering of New Durable Solar Surfaces 2015
101 Vaccinesurvey Monitor population immunity against vaccine preventable diseases 2015
102 WASTCArD Wrist and arm sensing technologies for cardiac arrhythmias detection 2015
103 Financial Transparency Platform for the Public Sector 2015
104 WeLive A neW concept of pubLic administration based on citizen co-created mobile urban services 2015
105 ERN The European Remanufacturing Network - coordinating and supporting European remanufacturers 2015
106 INSPIRED INdustrial Scale Production of Innovative nanomateRials for printEd Devices 2015
107 Hi-Response Innovative High Resolution Electro-Static printing of Multifunctional Materials. 2015
108 Flex4Grid Prosumer Flexibility Services for Smart Grid Management 2015
109 PLATFORM Open access pilot plants for sustainable industrial scale nanocomposites manufacturing based on buckypapers, doped veils and prepregs 2015
110 TILOS Technology Innovation for the Local Scale, Optimum Integration of Battery Energy Storage 2015
111 UPGRID Real proven solutions to enable active demand and distributed generation flexible integration, through a fully controllable LOW Voltage and medium voltage distribution grid 2015
112 TUNNELCHEM Atom-Tunneling in Chemistry 2015
113 Learn Learning From Failing and Passing Executions At the Speed of Internet 2015
114 MobiliSense Air pollution and noise exposure related to personal transport behaviour: short-term and longer-term effects on health 2015
115 FORCASTER Force, Motion and Positioning of Microtubule Asters 2015
116 TUSUPO Tubular Supramolecular Polymers: A new class of therapeutic polymers 2015
117 Sol-Pro Solution Processed Next Generation Photovoltaics 2015
118 RegulRNA Modulation of RNA-based regulatory processes by viruses 2016
119 NChIP Chromatin dynamics during DNA replication 2015
120 MEMBRANEFUSION Structure and mechanism of viral and cellular membrane fusion machineries 2015
121 CSF From Cloud to Star Formation 2015
122 SUPERCELL Single-Use paPER-based fuel CELLs 2015
123 PQC Photonic Quantum Computing 2015
124 INTERACT Intelligent Non-woven Textiles and Elastomeric Responsive materials by Advancing liquid Crystal Technology 2015
125 3MC 3D Model Catalysts to explore new routes to sustainable fuels 2015
126 Phosphoprocessors Biological signal processing via multisite phosphorylation networks 2015
127 E-saving Ultrasonics Energy-saving and reducing carbon emissions by applying advanced ultrasonic technology to industrial maintenance services for compressed air systems 2014
128 STEP Societal and political engagement of young people in environmental issues 2015
129 REVALUE Recognising Energy Efficiency Value in Residential Buildings 2015
130 EURECA Datacenter EURECA Project 2015
131 PROFIT Cost-effective high speed Production for Fasteners in Titanium for the automotive industry 2014
132 MPSAT Multi-Payload satellite as an innovative service for technology experimentation in space 2014
133 MICROAB Micro machining with abrasive waterjets 2014
134 InlinePlat InlinePlat - Innovation in metal coating through automatic high speed electroplating units, process intensification and closed water cycles fully integrated with mechanical manufacturing lines 2014
135 NIR-PERFECT Non-contact Near Infra-Red insPEction and monitoRing For Evaluation of ComposiTes 2014
136 BIOCERAMINK New ecological BIO CERAMIC INK based on bio-solvents for ink jet printing (BIOCERAMINK) 2014
137 Direct Drive TT Feasibility study for an innovative direct drive tidal turbine 2014
138 POLYSOLAR A light weight, recyclable, tracking support system, for solar photovoltaic modules based on inflatable polymer membranes 2014
139 HEATBOOST Sorption Heat-pump Component Boosting Energy-efficiency in Gas-fired Boilers 2014
140 EU-LIVE Efficient Urban LIght VEhicles 2015
141 eCAIMAN Electrolyte, Cathode and Anode Improvements for Market-near Next-generation Lithium Ion Batteries 2015
142 SPICY Silicon and polyanionic chemistries and architectures of Li-ion cell for high energy battery 2015
143 HDGAS Heavy Duty Gas Engines integrated into Vehicles 2015
144 ReCRED From Real-world Identities to Privacy-preserving and Attribute-based CREDentials for Device-centric Access Control 2015
145 ECOCHAMPS European COmpetitiveness in Commercial Hybrid and AutoMotive PowertrainS 2015
146 RESOLVE Range of Electric SOlutions for L-category VEhicles 2015
147 VisiOn Visual Privacy Management in User Centric Open Environments 2015
148 REFINET REthinking Future Infrastructure NETworks 2015
149 Invisibilia Tracing the Invisible. Old Norse and Latin in medieval manuscripts. 2016
150 EQRESFRAME Earthquake-resilient self-centering steel frame 2015
151 UACSURF Understanding atmospheric circulation from a surface perspective 2015
152 lincPeptEvolDev LincRNA and encoded small peptides: Functional discovery in development and evolution 2015
153 SIW-SAT-ANTENNAS Circularly Polarized Antenna Arrays for Broadband Satellite Data Terminals Using Substrate Integrated Waveguides enhanced with Metamaterials 2015
154 TRYP-QS YAK kinase regulated trypanosome quorum sensing 2015
155 HSPACE High Capacity Space Division Multiplexing Systems 2016
156 NANOLIPID Understanding key factors for the use of bioactive lipid nanoparticles to modulate the functionality of complex food systems 2015
157 CITISEX Understanding the role of sensory ecology and species interactions during sexual signal adaptation to an urbanizing world 2015
158 STOPAPCG1IMP Spatial-temporal regulation of APC/C, its role on G1 arrest and impact on terminal differentiation 2015
159 GOFAR Galactic Outflows and Feedback in the Astro-H eR 2015
160 ATMCinsituNMR Next level real-time characterisation of Li- and Na-ion batteries by – Automatic Tuning Matching Cycler (plus Goniometer) – ATMC(+G) in situ NMR 2015
161 NNL An exploration into the feasibility of simultaneously achieving ‘No Net Loss’ of biodiversity and ecosystem services, in an uncertain and changing world 2015
162 SAPFLUXNET Towards a global database of sap flow measurements to unravel the ecological drivers of transpiration in woody plants 2016
163 DIGIPHASE Development of Maximum Efficiency Phase Contrast Electron Microscopy 2015
164 EMCOP9CRL Structural basis of Cullin-RING ligase regulation by the COP9 signalosome 2015
165 FITINV Fitness consequences of chromosome inversion polymorphism in mimetic butterflies 2015
166 EnAct Enacting heritage: The aesthetic dynamics of cultural transmission 2016
167 EcoSwing EcoSwing - Energy Cost Optimization using Superconducting Wind Generators - World’s First Demonstration of a 3.6 MW Low-Cost Lightweight DD Superconducting Generator on a Wind Turbine 2015
168 SynOptic Synthetic Gauge Fields in Quantum Optics 2015
169 IPBMNES Integrated Pedestrian Behavior Modeling under Normal and Evacuation Situations 2017
170 KSHV QTV Identification of novel KSHV immune evasion mechanisms using a quantitative temporal viromics analysis 2015
171 SmartMammaCAD Intelligent Automated System for detecting Diagnostically Challenging Breast Cancers 2015
172 COUPCAT Coupling dimerisation and metathesis reactions to produce propene from ethanol using heterogeneous catalysts and microreactor systems 2015
173 IRON_DEPOSITS The role of volatiles in the formation of magmatic iron oxide deposits 2015
174 OATP Operator algebraic approach to topological phases 2015
175 FRAMAB Flood Risk Assessment and mitigation for Masonry Arch Bridges 2015
176 HJMIGRA Single-molecule analysis of Holliday-junction (HJ) migration by the human double-HJ dissolvasome 2015
177 NextGen RiBiomics Next Generation Proteomic Analysis of Pre-Ribosomal Proteome Dynamics Coupled to Glucose Metabolism in Caner Cells 2016
178 F-Pole Significant or trivial: Fungi in Polar Ecosystems 2016
179 MOLCLICK Molecular 'Click-tronics': Surface-based synthesis of single-molecule electronic components 2015
180 PEERS Peer effects and endogenous network formation 2015
181 NICOS Nonlinear optical coatings at high intensities 2015
182 Intentions in Action Intentions in Action: Establishing the neural causes of intentional action 2015
183 RejuvenateBone Enhancing the regeneration of bone defects in elderly: Rejuvenation of bone microenvironment 2015
184 NITEC NITEC: a Negative Ion Time Expansion Chamber for directional Dark Matter search 2015
185 SugarOsmoSignalling Analysis of sugar- and osmo-signalling mechanisms in cell wall integrity maintenance 2016
186 2G BIOPIC Second Generation BIoethanol sustainable production based on Organosolv Process at atmospherIc Conditions 2015
187 VesHemiSyn Exo- endocytosis cycle of individual synaptic vesicles in synapses and hemi-synapses 2015
188 EPICA Exploring Photon-photon Interactions with Cold Rydberg Atoms 2015
189 DCmucoHIV HIV/SIV exploits DCs in mucosal infection: mechanisms of transmission and modulation by semen associated factors 2015
190 PATOX Development of pyrrolizidine alkaloid detection methods for the assessment of food contamination and impact on human and animal health 2016
191 MYO-DESMOPLASIA Modulating the behaviour of cancer myofibroblasts to control tumour desmoplasia 2015
192 Eco-PhyloGeo Linking phylogeography to ecology: extracting rules for butterfly biodiversity at large spatial scale 2015
193 Modeling ERPs Combining electrophysiology and cognitive computational modeling in research on meaning in language 2015
194 NANOLASER Dynamics of semiconductor nanoscale lasers 2015
195 HEALTHYSYNAPSES Molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic maintenance and rejuvenation 2016
196 Cyanolichens Genetic diversity of cyanobacterial symbionts of lichens and of free-living populations of Nostoc in biological soil crust communities of threatened alvar grasslands 2015
197 DICTAPLOMACY The international dimensions of authoritarian regime survival: comparing “dictaplomatic” strategies in post-Soviet Eurasia 2015
198 MOLMAG New Spin for Molecular Magnets 2015
199 RNA Transport and Control Mechanisms of kinesin-dependent RNA transport and translational regulation 2015
200 CYBERNETS Cybernetic Communication Networks: Fundamental Limits and Engineering Challenges 2015
201 YIELDFACTOR Using SP1 to control plastid development and yield in cereals 2016
202 EDD Project A new EDD detector will give a knowledge for crystallography with the objective to understand nanostructures and for the development of new materials 2015
203 BayesianHumanCortex Bayesian computations in the human neocortex: deciphering the neuronal mechanisms of perceptual and syntactic inferences. 2015
204 IntestineUb The role of Ubiquitin System on the homeostatic control of stem cell maintenance and differentiation in crypt stem cells 2016
205 S-OS Exosomes as microenvironmental cue for engaging mesenchymal stem cells in osteosarcoma progression 2016
206 EpiLIVER Characterization and implications of DNA damage response in liver cancer 2016
207 CACOHET “Causes and consequences of pluripotency gene regulatory network member heterogeneity” 2016
208 EmotionalActions Understanding Emotional Actions 2015
209 MIRAGE MicroRNAs as therapeutic targets for ARVC. 2015
210 CP-RehOP Responding or not responding to training; prediction of balance rehabilitation outcome from structural and functional brain networks in Cerebral Palsy. 2016
211 MolNANOtox Nanomaterial surface interactions at the molecular level and their impact on ecotoxicity 2015
212 PRIME Process Invigoration through Model Embellishment 2015
213 MADDOG Multidisciplinary Adjoint Design Optimisation of Gasturbines 2015
214 TERA-NANO Beam steering, frequency reconfigurable terahertz photomixer array using nano-actuators 2015
215 ProLeMAS ProLeMAS: PROcessing LEgal language in normative Multi-Agent Systems 2015
216 CortFit Using reaction norms to identify glucocorticoid phenotypes and their relationship to fitness in individuals of a wild vertebrate. 2015
217 ReversePlasticity Evolution of the thermal plasticity of gene expression: a reverse evolution experiment using Drosophila simulans. 2015
218 MoDATS Model-based Data Analysis of Transcription and Splicing 2016
219 Amicrex Development of a Microwave Assisted Cell Disruption of Biomass and Extraction of Valuable Compounds 2015
220 POLYCOMP POLYmer-COntrolled Mesocrystal application-oriented Production: a combined theoretical and experimental approach. 2015
221 PlasmaPerovSol A full plasma and vacuum integrated process for the synthesis of high efficiency planar and 1D conformal perovskite solar cells 2016
222 TRISORP Energy saving and reducing carbon emissions by applying decentralized advanced trigeneration (CCHP) technology to supermarkets and other commercial properties 2015
223 Project Sense Enforcement of the environmental regulations on sulphur emissions from ships using drone technology. 2015
224 Suninbox Portable SolUtioN for dIstributed geNeration in a BOX 2015
225 IDEAL InDustrializing Elcogen’s Affordable and durabLe SOFC stack 2015
226 USELA Useful energy from contaminated landfill gas 2014
227 Free power supply Stand-alone power supply saving low-speed fluid energy available around us 2014
228 COLOMBUS-1 COmposite repair solutions for aeronautical BUSiness development – Phase 1 2015
229 ModeCore Muli-path optical fibre modules 2015
230 AB ENGINE Advanced Back end as a service Engine 2015
231 BAMBENG New BAMboo ENGineered bio-material for sustainable building components 2015
232 SPACEFIT SPAce-CompatiblE- Filters_in_dIelectric waveguide Technology 2015
233 ASC Amorphous Speculative Compression 2015
234 Space-COTS High-tech commercial-off the-self electronics low-cost qualified for space 2015
235 TidalHealth Health Condition Monitoring of Small Scale Tidal Generators Using Miniature Torque Sensors 2015
236 PRINTOO PRINTOO - flexible, thin, printed electronics prototyping kit 2015
237 VANGUARD Versatile optomechANical GRaphene Device for bio-tissue engineering 2015
239 Diricore Exploiting vulnerabilities in protein synthesis for cancer diagnosis and therapy 2015
240 Eciwind Cost effective wind turbine of 40 kW of rated capacity 2015
241 I-DISC Development of a Novel, Intelligent Down the Hole Disconnect Tool 2015
242 ECO-SILENTWOOD Cost competitive eco-friendly and acoustic wooden doors for indoor applications 2015
243 GT Green battery-less Tire Pressure Monitoring System 2015
244 AINARA Automation and INtelligence solutions for Automated Road trAnsport systems 2015
245 EBMPerform High-quality, high-speed EBM 3D printing by the integration of high-performance electron sources 2015
246 ETA4B Energy Trusted Advisor for Buildings 2015
247 WETPaC Water – Electricity – Telecommunication Package 2015
248 Heat2Energy Demonstrating a highly-efficient and cost-effective energy conversion technology for waste heat recovery 2015
249 ESW European Structural Wood - for sustainable building components 2015
250 ELECTRIC_AXLE Electric axle for hybrid / electric commercial vehicles 2015
251 NZE Buildings Developing replicable and cost effective Nearly Zero-Energy' building solutions for small builders in Europe 2015
252 DWT-I4FEDW DWT- Impregnation for Fireproof Excellent Durability Wood 2015
253 SBskin SBskin. Smart Building skin 2015
254 EDePDAC Feasibility study for the validation and industrialization of two diagnostic kits in both ELISA and CLIA formats for the early detection of pancreatic cancer based on the novel biomarkers EZR and ENOA 2015
255 SDN-Polygraph Cloud-based Visibility Service for Software Defined Networks 2015
256 INNOEM Innovative energy management technology for smart energy decisions 2015
257 WONDANTS Wonder Ants — A new eco-friendly-innovation solution to persistent invasive ants. 2015
258 PolyHalter Development of Polymer Halter for Oil Filters 2015
259 HardALU Fluidised Bed Heat Treatment Furnace for HPDC engine blocks and other transport components offering new opportunities for lightweight, cost competitiveness and energy saving 2015
260 AEROARMS AErial RObotic system integrating multiple ARMS and advanced manipulation capabilities for inspection and maintenance 2015
261 ROLL-OUT High-performance, Flexible, AUTOnomous Systems manufactured with Unique, Industrial ROLL-to-roll equipments 2015
262 Ultroslag A new integrated sustainable processing system for ‘metal from slag’ recovery with higher technical, economic, energy and environmental performance than existing recovery processes. 2014
263 AARC Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration (AARC) 2015
264 Colibri The compact LIBS module for advanced materials analysis 2015
265 HyPoGA Feasibility study of a superefficient hybrid power train as a replacement unit for existing engines - Hybrid Power for General Aviation (HyPoGA) 2015
266 ComplEvol Evolutionary origins of complex ecological adaptations 2015
267 LTI Long-Term Investment 2015
268 MultiScaleNeurovasc Quantifying the structure-function of the neurovascular interface: from micro-circuits to large-scale functional organization 2015
269 LOFAR Searching for The Origin of Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos with LOFAR 2015
270 RESYNTEX A new circular economy concept: from textile waste towards chemical and textile industries feedstock 2015
271 MOSES Managing crOp water Saving with Enterprise Services 2015
272 BAMB Buildings as Material Banks: Integrating Materials Passports with Reversible Building Design to Optimise Circular Industrial Value Chains 2015
274 ENERCAPSULE Nanoencapsulation for Energy Storage and Controlled Release 2015
275 AUTAR A Unified Theory of Algorithmic Relaxations 2015
276 MIND Development of the safety case knowledge base about the influence of microbial processes on geological disposal of radioactive wastes 2015
277 SOTERIA Safe long term operation of light water reactors based on improved understanding of radiation effects in nuclear structural materials 2015
278 HERACLES-CP HERACLES-CP: Towards the Conversion of High Performance Research Reactors in Europe 2015
279 sCO2-HeRo The supercritical CO2 Heat Removal System 2015
280 Cebama Cement-based materials, properties, evolution, barrier functions 2015
281 Modern2020 Development and Demonstration of monitoring strategies and technologies for geological disposal 2015
282 TECOOVAL High Technology, Energy and Water saving integrated hydraulic control valve for all purpose with 40% reduction in head losses 2015
283 nuClock Towards a nuclear clock with Thorium-229 2015
284 RECORD-IT Reservoir Computing with Real-time Data for future IT 2015
285 OPE Open Payments Eco-system 2015
286 HYPAS Next Generation Energy Efficient, Inexpensive Hydropneumatic Hybrid Actuation System 2015
287 DIADEM Low-Cost Diagnostics Monitoring Technology 2015
288 Project Buffer Project Buffer ― a new solution to fast charging electrical vehicles “on the road”. 2015
289 SegregActin Building Distinct Actin Filament Networks in a Common Cytoplasm 2015
290 BIODESERT Biological feedbacks and ecosystem resilience under global change: a new perspective on dryland desertification 2016
292 ALISE Advanced Lithium Sulphur battery for xEV 2015
293 SynCatMatch MATching zeolite SYNthesis with CATalytic activity 2015
295 EU-elabus4.0 reduce - recycle - reuse eMobility - retrofitting-kits for busses 2015
296 S-Gearbox The Development of a »New« Planocentric Gearbox with a Closed Cage and S-gear Tooth Flank 2015
297 4M Development of a Machine for Multi-Material Manufacturing 2015
298 SURFINK Functional materials from on-surface linkage of molecular precursors 2015
299 EJD-FunMat European Joint Doctorate in Functional Materials Research 2015
300 RENALTRACT Development and disease of the renal tract 2015
301 JointPrinting 3D Printing of Cell Laden Biomimetic Materials and Biomolecules for Joint Regeneration 2015
302 INCEFA - PLUS INcreasing Safety in NPPs by Covering gaps in Environmental Fatigue Assessment 2015
303 AquaSHIELD Protecting citizens against intentional drinking water contamination with a water quality firewall 2015
304 ScalinGreen Innovative solutions to scale-up urban green surfaces across Europe 2015
305 GreenLight Cost effective lignin-based carbon fibres for innovative light-weight applications 2015
306 PROVIDES PROcesses for Value added fibres by Innovative Deep Eutectic Solvents 2015
307 TransGeno The ERA Chair for Translational Genomics and Personalized Medicine 2015
308 US4GREENCHEM Combined Ultrasonic and Enzyme treatment of Lignocellulosic Feedstock as Substrate for Sugar Based Biotechnological Applications 2015
309 SONATA Service Programing and Orchestration for Virtualized Software Networks 2015
310 5G-XHaul Dynamically Reconfigurable Optical-Wireless Backhaul/Fronthaul with Cognitive Control Plane for Small Cells and Cloud-RANs 2015
311 Flex5Gware Flexible and efficient hardware/software platforms for 5G network elements and devices 2015
312 SUPERFLUIDITY Superfluidity: a super-fluid, cloud-native, converged edge system 2015
313 SESAME Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services 2015
314 5G-Crosshaul 5G-Crosshaul: The 5G Integrated fronthaul/backhaul 2015
315 mmMAGIC Millimetre-Wave Based Mobile Radio Access Network for Fifth Generation Integrated Communications 2015
316 FANTASTIC-5G Flexible Air iNTerfAce for Scalable service delivery wiThin wIreless Communication networks of the 5th Generation 2015
317 METIS-II Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for Twenty-twenty (2020) Information Society-II 2015
318 RUNSAFER Market introduction of an innovative wearable device, consisting of a novel running shoe with embedded electronics providing real-time biomechanical feedback to reduce risk of injuries 2015
319 Cogem CPVTM COGEM CPV - An innovative Ceramic Heatsprider within HCPV (High Concentration Photovoltaic) Technology 2015
320 UFPC Technology Hybrid Ultra Flexible Printed Circuits combining flexible and low-cost printed electronics with high performance traditional silicon components. 2015
321 BINPICKING 3D Generalized bin picking system for automatic handling of unsorted parts in industrial applications 2015
322 E6 Evolution Dual Fuel Euro6 Engine Conversion Feasibility Study 2015
323 Excalibur 2.0 Revolutionary trustworthy platform for seamless authentication of Internet users 2015
324 AppIOS AppIOS: Platform for Building Next Generation Enterprise Software 2015
325 See-1D-Qmatter Unravelling Fragile 1D Quantum States of Matter Through Ultra-sensitive Imaging 2016
326 POLYBIOLUB Polymeric Analogs to Biolubrication Systems 2015
327 SynDiv A nanophysics approach to synthetic cell division 2015
328 INNOPREFAT Natural Food formulation for the prevention and treatment the Obesity and Metabolic syndrome obtained with herbal extracts 2015
329 TEC_Pro Molecular control of self-renewal and lineage specification in thymic epithelial cell progenitors in vivo. 2015
330 ACTOMYO Mechanisms of actomyosin-based contractility during cytokinesis 2015
331 BIOINOHYB Smart Bioinorganic Hybrids for Nanomedicine 2016
332 CapTherPV Integration of Capacitor, Thermoelectric and PhotoVoltaic thin films for efficient energy conversion and storage 2015
333 BIOCONT6SS Inter-bacterial competition mediated by the type VI secretion system (T6SS): promising role in the biocontrol properties of Pseudomonas putida 2016
334 SWARMs Smart and Networking UnderWAter Robots in Cooperation Meshes 2015
335 ABCvolume The ABC of Cell Volume Regulation 2015
336 INNO-SOFC Development of innovative 50 kW SOFC system and related value chain 2015
337 greenFLASH Green Flash, energy efficient high performance computing for real-time science 2015
338 Nano-xfield-1000 nanotech x-ray tube 2015
339 DRIVING RIG Driving simulator for disabled people with scientific assessment of driving skills and indication to of adaptation to be made to the vehicle 2015
340 PEMP Political Economy with Many Parties: Strategic Electorate and Strategic Candidates 2015
341 AYURYOG Medicine, Immortality, Moksha: Entangled Histories of Yoga, Ayurveda and Alchemy in South Asia 2015
342 LuxFaSS Luxury, fashion and social status in Early Modern South Eastern Europe 2015
343 DECRESIM A Chemical Approach to Molecular Spin Qubits: Decoherence and Organisation of Rare Earth Single Ion Magnets 2015
344 RSM Rich, Structured Models for Scene Recovery, Understanding and Interaction 2015
345 MEMDYN Linking the intrinsic protein dynamics to function in glutamate transporters 2016
346 PowerBase Enhanced substrates and GaN pilot lines enabling compact power applications 2015
347 3Ccar Integrated Components for Complexity Control in affordable electrified cars 2015
348 OSIRIS Optimal SIC substR ates for Integrated Microwave and Power CircuitS 2015
349 intime Prototyping 'intime' - a NINAAT-based self testing platform to detect infectious diseases 2015
350 INSULATRONICS Controlling Electric Signals with Insulating Antiferromagnets and Insulating Ferromagnets 2015
351 COMP-MICR-CROW-MEM Computational Microscopy of Crowded Membranes 2015
352 LASSO Learning, Analysis, SynthesiS and Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems 2015
353 AutoRE AUTomotive deRivative Energy system 2015
354 E-LOCKS Electronic security for OIL/LPG tanks 2015
355 SafeSky SafeSky - Integrated system for critical infrastructure and personal sphere monitoring and protection against aerial threats 2015
356 MetaFuel High Temperature Methanol Fuel Cell 2015
357 OUTCOME The outstanding challenge in solid mechanics: engineering structures subjected to extreme loading conditions 2016
358 MaMs2 Platform for Heterogeneous Integration of NEMS on ICs 2015
359 HYPHEN HYPHEN: Hybrid Photonic Engines for Massive Cloud Connectivity 2015
360 SMARTCIM Smart interoperable electronic active valve, control eco-system and service to achieve superior building efficiency and user awareness 2015
361 VOLUMETRIQ Volume Manufacturing of PEM FC Stacks for Transportation and In-line Quality Assurance 2015
362 IntelServBus Intelligent Hydraulic Systems Enabling Service Business in Heavy Transport 2015
363 CilDyn Molecular analysis of the Hedgehog signal transduction complex in the primary cilium 2015
364 EPN2020-RI EUROPLANET 2020 Research Infrastructure 2015
365 D2Service Design of 2 Technologies and Applications to Service 2015
366 SYSTEM-RISK A Large-Scale Systems Approach to Flood Risk Assessment and Management 2016
367 MarineIce Ice Nucleating Particles in the Marine Atmosphere 2015
368 dynamicmodifications Complexity and dynamics of nucleic acids modifications in vivo 2015
369 PHII PTX3 in Humoral Innate Immunity 2015
370 CHROMOREP Reconstitution of Chromosome Replication and Epigenetic Inheritance 2015
371 PLANETDIVE Planetary diversity: the experimental terapascal perspective 2016
373 AdaptEconII Adaptation to a New Economic Reality 2015
374 BE-OPTICAL Advanced BiomEdical OPTICAL Imaging and Data Analysis 2015
375 ISPIC Image-Guided Surgery (IGS) and Personalised Postoperative Immunotherapy To Improving Cancer Outcome 2016
376 SINGEK Promoting SINgle cell GEnomics to explore the ecology and evolution of hidden microeuKaryotes 2016
377 5G-AURA Application-aware User-centric Programmable Architectures for 5G Multi-tenant Networks 2015
378 SyDAD Synaptic Dysfunction in Alzheimer Disease 2015
379 BIGCHEM Big Data in Chemistry 2016
380 OpenDreamKit Open Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the Advancement of Mathematics 2015
381 FlexHyJoin Flexible production cell for Hybrid Joining 2015
382 JOIN-EM JOINing of copper to aluminium by ElectroMagnetic fields 2015
383 CerAMfacturing Development of ceramic and multi material components by additive manufacturing methods for personalized medical products 2015
384 ambliFibre adaptive model-based Control for laser-assisted Fibre-reinforced tape winding 2015
385 Eco-Solar Eco-Solar Factory - 40%plus eco-efficiency gains in the photovoltaic value chain with minimised resource and energy consumption by closed loop systems 2015
386 InDeWaG Industrial Development of Water Flow Glazing Systems 2015
387 CAxMan Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing 2015
388 ADIR Next generation urban mining - Automated disassembly, separation and recovery of valuable materials from electronic equipment 2015
389 CREATE Compact REtrofit Advanced Thermal Energy storage 2015
390 MOEEBIUS Modelling Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Buildings for Urban Sustainability 2015
391 TESSe2b Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings. An integrated solution for residential building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources 2015
392 REMAGHIC New Recovery Processes to produce Rare Earth -Magnesium Alloys of High Performance and Low Cost 2015
393 TWIN-CONTROL Twin-model based virtual manufacturing for machine tool-process simulation and control 2015
394 openMOS Open dynamic Manufacturing Operating System for Smart Plug-and-Produce Automation Components 2015
395 SMARTLENS Reconfigurable smart lens for adaptive imaging 2015
396 RoVi Robotic manipulator with visuo-haptic sensing 2015
397 REPHLECT Recovering Europe´s PHotovoltaics LEadership through high Concentration Technology 2015
398 DNAmics DNA mimetics: Synthetic molecular duplexes 2016
399 oCPS Platform-aware Model-driven Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems 2015
400 WELL Wind, Efficient, Light, Lifter 2015
401 i-LiveRest Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure ulcer risk by real time measuring of tissue viability and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context 2015
402 NOVLASE Novel light sources for biomedical-imaging applications 2015
403 SIZE Size matters: scaling principles for the prediction of the ecological footprint of biofuels 2015
404 NOVEL Emergence of novel phenotypes in co-evolving biological systems: allelic diversification and dominance at the Self-incompatibility locus in Arabidopsis. 2015
405 SEED Learning to See in a Dynamic World 2016
406 StemNicheOnWaveCrest New therapies for myeloproliferative diseases based on multi-stage and -system analyses of the haematopoietic stem-cell niche 2015
407 ERIGrid European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid Systems Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out 2015
408 WEY-CRISP Well-being among European youth: The contribution of student teacher relationships in the secondary-school population 2016
409 PALEOSEISQUAKE New approaches in subaqueous PALEOseismology using high‐resolution SEISmics to derive single net paleoearthQUAKEs displacement and to characterize the seismic cycle on active faults 2016
410 SFSysCellBio Slow-Fast Systems in Cellular Biology 2016
411 BacCellEpi Bacterial, cellular and epigenetic factors that control enteropathogenicity 2015
412 ChemSniff Chemical sniffer device for multi-mode analysis of threat compounds 2015
413 sustainablySMART Sustainable Smart Mobile Devices Lifecycles through Advanced Re-design, Reliability, and Re-use and Remanufacturing Technologies 2015
414 IZADI-NANO2INDUSTRY Injection moulding, casting and coating PILOTS for the production of improved components with nano materials for automotive, construction and agricultural machinery. 2015
415 PHRESCO PHotonic REServoir COmputing 2015
416 MUSE Muon campus in US and Europe contribution 2016
417 RUBICON Training network for Research on molecUlar and Biomechanical Interactions in CONnective tissue disorders 2016
418 SexSeed Sexual Plant Reproduction – Seed formation 2016
419 URBAVENTO An innovative, small footprint, vertical axis wind turbine for decentralized energy-production designed for urban areas, which is cheap to maintain and ensures energy production even at low wind speed 2015
420 RLTProFood RLTProFood - Remote Lighting Technology for processing and production of food 2015
421 SYSTEMPOLE High Performance Modular Composite Pole for Orchard Hail Protection 2015
422 Wallco Wallco quality modular solid wood furniture 2015
423 FIDOs Development and market launch of novel technology for production of nutritionally complete plant proteins called FIDOs - “Functional (Protein) Isolates Derived from Oilseeds”. 2015
424 OMIS Optical Mid Infrared Spectrometer 2015
425 ECOSHIELD Ecologic Smart system for Housing and Innovative Electronic Large Defence 2015
426 EO-SLR Enhanced Satellite Laser Ranging System 2015
427 SWAPOUT Smart Wireless Access Point with Objective User-Targeting 2015
428 LEAF LINE The first ground stations network enabling real-time, cost-effective, and easy access to micro/nanosatellite data 2015
429 PROMOTION PROMOTioN - Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks 2016
430 UCoCoS Understanding and controlling complex systems 2016
431 NCUscan Rapid Defect Characterisation by Non-Contact Ultrasonic Scanning 2016
432 WhoLoDancE Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 2016
433 COMPSULE COMPostable capSULE for instant coffee delivery based on an innovative chemical functionalization of biobased plastics 2015
434 HoloMedical3D Holographic 3D Display for visualising volumetric images from medical scanners 2015
435 ProNANO Protein-based functional nanostructures 2016
436 PreventIT Early risk detection and prevention in ageing people by self-administered ICT-supported assessment and a behavioural change intervention delivered by use of smartphones and smartwatches 2016
437 DIMENSION Directly Modulated Lasers on Silicon 2016
438 AEROBI AErial RObotic System for In-Depth Bridge Inspection by Contact 2015
439 dReDBox Disaggregated Recursive Datacentre-in-a-Box 2016
440 ECLIPSE European Consortium for Lithium-Sulfur Power for Space Environments 2015
441 GREAT heteroGeneous integRated magnetic tEchnology using multifunctional standardized sTack (MSS) 2016
442 EMBERS Enabling a Mobility Back-End as a Robust Service 2015
443 MIRPHAB MidInfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications 2016
444 HAMLET Heterogeneous Advancement and hybrid integration of polymer and tripLEx platform for Integrated Microwave PhoTonics 2015
445 iSIM Integrated Standard Imager for Earth Observation Microsatellites 2015
446 DynaMech Linking Transcription Factor Binding Dynamics to Promoter Output 2016
447 POLIFEMO POLIFEMO - Panoramic Multifunctional Sensor for Small/Micro Satellite 2015
448 ERC-OAPEN-2015 Support towards the OAPEN initiative (2015-2016) 2015
449 REACH Resource Efficient Automatic Conversion of High-Altitude Wind 2015
450 SuperHD-ToolBox Next generation Image Processing Engine to support the creation, processing, deployment and transmission of super high definition images for large format ‘smart’ digital displays and signage 2015
451 HELIOtube Inflatable solar collectors for a low cost CSP Plant with irreducibly small carbon footprint 2015
452 KUNAK Sensing Anywhere IIoT Ultra-Energy Efficient 2015
453 HIGHER HIGHER: “High performance Engine for Light Sport Aircraft 2015
454 RegoLight Sintering Regolith with Solar Light 2015
455 HScan Inspection Sensor and Evaluation Criteria for Assessing the Inner Surface Quality of Holes in CFRP Parts 2016
456 NEODAMP New Enhanced Acoustic Damping Composite Materials 2016
457 BRACKETWELD Development of an innovative welding process for the rapid assembly of thermoplastic brackets to thermoset-matrix composite structures 2016
458 INSTRUCTIVE INfrared STRUctural monitoring of Cracks using Thermoelastic analysis In production enVironmEnts 2016
460 ALLIANCE Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges 2016
461 TheoryDL Practically Relevant Theory of Deep Learning 2016
462 iMPACT innovative Medical Protons Achromatic Calorimeter and Tracker 2016
463 INSIGHT Integration of III-V Nanowire Semiconductors for next Generation High Performance CMOS SOC Technologies 2015
464 SELFORGANICELL Self-Organization of the Bacterial Cell 2016
465 MULTIPLY MULTIscale SENTINEL land surface information retrieval PLatform 2016
466 HYPERQTOTAL “Diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease by means of innovative and highly accurate high frequency QRS electrocardiogram analysis” 2016
467 PowerKite PowerKite - Power Take-Off System for a Subsea Tidal Kite 2016
468 DEMOS Developing advanced Engine Multi-disciplinary Optimization Simulations (DEMOS) 2016
469 ComMUnion Net-shape joining technology to manufacture 3D multi-materials components based on metal alloys and thermoplastic composites 2015
470 DiDi-FaCT Diode Die Fatigue Characterisation and Testing 2016
471 DevTMF Development of Experimental Techniques and Predictive Tools to Characterise Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Behaviour and Damage Mechanisms 2016
472 DARKJETS Discovery strategies for Dark Matter and new phenomena in hadronic signatures with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider 2016
473 ARCTIC Advanced Bearing Technologies to Increase Capabilities 2016
474 SHEFAE 2 Surface Heat Exchangers For Aero Engines 2 2016
475 D3 Smart propulsive device for controlled satellite decommissioning and reentry. 2015
476 EMUSIC Efficient Manufacturing for Aerospace Components USing Additive Manufacturing, Net Shape HIP and Investment Casting 2016
477 CryoHub Developing Cryogenic Energy Storage at Refrigerated Warehouses as an Interactive Hub to Integrate Renewable Energy in Industrial Food Refrigeration and to Enhance PowerGrid Sustainability 2016
478 COMIET Engineering Complex Intestinal Epithelial Tissue Models 2015
479 ATLAS Bioengineered autonomous cell-biomaterials devices for generating humanised micro-tissues for regenerative medicine 2015
480 NeMeCo Near Memory Computing 2016
481 ORPHEUS Object-based broadcasting – for European leadership in next generation audio experiences 2015
482 SMARTBUY Enhanced Buying Experiences in SMART CITIES 2016
483 MURAB MRI and Ultrasound Robotic Assisted Biopsy 2016
484 LUCA Laser and Ultrasound Co-Analyzer for thyroid nodules 2016
485 netCommons network infrastructure as commons 2016
486 EurValve Personalised Decision Support for Heart Valve Disease 2016
487 PEPPER Patient Empowerment through Predictive PERsonalised decision support 2016
488 ProACT Integrated Technology Ecosystem for ProACTive Patient Centred Care 2016
489 UNEXMIN Autonomous Underwater Explorer for Flooded Mines 2016
490 AMOS Additive Manufacturing Optimization and Simulation Platform for repairing and re-manufacturing of aerospace components 2016
491 NHQWAVE Non-Hermitian Quantum Wave Engineering 2016
492 ENGHUM Engaged humanities in Europe: Capacity building for participatory research in linguistic-cultural heritage 2016
493 SIGN-HUB The Sign Hub: preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resource 2016
494 GAP60PTP Gap Waveguides for Point-To-Point Wireless Links at 60 GHz and beyond 2016
495 MATHISIS Managing Affective-learning THrough Intelligent atoms and Smart InteractionS 2016
496 smarticipate smart services for calculated impact assessment in open governance 2016
497 I-Media-Cities Innovative e-environment for Research on Cities and the Media 2016
498 ARREST BLINDNESS Advanced Regenerative and REStorative Therapies to combat corneal BLINDNESS 2016
499 PROSINT Multi-protein interaction kinetics by single molecule methods 2016
500 FURADO Full Fairing Rotor Head Aerodynamic Design Optimization 2016
501 TAPAS Tools for Assessment and Planning of Aquaculture Sustainability 2016
502 SELECT for Cities SELECT for Cities (Standardized, opEn, data-driven, service-oriented user-centric pLatform Enabling large-scale Co-creation, Testing validation of IoE services for Cities) 2015
503 INDIGO New generation of Intelligent Efficient District Cooling systems 2016
504 RELYUBL Regulation of lymphocyte biology by ubiquitin and ubiquitin like modifiers 2016
505 TM-FLPS Bond Activation and Catalysis by Transition Metal Frustrated Lewis Pairs 2016
506 ERAD_SELMA Mechanisms of protein translocation in ER-associated protein degradation and the related protein import into the apicoplast of Plasmodium falciparum 2016
507 FUTURA FUTUre RAil freight transport: cost-effective, safe, quiet and green! 2016
508 MicroPEAT Microbial communities of Temperate, Artic and Tropical peatlands and their role in the response of carbon storage function to global change 2016
509 TOREADOR TrustwOrthy model-awaRE Analytics Data platfORm 2016
510 UPWAVE Demonstration of a 1-MW wave energy converter integrated in an offshore wind turbine farm 2016
511 MECHANOGENOMICS Unravelling mammalian mechanosensor diversity by functional genomics 2016
512 Co-ReSyF Coastal Waters Research Synergy Framework 2016
513 ProVegFlake High grade PROteins innovatively processed into VEGetal FLAKEs from plant sources with enhanced nutritional benefits 2016
514 ETIC Encoding and Transmission of Information in the Mouse Somatosensory Cortex 2016
515 QFluctTrans Thermodynamics of Quantum Transport 2016
516 TVP-eNext Torque Vectoring Platform for Next Generation of Electric Driven Vehicles 2016
517 MinWaterCSP MinWaterCSP - Minimized water consumption in CSP plants 2016
518 SIMRA Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas 2016
519 RobSpear Robust Speech Encoding in Impaired Hearing 2016
520 bIoTope Building an IoT OPen innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects 2016
521 CONCLIMA Constraining large-scale climate feedbacks in the Earth system using paleo data 2017
523 TetraFOOD Marine microalgae-based functional foods and food supplements for the prevention of chronic diseases 2016
524 CMDrive Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Drive-Trains via Non-Contact Acoustic Sensors 2016
525 ArCH4ives Unlocking the methane cycling archives from Arctic lakes: a biological fingerprint 2016
526 EVODIS Exploiting vortices to suppress dispersion and reach new separation power boundaries 2016
527 BASE-platform Bathymetry Service Platform 2015
528 NoCut Detection of Chromatin Bridges during Cytokinesis 2016
529 PAPAstudy Podocyte Adaptation Proliferation and Ageing 2016
530 MolMap From Tissues to Single Molecules: High Content in Situ Super-Resolution imaging with DNA-PAINT 2016
531 PROFIT Promoting Financial Awareness and Stability 2016
532 INTERPLAY Interplay between genetic determinants of glycaemia, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in interaction with dietary and lifestyle factors 2017
535 DISSection Doctoral Industrial School on Human Skin models for Staphylococcal infections 2016
536 VADEMA Doctoral Industrial School for Vaccine Design through Structural Mass Spectrometry 2016
537 EVI1inCancer Overcoming the epigenetic and therapeutic barrier of EVI1-overexpressing cancers 2016
538 MCTRinIA Resolution Pharmacology and Physiology of MCTR in Arthritis 2016
539 PLASMIC Plasmonically-enhanced III-V nanowire lasers on silicon for integrated communications 2016
540 HOLDING-HANDS Holding hands: cell-cell junctions in breast cancer metastasis and resistance to therapy 2016
541 inHForm Integrative omics of heart failure to inform discovery of novel drug targets and clinical biomarkers 2016
542 G-EDIT Mechanisms of RNA-guided genome editing in eukaryotes 2016
543 QUESS Quantum Environment Engineering for Steered Systems 2017
544 CIRCUS An end-to-end verification architecture for building Certified Implementations of Robust, Cryptographically Secure web applications 2016
545 RNA ORIGAMI RNA-protein Nanostructures for Synthetic Biology 2016
546 1D-Neon 1D Nanofibre Electro-Optic Networks 2016
547 CritCat Towards Replacement of Critical Catalyst Materials by Improved Nanoparticle Control and Rational Design 2016
548 DD-DeCaF Bioinformatics Services for Data-Driven Design of Cell Factories and Communities 2016
549 HVEMB High Voltage Direct Current Distribution Electrical Master Box 2016
550 CanPathPro Generation of the CanPath prototype - a platform for predictive cancer pathway modeling 2016
551 MALET Development of MODELICA Libraries for ECS and Thermal management architectures 2016
552 SMILE SMILE - SMall Innovative Launcher for Europe 2016
554 TresClean High ThRoughput lasEr texturing of Self-CLEANing and antibacterial surfaces 2016
555 ERA4CS European Research Area for Climate Services 2016
556 GrapheneCore1 Graphene-based disruptive technologies 2016
557 DOLORES Degradation of Lifetime of fuel cell Resistance by Electrochemical impedance Spectroscopy 2016
558 PhotoSMM Single Molecule Magnets light-switching with photochromic ligands 2016
559 EnerTwin EnerTwin: A different approach to micro CHP 2016
560 GreenChalcoCell Green and sustainable chalcopyrite and kesterite nanocrystals for inorganic solar cells 2016
561 DNSVCFA Development of a novel servovalve concept for aircraft 2017
562 NUTBIO-DIAB Nutritional biomarkers to advance understanding of association between diet and type 2 diabetes 2016
563 ECO.G.U.S. ECOsystem services for resilient and sustainable cities: an ecohydrological approach for Green Urban Spaces 2016
564 G4-PTROs Regulatory network of G-quadruplex dependent Post-Transcriptional mRNA Operons (PTROs) 2016
565 EPILIPRO Elucidating the role of Arid1a in adult liver 2016
566 PCCDX Breaking the curse of dimension in heavy-element chemistry 2016
567 Ex-SPACE Exploring Social Permeability in Ancient Communities of Europe 2016
568 plaNET-seq Temporal mapping of environmental sensing transcription dynamics in Arabidopsis thaliana 2017
569 minimal-phagocyte Reconstitution of the basic molecular mechanism of phagocytosis – a bottom-up synthetic biology approach 2016
570 FLAVIC DYNAMICS Labeling Flavivirus capsid protein to unravel its dynamics during infection and egress by correlative super-resolution fluorescence and cryo-electron microscopy 2017
571 MCNANO “Multi-component nanoparticles as bimodal contrast agents for MRI and optical detection of tumors and for targeted photodynamic therapy” 2016
572 MODES Monolithic Optoelectronic Devices on Silicon 2016
573 GLOBALTOX Toxicity of anthropogenic multi-stressed soils under a global warming perspective 2017
574 FlexBatteries Flexible Li ion Batteries via Nanocrystal-Nanocarbon Scaffolded Structures 2016
575 RESOLVE Reconstructing the History of Lunar Volatiles 2016
576 SUPRACOPHS Design and synthesis of supramolecular copolymers for responsive self-assembled photonic structures. 2016
577 QuP Long Range Surface Plasmon Polaritons as an Alternative Information Carrier for Nanoscale Quantum Circuitry 2016
578 Multi-SIP Hydrogel A multifunctional self-immolative hydrogel for accelerating the healing of chronic wounds 2017
579 SMART-LANLIGHT New Scanning nearfield Microscopy method bAsed on Radio-frequency Trap and LANthanide nanoprobe for LIGHT matter interaction. 2016
580 CHERI Chromatin targeting and remodelling by bacterial effectors in plant immunity 2016
581 TONSOPS Titanium Oxide Nanocomposites for Scalable Optimized Perovskite Solar cells 2016
582 NARS Novel ecological adsorbent using Schwertmannite material for Removal of Selenate and Selenite from contaminated water 2016
583 DIVAS Distributed vibrational and acoustic sensing technology 2016
584 NanoTrIAL NanoTribochemical Investigation of Advanced Lubricants 2016
585 ESTIMABLeNANO External Stimuli Triggered Self-assembly of Dynamic Nanomaterials 2016
586 ANSWER Autonomous Soft Robots Without Electronics 2016
587 CENTURION Signal proCEssing in optical communication NeTworks Using ReservoIr cOmputiNg 2016
588 MIGRATE Cosserat phase field modelling and simulation of viscoplasticity induced grain boundary migration and recrystallisation in metallic polycrystals 2016
589 ARGUE_WEB Probabilistic Argumentation on the Web 2016
590 MiroMigration Miro dependent mitochondrial dynamics and the regulation of neuronal migration 2016
591 ORGANIC QUAL TRACERS Organic food quality control and metabolomic fingerprinting 2016
592 SPicEs Smart Pickering Emulsions 2016
593 THERAGEL Development of a chemotherapeutic gel for glioblastoma multiforme treatment 2016
594 Lipid and Polarity The diffusion and nanoclustering of a polarity module in the lipid environment 2016
595 CSA-EU Highly Disruptive and Compact Antenna Systems for Small Satellites with Application to Surveillance, Environmental and Crop-Growth Analysis, Enabling European Union Dominance in the Space Industry 2017
596 pressureNose Enhance efficiency of combustion engines by monitoring internal chambers Pressure with Novel contactless Optical SEnsor 2016
598 PUZZLE_DIE An innovative method for constructing casting-dies for the production of the aluminium components in the automotive sector 2016
600 S.M.A.S. Sustainable Modular Architectural System 2016
601 SafeWood Novel bio-inspired environmentally-friendly process for producing durable and dimensionally-stable wood 2016
602 Smart Library The Smart Digital Library of Edutainment by Smile and Learn 2016
603 MIDRAULICS Modular Intelligent hyDRAULICS 2016
604 EUWaste Ecological Utilization of Waste 2016
605 OUTERMOST Towards Autonomous Large Area Mass Production Sputtering Plants 2016
606 CHODIA Cultural Heritage of Dictatorship in Albania 2016
607 MELASAT Low-Cost Metasurface Leaky-Wave Antenna for Mobile Satellite Communications 2016
608 3DRM Accurate Full-Field 3D Shape Measurement Technique of Specular Surfaces by Phase-to-Depth Deflectometry 2016
609 CELTA Convergence of Electronics and Photonics Technologies for Enabling Terahertz Applications 2016
610 NOLOSS Lossless Photon management – Optical design for manufacture at different length scales 2016
611 GutBCells Cellular Dynamics of Intestinal Antibody-Mediated Immune Response 2016
612 SiCMetabol Signaling Cascades in Metabolic Diseases 2016
613 FLEXOCOMP Enabling flexoelectric engineering through modeling and computation 2016
614 PHOTOTUNE Tunable Photonic Structures via Photomechanical Actuation 2016
615 xPRINT 4-Dimensional printing for adaptive optoelectronic components 2016
616 ERFTM Export Restriction Free Travelling wave tubes Materials 2016
617 SKYOPENER SKYOPENER - establishing new foundations for the use of Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Systems for civilian applications. 2016
618 SIM4NEXUS Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe 2016
619 H-DisNet Intelligent Hybrid Thermo-Chemical District Networks 2016
620 RESCCUE RESCCUE - RESilience to cope with Climate Change in Urban arEas - a multisectorial approach focusing on water 2016
621 DANTE Detecting and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and financing activities 2016
622 FutureTrust Future Trust Services for Trustworthy Global Transactions 2016
623 ATENA Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over Critical InfrAstructures 2016
624 MuCellWall Seed mucilage envelope as a new structural model in cell wall research 2016
625 MEMORAGE Attention and memory components in every-day cognitive problems in aging 2017
626 Super-DENSE Superfluid dynamics of neutron star crusts and cores 2016
627 GTR Dissecting gamma-TuRC composition and activity by Single Molecule Pull-down 2017
628 Wnt and CRC Therapeutic inhibition of the oncogenic Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in mismatch repair deficient hypermutant tumors 2017
629 SeQuCom Secure Quantum Communication and Computation 2017
630 STIMEY Science Technology Innovation Mathematics Engineering for the Young 2016
631 EDU-ARCTIC Edu-Arctic – Innovative educational program attracting young people to natural sciences and polar research 2016
632 DEGLUMINATE Light-Responsive Adhesives for Debond-on-Demand Solutions 2016
633 REpiReg RNAi-mediated Epigenetic Gene Regulation 2017
634 SPRINT Ultra-Short Pulse laser Resonators IN the Terahertz 2016
635 INTERCLOUDS Using the Magellanic Clouds to Understand the Interaction of Galaxies 2016
636 REvivED water Low energy solution for drinking water production by a REvival of ElectroDialysis systems 2016
637 AquaNES Demonstrating synergies in combined natural and engineered processes for water treatment systems 2016
638 GlobalMass Global land ice, hydrology and ocean mass trends 2016
639 E-TEX All-organic devices in textiles for wearable electronics 2016
640 TRACER Tree Roots: an analytical ‘culture’ of economy and religion – case-study Egypt 2050-1550 BC. 2016
641 CentSatRegFunc Dissecting the function and regulation of centriolar satellites: key regulators of the centrosome/cilium complex 2016
642 moreRNA Modification and regulation of coding and non-coding RNA pathways 2016
643 bioSPINspired Bio-inspired Spin-Torque Computing Architectures 2016
644 DENSE aDverse wEather eNvironmental Sensing systEm 2016
645 DELPHI4LED From Measurements to Standardized Multi-Domain Compact Models of LEDs 2016
646 SemI40 Power Semiconductor and Electronics Manufacturing 4.0 2016
647 ASTONISH Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health 2016
648 IoSense Flexible FE/BE Sensor Pilot Line for the Internet of Everything 2016
649 PRIME Ultra-Low PoweR technologIes and MEmory architectures for IoT 2015
650 SOLCRIMET Solvometallurgy for critical metals 2016
651 PHOSPhOR Photonics of Spin–Orbit Optical Phenomena 2016
652 neuroXscales Microtechnology and integrated microsystems to investigate neuronal networks across scales 2016
653 OLE-DIOX Catalytic reductive carboxylation of unactivated olefins with carbon dioxide 2016
654 FUTURE Re-factoring Pseudomonas putida for biosynthesis of vaIue-added polymers from cellulosic waste 2016
655 PHENOMEN All-Phononic circuits Enabled by Opto-mechanics 2016
656 SPICE Spintronic-Photonic Integrated Circuit platform for novel Electronics 2016
657 HIRESMEMMANIP Spiking network mechanisms underlying short term memory 2016
658 PIWI-Chrom Understanding small RNA-mediated transposon control at the level of chromatin in the animal germline 2016
659 FLAMENCO A Fully-Implantable MEMS-Based Autonomous Cochlear Implant 2016
660 SPLICE3D CryoEM studies of the spliceosome 2016
661 ToxoPersist Molecular Basis of Toxoplasma gondii Encystation and Persistence 2016
662 IMPERIUM IMplementation of Powertrain Control for Economic and Clean Real driving emIssion and fuel ConsUMption 2016
663 ARGOS Aerospace propeller useful for diesel engines with extreme excitation of vibrations 2016
664 CRO-INSPECT Collaborative RObotic Solution for Advanced Inspection of Complex Composite parts 2016
665 TactoTek New lightweighting smart surface manufacturing technology for automotive industry 2016
666 GEOPET “Ecological, sustainable and economical non woven acoustic insulating felts for automotive industry 2016
667 GroutTube DMC grouting tube system 2016
668 XCORE XCORE: Enabling breakthrough weight reduction for the next generation of cars 2016
669 AFTAT “Animal-Free Testing for Acute Toxicity” 2016
670 HPEM2GAS High Performance PEM Electrolyzer for Cost-effective Grid Balancing Applications 2016
671 Giantleap Giantleap Improves Automation of Non-polluting Transportation with Lifetime Extension of Automotive PEM fuel cells 2016
672 PROFIT Cost-effective high speed Production for Fasteners in Titanium for the automotive industry 2016
673 NIPUNA Novel metrology tool for more flexible and affordable 3D validation of large industrial components 2016
674 SuperEh Super Variable Vector Combnation for Voltage Optmisation Energy Saving Hub 2016
675 INSPIRE Integration of Novel Stack Components for Performance, Improved Durability and Lower Cost 2016
676 FASTEEL Disruptive innovation through new tool steels with unique thermo-mechanical performance for material forming applications 2016
677 SDN-Polygraph Cloud-based Monitoring Service for Software Defined Networks 2016
679 F2F Fusion-to-Fossil Heat Exchanger for Supercritical Power Plants 2016
680 RapeedTest IntegRAted control technology for unparalleled high sPEED data acquisition, storage and analysis for TEST rigs 2016
681 ASCEMA ASCEMA: Content Aware Technology for IP Protection in Supply Chains 2016
682 CUBETTO New CUBic shElter concepT TO foster living responses 2016
683 SMAPP Smart room and Mobile APPlication Development Suite for hospitality 2016
684 RELIABLE Wear Resistant Lightweight Aluminium Brakes for Vehicles 2016
685 LAURA Efficient photobioreactor for the production of algae-based chemical resources 2016
686 HEATSTACK Production Ready Heat Exchangers and Fuel Cell Stacks for Fuel Cell mCHP 2016
687 CompBioMed A Centre of Excellence in Computational Biomedicine 2016
688 CoupledIceClim Coupled climate and Greenland ice sheet evolution:past, present and future 2016
689 FricLess A seamless multi-scale model for contact, friction, and solid lubrication 2016
690 pocL-CI A lab-on-chip platform for blood cell counting and identification at the point-of-care 2016
691 AEDNA Amorphous and Evolutionary DNA Nanotechnology 2016
692 CloudRadioNet Cloud Wireless Networks: An Information Theoretic Framework 2016
693 ENRICO Enrichment of Components at Interfaces and Mass Transfer in Fluid Separation Technologies 2016
694 Smartphon Small - and nano - scale soft phononics 2016
695 AD-HOC Artificial Dielectrics for High-frequency On-Chip antennas 2016
696 ICARUS Towards Innovative cost-effective astronomical instrumentation 2016
697 TENSION Targeting replication stress recovery pathways in oncology 2016
698 HOLISHIP HOLIstic optimisation of SHIP design and operation for life cycle 2016
699 REFERENCE Rf Engineered substrates to FostER fEm performaNCE 2015
700 RAMBO Mitochondrial DNA degradation and sterile inflammation in the heart 2016
701 GlobalBioIm Global integrative framework for Computational Bio-Imaging 2016
702 LEAPS Light effected autonomous molecular pumps: Towards active transporters and actuating materials 2016
703 FUTURE-PRINT Tuneable 2D Nanosheet Networks for Printed Electronics 2016
704 Scale-FreeBack Scale-Free Control for Complex Physical Network Systems 2016
705 CrUCCial Novel diagnostic and therapeutic approach to inflammatory bowel disease based on functional characterization of patients: the CrUCCial index 2016
707 RitualModes Divergent modes of ritual, social cohesion, prosociality, and conflict. 2016
708 RespeCT Respiratory Disease Screening with Dark-Field Computed Tomography 2016
709 Dark-OsT Experimental Searches for Oscillating and Transient effects from the Dark Sector 2016
710 RULLIVER Rules of self-organization and reengineering of liver tissue 2016
711 IGNIS Reuse of Tyre Fibres for Fire-Spalling-Proof Concrete 2016
712 MYCO TRAPS New roles for the cytoskeleton in cell-autonomous immunity to mycobacteria 2016
713 SCOUTFermi2D Strongly correlated ultracold fermions in two-dimensional tailored optical potentials: pairing, superfluidity and disorder 2016
714 HOUSREG Social Art as a Tool for Empowerment: Housing Deprivation and Citizen Initiatives for Change 2016
715 EVERLASTING Electric Vehicle Enhanced Range, Lifetime And Safety Through INGenious battery management 2016
716 GREENERNET Advanced Flow Battery Energy Storage Systems in a Microgrid Network 2016
717 ID-Lyme A novel immunity-based test for early diagnosis of Lyme disease 2016
718 I-SEE Intelligent Sensor Enabled Eyewear 2016
719 Polarsol Phase Two Polarsol - a disruptive hybrid heat management solution for global markets 2016
720 COLOMBUS-2 COmposite repair solutions for aeronautical BUSiness development – Phase 2 2016
721 ABLE Air Blade Life Extension 2016
722 HIT Artificial Vision Driven Technology to produce High quality and low recoil cartridges 2016
723 BioPellets Integrating food waste into wood pellets to convert waste grease to a useful biofuel. 2016
724 LIGHTHOUSE LIGHTHOUSE: concentrated thermal solar power directly connected to the heating and cooling systems of buildings at the local level. 2016
725 PAT WRAP oPtimized zero-defect high-tech AuTomatic WRAPping machine 2016
726 ATOMIX Boosting the efficiency of current agricultural atomisers by using ultrasonics emitters 2016
727 freescoo Low temperature heat / solar driven air conditioning system for heating, cooling, dehumidification and ventilation of buildings 2016
728 QTOOL Commercialization of Single-Photon Light Sources 2016
729 SIAN Sense, Inform, Act, Notify - Commercialisation of the world's smallest, easiest to use, most reliable, longest lasting, Semiconductor based Wireless Sensors 2016
730 HIPER Heterogeneous Integrated Platform for Electronic system Redistribution: A revolutionary I/O Planning Solution for Micro/Nano 2.5-D Electronic Systems Design 2016
731 QCALL Quantum Communications for ALL 2016
732 MATRICAN Matrix during cancer progression 2016
733 DrEAM Directed Evolution of Artificial Metalloenzymes for In Vivo Applications 2016
734 CoCa Collagen in Cancer: from the regulatory fibril forming function of collagen V in development to its implication in tumor progression 2016
735 TCR Feasibility Assessment on Thermal Catalytical Reforming 2016
736 STRATIFY Brain network based stratification of mental illness 2016
737 CMDNAUP Composition and Mechanism of the DNA-uptake Pilus of Vibrio cholerae 2016
738 MARIPOSAS Macroevolutionary Rates by Integrating Phylogenomics and Ancestral character States - A study on Neotropical butterfly evolution. 2017
739 Lampack A new method for separation full recovery of multilayer packaging waste to create high value materials - LAMPACK 2016
740 EnzOx2 New enzymatic oxidation/oxyfunctionalization technologies for added value bio-based products 2016
741 EVIS Engine Mounting System (EMS) for Ground Test Turboprop Engine Demonstrator 2016
742 HYPERBIOCOAT High performance biomass extracted functional hybrid polymer coatings for food, cosmetic and medical device packaging 2016
743 NDTonAIR NDTonAIR: Training Network in Non-Destructive Testing and Structural Health Monitoring of Aircraft structures 2016
744 Training4CRM European Training Network for Cell-based Regenerative Medicine 2016
745 EENSULATE Development of innovative lightweight and highly insulating energy efficient components and associated enabling materials for cost-effective retrofitting and new construction of curtain wall facades 2016
746 GREEN INSTRUCT Green Integrated Structural Elements for Retrofitting and New Construction of Buildings 2016
747 LASIMM Large Additive Subtractive Integrated Modular Machine 2016
748 STREAM-0D Simulation in Real Time for Manufacturing with Zero Defects 2016
749 PARADDISE A Productive, Affordable and Reliable solution for large scale manufacturing of metallic components by combining laser-based ADDItive and Subtractive processes with high Efficiency 2016
750 InnoWEE Innovative pre-fabricated components including different waste construction materials reducing building energy and minimising environmental impacts 2016
751 SPOTVIEW Sustainable Processes and Optimized Technologies for Industrially Efficient Water Usage 2016
752 CONNECTA CONtributing to Shift2Rail's NExt generation of high Capable and safe TCMS and brAkes. Phase 1. 2016
753 ALLIANCE AffordabLe LIghtweight Automobiles AlliaNCE 2016
754 GO0D MAN aGent Oriented Zero Defect Multi-stage mANufacturing 2016
755 A4BLUE Adaptive Automation in Assembly For BLUE collar workers satisfaction in Evolvable context 2016
756 LoCoMaTech Low Cost Materials Processing Technologies for Mass Production of Lightweight Vehicles 2016
757 FBI Multimodal, Functional Bio-Photonic Imaging 2016
758 DREAM Driving up Reliability and Efficiency of Additive Manufacturing 2016
759 MANUWORK Balancing Human and Automation Levels for the Manufacturing Workplaces of the Future 2016
760 FUDIPO Future Directions of Production Planning and Optimized Energy- and Process Industries 2016
761 SCALAiR Scaled Test Aircraft Preparation and Qualification 2016
762 5GPagoda A network slice for every service 2016
763 AERO-UA Strategic and Targeted Support for Europe-Ukraine Collaboration in Aviation Research 2016
764 DYNACOMP Dynamic behaviour of composite materials for next generation aeroengines 2016
765 REPRISE Reliable Electromechanical actuator for PRImary SurfacE with health monitoring 2016
766 MetalIntelligence European Industrial Doctorate in future efficient minerals analysis, processing and training 2016
767 ITEMB ITEMB: Integrated Full Composite Main Landing Gear Bay Concept 2016
768 DREAM Design for Resource and Energy efficiency in cerAMic kilns 2016
769 INSPIREWater Innovative Solutions in the Process Industry for next generation Resource Efficient Water management 2016
770 HASTECS Hybrid Aircraft; academic reSearch on Thermal and Electrical Components and Systems 2016
771 BRIDAS Brillouin Distributed sensor for Aeronautical Structures 2016
772 OLTITA O.M.P.M. LiferCraft Tail Innovative Tool Assembly 2016
773 4RinEU Robust and Reliable technology concepts and business models for triggering deep Renovation of Residential buildings in EU 2016
774 ORCA Optimised Real-world Cost-Competitive Modular Hybrid Architecture for Heavy Duty Vehicles 2016
775 IN2TRACK Research into enhanced tracks, switches and structures 2016
776 ALGeSMo Advanced Landing Gear Sensing and Monitoring 2016
777 ATTRACkTIVE Advanced Travel Companion and Tracking Services 2016
778 DIAL-IN Dynamic Integrated structural and proteomic Analysis of the LUBAC complex and its involvement in NF-κB and inflammation 2016
779 Intel-Line An intelligent inspection system for improved and efficient power line cable maintenance 2016
780 TITANIUM Software Components for Robust Geometry Processing 2017
781 TORC Truck with an Organic Rankine Cycle 2016
782 PEGASUS Renewable Power Generation by Solar Particle Receiver Driven Sulphur Storage Cycle 2016
783 SKILLFUL Skills and competences development of future transportation professionals at all levels 2016
784 PACMAN Prognostics And Computer Aided Maintenance 2016
785 TAOIDE Technology Advancement of Ocean energy devices through Innovative Development of Electrical systems to increase performance and reliability 2016
786 WaveBoost Advanced Braking Module with Cyclic Energy Recovery System (CERS) for enhanced reliability and performance of Wave Energy Converters 2016
787 REW-TYRES Innovative and compact process for recycling rubber suitable to improve the environmental footprint of the tyre industry over the life-cycle 2016
788 UWIT UnderWater Information Technology (UWIT) 2016
789 ViEWS The Violence Early-Warning System: Building a Scientific Foundation for Conflict Forecasting 2017
790 HKADeC Human Capital Accumulation in Developing Countries: Mechanisms, Constraints and Policies 2016
791 FLEDGED FLExible Dimethyl ether production from biomass Gasification with sorption-enhancED processes 2016
792 POWDERBLADE Commercialisation of Advanced Composite Material Technology: Carbon-Glass Hybrid in PowderEpoxy for Large (60-100m) Wind Turbine Blades 2016
793 Plan4Act Predictive Neural Information for Proactive Actions: From Monkey Brain to Smart House Control 2017
794 IDRICA Improving Drought Resistance in Crops and Arabidopsis 2016
795 ROBOCHIP MicroRobotic toolkit to deliver spatiotemporally resolved physicochemical signals and control cell sociology 2017
796 DeNovoImmunoDesign Computational Design of Novel Functional Proteins for Immunoengineering 2017
797 EOMORES Earth Observation based services for Monitoring and Reporting of Ecological Status 2016
799 MUTR Multipurpose test rig for transmissions gearboxes. 2016
800 InertialSensors Interferometric inertial sensors for gravitational-wave detectors 2016
801 VOLATILIS Origin of volatile elements in the inner Solar System 2017
802 SIROM Standard Interface for Robotic Manipulation of Payloads in Future Space Missions 2016
804 DECIDE DEvOps for trusted, portable and interoperable Multi-Cloud applications towards the Digital singlE market 2016
805 GOAL Games Of Active Life 2016
806 iRead Infrastructure and integrated tools for personalized learning of reading skill 2017
807 WaterSpy High sensitivity, portable photonic device for pervasive water quality analysis 2016
808 CROSSMINER Developer-Centric Knowledge Mining from Large Open-Source Software Repositories 2017
809 PYCSEL PYroelectric Conformable SEnsor matrix for Large area applications in security and safety 2017
810 PhasmaFOOD Portable photonic miniaturised smart system for on-the-spot food quality sensing 2017
811 RECAP Reliable Capacity Provisioning and Enhanced Remediation for Distributed Cloud Applications 2017
812 A-LEAF An Artificial Leaf: a photo-electro-catalytic cell from earth-abundant materials for sustainable solar production of CO2-based chemicals and fuels 2017
813 OPEUS Modelling and strategies for the assessment and OPtimisation of Energy USage aspects of rail innovation 2016
814 ST4RT Semantic Transformations for Rail Transportation 2016
815 SHAR-Q Storage capacity sharing over virtual neighbourhoods of energy ecosystems 2016
816 HEMPT-NG High Efficiency Multistage Plasma Thruster – Next Generation 2017
817 QV-LIFT Q/V band earth segment LInk for Future high Throughput space systems 2016
818 EUCalc EU Calculator: trade-offs and pathways towards sustainable and low-carbon European Societies 2016
819 E2mC Evolution of Emergency Copernicus services 2016
820 MinFuture Global material flows and demand-supply forecasting for mineral strategies 2016
821 SOLUS Smart optical and ultrasound diagnostics of breast cancer 2016
822 CERBERO Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in unceRtain hybRid envirOnments 2017
823 ESOTRAC Hybrid optical and optoacoustic endoscope for esophageal tracking. 2017
824 TEStore Reducing carbon footprint by thermal energy storage 2016
825 ROSIN ROS-Industrial quality-assured robot software components 2017
826 INTERSTELLAR Building the next generation high-speed data converters to strengthen European excellence and competitiveness on space applications and beyond 2016
827 MoveCare Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder 2017
828 RAMSES Reactivity and Assembly of Multifunctional, Stimuli-responsive Encapsulation Structures 2016
829 SMART Strong Modular proof Assistance: Reasoning across Theories 2017
830 MMA Molecular Mechanical Adhesives 2017
831 ADMS SmartGrid Active Distribution Management System to accommodate Renewable Energy Sources and Low Carbon Emissions 2016
832 INVADE Smart system of renewable energy storage based on INtegrated EVs and bAtteries to empower mobile, Distributed and centralised Energy storage in the distribution grid 2017
833 PICCOLO Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improved in-vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision support 2017
834 GFF Green Fast Ferry - the world’s first 30 knots battery powered Air Supported commuter ferry 2016
835 COMPOSELECTOR Multi-scale Composite Material Selection Platform with a Seamless Integration of Material Models and Multidisciplinary Design Framework. 2017
836 AMATHO A.dditive MA.nufacturing for T.iltrotor HO.using 2016
837 GRIDABLE Plastic nanocomposite insulation material enabling reliable integration of renewables and DC storage technologies in the AC energy grid 2017
838 NextGEOSS Next Generation GEOSS for Innovation Business 2016
839 CD40-INN CD40 goes innate: defining and targeting CD40 signaling intermediates in the macrophage to treat atherosclerosis 2016
840 InteractiveSkin InteractiveSkin: Digital Fabrication of Personalized On-Body User Interfaces 2017
841 DAFIA Biomacromolecules from municipal solid bio-waste fractions and fish waste for high added value applications. 2017
842 Smart-4-Fabry Smart multifunctional GLA-nanoformulation for Fabry disease 2017
843 FORCE Formulations and Computational Engineering 2017
844 OpenRiskNet OpenRiskNet: Open e-Infrastructure to Support Data Sharing, Knowledge Integration and in silico Analysis and Modelling in Risk Assessment 2016
845 IoF2020 Internet of Food and Farm 2020 2017
846 FI-GLOBAL FI-GLOBAL: Building and supporting a global open community of FIWARE innovators and users 2016
847 SaaStified Simulation-as-a-Service Tool for Industrial Furnaces Innovative Engineering Design (SaaStified) 2016
848 CRYSTAL New innovative textile cutting machine 2016
850 EVALVE Biomechanics and signaling in models of congenital heart valve defects 2016
851 LiveDeadFossil Life and death in Doñana National Park (Spain): palaeontological and ecological insights from the study of modern vertebrate death assemblages 2017
852 DYNMECH Dynamic Mechanisms 2017
853 NANOGLU Enlightening synaptic architecture: nanoscale segregation of glutamate receptor subtypes 2017
854 FLEXNEURO Flexible and robust nervous system function from reconfiguring networks 2017
855 ClustersXCosmo Fundamental physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics: Galaxy Clusters at the Cross-roads 2017
856 DiePeR Diesel efficiency improvement with Particulates and emission Reduction 2016
857 InterFlex Interactions between automated energy systems and Flexibilities brought by energy market players 2017
858 GALAHAD Glaucoma – Advanced, LAbel-free High resolution Automated OCT Diagnostics 2016
859 DEW-COOL-4-CDC Low Energy Dew Point Cooling for Computing Data Centres 2017
860 SLAFNET Slavery in Africa: a dialogue between Europe and Africa 2017
861 SOX2-Cloud Integrated Safety Engineering Platform for electrical and electronic systems for transportation 2016
862 FAST FAST (Film Archive Superior Transfer) – A new paradigm for digital preservation of audio visual heritage through fast and cost-efficient film digitization 2016
863 PTO-SAFE innovative yoke for Power Take-Off SAFEty 2016
864 TPI-MIM Thixotropic Piston Injection system for Metallic Injection Moulding 2017
865 SMILE Smart Measuring and Inspection for industrial Legacy Equipment 2016
866 certMILS Compositional security certification for medium- to high-assurance COTS-based systems in environments with emerging threats 2017
867 ANASTACIA Advanced Networked Agents for Security and Trust Assessment in CPS/IOT Architectures 2017
868 SAFERtec Security Assurance FramEwoRk for neTworked vEhicular teChnology 2017
869 INLINE Design of a flexible, scalable, high quality production line for PEMFC manufacturing 2017
870 VISORSURF VisorSurf - A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurfaces 2017
871 Market Design Market Design: Theory and Applications in Development 2016
872 STEM Structural energy harvesting composite materials 2016
873 AMPLIFY Amplifying Human Perception Through Interactive Digital Technologies 2016
874 CC-MEM Coordination and Composability: The Keys to Efficient Memory System Design 2017
875 RandMat Spectral Statistics of Structured Random Matrices 2017
876 SECOMP Efficient Formally Secure Compilers to a Tagged Architecture 2017
877 MODulATE Gut microbiota-dependent tryptophan metabolism: role in disease pathogenesis and therapeutic target 2017
878 IN-POWER Advanced Materials technologies to QUADRUPLE the Concentrated Solar Thermal current POWER GENERATION 2017
879 NECOMADA Nano-Enabled Conducting Materials Accelerating Device Applicability 2017
880 SNABO Self-calibrating nanobolometer based on superconductor–normal-metal hybrids 2016
881 SoWe Commercializing soft wearable systems from a stretchable electronic material 2017
882 CAPID Capacitive Identification Tokens 2017
883 AMITIE Additive Manufacturing Initiative for Transnational Innovation in Europe 2017
884 ULTRACHIRAL Ultrasensitive chiral detection by signal-reversing cavity polarimetry: applications to in-situ proteomics, single-molecule chirality, HPLC analysis, medical diagnostics, and atmospheric studies 2017
885 Levitate Levitation with localised tactile and audio feedback for mid-air interactions 2017
887 ColdNano-X ZnO-nanotech cold cathode x-ray tube for the security market 2016
888 TRUST TRUck Suistanable Transport - Innovative project for management of Contract Logistics 2017
889 FORMIT Forming and Modular Integration of Thermoplastics 2016
890 COSMHYC COmbined hybrid Solution of Multiple HYdrogen Compressors for decentralised energy storage and refuelling stations 2017
891 AddMan Innovative Re-Design and Validation of Complex Airframe Structural Components Formed by Additive Manufacturing for Weight and Cost Reduction 2017
892 MAGCOW The Magnetised Cosmic Web 2017
893 RetroNets Reverse Engineering Gene Regulatory Networks 2017
894 MARINET2 Marine Renewable Infrastructure Network for Enhancing Technologies 2 2017
895 VideoPlus A platform for augmented video content 2017
897 PROBATE Planet ROlling Bearing with Advanced TEchnologies 2017
898 INN-BALANCE INNovative Cost Improvements for BALANCE of Plant Components of Automotive PEMFC Systems 2017
899 CH2P Cogeneration of Hydrogen and Power using solid oxide based system fed by methane rich gas 2017
900 MARANDA Marine application of a new fuel cell powertrain validated in demanding arctic conditions 2017
901 SkyLight SkyLight: Innovations in titanium investment casting of lightweight structural components for aero engines 2017
902 SIMFAL Assembly Planning and SIMulation of an Aircraft Final Assembly Line 2017
903 Liftra Crane Liftra Self-Hoisting Crane (LSHC) - a disruptive crane solution for cost effective exchange and service of major wind turbine components 2016
904 INSTET Integral Security Trust Element for the Internet of Things 2016
905 SynchroSelf Harnessing reversibility of peptide Self-Assembly processes to Synchronise Extracellular Matrix substitutes with cellular driven tissue reconstruction 2016
906 MULTIZONAL SCAFFOLD Multizonal scaffold system based on collagen and copper doped mesoporous bioactive glass microspheres for dual release of growth factors for application as wound dressing material. 0
907 FIBER Understanding soil fertility impacts on terrestrial biomass production in a changing environment 2017
908 StaGraM Stable Crosslinked Graphene Membranes for Water and Molecular Separation 2017
909 CAPABLE Chemical Composition characterization of air pollution (aerosols and gases) on the basis of nonlinear multi-channel lidar experiments 2017
910 TORPEDO Understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling the orientation of plant cell divisions 2017
911 MicroCyFly Microcircuitry of the Drosophila visual system 2017
912 INNOMAQ21 High quality and cost-effective metal powder for manufacturing lower weight components with improved properties for transport vehicles 2017
913 TRACY Innovative RFID-UHF Traceability Platform for Human-Derived Products 2016
914 3D-COMPETE Mini Factories for 3D printing of Large Industrial Composite Structures 2017
915 DEEPVIEW High accuracy error detection in curved (prismatic) surfaces at high manufacturing speed 2017
917 IoT4ALL Global cellular connectivity for small and medium-sized IoT device makers 2017
918 Watchity Launching the First 360° Crowdsourced Live Video Platform. 2017
919 Carr-e CARR·e: Lightweight and versatile electric vehicle applied to urban logistics 2017
920 ARION A reusable launch system of small payloads to suborbital space 2017
921 TOPMOST Optimization two phases cooling solution using micro pump brick 2017
922 DREAM Design and Realization of equipped engine compartments including cowling for a fast compound rotorcraft 2017
923 EURECA Enhanced Human Robot cooperation in Cabin Assembly tasks 2017
924 SWORD Security Without Obscurity for Reliable Devices 2017
925 Pitstop PLUS RFID-based feeder for giving dairy cows access to additional mineral supplements in a restricted and targeted way during the critical transition period of the lactation cycle 2017
926 MEM-DG Modular Electric Motor technology with integrated Digital Gears for increased driving performance 2017
927 VisionBot Innovative and Affordable Pick and Place Robots with 10µm high mechanical accuracy and Advanced Computer Vision Algorithms for automatic electronics assembly manufacturing 2017
928 QSUP Demonstration of Quantum Supremacy in A Photonic Device 2017
929 Mitomorphosis Metabolic regulation of mitochondrial morphology 2017
930 COMPLEX The Degradation of Complex Modern Polymeric Objects in Heritage Collections: A System Dynamics Approach 2017
931 SUNINBOX Portable SolUtioN for dIstributed geNeration in a BOX 2017
932 SmaMoMeMoDs Smart Modulation Methods for Energy Efficient Operation and Health Monitoring of Future Motor Drives 2017
933 eWAD Unbalanced Wnt signalling in AD: a DNA methylation effect 2017
934 HyQuIP Hybrid Quantum Integrated Photonics 2017
935 DIGEST The impact of seed-dispersal by animals on plant distributions: an experimental and modelling approach 2017
936 NanoComSol Nanocomposite Solutions 2017
937 ICE Intelligent Control of Energy Storage for Smart Buildings and Grids 2017
938 CF-Web ClowdFlows Data and Text Analytics Marketplace on the Web 2017
939 Survive Surviving metabolism: acid handling and signalling 2017
940 OPERANDOCAT In situ and Operando Nanocatalysis: Size, Shape and Chemical State Effects 2017
941 BrainChip Human on Chip : Microsensor unit and control algorithm integration for brain on a chip drug testing applications and development 2017
942 RepliStressTiming Impact of replicative stress on DNA replication timing control 2017
943 DyNAmics Dynamic synthetic molecular duplexes 2017
944 AfriVeg Assessment of African Vegetation Resources: New Perspectives from Satellite Passive Microwave Datasets 2018
945 Sewage Sludge in PC Management of Municipal Water Waste Treatment Plants Potential by-Products of Sewage Sludge Ash type, as Active or non-Active Additions to Portland Cement-based Binders 2017
946 MAREXT Macrocyclic receptors for selective anion extraction 2018
948 SpliceCore Functional dissection of core spliceosomal mutations causing Retinitis Pigmentosa. 2017
949 REVERSING TAUOPATHY Identifying and deciphering the mechanism of the cellular machinery responsible for disaggregation of intracellular prion-like Tau aggregates 2017
950 SCAVENGER Determining the drivers and importance of scavenging behaviors in a changing world using agent based modeling approaches. 2017
951 SuperSpinHyMol Modelling superconductivity and spin-related effects in hybrid molecular/two-dimensional materials 2017
952 AMBITION Unravelling the molecular Basis of epigenetic silencing: what factors define a gene as a Polycomb target? 2017
953 MOMIMIC Multi-layered biomimetics of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases 2018
954 nanoHPcs Sustainable nanoHVOF and nanoaxialPlasma coating solutions against wear problems of extrusion machines allowing an eco-efficient use of materials and the increase of recycling in the plastics industry 2017
955 SEQ Scientists and Engineers for the Quantum world 2017
956 TOPPER Targeting of host proteins by unrelated pathogen effectors and their surveillance by allelic immune receptors 2018
957 CriTiClean Supercritical carbon dioxide for delipidation of soft tissue - Suppressing transplant rejection. 2017
958 HumRobManip Robotic Manipulation Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration on Forceful Manufacturing Tasks 2017
959 ALDing Novel industrial processes using the Atomic Layer Deposition technique 2017
960 WACE Women at the Cutting Edge. Assessing the gendered impact of industrial logging on well-being in Solomon Islands. 2017
961 ASSP Advanced Self-sorting and Supramolecular Polymers 2017
962 Sounds Delicious Sounds Delicious: A historical anthropology of listening and sound in Danish and French cooking 2018
963 Runway-Star A Novel Solution for Aircraft Washing and De-Icing 2017
964 ODORPREP Real time, automatic and remote-activated sampling system for industrial odour emissions compliant with the European Standard EN 13725 2017
965 ENERGYMAPS Revealing the electronic energy landscape of multi-layered (opto)electronic devices 2017
966 WallWatchers Plant cell wall communication and remodelling: the wall watchers. 2017
967 FocAd Structural Studies on Focal Adhesions 2017
968 IDEAL SENSOR Integrated Smart Device for Emergency Management 2017
969 COTETHERS Molecular characterization of vesicle tethering complexes as novel regulators of collagen trafficking 2017
970 LIPMETIN-sURFing Small open reading frames (smORF) as novel modulators of disorders of dietary excess 2018
971 FISHODOR Integrating conspecific odors into tilapia reproductive behaviour 2017
972 OUTNANO Out-of-equilibrium nanophotonics 2017
973 Photosense Photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging platform for biosensing applications: An innovative approach for the study of disease-related biomarkers 2017
974 HoloCellDeath Origins and evolution of programmed cell death machinery during the emergence of animal multicellularity 2018
975 EMPHASIS Enabling Multifunctional Plasmonics on Hybrid Artificial Scale-Integrated Systems 2018
976 TF-bind Determinants Genomic binding of transcription factors as a function of DNA affinity and chromatin. 2017
977 ModelingCommonGround Modeling Common Ground 2017
978 MuSCel Genome Muscle Specific C. elegans Genome in health and disease: finding novel factors in 3D organization 2017
979 FOUNDATION Fusarium oxysporum mediated underpinning of cell type-specific modulation in multiple host interaction 2018
980 GASAC Gender Aspects of Screen Adaptations of the British Nineteenth-Century Female Literary Canon 2017
981 FireCracker Reuse of Waste Materials for Fire-Spalling-Proof and Crack-Resistant Sustainable Concrete 2017
983 YEFF Comprehensive analysis of yeast expression-fitness functions (EFFs) 2018
984 METMEL Long range-acting drivers of premetastatic niches in melanoma 2017
985 Anti-CRISPR Uncovering viral sabotage of host CRISPR-Cas immune systems 2018
986 RADAR-CNS Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse in Central Nervous System Disorders - Sofia ref.: 115902 2016
987 MechaniChiral Mechanical Chirality: Synthesis, Properties and Applications at a New Horizon in Supramolecular Stereochemistry 2017
988 MAGNET Models and Algorithms for Graph centrality grounded on Nonlinear Eigenvalues Techniques 2017
989 CHIRALQUBIT Antiferromagnetic spin-chiral triangles as decoherence-free qubits 2017
990 nanoPhotoMat Development of nano-Photocatalytic Materials for Indoor Air Purification and Odour Elimination 2017
992 PI3K-VAs Activation of PI3K signalling in the pathogenesis of Vascular Anomalies 2018
993 El_CapiTun An elastocapillary-enabled self-tunable microfluidic chip 2018
994 PolyVac Polysaccharide-based membrane for sublingual vaccination 2017
995 ECO_REBUS Profiting from ECO-innovation: the RolE of BUSiness model 2017
996 PaVeCo Parametrised Verification and Control 2017
997 CHIROGLU Comparative genomics of sugar-eating bats: Implications for the genetics of glucose metabolism and diabetes 2017
998 INTER Innovative Neutron source for non destructive TEsting and tReatments 2017
999 LABEL-DIOX Late-stage catalytic carboxylation techniques with labelled carbon dioxide: new opportunities for radiolabelling 2017
1000 CreepUT An ultrasonic non-destructive testing system for detection and quantification of early stage subsurface creep damage in the thermal power generation industry 2017
1001 interACT Designing cooperative interaction of automated vehicles with other road users in mixed traffic environments 2017
1002 DNA ORIGAMI MOTORS Constructing and powering nanoscale DNA origami motors 2017
1003 WHOLENICHE Hold it or let it go: a niche decision on cancer growth 2017
1004 MFreeB Membrane-Free Redox Flow Batteries 2017
1005 DatA ESPerT Database Analysis for Evaluation of Seismic Performance Assessment Tools 2017
1006 MultiCAMS Multi-level Model Calibration for the Assessment of Historical Masonry Structures 2017
1007 ILMET Metabolic characterization of ILCs under homeostatic or stress conditions. 2017
1008 GalaxyDance Dance of galaxies: testing General Relativity and alternatives using galaxy velocity fields 2017
1009 MITOQUAD Unveiling the mitochondrial role of DNA2, a human helicase-nuclease causing mtDNA deletion associated syndrome. 2018
1010 INCAGE In vitro reconstitution and single cell analysis of the Shigella-septin cage. 2017
1011 Signalling-in-NODs Investigation of the role and mechanism of action of NOD2-mediated isoform selective PI3K signalling in gut immunity and inflammation 2017
1012 TeloHOOK Nuclear envelope attachment and dynamics of Human telomeres - unravelling nuclear organization 2017
1013 ASuMED Advanced Superconducting Motor Experimental Demonstrator 2017
1014 PINQS Photonic integrated quantum transceivers 2017
1015 SEAL Sound and Early Assessment of Leakage for Embedded Software 2017
1016 microKIc Microscopic Origins of Fracture Toughness 2017
1017 UNREDE Understanding Non-Photochemical Quenching Regulation in a Dynamic Environment. 2018
1018 DYNCON-ORC Dynamic performance modelling and controller design of a mini-scale organic Rankine cycle unit for heavy duty vehicles 2017
1019 GEMiNI A genetic model for neurorehabilitation 2018
1020 Domognostics Intelligent Building Automation Diagnostics 2017
1021 MISSP Manufacturing of Integral Stiffened Skin Panels 2017
1022 GEOSTICK Morphodynamic Stickiness: the influence of physical and biological cohesion in sedimentary systems 2017
1023 VIPS Venomics In Predator-prey Systems 2017
1024 EuroEXA Co-designed Innovation and System for Resilient Exascale Computing in Europe: From Applications to Silicon 2017
1025 MoRE2020 Mobility for Regional Excellence 2020 2017
1026 NGN-PET Modelling Neuron-Glia Networks into a drug discovery platform for Pain Efficacious Treatments - Sofia ref.: 116072 2017
1027 INTUMORX Elucidation of intratumoral heterogeneity in Kras-driven cancers 2017
1028 ToRH A Theory of Reliable Hardware 2017
1029 ECM_INK Cells-self Extracellular Matrices-based Bioinks to create accurate 3D diseased skin tissue models 2017
1030 MedAID Mediterranean Aquaculture Integrated Development 2017
1031 FiberEUse Large scale demonstration of new circular economy value-chains based on the reuse of end-of-life fiber reinforced composites. 2017
1032 ECOBULK Circular Process for Eco-Designed Bulky Products and Internal Car Parts 2017
1033 ITHACA An Information Theoretic Approach to Improving the Reliability of Weather and Climate Simulations 2017
1034 RoadToBio Roadmap for the Chemical Industry in Europe towards a Bioeconomy 2017
1035 ROMEO Reliable OM decision tools and strategies for high LCoE reduction on Offshore wind 2017
1036 EUCALIVA EUCAlyptus LIgnin VAlorisation for Advanced Materials and Carbon Fibres 2017
1037 PERCAL Chemical building blocks from versatile MSW biorefinery 2017
1038 SHERLOC QSP Quilted Stratum Processes (QSP) for low cost and eco thermoplastic manufacturing of complex composite parts 2017
1039 ALGAMATER Using microalgae bioreactor technology to deliver the world’s most cost-effective, energy-efficient and adaptable system for the treatment of toxic industrial and landfill wastewater 2017
1040 SECURE_TRAY Advanced Security Trays for World Airports 2017
1041 SEAMLESS Surface Catalysed Adhesive for Low Temperature Joining of Lightweight Materials and Components 2017
1042 Metamorphosis On Request Mobile Testing Facility “Metamorphosis” 2017
1043 Laelia Due A smart pellet stove that combines efficient heat generation with IoT 2017
1044 ThymusTolerance Delineation of molecular mechanisms underlying the establishment and breakdown of immunological tolerance in the thymus 2017
1045 EU-China-Safe Delivering an Effective, Resilient and Sustainable EU-China Food Safety Partnership 2017
1046 Eat2beNICE Effects of Nutrition and Lifestyle on Impulsive, Compulsive, and Externalizing behaviours 2017
1047 CONNECT Innovative smart components, modules and appliances for a truly connected, efficient and secure smart grid. 2017
1048 MegaMaRt2 MegaModelling at Runtime - scalable model-based framework for continuous development and runtime validation of complex systems. 2017
1049 AutoDrive Advancing fail-aware, fail-safe, and fail-operational electronic components, systems, and architectures for fully automated driving to make future mobility safer, affordable, and end-user acceptable. 2017
1050 2DNanoSpec Nanoscale Vibrational Spectroscopy of Sensitive 2D Molecular Materials 2017
1051 ACETOGENS Acetogenic bacteria: from basic physiology via gene regulation to application in industrial biotechnology 2017
1052 Xenoscope Towards a multi-ton xenon observatory for astroparticle physics 2017
1053 BIOMOTIVE Advanced BIObased polyurethanes and fibres for the autoMOTIVE industry with increased environmental sustainability 2017
1054 Falcon Fully automated, controlled and versatile system for low cost, high rate and energy efficient production of highly loaded aeronautical structural parts 2017
1055 MARQUESS Multiscale Analysis of AiRframe Structures and Quantification of UncErtaintieS System 2017
1056 ESTEEM Advanced Energy STorage and Regeneration System for Enhanced Energy Management 2017
1057 HiperTURB Development of investment casting process of nickel superalloys with enhanced weldability. 2017
1058 DEMMOW Detailed Model of a Morphing Wing 2017
1060 MetalJet Liquid-metal jet X-ray source for high performance non-destructive testing 2017
1061 MCodaq Mcodaq is a new benchtop instrument for fraud detection in cosmetics, perfumes, candles and other consumer products, based on NMR and used by technicians without specific analytical chemistry skills 2017
1062 RAMSSES Realisation and Demonstration of Advanced Material Solutions for Sustainable and Efficient Ships 2017
1063 IMOVE Unlocking Large-Scale Access to Combined Mobility through a European MaaS Network 2017
1064 MUV Mobility Urban Values 2017
1065 JETSCREEN JET Fuel SCREENing and Optimization 2017
1066 SCOTT Secure COnnected Trustable Things 2017
1067 Productive4.0 Electronics and ICT as enabler for digital industry and optimized supply chain management covering the entire product lifecycle 2017
1068 MICROPRINCE Pilot line for micro-transfer-printing of functional components on wafer level 2017
1069 WInSiC4AP Wide band gap Innovative SiC for Advanced Power 2017
1070 TEC1p Big-Data Analytics for the Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Materials from First Principles 2017
1071 SynPlex Tailored chemical complexity through evolution-inspired synthetic biology 2017
1072 ATLASplus Advanced Structural Integrity Assessment Tools for Safe Long Term Operation 2017
1073 ADAPT ADvanced Aeroacoustic Processing Techniques 2017
1074 MEACTOS Mitigating Environmentally Assissted Cracking Through Optimisation of Surface Condition 2017
1075 NOMAD Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) System for the Inspection of Operation-Induced Material Degradation in Nuclear Power Plants 2017
1076 ADVISE ADVanced Inspection of Complex StructurEs 2017
1077 INSIDER Improved Nuclear SIte characterization for waste minimization in DD operations under constrained EnviRonment 2017
1078 FEAR-SAP Function and Evolution of Attack and Response Strategies during Allelopathy in Plants 2018
1079 e-Sequence e-Sequence: a sequential approach to engineer heteroatom doped graphene nanoribbons for electronic applications 2017
1080 RHEA Rotifers Highlight the Evolution of Asexuals: the mechanisms of genome evolution in the absence of meiosis 2017
1081 STAMP Stratified turbulence and mixing processes 2017
1082 CAPABLE Composite integrated photonic platform by femtosecond laser micromachining 2017
1083 DNR Blended Learning Course for Police Students: Death Notification with Responsibility 2017
1084 HYDRO_RIG 3G Development of a hydraulic installation for electro-hydraulic integration of hybrid surface actuation systems in on-ground rigs 2017
1085 FASE-LAG FAil-Safe Electro-mechanical actuation for LAnding Gear 2017
1086 NGPaaS Next Generation Platform as a Service 2017
1087 TERAPOD Terahertz based Ultra High Bandwidth Wireless Access Networks 2017
1089 5G-PICTURE 5G Programmable Infrastructure Converging disaggregated neTwork and compUte REsources 2017
1090 VRTogether An end-to-end system for the production and delivery of photorealistic social immersive virtual reality experiences 2017
1091 PUZZLE_DIE PUZZLE_DIE: an innovative solution for a faster and cheaper car weight reduction to help carmakers to meet European limits to CO2 emissions. 2017
1092 ENERPAINT New thermo-regulating paints based on nanoencapsulation of phase-change materials 2017
1093 serverChill Server liquid cooling for Data Centres... done right! 2017
1094 PropSafe Disruptive design innovation for safe and lower cost implementation of the alternative to the ozone-depleting gases in the heat pump heating and cooling systems 2017
1095 ComFyt The revolution of the Compression Therapy Market: an easy-to-wear and comfortable compression stocking based on Electro-Active Polymers technology. 2017
1096 BigData Heart Big Data 4 Better Hearts - Sofia ref.: 116074 2017
1097 JetConveyor A disruptive air filtration system for cleaning-free operation in dust-intensive process industrial environments 2017
1098 LEAP home LEAP home, a new home for a sustainable future. A functional and aesthetic answer to a liberated living. 2017
1099 MECHADIAN Mechanobiology of the cellular circadian clock 2018
1100 METALLICA Metallurgical patented Process Transforming Residues from the Electronic Industry into Valuable Precious Metals 2017
1101 MetaTox-HS Advanced Solutions for High Sensitivity Metabolism and Toxicity Assays 2017
1103 NOVUM Pilot line based on novel manufacturing technologies for cellulose-based electrical insulation components 2017
1104 NSstop Development of a policy to stop the suffering caused by Nodding Syndrome and Onchocerciasis associated epilepsy 2017
1105 PALMS Plasma Additive Layer Manufacture Smoothing Technology 2017
1106 Pro-GET-OnE Proactive synergy of inteGrated Efficient Technologies on buildings’ Envelopes 2017
1107 PROGRAMS PROGnostics based Reliability Analysis for Maintenance Scheduling 2017
1108 RenoZEB Accelerating Energy renovation solution for Zero Energy buildings and Neighbourhoods 2017
1109 ROCKY Forests and Trees: the Formal Semantics of Collective Categorization 2017
1110 SeCtOR ENABleRs Standard Collagenous ORgans-on-chip ENvisaging Advanced Biological Researches 2017
1111 Smartscope-X Affordable, accessible and automatic screening solution for diabetic retinopathy 2017
1112 SOMBOT Soft Micro Robotics 2017
1113 VOLSIGNAL Volume regulation and extracellular signalling by anion channels 2017
1114 Z-BRE4K Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories 2017
1115 CYCLODE Cyclical and Linear Timing Modes in Development 2017
1116 CartiLube Lubricating Cartilage: exploring the relation between lubrication and gene-regulation to alleviate osteoarthritis 2017
1117 ESSIAL Electrical Steel Structuring, Insulating and Assembling by means of the Laser technologies 2017
1118 BabyMinder BabyMinder: Automatic diagnosis of neurocognitive impairment in infants 2017
1119 Carbon4PUR Turning industrial waste gases (mixed CO/CO2 streams) into intermediates for polyurethane plastics for rigid foams/building insulation and coatings 2017
1120 3D-Roving Deposition Directed and three-dimensional placement of continuous fibres with the direction of forces enabling asignificant reduction of costs and weight in carbon fibre components 2017
1121 ACHIEVE AdvanCed Hardware/Software Components for Integrated/Embedded Vision SystEms 2017
1122 AgroPestAlert High Tech and Disruptive Prices Global Solution for Real Time Alerts on Agrifood Pest, based on wing beat, unique features on insects biometric 2017
1123 Amphiro en-Gage Amphiro en-Gage: Technology for a Smart and Sustainable Use of Hot Water 2017
1124 ASPIN Antiferromagntic spintronics 2017
1125 ASSTRA Advanced Solid State Transformers 2018
1126 CITCOM A Complimentary Inspection Technique based on Computer Tomography and Plenoptic Camera for MEMS Components 2017
1127 EQIPD European Quality In Preclinical Data 2017
1128 ETAP Tracing Evolution of Auxin Transport and Polarity in Plants 2018
1129 FEEdBACk Fostering Energy Efficiency and BehAvioural Change through ICT 2017
1130 FIBRESPIN New Generation of High Speed FIBRE SPINning machines 2017
1131 HEART Holistic Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit 2017
1132 HiFi-ELEMENTS High Fidelity Electric Modelling and Testing 2017
1133 HYBUILD Innovative compact HYbrid electrical/thermal storage systems for low energy BUILDings 2017
1134 InnoDC Innovative tools for offshore wind and DC grids 2017
1135 mCBEEs Advanced integrative solutions to Corrosion problems beyond micro–scale: towards long-term durability of miniaturized Biomedical, Electronic and Energy systems 2017
1136 MIDRAULICS Modular Intelligent Hydraulics 2017
1137 OBELICS Optimization of scalaBle rEaltime modeLs and functIonal testing for e-drive ConceptS 2017
1138 OPTIBLANKS Hybrid EMAT-Vision solution for OPTImisation of advanced manufacturing process of automotive tailor welded BLANKS 2017
1139 PreCoM Predictive Cognitive Maintenance Decision Support System 2017
1140 QUIET QUalifying and Implementing a user-centric designed and EfficienT electric vehicle 2017
1142 SMaRTE Smart Maintenance and the Rail Traveller Experience 2017
1143 SUDOCHIP New antiperspirant efficacy evaluation techniques based on a disruptive microfluidic technology 2017
1144 TRAIN-EV Training in Extracellular Vesicles: for benefit in Health and Disease 2017
1145 SmartPhoneSmartAging Smartphones, Smart Ageing and mHealth 2017
1146 SpdTuM SPD nanostructured magnets with tuneable properties 2018
1147 ELECTRIC Chip Scale Electrically Powered Optical Frequency Combs 2018
1148 PRe-ART Predictive Reagent Antibody Replacement Technology 2017
1149 LIMQUET Light-Matter Interfaces for Quantum Enhanced Technology 2018
1150 DNA-Robotics DNA-Based Modular Nanorobotics 2018
1151 CONTRA Computational ONcology TRaining Alliance 2018
1152 COSY-BIO Control Engineering of Biological Systems for Reliable Synthetic Biology Applications 2017
1153 HybridHeart Development of the first fully biocompatible, soft actuated heart: combining in situ tissue engineering and soft robotics 2017
1154 INCLUSION Towards more accessIble and iNCLUSIve mObility solutions for EuropeaN prioritised areas 2017
1155 DOMINOES Smart Distribution Grid: a Market Driven Approach for the Next Generation of Advanced Operation Models and Services 2017
1156 DRIVE Demand Response Integration tEchnologies: unlocking the demand response potential in the distribution grid 2017
1157 IN2STEMPO Innovative Solutions in Future Stations, Energy Metering and Power Supply 2017
1158 RUN2Rail Innovative RUNning gear soluTiOns for new dependable, sustainable, intelligent and comfortable RAIL vehicles 2017
1159 TOPBALAT Setting up high-value sea cucumber chain in Europe through a new fishing gear with no environmental impact and advanced processing equipment 2017
1160 SAFTInspect Ultrasonic inspection solution for railway crossing points 2017
1161 NECOS Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing 2017
1162 CM3 Controlled Mechanical Manipulation of Molecules 2018
1163 MEMETRE From processes to modelling of methane emissions from trees 2018
1164 MalPar.NET Malaria Parasite Networking: Discovering Modes of Cell-Cell Communication 2017
1165 ASYMMEM Lipid asymmetry: a cellular battery? 2018
1166 SWAMP Smart Water Management Platform 2017
1167 TRAC Tailor-made Recycled Aggregate Concretes 2018
1168 PolControl Engineering translation machinery to produce light-responsive protein-polymers 2017
1169 HiRISE High-Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy of Exoplanets 2017
1170 VitASTEM Regulation of Single Hematopoietic Stem Cells by Intake of Vitamin A 2018
1171 ReVolusions Quantifying Recycling Fluxes of Earth Surface Materials and Volatiles in Subduction Zones using Melt Inclusions 2018
1172 PANTHEON Precision Farming of Hazelnut Orchards 2017
1173 QUANTIFY Unraveling the role of anisotropy in material failure 2018
1174 NanoC4 Autonomous Nanosatellite-Clusters Control, Coordination and Communication Software 2017
1175 TTNPred Development of novel computational biology pipeline for the efficient classification of titin SNPs for clinical use 2018
1176 mrSANE Magnetic Resonance Shimming Applications with Near-magnet Equipment 2017
1177 NEWTON NEw Windown inTO Earth's iNterior 2018
1178 QUSCO Quantum superiority with coherent states 2018
1179 SUN-PILOT Subwavelength Nanostructure Pilot (Sun-Pilot) 2018
1180 COOL DH Cool ways of using low grade Heat Sources from Cooling and Surplus Heat for heating of Energy Efficient Buildings with new Low Temperature District Heating (LTDH) Solutions. 2017
1181 FreeWheel Lifecycle-reconfigurable Smart Mobility Platform to enable autonomous and cost-effective personalized solutions for social inclusion of disabled and elderly while leveraging AM technologies 2017
1182 ARTEM Aircraft noise Reduction Technologies and related Environmental iMpact 2017
1183 iModBatt Industrial Modular Battery Pack Concept Addressing High Energy Density, Environmental Friendliness, Flexibility and Cost Efficiency for Automotive Applications 2017
1184 SYMBIOSIS A Holistic Opto-Acoustic System for Monitoring Marine Biodiversities 2017
1185 FIT4FOOD2030 Fostering Integration and Transformation for FOOD 2030 2017
1186 FLEXITRANSTORE An Integrated Platform for Incresed FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources 2017
1187 CHE CO2 Human Emissions 2017
1188 CROWDBOT Safe Robot Navigation in Dense Crowds 2018
1189 SciRoc European Robotics League plus Smart Cities Robot Competitions 2018
1190 QAMeleon Sliceable multi-QAM format SDN-powered transponders and ROADMs Enabling Elastic Optical Networks 2018
1191 INLINETEST In-line quality inspection system for smart production of micro and nanoelectronic components 2018
1192 RealTide Advanced monitoring, simulation and control of tidal devices in unsteady, highly turbulent realistic tide environments 2018
1193 NOVEL Nanoscale Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser and its Arrays 2018
1194 ORI NUMBER Unravelling the effect of origin number on the success of genome replication 2017
1195 EREMOZ Effect of rare-earth doping elements on the mechanical and oxidation resistance performance of silicon carbide coated carbon fibre / zirconium carbide composites for high temperature applications 2018
1196 ARCATOM Exploring the role of the mitochondrial alternative respiration in carotenoid biosynthesis during tomato fruit ripening 2018
1197 ECoWeB Assessing and Enhancing Emotional Competence for Well-Being (ECoWeB) in the Young: A principled, evidence-based, mobile-health approach to prevent mental disorders and promote mental well-being 2018
1198 MyPeBS International Randomized Study Comparing personalized, Risk-Stratified to Standard Breast Cancer Screening In Women Aged 40-70 2018
1199 BANDWIDTH The cost of limited communication bandwidth in distributed computing 2018
1200 BioMatrix Structural Biology of Exopolysaccharide Secretion in Bacterial Biofilms 2018
1201 EvoCellBio A combined in vitro and in vivo approach to dissect biochemical network evolution. 2018
1202 MHINT Genetic, behavioural and cognitive mechanisms underpinning the association between mother and offspring mental health problems: mental (M) health (H) intergenerational transmission (INT) -(MHINT) 2017
1203 ANTIViR Molecular mechanisms of interferon-induced antiviral restriction and signalling 2017
1204 MarketPlace Materials Modelling Marketplace for Increased Industrial Innovation 2018
1205 NEMOSINE Innovative packaging solutions for storage and conservation of 20th century cultural heritage of artefacts based on cellulose derivate 2018
1206 Oyster Open characterisation and modelling environment to drive innovation in advanced nano-architectured and bio-inspired hard/soft interfaces 2017
1207 HoliFAB Holistic digital-to-physical prototyping and production pilot for microfluidic MEMS 2017
1208 MASTRO Intelligent bulk MAterials for Smart TRanspOrt industries. 2017
1209 OpenGTN Open Ground Truth Training Network : Magnetic resonance image simulationfor training and validation of image analysis algorithms 2018
1210 MASTFAST Rapid production of HUMAN MAST CELLS 2017
1211 Net2DG Leveraging Networked Data for the Digital electricity Grid 2018
1212 BeyondPlanck Beyond Planck -- delivering state-of-the-art observations of the microwave sky from 30 to 70 GHz for the next decade 2018
1213 ATOS Advanced Technological Solutions for X band Earth Observation Systems 2018
1214 INFACT Innovative, Non-invasive and Fully Acceptable Exploration Technologies 2017
1215 TWIGA Transforming Weather Water data into value-added Information services for sustainable Growth in Africa 2018
1216 FREYA Connected Open Identifiers for Discovery, Access and Use of Research Resources 2017
1217 PIVOT Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2017
1218 CANCER Personalised Postoperative Immunotherapy To Improving Cancer Outcome and improving quality of life 2018
1220 CE-IOT A Framework for Pairing Circular Economy and IoT: IoT as an enabler of the Circular Economy circularity-by-design as an enabler for IoT (CE-IoT) 2018
1221 Smart-Trust Smart Trust: Secure Mobile ID for Trusted Smart Borders 2018
1222 GRASSHOPPER GRid ASsiSting modular HydrOgen Pem PowER plant 2018
1223 PRETZEL Novel modular stack design for high pressure PEM water electrolyzer technology with wide operation range and reduced cost 2018
1224 GAMER Game changer in high temperature steam electrolysers with novel tubular cells and stacks geometry for pressurized hydrogen production 2018
1225 ID-FAST Investigations on degradation mechanisms and Definition of protocols for PEM Fuel cells Accelerated Stress Testing 2018
1226 FLHYSAFE Fuel CelL HYdrogen System for AircraFt Emergency operation 2018
1227 REFLEX Reversible solid oxide Electrolyzer and Fuel cell for optimized Local Energy miX 2018
1228 MAMA-MEA Mass Manufacture of MEAs Using High Speed Deposition Processes 2018
1229 Mont-Blanc 2020 Mont-Blanc 2020, European scalable, modular and power efficient HPC processor 2017
1230 SOFIE SOFIE - Secure Open Federation for Internet Everywhere 2018
1231 SerIoT Secure and Safe Internet of Things 2018
1232 PTwist PTwist: An open platform for plastics lifecycle awareness, monetization, and sustainable innovation 2018
1233 NEXIS Next generation X-ray imaging system 2018
1234 FANFAR Reinforced cooperation to provide operational flood forecasting and alerts in West Africa 2018
1235 REDFINCH mid infraREd Fully Integrated CHemical sensors 2017
1236 E2DATA European Extreme Performing Big Data Stacks 2018
1237 PHENOMENON Laser Manufacturing of 3D nanostructured optics using Advanced Photochemistry 2018
1238 3eFERRO Energy Efficient Embedded Non-volatile Memory Logic based on Ferroelectric Hf(Zr)O2 2018
1239 PASSION Photonic technologies for progrAmmable transmission and switching modular systems based on Scalable Spectrum/space aggregation for future agIle high capacity metrO Networks 2017
1240 MIRACLE Mid-infrared arthroscopy innovative imaging system for real-time clinical in depth examination and diagnosis of degenerative joint diseases 2018
1241 MEMMO Memory of Motion 2018
1242 micro-ROS micro-ROS: Platform for seamless integration of resource constrained devices in the robot ecosystem 2018
1243 AirBorne AerIal RoBotic technologies for professiOnal seaRch aNd rescuE 2018
1244 EVOAtm Evolutionary ATM. A modelling framework to assess the impact of ATM evolutions 2018
1245 BIOGASTIGER BIOGASTIGER® system – turning global organic waste streams into smart and clean energy 2017
1247 WHIITE Waste Heat Integrated Industrialised Trucks and Tractors Engine 2017
1248 BoosT BOOSTing the industrial application of green carbides by thermal spraying in protective coatings 2018
1249 CorreAssess A novel Holistic Automated Analytics System for IT infrastructure management that proactively identifies and prevent IT operational threats. 2017
1250 GameInfluencer Launching the GameInfluencer Marketing Platform to Connect Game Publishers With The Best Matching Influencers Who Create the Most Effective Let’s Plays 2018
1251 SMART PlantOne A low-cost IoT - solution for predictive maintenance of small electric motors towards the Factory of the Future 2017
1252 TRIBOSORT Robust recycling technology that separates different plastic types from a mix of plastic waste to produce a plastic material directly marketable to manufacturers 2017
1254 AdheSurf Polymeric nanocoating for tight and strong adhesion between challenging combinations of metals and plastics 2017
1255 STIM-MC Sacrificial Thermoplastic Injection Moulding platform for manufacturing small and complex metal and ceramic components 2017
1256 Timber Shuttle The novel wood-harvesting system for mechanical steep-slope logging 2017
1257 U-Control Advanced Universal Control and monitoring solution to remotely manage complex power systems 2017
1258 OSAS Olmedo Smart Ambulance real-time diagnosis System 2017
1259 PATHOLYTIX-GI PATHOLYTIX: Using Artificial Intelligence to Transform Clinical Diagnostic Pathology 2017
1260 HEMERA Integrated access to balloon-borne platforms for innovative research and technology 2018
1261 GREENSENSE Sustainable, Wireless, Autonomous Nanocellulose-based Quantitative DoA Biosensing Platform 2018
1262 BAHAMAS A holistic approach to large-scale structure cosmology 2018
1263 ECO-ZEN Enabling Catalytic Cross Couplings with only Zinc Electrophiles, Nucleophiles and Boranes 2018
1264 LOQO-MOTIONS Local quantum operations achieved through the motion of spins 2018
1265 FORWARD New Frontiers for Optoelectronics with Artificial Media 2018
1266 APOGEE Atomic-scale physics of single-photon sources. 2018
1267 DynaMO_TB Spatiotemporal regulation of localization and replication of M. tuberculosis in humanmacrophages 2018
1268 Mat4Rail Designing the railway of the future: Fire resistant composite materials and smart modular design 2017
1269 ExoSonic A microfluidic chip for non-invasive, early detection of pancreatic cancer – liquid biopsy 2018
1270 BigMedilytics Big Data for Medical Analytics 2018
1271 START inveSTigation of an ultrA compact Reverse flow combusTor 2018
1272 PROTEUS Development of simulation methods and tools to predict the idle and sub-idle behavior of future large Very High Bypass Ratio geared civil turbofan engines. 2018
1273 VISTA Vision-based Inspection Systems for automated Testing of Aircraft interiors 2018
1274 ECOLAND Development of ECO-friendly protection procedures for LANDing gear aluminium alloys 2018
1275 PASSPORT Part Specific Process Optimization in SLM 2018
1276 RAISE Reliable Aircraft electrical Insulation System sElection 2018
1277 SWITCH2MARKET Switchable adhesives for the robotics and handling market 2018
1278 ARRECIFE Coral Reef wisdom to capture Wave Energy 2018
1280 NANOL4TP Decreasing fuel consumption in transport 2018
1281 SCAN-TMS Scalable and Customizable Power Transformer Monitoring System 2018
1283 Ellum AC System An advanced air conditioning system for Electric Vehicles 2018
1284 Tangi0 Touch and pressure sensitive material without electronic sensors for intuitive and eye-free control of a car’s features while driving 2018
1285 oWBI Osmotic Wearable Bolus Injector (oWBI) for viscous drug delivery 2018
1287 NRGDriver A breakthrough LED driver that brings a smaller, cheaper, lighter and more environmentally friendlysolution to the LED lighting industry. 2018
1288 Reficient Innovative upright Refrigerator with Improved Efficiency Fully Aligned With The Eu Legislation ToControl The F-GASES” 2018
1289 CLEAN CABINET A Unique and Innovative flushing test bench for cleanliness assessment of hydraulic components that allows to increase test efficiency and reduce costs 2018
1290 HouseBuildR Build your house exactly as you imagined it 2018
1291 NOXTEK NOx-Mitigation Technology for Retrofitting Diesel Engines 2018
1292 OriginIoT OriginIoT - novel platform for increased utilization of GNSS constellations via outdoor IoT products 2018
1293 GREENSENSE Sustainable, Wireless, Autonomous Nanocellulose-based Quantitative DoA Biosensing Platform 2018
1294 DeCode Dendrites and memory: role of dendritic spikes in information coding by hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons 2018
1295 LIMA Controlling light-matter interactions by quantum designed 2D materials 2018
1296 ID-EPTRI Infradev - European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure 2018
1297 SENSORIANCE SEnsorial awareNess System fOR obstacle detectIon And collisioN avoidanCE 2018
1298 LABOR Lean robotized AssemBly and cOntrol of composite aeRostructures 2018
1299 INNOHYBOX Innovative solutions for metallic ribs or fittings introduced in a composite box to optimally deal with thermo-mechanical effects 2018
1300 DOVER Methodology Development and Validation of WEight Optimized Stiffeners Run-Out Design for Future Composite Wings 2018
1301 INTELLICONT Development and Manufacturing of Intelligent Lightweight Composite Aircraft Container 2018
1302 SUPERMIN Correlative Super Resolution Imaging of the Collagen Mineralization Process 2018
1303 ThromboSLE Accurate assessment of thrombosis risk in systemic lupus erythematosus 2018
1304 LifeCall LifeCall Wearable EKG Heart Health Monitoring, Analysing and Warning System 2018
1305 VERIFY Observation-based system for monitoring and verification of greenhouse gases 2018
1306 PALACE Pump Architecture Linked to Aircraft Cooling Expectations 2018
1307 NATHENA New Additive manufacTuring Heat ExchaNger for Aeronautic 2018
1308 InSPIRe Innovative Systems to Prevent Ice on Regional Aircraft 2018
1309 LIDOS Light-Induced Spin Switch using Dynamic Organic Species 2018
1310 WISDOM The autonomous floral pathway: a WIndow to Study the tight link between non-coDing RNA and chrOMatin regulation 2018
1311 RENShip Hybrid Carbon-free electrically driven fishing longliner with low power methanol combustion enginefor propulsion back-up and auxiliary equipment 2018
1313 AutoClean Cell-free reconstitution of autophagy to dissect molecular mechanisms 2018
1314 PEP2D Printable Electronics on Paper through 2D materials based inks 2018
1315 3DPROTEINPUZZLES Shape-directed protein assembly design 2018
1316 The insect cochlea The Insect cochlea: a non-invasive path towards enhanced sound detectors 2018
1317 MUPIA Manufacturing process for ultimate performance inertial MEMS Gyroscope (MUPIA) 2018
1318 NIRCOThera Spatiotemporal, near-infrared light controlled carbon monoxide delivery for cancer immunotherapy 2018
1319 SPITFIRE SPatial variability and Implications of the Timing of FIsh Responses to the Environment 2018
1320 RESTREIG Development of A Method for Analysis of Creep Behaviour of Welded Rotating Components of High Temperature Applications Based on Eigenstrain Theory 2018
1321 INDECRUST Integrative ecological indicators of global change based on biocrust tissue traits 2018
1322 SoftNanoHybrid Polymer-Nanoparticle co-assembly for drug targeting and release kinetics: Investigation on Structure, Morphology, Responsiveness, and Nanoparticle distribution 2018
1323 OptimisingIDS Optimisation of the linguistic input in the first years of life 2018
1324 PLANT-RNA-MET A newly discovered role for mRNA methylation in controlling plant gene expression 2018
1325 Bits2Cosmology Time-domain Gibbs sampling: From bits to inflationary gravitational waves 2018
1326 BOMB Multi-scale BiOmechanical characterization of peri-iMplant Bone tissue: influence of the environment 2018
1327 RESISTO RESIlience enhancement and risk control platform for communication infraSTructure Operators 2018
1328 BRAD Brexit and Deportations: towards a comprehensive and transnational understanding of a new system targeting EU citizens 2018
1329 CheSSTaG Chemotactic Super-Selective Targeting of Gliomas 2018
1330 CHOCOLATE4LIFE Achieving sustainable agriculture in African cacao through DNA metabarcoding and food web models 2019
1331 CL_Exocytosis “Molecular dissection of cytotoxic lymphocyte exocytosis 2019
1332 Complementarity A unifying model: bulk chondrite complementarity by individual chondrule-matrix mentality 2018
1333 CuCAN Asymmetric Copper Catalyzed Multicomponent Coupling 2018
1334 DEFPOLL Origins of trait diversity in flowering plants: understanding interactions between plant defence and pollination using molecular, phenotypic and ecological studies of natural selection 2018
1335 DIVA Boosting innovative DIgitech Value chains for Agrofood, forestry and environment 2018
1336 EATing more Enhancing Engulfment of Apoptotic cells: basic biology to Therapy 2018
1337 EMBRACE Elucidating Mechanisms of Bladder Cancer Metastasis 2018
1338 JUSTEMOTIONS The construction of objectivity - An international perspective on the emotive-cognitive process of judicial decision-making 2018
1339 PLATFORM Competition and Regulation of Platform Markets 2018
1340 SEA-TITAN SEA-TITAN: Surging Energy Absorption Through Increasing Thrust And efficieNcy 2018
1341 Geo-Coat Development of novel and cost effective corrosion resistant coatings for high temperature geothermal applications 2018
1342 H3PS H3PS – High Power High Scalability Aircraft Hybrid Powertrain 2018
1343 TOUGHIT Tough Interface Tailored Nanostructured Metals 2018
1344 SOLARYS Composition of solar system small bodies 2018
1345 NoMePaCa Novel Metabolic Pathways in Cancer 2018
1346 3D-CAP 3D micro-supercapacitors for embedded electronics 2018
1347 SPICE Spectroscopy in cells with tailored in-vivo labelling strategies and multiply addressable nano-structural probes 2018
1348 Rotational Waves Controlling and resolving rotational quantum states in a molecule-surface collision: Matter-wave magnetic interference experiments with ground state molecules. 2018
1349 mPP machine learning for Particle Physics 2018
1350 PhenomeNal Inheritance, expressivity and epistasis hidden behindthe phenotypic landscape of natural populations 2018
1351 MAGALOPS The MAgnetic field in the GALaxy, using Optical Polarization of Stars 2018
1352 INNOSETA Accelerating Innovative practices for Spraying Equipment, Training and Advising in European agriculture through the mobilization of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems 2018
1353 IoT4Industry Towards smarter means of production in European manufacturing SMEs through the use of the Internet of Things technologies 2018
1354 sigNal Novel insights into the sensing of salt stress in plants: understanding the relationship between salt stress response and cytosolic pH changes. 2018
1355 ASTRID AddreSsing ThReats for virtualIseD services 2018
1356 DEFeND Data Governance for Supporting GDPR 2018
1357 REALM Re-inventing Ecosystem And Land-surface Models 2018
1358 ATG9_SOLVES_IT In vitro high resolution reconstitution of autophagosome nucleation and expansion catalyzed byATG9 2018
1359 Re-Leaf Environment-coupled metabolic models for engineering high-temperature and drought REsistant LEAF metabolism. 2018
1360 NegCap Negative capacitor based on a ferroelectric nano-dot 2018
1361 MetChromTx Macrophage metabolism and signal-induced chromatin and transcription changes: an integrated, multi-layer approach 2018
1362 Nanozymes POC Nanozymes POC 2018
1364 Stress Granules Using Reconstituted Stress Granules to Gain Insight into the Molecular Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases 2019
1365 GeoFit Deployment of novel GEOthermal systems, technologies and tools for energy efficient building retroFITting. 2018
1366 SCIENCE-MINQ Developing Rapid Inquiry as a pedagogical framework for multimodal interactions in informal science settings 2019
1367 FADAMES Fatigue damage at mesoscopic level. Fatigue life prediction in conjunction with acoustic emission signals 2018
1368 Particle-bound ROS Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in atmospheric aerosols: exploring formation, sources and dynamics of a new air pollution toxicity metric 2018
1369 ALPINE Ultrastructural analysis of phosphoinositides in nerve terminals: distribution, dynamics and physiological roles in synaptic transmission 2018
1371 EUTERPE Estimation of the term premium in Euro Area government bonds 2018
1372 REUSE Reusable precast steel-concrete composite floors 2019
1373 VaLiD Value to Linguistic Differences: Misspelled Inscriptions from Ancient Spain 2018
1374 Med-N-Change Assessing the Interactive Effects on N Addition and Climate Change on Soil Processes through the Biological Soil Crust in Mediterranean Ecosystems 2019
1375 INBID Improving the resolution of Neuroinflammation during repetitive mild Traumatic Brain Injury with dietary fatty acid Derivatives 2018
1376 FA x Force Reconstitution and Structural Analysis of a Minimal Mechanosensitive Focal Adhesion Complex 2019
1377 SUPEREVOL Evolution of supergenes and the genetic basis of snail colour polymorphism 2018
1378 O6-alkylguanines Characterisation and quantification of O6-alkylguanine DNA adducts derived from nitrosated amino acids: Risk factors in colorectal cancer. 2019
1379 PHOTO-CY-APPs Photosynthesis and photoprotection regulation in marine cyanobacteria and its potential applications 2018
1380 THREAT The threat status of endemic Atlantic Forest trees 2018
1381 MRI-Turbulent-Disk Turbulence in Accretion Disks – New Perspectives 2018
1382 VeSPA Verification and Specification through Progress Abstractions 2018
1383 Metabeyond Beyond metamaterials: Designing novel optical materials from Angstrom-scale interactions 2019
1384 SCOUT Supporting Causal Conclusions from Observational Survival Studies 2018
1385 Predict-Plan-Control Integrating robotic control and planning with human activity prediction for efficient human robot collaboration 2018
1386 SupraCopCat Asymmetric cooperative catalysts constructed on supramolecular helices 2018
1387 TRANSIMAMS Spreading Whose Word? Transnational Imams, Religion and Politics in Turkey’s Mosques Abroad (France, UK, USA) 2018
1388 SquaMem Interaction of squalene-based anti-cancer and neuroprotective drugs with cell membranes: in silico study 2018
1389 ADAM5 ADvanced multicarrier wAveforms based Massive MIMO with full-duplex capability for green 5G and beyond 2018
1390 Flat_Leaf How to grow a flat leaf? 2019
1391 PEPPER Positive Environment in Public Participation and Engagement for Responsible Research and Innovation 2018
1392 GFSMART Design and Integration of Graphene Fibre Based Antennas for Smart Textiles 2018
1393 H2Gut Interspecies hydrogen transfer in the mammalian gut: how interactions between fermenters and hydrogenotrophs influence colonic homeostasis 2018
1394 ENGEMED Simulating the dynamics of viral evolution: A computer-aided study toward engineering effective vaccines 2018
1395 HomTasBeh Mechanism of the Homeostatic Feedback Between Taste Circuits and Feeding Behaviours 2019
1396 WIDEA Wave-based Inspection for Damage Evaluation in structurally-Advanced composites 2019
1397 IMagE Impact of Magnetic field on Emergent solar spectra 2019
1398 NeuroVU NeuroVU: Real-time Sensing in Microfluidic Models of the Neurovascular Unit 2018
1399 SKIN SUBSTITUTE Development of hybrid artificial skin substitute for chronic diabetic wounds 2018
1400 SOLMUS Social Landscapes as Multicultural Spaces: Stećci in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018
1401 INFLA-AID The role of NLRC4 inflammasome in autoinflammatory diseases 2018
1402 FastMeasure Development and industry transfer of new techniques: full characterization of vector ultrashort pulsed laser beams 2018
1403 Rotaxane-DNA Rotaxane-Oligonucleotides: Stimuli-Responsive Mechanically Interlocked Architectures to Control Oligonucleotide Activity and Gene Transcription 2018
1404 UPDWMI Ultra-low Power Digital circuits for Wireless Medical Implants 2018
1405 STARTlight STARTlight: cell cycle START decision unraveled by single-cell microscopy, modeling and optogenetics 2018
1406 fastHDX for IDPs Revealing the Transient Structures of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins by Microfluidics-Enabled Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange 2018
1407 YAP MECHANO Elucidating the mechanism of mechanotransduction through YAP and TAZ 2019
1409 INSULYSOSOME The role of CD63 in lysosomal degradation of insulin granules in pancreatic beta cells in T2D diabetes 2018
1410 KILNEV Killing Senescent Cells as a Novel Method to Eliminate Nevi 2018
1411 SEU-FER Southern Europe and low fertility: micro and macro determinants of a crucial demographic and cultural revolution 2018
1412 SUSADES SUStainability assessment of ADvanced Energy Systems: towards new methodological approaches 2018
1413 GeoFodder The scale and significance of early animal husbandry in SW Europe: development of aninterdisciplinary high-resolution approach to the investigation of livestock diets and herding practices. 2019
1415 TOMACOP Copper homeostasis and the effects of copper deficiency on tomato plants and fruit quality 2019
1416 3D-SITS 3D Stretchable Inductive Tactile Sensors for Soft Artificial Touch 2018
1417 MessCa The Messina Case: Mafia-type Organised Crime in the Province of Messina 2018
1418 NeuroPred Identification of different neuro-cognitive mechanisms of prediction in language comprehension 2019
1419 OSCILLOGEL An enzyme-based self-oscillating gel 2019
1420 ESCAPE-2 Energy-efficient SCalable Algorithms for weather and climate Prediction at Exascale 2018
1421 EPEEC European joint Effort toward a Highly Productive Programming Environment for Heterogeneous Exascale Computing (EPEEC) 2018
1422 ASPIDE ASPIDE: exAScale ProgramIng models for extreme Data procEssing 2018
1423 PROCHIP Chromatin organization PROfiling with high-throughput super-resolution microscopy on a CHIP 2018
1424 Leaf Line The First Global Ground Station Network to Fully Exploit Microsatellites Data 2018
1426 SMARTFAN Smart by Design and Intelligent by Architecture for turbine blade fan and structural components systems 2018
1427 MUSIC-haic 3D MUltidisciplinary tools for the Simulation of In-flight iCing due to High Altitude Ice Crystals 2018
1428 SuCoHS Sustainable and Cost Efficient High Performance Composite Structures demanding Temperature and Fire Resistance 2018
1429 AIRPOXY ThermoformAble, repaIrable and bondable smaRt ePOXY based composites for aero structures 2018
1430 NAVAIS New, Avanced and Value-Added Innovative Ships 2018
1431 IMPAQT Intelligent management system for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture 2018
1432 SecREEts Secure European Critical Rare Earth Elements 2018
1433 CarE-Service Circular Economy Business Models for innovative hybrid and electric mobility through advanced reuse and remanufacturing technologies and services 2018
1434 REACTION first and euRopEAn siC eigTh Inches pilOt liNe 2018
1435 SECREDAS Cyber Security for Cross Domain Reliable Dependable Automated Systems 2018
1436 OCEAN12 Opportunity to Carry European Autonomous driviNg further with FDSOI technology up to 12nm node 2018
1437 HiPERFORM High performant Wide Band Gap Power Electronics for Reliable, energy eFficient drivetrains and Optimization thRough Multi-physics simulation 2018
1438 iDev40 Integrated Development 4.0 2018
1439 PRYSTINE Programmable Systems for Intelligence in Automobiles 2018
1440 GrapheneCore2 Graphene Flagship Core Project 2 2018
1441 VOICI Solutions for voice interaction towards natural crew assistant 2018
1442 APRA Active Polymers for Renewable Functional Actuators 2018
1443 SHUTTLE Scientific High-throughput and Unified Toolkit for Trace analysis by forensic Laboratories in Europe 2018
1444 sFilm-FS Fibrin sealant for anastomotic leaks and haemostasis 2018
1445 PathEVome Do Pathogen Extracellular Vesicles Deliver Crop Disease? 2018
1446 UPRmt The Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response 2018
1447 GrowCELL The smallest of the small: determining size through cell number 2018
1448 EPOCHS The Formation of the First Galaxies and Reionization with the James Webb Space Telescope 2020
1449 E-DESIGN Artificial designer materials 2018
1450 INPHORS Intracellular phosphate reception and signaling: A novel homeostatic system with roles for an orphan organelle? 2018
1451 COLMIN A Google Earth Approach to Understanding Collagen Mineralization 2019
1452 3DEpi Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of chromatin states : the role of Polycomb and 3D chromosome architecture 2018
1453 QuantCom Ubiquitous Quantum Communications 2018
1454 SENSATIONAL TETHERS Tethers for sensory mechanotransduction: from molecules to perception 2018
1455 ELVER Engineering with Logic and Verification: Mathematically Rigorous Engineering for Safe and Secure Computer Systems 2018
1456 RespViRALI Structural and functional insights into the assembly of respiratory complexes by a novel putative chaperone 2019
1457 ArtMetBio Directed Evolution of Novel Artificial Metalloenzyme Platforms for Biocatalysis 2018
1458 mTORmorS Role of mTOR signaling dysregulation in the tumor suppressor networks in hepatocellular carcinoma 2019
1459 Q-MIC Quantum-enhanced on-chip interference microscopy 2018
1460 BioWings Bio-compatible electrostrictive smart materials for future generation of medical micro-electro- mechanical systems 2018
1461 MS SPIDOC Mass Spectrometry for Single Particle Imaging of Dipole Oriented protein Complexes 2018
1462 GNU200 Innovative Solution in Microbiome Modulation to Benefit Infant Healthy growth 2018
1463 ReSiSTant Large Riblet Surface with Super Hardnesss, Mechanical and Temperature Resistance by Nano Functionalization 2018
1464 REPLICHROMA Eukaryotic DNA replication: a single-molecule approach to the study of yeast replication on chromatin 2018
1465 MolMacIP Molecular Machines with Integrated Parts 2019
1466 SELF-UNITY The Unity of the Bodily Self 2019
1467 RISE Prevention of child mental health problems in Southeastern Europe - Adapt, Optimize, Test, and Extend Parenting for Lifelong Health 2018
1468 EUXDAT European e-Infrastructure for Extreme Data Analytics in Sustainable Development 2017
1470 ReHub Rehabilitation Hub: The World’s first Digital Recovery Therapy solution 2018
1471 ONDINE Development of the first Water-based industrial chiller cooled by ambient air 2018
1472 INSTET Securing the Internet of Things with a unique microchip fingerprinting technology 2018
1473 NEOMEDIS NEOlithic MEDiterranean diet through stable ISotope analysis 2019
1474 ALTOM Ground-breaking two-phase cooling solution for Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles 2018
1475 ALS2 AcidLess Separation 2.0 2018
1476 HIPER A revolutionary I/O Planning Solution for 2.5D & 3D Nanoelectronic Systems Design 2018
1477 ADDPRIME Multifunctional smart inhibitors for anti-corrosive coatings, enabling a significant reduction of maintenance costs on metallic surfaces 2018
1478 QUPIC Ultra-fast and Cost-effective Quantum Random Number Generator Photonic Integrated Chip 2018
1479 Composite Gloves Protective Composite Gloves for Health Care 2018
1480 Pangea Aerospace Pangea Aerospace - Launch Vehicles for small satellites (payload capacity up to 150kg), wich provide affordable access to space tailored to the micro/nano satellite market 2018
1481 NS System A real-time and continuous brain monitoring system to record and track brain activity and extract biomarkers for neurological conditions 2018
1482 GlasSkin 2018
1483 AIASGA The Unparalleled AI Platform using High-Performance Computing to Scale Industrial Operations 2018
1484 CLEAN CABINET A unique and innovative cleanliness test bench that allows to increase test efficiency and reduce costs for cleanliness assessment of hydraulic, automotive and aeronautic components and systems 2018
1485 FIONA FIbre OrientatioN Analysis of fibre-reinforced components 2018
1486 Raccoon.Recovery Raccoon.Recovery – effective mobile data driven hand rehabilitation solution 2018
1487 L2L Leap-to-Lead platform for expanding Drug Discovery beyond its current limits 2018
1488 Blocknetwork Blocknetwork - Fusing Big Data and Implementing Novel Cyber Security Solutions 2018
1489 LocateIT Locate IT - accurate self-learning IoT asset tracking 2018
1490 PPROI Restoring competitiveness – Information system for the 21st Century Manufacturing 2018
1491 Slim plus Reduced platform lift enhancing accessibility for disable citizens 2018
1492 XCORE XCORE: Low Cost CFRP Production for the Next Generation of Lightweight Cars 2018
1493 TriSol System A heart valve prosthesis and delivery system intended to replace damaged tricuspid valves and prevent right ventricle dysfunction 2018
1494 PureWater Feasibility study for industrial scale-up of the novel high-efficiency biocompatible and easy-to-operate water treatment membrane. 2018
1495 PoCMICRUX An affordable Multi-analyte Point-of-Care system for Chronic Disease Self-Control and Management 2018
1496 M-H70 M-H70 2.0 Hydrogen pressure gas regulators specifically designed for Fuel Cell Vehicles 2018
1497 Triboconditioning Development of an innovative and cost-efficient process for friction and wear reduction 2018
1498 INBETWEEN Reappraising Middle Nubian Identity through Material Culture 2019
1499 CircuBED Circular Built Environment Design - Applying the Circular Economy to the Design of Social Housing 2018
1500 MEMS0P “Microelectromechanical System wake-up receiver for Zero-Power sensor nodes” 2019
1501 SIGAGuard Cybersecurity anomaly detection solution for critical infrastructures 2018
1502 TFS Feasibility study for Titan Fire System S.L. 2018
1503 MORE Multi-modal Optimisation for Road-space in Europe 2018
1504 INPERIO Non-invasive solution for periodontal and peri-implant diseases 2018
1505 OmniBot OmniBot: Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Bot platform 2018
1506 MAGIT Magnesium and Aluminium Gas Injection Technology for High Pressure Die Casting 2018
1508 TERRIFFIC Tools for early and Effective Reconnaissance in cbRne Incidents providing First responders Faster Information and enabling better management of the Control zone 2018
1510 ERC-OAPEN-2017 Support towards the OAPEN initiative (2018-2019) 2018
1511 UNRAVEL UNique Refinery Approach to Valorise European Lignocellulosics 2018
1512 VERTEX Swarms of underwater robots for fast & accurate water quality measurements 2018
1513 SCS The most advanced “Do-it-Yourself” paint vending machine in the market 2018
1514 DeCAS The first real-time monitoring device able to determine the impact area of space vehicles’ fragments during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere and minimize risks for people and property 2018
1515 FUNCOMP Fabricating Functional Components in Room Temperature 2018
1516 Milis Milis, a novel sweet protein for use as flavouring in the food and beverage industry 2018
1517 5G-Enhance 5G Enhanced Mobile Broadband Access Networks in Crowded Environments 2018
1518 LIPDAT Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis to Date Prehistoric Human Cultural Change 2018
1519 COLLHEAR 3D printed COLLagen type I-Hydroxyapatite prostheses for the middle EAR 2018
1520 NUTRI-NEED Final development, clinical validation and launch preparation of NL01, an innovative health ingredient for supplements, food products and foods for special medical purposes 2018
1521 U-HEART Unbreakable HEART: a reconfigurable and self-healing isolated dc/dc converter (U-HEART) 2018
1522 DINAMIX Real-time diffusion NMR analysis of mixtures 2019
1523 TESLA Advanced Technologies for future European Satellite Applications 2019
1524 COSMOS Game theoretic Control for Complex Systems of Systems 2019
1525 DIGIMAN4.0 DIGItal MANufacturing Technologies for Zero-defect Industry 4.0 Production 2019
1526 AST Automatic System Testing 2019
1528 FUNGRAPH A New Foundation for Computer Graphics with Inherent Uncertainty 2018
1529 ELDORADO Electrophilicity-Lifting Directed by Organochalcogen Redox-Auxiliaries and Diversiform Organocatalysis 2019
1530 Cleopatra Cross-lingual Event-centric Open Analytics Research Academy 2019
1531 5G EVE 5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials 2018
1532 IDERPLANE Innovative DEsign for Reliable PLANEt bearings 2018
1533 PEQEM Photonics for engineered quantum enhanced measurement 2019
1534 TerraNova The European Landscape Learning Initiative: Past and Future Environments and Energy Regimes shaping Policy Tools 2019
1535 BrokenGenome Breaking and rebuilding the genome: mechanistic rules for the dangerous game of sex. 2019
1536 Microrobots Engineering Biohybrid MicroRobots from Magnetic Swimmers and S-layers 2018
1537 ROLL-IT Radically innovative technology for efficient manufacturing of preforms for ceramic matrix composite (CMC) brake disks 2018
1538 MicroQC Microwave driven ion trap quantum computing 2018
1539 SRM SRM: Synchronous Reluctance Motor. Introducing a new lifting technology in the elevator market 2018
1541 CUBE New approach to decentralized production of electricity, water supply and Internet connection, in full autonomy and off-grid 2018
1542 MAREITA Mapping Remediation in Italian Literature Beyond the Digital Revolution 2018
1543 FLOIM Flexible Optical Injection Moulding of optoelectronic devices 2018
1544 HR-Recycler Hybrid Human-Robot RECYcling plant for electriCal and eLEctRonic equipment 2018
1545 PulseTester Next-Generation Thyristor pulse technology for testing of high power magnetic components in DC Smart Grids 2018
1546 WON Wideband Optical Networks 2019
1547 FUNGLASS FUNctional GLASS 2019
1548 COSMIC CBRNE Detection in Containers 2018
1550 Mito-recombine Homologous recombination and its application in manipulating animal mitochondrial DNA 2019
1551 IROCSIM Integrated high-resolution on-chip structured illumination microscopy 2019
1552 BioRoboost Fostering Synthetic Biology standardisation through international collaboration 2018
1553 MANUELA Additive Manufacturing using Metal Pilot Line 2018
1554 i4Offshore Integrated Implementation of Industrial Innovations for Offshore Wind Cost Reduction 2018
1555 PATH-TOX Artificial Intelligence to transform Drug and Chemical safety testing 2018
1556 1000kmPLUS Scalable European Powertrain Technology Platform for Cost-Efficient Electric Vehicles to Connect Europe 2019
1557 REMESH Research Network on Emergency Resources Supply Chain 2019
1558 ReverseAndCat Reversible Creation of Non-Inherent Reactivity Patterns in Catalytic Organic Synthesis 2018
1559 CellsBox CellsBox: a modular system for automated cell imaging experiments 2019
1560 WINDMIL RT-DT An autonomous Real-Time Decision Tree framework for monitoring and diagnostics on wind turbines 2018
1561 COEVOPRO Drivers and consequences of coevolution in protective symbiosis 2019
1562 ProtCap Protein Capsules 2018
1563 Fed4IoT Federating IoT and cloud infrastructures to provide scalable and interoperable Smart Cities applications, by introducing novel IoT virtualization technologies 2018
1564 IQONIC Innovative strategies, sensing and process Chains for increased Quality, re-configurability, and recyclability of Manufacturing Optolectronics 2018
1565 BiopSense Proof of concept and pre-commercialisation of personalised liquid biopsies in cancer therapy 2018
1566 synBIOcarb Synthetic biology of carbohydrate-binding proteins: engineering protein-carbohydrate interactions for diagnostics and cell targeting 2018
1567 QMiCS Quantum Microwave Communcation and Sensing 2018
1568 WoodZymes Extremozymes for wood based building blocks: From pulp mill to board and insulation products 2018
1569 BIKE Bimetallic catalyst knowledge-based development for energy applications 2019
1570 CATALIGHT Exploiting Energy Flow in Plasmonic-Catalytic Colloids 2019
1571 INTEGRADDE Intelligent data-driven pipeline for the manufacturing of certified metal parts through Direct Energy Deposition processes 2018
1572 FITGEN Functionally Integrated E-axle Ready for Mass Market Third GENeration Electric Vehicles 2019
1573 LIFT Lightweight Innovative Generator for Future Air Transportation 2018
1574 3D Cer-Met 3D Thin-Walled Ceramic and Ceramic-Metal Components using Electrolytic Plasma Processing 2019
1575 AQTION Advanced quantum computing with trapped ions 2018
1576 CiViQ Continuous Variable Quantum Communications 2018
1577 NeuroDevo Spontaneous and sensory-evoked activity shape neural circuits in the developing brain 2019
1578 RIB-AM Research of Innovative and Breakthrough Additive Manufactured leading-edge concept 2018
1579 SPARTAN Smart multilevel Power conditioning for AeRonautical elecTricAl uNits 2018
1580 RiboInflam Assessing the role of ribosomes and mRNA translation in shaping the inflammatory response 2019
1581 RETINA Miniaturised Photonics Enabled Next Generation SAR 2018
1582 GEORISK Developing geothermal and renewable energy projects by mitigating their risks. 2018
1583 PANDA Powerfull Advanced N-Level Digitalization Architecture for models of electrified vehicles and their components 2018
1584 EVC1000 Electric Vehicle Components for 1000 km daily trips (EVC1000). 2019
1585 Auger-Horizon A large-scale radio detector for the Pierre Auger cosmic-ray Observatory – precision measurements of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays 2018
1586 3D-FNPWriting Unprecedented spatial control of porosity and functionality in nanoporous membranes through 3D printing and microscopy for polymer writing 2019
1587 DNAProteinCrosslinks DNA-protein crosslinks: endogenous origins and cellular responses. 2019
1588 KEPLER Key Environmental monitoring for Polar Latitudes and European Readiness 2019
1589 MOSAR MOdular Spacecraft Assembly and Reconfiguration 2019
1590 CONNECT Connecting neural networks: Nervous-system-on-Chip Technology 2019
1592 S4Pro Smart and Scalable Satellite High-Speed Processing chain 2018
1593 i-GRAPE Integrated, Low-Cost and Stand-Alone Micro-Optical System for Grape Maturation and Vine Hydric Stress Monitoring 2018
1594 ADVANCE ADVANCE: Sophisticated experiments and optimisation to advance an existing CALPHAD database for next generation TiAl alloys 2018
1595 PVadapt Prefabrication, Recyclability and Modularity for cost reductions in Smart BIPV systems 2018
1596 SODaH Software Defined Space Optical Data Highway 2018
1597 TecALSens Advanced Load Sensing technology for Aerospace Application 2018
1598 SELECTOR Smt compatible ELECTroMechanical relay for cOmpact redundancy Ring 2019
1599 HEATPACK new generation of High thErmAl efficiency componenTs PACKages for space 2019
1600 COFRARE 2020 Out of autoclave technologies for frame and shear tie of Regional Aircraft 2018
1601 BinCola Evaluation of the Benefits of innovative Concepts of laminar nacelle and HTP installed on a business jet configuration 2018
1602 IoTMemory Next generation of memory for the age of IoT 2018
1604 ACOUPLASMA Market maturation of a blood plasma separation module enabling plasma based diagnostic point-of-care devices 2018
1605 BioFlex Second life of wood: technology to dissolve waste wood to get raw materials 2018
1606 RUST Revolutionizing the Utilization of compound Semiconductor Technology 2018
1607 Norrdigi NorrDigi revolutionary Energy Saver 2018
1608 See Far Smart glasses for multifacEted visual loss mitigation and chronic disEase prevention indicator for healthier, saFer, and more productive workplAce foR ageing population 2018
1609 SiMBiT Single molecule bio-electronic smart system array for clinical testing 2019
1610 BEWELL Wearable sensors and actuators to monitor and promote physical and emotional wellbeing 2019
1611 FemtoSurf Functional surface treatments using ultra-short pulse laser system FemtoSurf 2019
1612 ENDOSCAPE ENDOSCAPE, a clinically applicable non-viral gene delivery technology 2019
1613 SFERA-III Solar Facilities for the European Research Area - Third Phase 2019
1614 Euro-Argo RISE Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement 2019
1615 TURNTAKING Taking turns: The ‘missing’ link in language evolution? 2019
1616 CuRE Cardiac REgeneration from within 2019
1617 HY-NANO HYbrid NANOstructured multi-functional interfaces for stable, efficient and eco-friendly photovoltaic devices 2019
1618 SYS2WHEEL Integrated components, systems and architectures for efficient adaption and conversion of commercial vehicle platforms to 3rd generation battery electric vehicles for future CO2-free city logistics 2019
1619 MadFlex Double face foldable composite material for disruptive applications – MADly strong, Super FLEX 2018
1620 EvolvingEconomics Human motivation: evolutionary foundations and their implications for economics 2019
1621 SCUBY SCale Up an integrated care package for diaBetes and hYpertension for vulnerable people in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium 2019
1622 RoRePower Robust and Remote Power Supply 2019
1623 COSMHYC XL COmbined hybrid Solution of Metal HYdride and mechanical Compressors for eXtra Large scale hydrogen refuelling stations 2019
1624 UPGRADE Unlocking Precision Gene Therapy 2019
1625 Finger Port A non-invasive portable device that measures and tracks several physiological parameters in real-time to determine cardiovascular and health conditions 2018
1626 SoundCombplus The first wall-integrated, ecologic sound absorbing panel 2018
1627 Orgasome Protein synthesis in organelles 2019
1628 BacterialCORE Widespread Bacterial CORE Complex Executes Intra- and Inter-Kingdom Cytoplasmic Molecular Trade 2019
1629 AutoCPS Automated Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Compositional Approach 2019
1630 SINTEC Soft intelligence epidermal communication platform 2019
1631 SUNI-SEA Scaling-up NCD Interventions in South East Asia 2019
1632 ELSAH Electronic smart patch system for wireless monitoring of molecular biomarkers for healthcare and well-being 2019
1633 AERO Improving jet fuel efficiency through automated, high-precision and performance of engine manufacturing 2018
1634 CONTROL Behavioral Foundations of Power and Control 2019
1635 Si-DRIVE Silicon Alloying Anodes for High Energy Density Batteries comprising Lithium Rich Cathodes and Safe Ionic Liquid based Electrolytes for Enhanced High VoltagE Performance. 2019
1636 LISA Lithium sulphur for SAfe road electrification 2019
1637 LightCoce Building an Ecosystem for the up-scaling of lightweight multi-functional concrete and ceramic materials and structures 2019
1638 VOGAS Screening of Gastric Cancer via Breath volatile organic compounds by Hybrid Sensing Approach 2019
1639 i-TRIBOMAT Intelligent Open Test Bed for Materials Tribological Characterisation Services 2019
1640 SPACE TIE Unifying the three pillars of Geodesy using space ties 2019
1641 DNA Funs DNA-based functional lattices 2019
1642 InOutBioLight Advanced biohybrid lighting and photovoltaic devices 2020
1643 LEE-BED Innovation test bed for development and production of nanomaterials for lightweight embedded electronics 2019
1644 SCENE Smart City on the Edge Network Enhancements 2018
1645 QU4LITY Digital Reality in Zero Defect Manufacturing 2019
1646 Repair3D Recycling and Repurposing of Plastic Waste for Advanced 3D Printing Applications 2019
1648 Minespider Blockchain protocol for responsible mineral sourcing 2018
1649 iGame Multi-dimensional Intervention Support Architecture for Gamified eHealth and mHealth Products 2019
1650 INFLAME Deciphering the host and microbial grounds that license inflammasome-mediated execution 2018
1651 MOCCA Multiscale optical frequency combs: advanced technologies and applications 2019
1652 PULSAR Prototype for an Ultra Large Structure Assembly Robot 2019
1653 FuncMAB High-throughput single-cell phenotypic analysis of functional antibody repertoires 2019
1654 EMPORIGIN What are the origins of empathy? A comparative developmental investigation 2019
1655 CeraText Tailoring Microstructure and Architecture to Build Ceramic Components with Unprecedented Damage Tolerance 2019
1656 SPECTRACON Materials Engineering of Integrated Hybrid Spectral Converters for Next Generation Luminescent Solar Devices 2019
1657 HOLI Deep Learning for Holistic Inference 2019
1658 ECHO Extending Coherence for Hardware-Driven Optimizations in Multicore Architectures 2019
1659 NeuroMag The Neurological Basis of the Magnetic Sense 2019
1660 ProTHiC Process Simulation and Tool Compensation Methodology for High Temperature Composite Processes 2018
1661 BBBhybrid Advanced in vitro physiological models: Towards real-scale, biomimetic and biohybrid barriers-on-a-chip 2019
1662 GLADIATOR Next-generation theranostics of brain pathologies with autonomous externally controllable nanonetworks: a trans-disciplinary approach with bio-nanodevice interfaces 2019
1663 NANOPOLY Artificial permittivity and permeability engineering for future generation sub wavelength analogue integrated circuits and systems 2019
1664 PETACom Petahertz Quantum Optoelectronic Communication 2019
1665 triboREMEDY The triboreactor as breakthrough remediation strategy for safeguarding human and environmental health 2019
1666 Fish-AI Developing an Artificial Intestine for the sustainable farming of healthy fish 2019
1667 Algo-Grid Platform for Operations and Maintenance Management of Power Smart Grids based on advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence 2019
1668 PEPLUM Development of a fully customised, repairable and recyclable polypropylene umbrella that is easy to assemble 2019
1670 RE-MATCH Creating artificial turf yarns with new recycling technologies for circular economy 2018
1671 XEND Clinical assessment of PILA PHARMA’s TRPV1 antagonist, XEN-D0501, as a novel type of oral anti-diabetic agent 2019
1672 APPS Assembly guided by particle position and shape 0
1673 IndiGene Genetics of Individuality 2019
1674 ICE GENESIS Creating the next generation of 3D simulation means for icing 2019
1675 ENTRI Enteric-nervous-system-mediated regulation of intestinal inflammation 2019
1676 POLKA POLlution Know-how and Abatement 2019
1677 ImmunoStem Dissecting and Overcoming Innate Immune Barriers for Therapeutically Efficient Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Engineering 2019
1678 THERA Timing of Holocene volcanic eruptions and their radiative aerosol forcing 2019
1679 DiSeTCom Dirac Semimetals based Terahertz Components 2019
1680 AI4EU A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem 2019
1681 DIAdIC Evaluation of Dyadic Psychoeducational Interventions for People with Advanced Cancer and their Informal Caregivers (DIAdIC): An international randomized controlled trial 2019
1682 STIM-MC Sacrificial Thermoplastic Injection Moulding platform for manufacturing small and complex metal and ceramic components 2019
1683 ELECTRA Efficient and Light Electrical Compressor for Tilt-Rotor Aircraft 2019
1684 DLyte PRO The first DRY Electropolishing technology for high-precision components 2019
1685 eleGaNt The first high performance gallium nitride wafers for mainstream power electronics 2019
1686 SPECTROPLAST Introducing silicone to the world of additive manufacturing 2019
1687 DOCKNROLL Tackling Idleness and Under-utilization of Heavy-Machinery with a new fully Automated and Versatile Docking System 2019
1688 EGM A disruptive life-saving solution for early detection of lung edema in heart failure patients 2019
1689 Diramics InP HEMT technology for Ultra-Low-Noise Amplifiers 2019
1690 ViR We are developing ground-breaking therapeutics to cure currently untreatable respiratory infections affecting children and the elderly 2019
1691 SinFonia Synthetic biology-guided engineering of Pseudomonas putida for biofluorination 2019
1692 SonicScan Innovative quality inspection methods for CFRP primary structural parts 2019
1693 ASSALA Advanced Simulation Solutions Applied to Quality Control of Laser Deposited Metals 2019
1694 MICTEST Biocontamination survey for Microbially Influenced Corrosion exposure TEST 2019
1695 FluidER Real time Optoelectronic Sensors for Electro-Actuator Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Monitoring 2019
1696 CancerFingerPrints Identification of nano-mechanical fingerprints as a biomarker for cancer treatment prognosis 2019
1697 D2P Diabeloop to Patients: An Artificial Pancreas solution to improve the balance, safety and autonomy of 20 million people 2019
1698 RUSH AI Revolutionary Ultra-Fast System for Hot-stamping of light weight structural vehicle components with Artificial Intelligence quality control monitoring 2019
1699 CSA-Industy4.E Coordination and Support Action for Industry4.E 2018
1700 SPARTA Strategic programs for advanced research and technology in Europe 2019
1701 HIVACS High Voltage Aerospace Cable System 2019
1703 SWALLIS SWALLIS - a disruptive wearable device that uses sound patterns to diagnose and monitor swallowing disorders 2019
1704 eOutboard High Performance Electric Outboard Motor System and Supply Chain Innovation 2018
1705 GRACE GaN mm-wave Radar Components Embedded 2018
1706 NanoWelds NanoWelds:First nanotechnology for the electronic industry based on a room-temperature welding process 2018
1707 IceAGenT Ice Age Genomic Tracking of Refugia and Postglacial Dispersal 2019
1708 EDOWE Economical Deep Offshore Wind Exploitation 2019
1709 Human Repl Mech Mechanisms of human DNA replication 2019
1710 TRANSLIGHT Light-dependent composition of transcriptional complexes in plants 2019
1711 PONS Fabrication of Polysaccharides-Protein complex Nano-Hybrid Scaffold as regenerative biomaterial for bone tissue engineering 2019
1712 RESWITCH Redox-Controlled Resistive Switching in Hybrid Metal-Organic Thin Films towards Neuromorphic Computing 2019
1713 AD ASTRA HArnessing Degradation mechanisms to prescribe Accelerated Stress Tests for the Realization of SOC lifetime prediction Algorithms 2019
1714 IDENSTEM Identification and characterization of enteric nervous system stem cells 2020
1715 CoVes Communicating Vesicles 2019
1716 ESX-4 T7SS Structure/function of a prototypic type VII secretion system from a fast-growing pathogenic mycobacteria 2019
1717 MAGIMOX Nanometre scale imaging of magnetic perovskite oxide thin films using scanning transmission electron microscopy 2019
1718 SESAME Smart European Space Access thru Modern Exploitation of Data Science 2019
1719 PINTA2 IP1 Traction TD1 and Brakes TD5 – Phase 2 2018
1720 E-Waste Challenge Tackling the Electronic Waste Challenge in Emerging Economies 2019
1721 IMPRESSIVE ground-breakIng tandeM of transPaRent dyE SenSitIsed and peroVskite solar cElls 2019
1722 Cryo-H-Rec Cryo-EM Imaging of Histone Recycling at the Replication Fork 2019
1723 TaPPiNG-EPI Targeting Purinergic Pathway in drug-resistant epilepsy using human Neurons and Glia. 2019
1724 CINEMA Creating an Infrastructure for the Numerical Exploration of Metallurgical Alloys 2019
1725 GAIA next Generation AutomotIve membrane electrode Assemblies 2019
1726 ECRAID-Plan European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases (ECRAID) - Business Plan 2019
1727 PivotBuoy PivotBuoy - An Advanced System for Cost-effective and Reliable Mooring, Connection, Installation & Operation of Floating Wind 2019
1728 HEAVEN High powEr density FC System for Aerial Passenger VEhicle fueled by liquid HydrogeN 2019
1729 GATE4RAIL GNSS Automated Virtualized Test Environment for RAIL 2018
1730 OSTers Role of OligoSaccharyl Transferase enzymes in developmental signaling and congenital disorders of glycosylation 2019
1731 FLOTANT Innovative, low cost, low weight and safe floating wind technology optimized for deep water wind sites 2019
1732 RAMBEA Realistic Assessment of Historical Masonry Bridges under Extreme Environmental Actions 2019
1733 RES4BUILD Renewables for clean energy buildings in a future power system 2019
1734 SESAME Sex-specific and multi-generational effects of an optimized diet 2020
1735 High-Risk-No-Gain A new approach to design wireless receivers 2019
1736 RINFEC The Roots of Infection 2019
1737 OSeaIce Two-way interactions between ocean heat transport and Arctic sea ice 2019
1738 VOLCPRO Volcanic Forcing in Climate Model Projections: Towards a New Paradigm. 2020
1739 PROTOBAC Engineering of complex protocells by micro-compartmentalization of living bacteria 2019
1740 OakMycEvo Functional ecology of the plant-fungus interface: Harnessing evolutionary genomics, transcriptomics and experimental ecology to dissect communication and nutrient exchange in a mutualistic symbiosis 2019
1741 BB-SLM Polychromatic digital optics for structured light 2020
1742 BI-SDMoF Bit-interleaved sigma-delta modulation over fiber 2019
1743 ASTRALIS ASTRocyte Adrenoceptors: Light on Intracellular Signaling 2019
1744 FracTAlS High Cycle Fatigue Cracking of Meso- and Micromechanical Testpieces of Aluminide Intermetallics, with in situ Nanoscale Strain Mapping 2020
1745 MImETIC INDiRECT MIcrovascularizED Tumour-on-chip for Cellular ImagiNg of Drug Response and Cell moTility 2019
1746 TFZN Understanding the mechanisms that govern organ morphostasis and repair 2019
1747 BICE Behavioural Individuality in C. elegans 2020
1748 SENSE BioSensing and rhizospherE – eNdosphere geochemical microprofiling of polychlorinated byphenils degradation by Soil microbiota upon stimulation of root Exudates 2019
1749 PhotoCatRed Visible-light-driven Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Solar fuels by multinary N-Graphene based Heterostructure Composites 2019
1750 UMMs Unifying Monitoring Models of Verbal Monitoring. 2019
1751 PATH Preservation and Adaptation in Turkish as a Heritage Language (PATH) - A Natural Language Laboratory in a Small Dutch Town 2019
1752 THyM Why is Transparent Hypocotyl Mutant showed reduced phototropic response? 2020
1753 GAlBs Novel porous graphite as cathodes for advanced aluminium-ion batteries 2019
1754 GUTPOLAR Membrane trafficking as a link between cell polarity and intestinal absorptive function: from C. elegans to mammalian miniguts 2019
1755 IFSSOC Coming together or doing it for themselves? The apparent paradox of social information and individuality in foraging 2020
1756 MalusEdit Malus genome editing via CRISPR/Cas9 to develop sustainable pest free apples 2019
1757 Prion Respiration The Role of Complex I Assembly Factors during Prion Diseases: Insights into Mitochondrial Neurobiology 2019
1758 iEXTRACT Information Extraction for Everyone 2019
1759 BELENUS Lowering Costs by Improving Efficiencies in Biomass Fueled Boilers: New Materials and Coatings to Reduce Corrosion 2019
1760 STARGATE reSilienT fARminG by Adaptive microclimaTe managEment 2019
1761 UreaCa Deciphering the metabolic roles of the urea-cycle pathway in carcinogenesis for improving diagnosis and therapy 2019
1762 TRUflow Thrust Reverser Unit flow visualization 2019
1763 CURSOR Coordinated Use of miniaturized Robotic equipment and advanced Sensors for search and rescue OpeRations 2019
1764 SecureGas Securing The European Gas Network 2019
1765 SecNine Mechanism of Type 9 Secretion: an unusual protein transport system involved in pathogenesis and motility 2019
1766 SYNTISU Remotely-controlled functional synthetic tissues 2019
1767 ImmUne Towards identification of the unifying principles of vertebrate adaptive immunity 2019
1768 diFUME Urban carbon dioxide Flux Monitoring using Eddy Covariance and Earth Observation 2019
1769 TEG AGS Incorporation of Thermoelectric Generator into Advanced Glazing Systems and Vacuum Glazing Systems 2020
1770 SmOoC Smart organ-on-chip platform based on higher order multimode acoustic Lamb waves 2020
1771 UnravelOxStress Oxygen, telomeres and sex: experimental elucidation of oxidative stress effects in life history evolution 2020
1772 FuSy The world’s first Full-System Simulation tool to revolutionize software programming in autonomous driving, aviation, embedded vision and further highly innovative applications 2019
1773 FreezeM Revivable freezing solution for the insect farming market 2019
1774 EMphiTech A new generation of electric motors that provides higher power density and safety features by a novel winding architecture 2019
1775 MICROPIX MicroLED Pixel Display for Augmented Reality Smart glasses 2019
1776 SUMP-PLUS Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning: Pathways and Links to Urban Systems 2019
1777 PALAEMON PALAEMON – A holistic passenger ship evacuation and rescue ecosystem 2019
1778 AGILE 4.0 AGILE 4.0: Towards cyber-physical collaborative aircraft development 2019
1779 DIAS Smart Adaptive Remote Diagnostic Antitampering Systems 2019
1780 Hybrid-BioVGE Hybrid Variable Geometry Ejector Cooling and Heating System for Buildings Driven by Solar and Biomass Heat 2019
1781 3DAddChip Additive manufacturing of 2D nanomaterials for on-chip technologies 2019
1782 TiPACCs Tipping Points in Antarctic Climate Components 2019
1783 NAIADES A holistic water ecosystem for digitisation of urban water sector 2019
1784 PureNano A purification/regeneration process of spent plating baths base on functionalized magnetic nanoparticles. 2019
1785 PIN3S Pilot Integration of 3nm Semiconducter technology 2019
1786 SUPRA2DMAT Supramolecular engineering of multifunctional systems and devices: the molecular approach to 2D materials 2019
1787 WhiteMech White-Box Self-Programming Mechanisms 2019
1788 e-NeuroPharma Electronic Neuropharmacology 2019
1789 ULTRA-LUX Ultra-Bright Thin-Film Light Emitting Devices and Lasers 2019
1790 CENGIN Deciphering and engineering centriole assembly 2019
1791 DRIVE 0 Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process 2019
1792 Aseptic Smart World’s first unmanned, fully aseptic multi-functional commercial filling line for the bio-/pharmaceutical industry 2019
1793 RespiriTB Progress new assets (one pre-new molecular entity and one first-time-in-human start) for tuberculosis that act synergistically with bedaquiline, cytochrome bc or cytochrome bd inhibitors 2019
1794 RespiriNTM Progress novel assets (one FIH start) for non-tubercular mycobacteria that may act synergistically with bedaquiline and cytochrome bc drugs 2019
1795 snickerdoodle An affordable edge-computing device for high-performance and power-efficient robotics automation 2019
1796 RetroFeel A ground-breaking, nanotechnology sensor-based platform for highly accurate predictive maintenance of industrial equipment. 2019
1797 SpheriCal Reference Certification and Commercialisation of “Universal” Mass Spectrometry Calibration Standards 2019
1799 Coldab An innovative Pulsed Laser Deposition process for next generation of Li-ion batteries 2019
1801 GAMMA The Artificial Intelligence Code Analysis & Recommendation Engine to drive software development speed & reliability for global corporations 2019
1802 Fleximodo Feasibility Study for Fleximodo – Smart IoT Sensors with Software for Parking Management 2019
1803 ANISOPTER ANISOPTER: The Affordable Optimization Solution for Anisogrid Structures 2019
1804 BrainPlay The self-teaching brain 2019
1805 MADEin4 Metrology Advances for Digitized ECS industry 4.0 2019
1806 MANMAX Managing forage fisheries and marine predators to maximise conservation gains 2020
1807 DIATOMIC Untangling eco-evolutionary impacts on diatom genomes over timescales relevant to current climate change 2019
1808 MistAndClean Upscaling production and adding new product lines to the unique and patented water-to-mist technology that reduces water use by 98% without loss of functionality and keeping a high user experience 2019
1809 HAPGuide Smart and sensing robotic system for endovascular interventions with haptic feedback 2019
1810 CGACE Development of a business model to commercialise GPU accelerated workstations for European hardware providers 2019
1811 COMP4DRONES Framework of key enabling technologies for safe and autonomous drones’ applications 2019
1812 PolarNon Automated super-resolution polarimetric nonlinear microscope 'PolarNon' 2019
1813 ProgNanoRobot Programmable NanoRobotics for Controlled Manipulation of Molecular Cargoes 2019
1814 Power2Power The next-generation silicon-based power solutions in mobility, industry and grid for sustainable decarbonisation in the next decade. 2019
1815 APPLAUSE Advanced packaging for photonics, optics and electronics for low cost manufacturing in Europe 2019
1816 DIRNDL Directions in Development 2019
1817 5G!Drones Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Vertical Applications' Trials Leveraging Advanced 5G Facilities 2019
1818 5G-HEART 5G HEalth AquacultuRe and Transport validation trials 2019
1819 LOUISA 3D Innovative 3-dimensional optoacoustic imaging for safe breast cancer screening 2019
1820 FIVE-G Functional Improvement & Validation of next Generation Equipment - Pulsed Laser Deposition for High Volume Manufacturing of enhanced piezo thin film materials enabling 5G data communication 2019
1821 PTOoC Plug-n-Play Tool-kit of Organ-on-Chips 2019
1822 NETCONTROLOGY Controllability of biological networks 2020
1823 TRITON Controlling Wavefunction Overlap for Triplet Energy Transfer in Organic/Nanocrystal Quantum Dots Hybrids 2019
1824 DATENE Defect Analysis and Thermal Effects of Nanolasers and Emitters 2020
1825 PantEOn A Multi-Scale Earth Observation Indicator System for Land Degradation Assessment of Transitional Mediterranean Climates 2020
1826 AlgCoustics Single-step disentanglement and fractionation of microalgal high-value products through acoustophoresis 2020
1827 BriFace Novel assessment of bridge retrofitting measures through Interface Efficiency Indices (InterFeis) using a Guided Wave-based monitoring method 2019
1828 MultiSeaSpace Developing a unified spatial modelling strategy that accounts for interactions between species at different marine trophic levels, and different types of survey data. 2019
1829 RESPIRE4 REspiratory Science Promoted by International Research Exchanges 4 2020
1830 5G-TOURS SmarT mObility, media and e-health for toURists and citizenS 2019
1831 MEANINGFUL Miniaturised Energy harvester for AutoNomous INdustrial, Global retail and FUture smart-cities appLications 2019
1832 Yetitablet Yetitablet - the most intuitive and versatile giant tablet 2019
1833 Monopoly Baeyer Villiger Monooxygenases as Biocatalytic Parts for Monomers of New Lactone-based Polymeric Materials 2019
1834 IoTwins Distributed Digital Twins for industrial SMEs: a big-data platform 2019
1835 BATNMR Development and Application of New NMR Methods for Studying Interphases and Interfaces in Batteries 2019
1836 SPE Silicon-Carbide-Fiber Pilot-production in Europe 2019
1838 SIRAMM Eastern European twinning on Structural Integrity and Reliability of Advanced Materials obtained through additive Manufacturing 2019
1840 5G CONNI Private 5G Networks for Connected Industries 2019
1841 SMARTEC Pilot line production of transceiver modules for the next generation of smart RF power applications 2019
1842 SARIDAS SARIDAS: Saratoga Integrated Dental Simulation Platform 2019
1843 DEEPTIME Probing the history of matter in deep time 2020
1844 PyroSafe Integration of new nano-engineered safe energetic layers with Sensors and Electronics to manufacture Safety-Critical Microsystems 2019
1845 Dyneelax The world’s first automated laximetry device that replicates daily movements and activities through a dynamic test. 2019
1846 ARCHAIC ADAPT Admixture accelerated adaptation: signals from modern, ancient and archaic DNA. 2020
1847 LIVE-I Lightening and Innovating transmission for improving Vehicle: Environmental Impacts 2020
1848 eleGaNt The first technology enabling large-scale gallium nitride industrialisation for mainstream power electronics and RF applications 2019
1849 Hot Lithography The disruptive 3D printing technology Hot Lithography with highperformance polymers for the Additive Manufacturing of spare parts and small series of functional parts 2019
1850 PRIMESYST PRecise Instrument MEtering SYSTem 2019
1851 Kolibri Kolibri – Ultra-Small Plasmonic Modulators for Terabit Communications 2019
1852 ChemChain Blockchain Platform to Track Chemicals along the Value Chain 2019
1853 EGG1 Making distributed Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation with zero pollution convenient 2019
1854 REAL local Renewable-based Energy Autonomy from the transformation of solid recovery fueL 2019
1855 ActLight Delivering a new, key enabling technology that will drive the development of far-reaching advances in photonics, nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing 2019
1856 P200 Developing an Improved High Level 2nd Stage Regulator for Scuba Divers 2019
1857 Presque Smart Nursing Bra 2019
1858 GAZIMO Autonomous sensorized rollers for industrial conveyors for failure early detection 2019
1859 EHS Thermo-adjustable endoscope heater system to solve problems of fogging during surgical interventions 2019
1860 SuPREmE Ship performance monitoring and simulation to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. 2019
1861 SCAT Smart Composites for Additive Technology 2019
1862 HELoS Health.E Lighthouse Support Initiative 2019
1863 TVARC An innovative solid lubricant based nano-dimensional coatings for industrial production 2019
1864 ISSO Innovative Swept Source for next generation OCT devices 2019
1865 StreptoMANIAC Cost and benefit of beta-lactam resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae: interplay between the resistance determinants and the cell elongation/division components 2019
1866 HIFLEX HIgh storage density solar power plant for FLEXible energy systems 2019
1867 miPLUNGER Novel premium pre-filled syringe plunger made by micro- /injection moulding for innovative drug delivery systems and auto injectors 2019
1868 SPOT Smart Process Optimised Tool (SPOT), an Industry 4.0 world first approach for reliable and repeatable crimping and cutting hand tool technology 2019
1869 MANTICA Fully Scalable Platform for Neuroscience Consumer Research and Product Development, Based on User-Friendly EEG-Headset and Cloud-Based Data Storage/Analysis. 2019
1870 KissAndSpitRhoptry Unravelling the secretion machinery for virulence factors in apicomplexan parasites 2020
1871 SOCCRATES SOC & Csirt Response to Attacks & Threats based on attack defence graphs Evaluation Systems 2019
1872 CyberSANE Cyber Security Incident Handling, Warning and Response System for the European Critical Infrastructures 2019
1873 MoSaiQC Modular Systems for Advanced Integrated Quantum Clocks 2020
1874 SCilS Studying Ciliary Signaling in Development and Disease 2020
1876 SOFTMANBOT Advanced RoBOTic Technology for Handling SOFT Materials in MANufacturing Sectors 2019
1877 WiPTherm Innovative Wireless Power Devices Using micro-Thermoelectric Generators arrays 2019
1878 Switch2save Lightweight switchable smart solutions for energy saving large windows and glass façades 2019
1879 LEVEL-UP Protocols and Strategies for extending the useful Life of major capital investments and Large Industrial Equipment 2019
1880 i-LiDAR metasurface-Integrated Light Detection and Ranging 2019
1881 Mag-ID Magnetic identification 2019
1882 INTERLOGS Increasing the competitiveness of European manufacturing companies by introducing an innovative single-step production process for moveable, functional multi-piece components 2019
1883 SMART BEAR Smart Big Data Platform to Offer Evidence-based Personalised Support for Healthy and Independent Living at Home 2019
1884 POSEIDON NanoPhOtonic devices applying SElf-assembled colloIDs for novel ON-chip light sources 2020
1885 FATMOLS FAult Tolerant MOLecular Spin processor 2020
1886 SPRING SPin Research IN Graphene 2019
1887 SNIPER Water Mist Fire Protection Systems for Engine Compartments in Buses and Coaches 2019
1888 BIOEASTsUP Advancing Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European countries: BIOEASTsUP 2019
1889 AutoCapSyn Capsule based machines for the automated synthesis of organic molecules for drug discovery and medicinal chemistry 2019
1891 WiPLASH Architecting More Than Moore – Wireless Plasticity for Heterogeneous Massive Computer Architectures 2019
1892 EpiRep Mechanism of nucleosome assembly during DNA replication 2019
1893 DISPLAYGHT DISPLAY backliGHT illumination by femtosecond laser micromachining 2019
1894 SEMANTIC end-to-end Slicing and data-drivEn autoMAtion of Next generation cellular neTworks with mobIle edge Clouds 2020
1895 PAVE A nanovaccine Approach for the treatment of Pancreatic Cancer 2019
1896 SAPHIRE Self-Assembling Plant-based Hydrogels Induced by Redox Enzymes 2019
1897 ADDI-OPTIMISE ADDI-OPTIMISE - Process Efficiency & Quality Assurance in Metal Additive Manufacturing 2019
1898 optiSLATER optiSLATER: Automated Classification System for the categorization of slate slabs. 2019
1899 CREATE Crafting Complex Hybrid Materials for Sustainable Energy Conversion 2020
1900 DESCALE De-railing scaling: From fundamentals of crystallization fouling on nano-materials to rational design of scale-phobic surfaces 2020
1901 MATPASE Developing new MATerial solutions for cardiac PAce lead and SEnsor encapsulation 2019
1902 EuroSea Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the Oceans 2019
1903 MASCOT Modular multilevel cost Analysis Software for COmposite smarT fuselage 2019
1904 FLECTION Fatigue life prediction on Inco 718 part subjected to service induced damage 2019
1905 AUTO-MEA AUTOmated Manufacturing of wound components for next generation Electrical mAchines 2019
1906 ALR4000 Automated LCD Recycling series 4000 2019
1907 OriginIoT OriginIoT - Expediting Cellular IoT Device Development 2019
1908 MULTIMAG Multiscale Magnetic Models for Emerging Energy Conversion Applications 2020
1909 DISTRACT The Political Economy of Distraction in Digitized Denmark 2020
1910 GeoHex Advanced material for cost-efficient and enhanced heat exchange performance for geothermal application 2019
1911 TERAmeasure Non-contact millimeter and Terahertz frequency measurement paradigm for instrumentation and sensing applications unlocking metrology-grade results 2019
1912 TeraSlice Terahertz Analogue-to-Digital Conversion Using Photonic Chipscale Soliton Frequency Combs and Massively Parallel Spectrally Sliced Detection 2020
1913 ADDIMOT ADDitively manufactured limited angle torque MOTor for Smart Active Inceptors 2019
1914 CoCoNut Complex Cores for New Utilities 2019
1915 vACCINE AeronautiCal Cyber INtrusion dEtection mechanism 2019
1916 NANO4LIFE High-throughput 4D imaging for nanoscale cellular studies 2020
1917 CRYTOCOP Coat assembly and membrane remodelling: understanding regulation of protein secretion 2019
1918 SpeciationBehaviour The genetic and neural basis of reproductive isolation 2020
1919 REFOCUS Chip-Scale Self-Referenced Optical Frequency Comb Sources 2020
1920 GuMeCo Gut-Brain Communication in Metabolic Control 2020
1921 NOVACHIP Novel vascular-like BBB-on-a-chip 2020
1922 ABODYFORCE High Throughput Microfluidic Cell and Nanoparticle Handling by Molecular and Thermal Gradient Acoustic Focusing 2019
1923 ChromoSOMe Canonical and Non-canonical modes of Chromosome Segregation in Oocyte Meiosis 2020
1924 3DScavengers Three-dimensional nanoscale design for the all-in-one solution to environmental multisource energy scavenging 2020
1925 AVANGARD Advanced manufacturing solutions tightly aligned with business needs 2019
1926 HYDROGEN HighlY performing proton exchange membrane water electrolysers with reinforceD membRanes fOr efficient hydrogen GENeration 2019
1927 MERGING Manipulation Enhancement through Robotic Guidance and Intelligent Novel Grippers 2019
1928 CoFBAT Advanced material solutions for safer and long-lasting high capacity Cobalt Free Batteries for stationary storage applications 2019
1929 LIP-ATG The missing link: how do membrane lipids interplay with ATG proteins to instruct plant autophagy 2020
1930 PAVIMON AI for Predictive Maintenance on Wind Turbines 2019
1931 SWOP The first non-toxic bio-based polymer resin to revolutionize the wood panel industry 2019
1932 ARGPHENO Using hidden genealogical structure to study the architecture of human disease 2020
1933 MitoRepairosome Dissecting the mechanism of DNA repair in human mitochondria 2020
1934 5G-CLARITY Beyond 5G multi-tenant private networks integrating Cellular, WiFi, and LiFi, Powered by ARtificial Intelligence and Intent Based PolicY 2019
1935 iFACT iFACT - Iodine Fed Advanced Cusp field Thruster 2020
1936 AETHER Air-breathing Electric THrustER 2019
1937 [LC]2 'Living' Colloidal Liquid Crystals 2019
1938 ADMORPH Towards Adaptively Morphing Embedded Systems 2020
1939 Obsidian Obsidian Anastomotic SafeGuard – A powerful and efficient tissue sealant method for reducing the anastomotic leak rate in colorectal surgery 2019
1940 TWILIGHT Towards the neW era of 1.6 Tb/s System-In-Package transceivers for datacenter appLIcations exploiting wafer-scale co-inteGration of InP membranes and InP-HBT elecTronics 2019
1941 PLATOON Digital PLAtform and analytic TOOls for eNergy 2020
1942 UBI Biological Integral Biogas Upgrading 2019
1943 CreaTures Creative Practices for Transformational Futures 2020
1944 SA-VOIR Assessing the feasibility of MT-011, a first-in-class drug to treat glaucoma and other neurodegenerative diseases via a breakthrough mechanism-of-action 2019
1945 PAGER Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic Storms and Energetic Radiation 2020
1946 HD-Neu-Screen HD-MEA-based Neuronal Assays and Network Analysis for Phenotypic Drug Screenings 2020
1947 HyperBiota Exploring the diet-microbiota axis for immunomodulation and organ protection in hypertension 2020
1948 SURPRISE SUper-Resolved comPRessive InStrument in the visible and medium infrared for Earth observation applications 2020
1949 KYKLOS 4.0 An Advanced Circular and Agile Manufacturing Ecosystem based on rapid reconfigurable manufacturing process and individualized consumer preferences 2020
1950 TOKEN Transformative Impact Of BlocKchain tEchnologies iN Public Services 2020
1951 COENCO Display Color-enriching nano coating for mobile displays 2019
1952 MiChomAbs Synthetic Mini-Chromosomes for Antibody Production 2019
1953 BUGBOX BugBox: Mass Rearing & Production Technology to Produce Protein Powder & Other Sub-Products from Edible Insects 2019
1955 INNTERESTING Innovative Future-Proof Testing Methods for Reliable Critical Components in Wind Turbines 2020
1956 ASTRABAT All Solid-sTate Reliable BATtery for 2025 2020
1957 INFINITE 2.0 Revolutionary laser machine for industrial engraving & 3D texturing 2019
1958 PhoToBe New ways from photon to behaviour: Finding new phototransduction cascades in fan worms 2020
1959 SIAM Scaling Up Innovation through Analogy Mining 2020
1960 SmartShower Cost-effective and resource-saving smart shower 2019
1961 MORPHEMIC Modelling and Orchestrating heterogeneous Resources and Polymorphic applications for Holistic Execution and adaptation of Models In the Cloud 2020
1962 InflaPML Promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) outside the tumor: a new player in the control of inflammation 2020
1964 RECYCLE Removal and Mitigation of Pollution from the Use of Pesticides: Prevention, Recycling and Resource Management 2020
1965 SWORD Smart Wound monitoring Restorative Dressings 2020
1966 FALAH Family farming, lifestyle and health in the Pacific 2020
1967 CARBODIN Car Body Shells, Doors and Interiors 2019
1968 RIDE2RAIL Travel Companion enhancements and RIDE-sharing services syncronised to RAIL and Public Transport 2019
1969 HAROLBIO 2.0 Sustainable bio-lubricants for green metalwork industry applications 2019
1970 ABI Energy Energy Efficiency Technology for Pipeline Transportation 2019
1971 Djewels Delfzijl Joint Development of green Water Electrolysis at Large Scale 2020
1972 QUALI-DEC Appropriate use of Caesarean section through QUALIty DECision-making by women and providers 2020
1973 ALERT Action Leveraging Evidence to Reduce perinatal morTality and morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa 2020
1975 EMPOWER European platforM to PromOte Wellbeing and HEalth in the woRkplace 2020
1976 REFLECT Redefining geothermal fluid properties at extreme conditions to optimize future geothermal energy extraction 2020
1977 SMIC Formal Models of Social Meaning and Identity Construction through Language 2020
1978 MonoComb Monolithic frequency comb spectrometers 2020
1979 StuDySARCOMERE Structure and Cellular Dynamics of the Sarcomere 2020
1980 NEoteRIC NEuromorphic Reconfigurable Integrated photonic Circuits as artificial image processor 2020
1981 SELENE SELENE: Self-monitored Dependable platform for High-Performance Safety-Critical Systems 2019
1982 PHABULOUS Pilot-line providing highly advanced & robust manufacturing technology for optical free-form micro-structures 2020
1983 POETICS CoPackaging of Terabit direct-detection and coherent Optical Engines and switching circuits in mulTI-Chip moduleS for Datacenter networks and the 5G optical fronthaul 2020
1984 ZeroAMP Nanomechanical Switch-Based Logic and Non-Volatile Memory for Robust Ultra-Low Power Circuits 2020
1985 SEQUENCE Cryogenic 3D Nanoelectronics 2020
1986 I.AM. Impact Aware Manipulation by Dexterous Robot Control and Learning in Dynamic Semi-Structured Logistic Environments 2020
1987 WINTHER Fast optoacoustic mesoscopy, using the skin as a window for therapeutic monitoring of local and systemic disease. 2020
1988 DORNA Development of high reliability motor drives for next generation propulsion applications 2020
1989 SHOP4CF Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories 2020
1990 REMEDIA Impact of exposome on the course of lung diseases 2020
1991 EXIMIOUS Mapping Exposure-Induced Immune Effects: Connecting the Exposome and the Immunome 2020
1992 VANGUARD New Generation Cell Therapy: Bioartificial Pancreas to Cure Type 1 Diabetes 2020
1993 LONGRUN Development of efficient and environmental friendly LONG distance powertrain for heavy dUty trucks aNd coaches 2020
1994 IMOTHEP Investigation and Maturation of Technologies for Hybrid Electric Propulsion 2020
1995 RUBY Robust and reliable general management tool for performance and dUraBility improvement of fuel cell stationarY units 2020
1996 HIGGS Hydrogen In Gas GridS: a systematic validation approach at various admixture levels into high-pressure grids 2020
1997 TPV 2500 High performance hydraulic pump for off road mobile equipment 2020
1999 WireVision Intelligent electronic automotive systems repair support tool for auto repair technicians 2020
2000 NanoFLUX Revolutionary nano coatings, for enhanced heat transfer in heating and cooling applications 2020
2001 ANIONE Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis for Renewable Hydrogen Production on a Wide-Scale 2020
2002 EAGRE Eagre/Aegir: high-seas wave-impact modelling 2020
2003 OnTarget Deciphering the principles governing robust targeting of proteins to organelles 2020
2004 3D-PIV Valorization trajectory of a 3D particle image velocimetry instrument 2020
2005 NEXTGEAR NEXT generation methods, concepts and solutions for the design of robust and sustainable running GEAR 2019
2006 OBSERVE Overcoming cellular barriers to therapeutic RNA delivery using extracellular vesicles 2020
2007 PhotoRedesign Redesigning the Photosynthetic Light Reactions 2020
2008 PATCHED Microfabricated hydrogel-based complex patch with time dependent controlled multiple-release of biomolecules for improved healing of skin wounds 2020
2009 ELFO Electronic Food: enabling edible electronic systems for biomedical and food monitoring applications 2020
2010 UNITY A Single-Photon Source Featuring Unity Efficiency And Unity Indistinguishability For Scalable Optical Quantum Information Processing 2020
2011 CRISPRcombo Interrogating native CRISPR arrays to achieve scalable combinatorial screens and dissect genetic redundancy 2020
2012 COMAP-4S COmponents and MAcrocomponents Packaging For Space 2020
2013 SIPhoDiAS Space-grade Opto-electronic Interfaces for Photonic Digital and Analogue Very-high-throughput Satellite payloads 2020
2014 MNEMOSYNE Magnetic non-volatile Random Access Memory for SPACE with Serial interface 2020
2015 PRHYDE Protocol for heavy duty hydrogen refuelling 2020
2016 ADVOS ADVanced Organ Support – Revolution in intensive care for treatment of multiple organ failure 2019
2017 COGNITIVE THREADS Separating parallel threads of cognition to better explain behaviour 2020
2018 EJP SOIL Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils 2020
2019 DissectCMV Creating a comprehensive functional map of the viral and host factors in HCMV infection 2020
2020 ChromatinLEGO Chromatin readout: Dissecting the protein-chromatin interaction code in living cells 2020
2021 ImpHandRehab The development and validation of a hand-based stroke rehabilitation product 2020
2022 AntiViralEvo Unravelling the evolution of antiviral sensors and response systems in animals using the phylum Cnidaria 2020
2023 Brillouin4Life Development of advanced optical tools for studying cellular mechanics at high spatial and temporal resolution 2020
2024 AimingT6SS Mechanisms of dynamic localization of the bacterial Type 6 secretion system assembly 2020
2025 MyeRIBO Deconstructing the Translational Control of Myelination by Specialized Ribosomes 2020
2026 CCedit Coiled-coil mediated exonuclease tethering technology for the enhancement of CRISPR gene editing 2020
2027 eLTER PPP eLTER Preparatory Phase Project 2020
2028 REpAIR Spatio-Temporal Regulation of Inflammation and Tissue Regeneration: Studying the immune system - tissue - microbiota communication to develop targeted therapies for immune-mediated diseases and cancer 2020
2029 ALTER-brain Metastasis-associated altered molecular patterns in the brain 2020
2030 FDM^2 Structural multiscale modelling of extrusion-based 3D and 4D printed materials 2020
2031 ATRONICS Creating building blocks for atomic-scale electronics 2020
2032 CrioFlex Cri/oFlex: The missing link towards large scale quantum computing 2020
2033 EHSTACK Lightweight, Compact and Low-Cost Hydrogen Fuel Cell 2020
2034 DIGISILK Digital Infrastructures Along the New Silk Road: A Mixed-methods Exploration of China's Digital Investments in Its Borderland Regions 2020
2035 RECYPION Resurrecting the Carboxyl Polyether Ionophores 2020
2036 RTTT Real-Time ThermoTronics: handling fluctuations, dynamics and dissipation for smart radiative thermal management 2020
2037 CAPTURE Carbon pathways in the Southern Ocean 2020
2038 QS21-Mech Target identification and elucidation of the molecular mechanism of action of saponin vaccine adjuvants QS-21 (QS21Mech) 2020
2039 ASTRA ASsembly and phase Transitions of Ribonucleoprotein Aggregates in neurons: from physiology to pathology. 2020
2040 CAMPVANS Investigation of carrier multiplication in van der Waals heterostructures for highly efficient solar cells 2021
2041 NSTree Understanding substrate delivery for cell wall biosynthesis in plants 2020
2042 BEHOMO Cosmology Beyond Homogeneity and Isotropy 2020
2043 MingleIFT Multi-color and single-molecule fluorescence imaging of intraflagellar transport in the phasmid chemosensory cilia of C. Elegans 2020
2044 MAGIT Magnesium and Aluminium Gas Injection Technology for High Pressure Die Casting 2020
2045 MEANINGFEEL Just noticeable differences in affect: Estimating the minimum change in positive and negative affect that meaningfully impact people’s subjective experience of emotions 2021
2046 SPINONICS Integrated devices based on spin-orbit photonics. 2020
2047 LiTechAe Lithic Technology, Social Agency and Cultural Interaction in the Bronze Age Aegean. Percussive stone tools related to stone masonry techniques seen through experimentation and use-wear analysis. 2020
2048 CHRONOTRADE Clock-mediated modulation of growth-defense trade-offs and its potential as a biotechnological tool 2020
2049 STMICRO Space-time visualization of microelectronic chip operation with femtosecond electron microscopy 2020
2051 PhantomAiD Phantom Possession. The New Authoritarian Personality and its Domains. 2020
2052 NextGenMicrofluidics Next generation test bed for upscaling of microfluidic devices based on nano-enabled surfaces and membranes 2020
2053 TOC-maker The assembly and structure of the chloroplast protein import machinery in plants 2020
2054 PROMET-H2 Cost-effective PROton Exchange MEmbrane WaTer Electrolyser for Efficient and Sustainable Power-to-H2 Technology 2020
2055 QLIMIT Challenging The Limits Of Molecular Quantum Interference Effects 2020
2056 Xerobranching Xero-Branching: discovering how plant roots adapt to reduced water availability 2021
2057 GALSIZE Galaxy Sizes as Tracers of Dark Matter 2020
2058 DeFacto Design Automation for Smart Factories 2020
2059 Glueballs at BESIII Search for the scalar glueball in a coupled channel amplitude analysis of J/psi decays with the BESIII experiment 2020
2060 NOSCAR decipheriNg Oncogenic SIgnalling patterns to break CAncer drug Resistance 2020
2061 HiPhy High Phytosterol variants towards improved feedstocks and biofortification of crops 2020
2062 INVENTOR INnoVative dEsign of iNstalled airframe componenTs for aircraft nOise Reduction 2020
2063 Ctrl-BBB Blood-brain barrier: from molecular mechanisms to intervention strategies 2020
2064 Hydra Hybrid power-energy electrodes for next generation litium-ion batteries 2020
2065 MARACHAS MAss RAtio evolution in Clusters between HAlos and Sub-halos 2020
2066 Catenin-Condensation The effect of β-catenin condensation on the Wnt-pathway 2020
2067 BIO-CC Bio-based carbon fiber - commercialization 2020
2068 BioPrint4All A 3D-bioprinting platform with exchangeable tailor-made print heads to engineer tissue surrogates 2020