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SUCCESS project deliverables

The page lists 22 deliverables related to the research project "SUCCESS".

 List of Deliverables

SUCCESS: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

Impact assessment of technological and regulatory innovations

The report provides an assessment of the implications of different technology scenarios (e.g. vary/adjust parameters on for example landing dynamics, productivity growth due to technological change) and institutional improvements. Suggestions for these issues will be developed in work packages 2, 3 and 4. The report is based on the enhanced SUCCESS scenario toolbox developed in work package 1.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

Database (Market)

Creation of a database containing a list of European producers with data of country, contact information, species, certifications held (such as denominations of origin, organic labels, MSC, Friends of the Sea, etc.) and certification date open for everyone to increase market transparency.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Other 2019-03-22

D2.3: Report on possibilities for the improvement of the internet communication on seafood products

The report explores explore the online presentations of main seafood producers and central information websites (e.g. from France, Spain, Germany and Great Britain with regard to the information given and its understandability to consumers. The explorative analysis will use a two-step multi-method approach. The first step consists in the review of the internet pages by the researcher according to guidelines. Emphasis will be laid on information on European and sustainable production. In the second step, a small number of test persons will be given a questionnaire which they will have to answer making use of the websites on seafood. Based on the outcomes of the analysis, recommendations for an improved communication with consumers and society in order to increase awareness and consumption of European seafood are made.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

D1.1: Final report on global drivers with an effect on growth and employment in European fisheries and aquaculture sectors

The report will present the analysis conducted as part of the WP1’s Task 1, with a specific attention to:

- The analysis of global fisheries and aquaculture demand characteristics
- The analysis of global fisheries and aquaculture supply characteristics
- The Trade competitive analysis

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

Cost-benefit analysis of different policy options and discussion on socio-economic effects of different policies

The report presents the different policy options analysed in the project, not only with respect to their effects and technical effectiveness, but also with regards to their cost of implementation and benefits that result from them.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

Reports on preferred sustainable market solutions from stakeholder’s perspectives

Reports on preferred sustainable market solutions from stakeholder’s perspectives. Months 14, 24 (internal draft reports), and 36 (update; final public report).

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

Recommendation for the development of strategies and policies for EU fishing industry and aquaculture

The report compiles and synthesises the results of the various SUCCESS case studies and value-chain analyses with the objective to gain insight in the best practices of innovations in production processes and the value chain from production to consumption. Based on an updated SWOT analysis, the report provides recommendations in terms of development strategies and public policies.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

Identification and quantification of non-market values

The report explores and discusses the potential for identifying and quantifying non-market values in fisheries and aquaculture. Non-market values can encompass various different topics, ranging from marine-environmental (e.g. collection of marine debris) to ecological, social cohesion and heritage dimension.

In particular, the reports analyses the synergies existing between the tourism and the seafood producing sectors via the generation of social and cultural services, and address the link between the image of fishing activities and the consumers’ willingness to pay for fish. The level of tourism attractiveness of some specific attributes, such as the presence of a fishing fleet in one area, is also explored.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

Reviewing of successful practices and approaches for strengthening the competitiveness of fisheries and aquaculture

The reports reviews the new types of production methods (techniques/ products/ species), organisational innovations or new valorisation practices likely to develop new markets/ outlets, to match existing and future demand for seafood and production modes (more sustainable production techniques…) and consolidate the market power of producers. The report also analyses the Margin formation in order to assess the way value added is shared along the chains. In particular, the report identifies the innovative valorisation strategies where producers integrate downstream levels of the value chain. It also explores how full traceability (from vessel to consumer) can offer a potential for further valorisation.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

D2.5: Manuscript on consumer preferences and potentials for future fish consumption

The document summarises the outcomes and findings of SUCCESS WP2 (Consumer preferences, market acceptance and social awareness towards seafood). It describes the main economic factors affecting consumption and demand of seafood products across the EU countries, the demand for the specific attributes such as geographical origin, ecological and/or social sustainability, as well as the potential demand innovative seafood products. An explorative analysis of the internet communication channels is also presented.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Other 2019-03-22

D2.4: Report on the potential of selected innovative products in European markets

The report identifies innovative seafood products with potential for different national markets, based on a selection of products from a variety of countries/producers. Innovative products don’t necessarily mean new products but also popular products in specific countries with low demand in other countries (e.g. the development of Chinese products across Europe in general, and the case of some shellfish products in particular – scallops; whelk).

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

D1.2: Final report on current European and other countries’ national policy issues with a special focus on non-tariff measures (NTMs) that impact the long term economic viability and competitiveness of European fisheries and aquaculture sectors

The report describes the policy dimension in the analysis of EU fisheries, which has become increasingly interlinked in the global market place. The perspective of EU firms supplying foreign markets, both in third countries and in the EU member states (intra-EU), and of EU firms sourcing of fishery products from third countries is taken.

A specific emphasis will be on non-tariff measures (NTMs) that describe the conditions under which trade takes place but also cover regulatory “behind the border” measures (UNCTAD, 2012).

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

Compilation of the SUCCESS communication products and events.

Compilation of the SUCCESS communication products and events.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

Compilation of the SUCCESS dissemination products and events

Compilation of the SUCCESS dissemination products and events.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

D1.4: Report on future opportunities and threats under a baseline scenario including a technical annex with a technical description of the SUCCESS toolbox

The repports présents the medothology used to assess the impact of various scenarios on the economic competitiveness of the European fishery and aquaculture sectors, in terms of growth, jobs and innovation. Such a design of a baseline comprises future values of macro-economy and policy drivers.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

D2.2: Results on consumer preferences for sustainable seafood products from Europe

The report analyses if and to which extent consumers are willing to pay higher prices for attributes such as sustainably/organic/equitably/locally produced goods. It identifies the specific attributes such as geographical origin, ecological and/or social sustainability with emphasis on preferences of consumer segments found in previous studies. Differences between countries will be considered. The research will combine an online survey with a choice experiment and will be conducted in six European countries (Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Poland and one additional).

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

Comparative analysis of production systems in fisheries and aquaculture

The report presents an evaluation of the competitiveness and sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture through selected quantitative and qualitative indicators (economic and social efficiency, sensitivity and dependence, long-term viability and interaction between production systems, role of management systems….). This assessment is based on a multi-criteria approach including, on the one side, cost structure, profitability and valorisation indicators, and, on the other side, “dependence” indicators, which all contribute to evaluate the economic sustainability of the seafood primary sectors

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

Basic description of regulation systems applied to case studies

The report presents a description of governance and regulation systems in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors insofar as they could influence their competitiveness and sustainability. In particular, the report examines the role played by different regulation tools (right-based management systems, fishing and farming regulation schemes, producer’s organisations) in structuring the primary sectors and organising the first hand sales.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

D1.3: Manual on how to use the SUCCESS toolbox and how to visualise the model output

The reprots présents the conceptual framework that can provide medium projections towards 2025/2030 on the competitiveness of the European fisheries and aquaculture sectors by modelling the impact of supply and demand drivers and policy instruments. Existing (bio)economic models (FishRent, MAGNET and AGMEMOD) are extended, improved, and embedded by key information on production responses from the Marginal Costs model to be developed. In combination, these four models will form the SUCCESS toolbox, as none of them is able to provide this assessment on its own.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22

Catalogue of IT tools to implement and a functioning Wiki for stakeholders

Development of a catalogue of IT tools to implement and of a functioning Wiki for stakeholders.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Other 2019-03-25

D2.1: Report on the analysis of the functions of seafood consumption and demand and market segmentation of countries according to elasticities

The report analyses the key economic factors driving the macroeconomic function of seafood consumption for the different member states in the EU, by focusing on the elasticity of demand for selected seafood products at different markets in the EU.

The report presents in particular a market segmentation analysis by countries based on the relevant economic factors affecting consumption and demand of seafood products. It also identifies and analyses the main economic factors affecting consumption and demand of seafood products across the EU countries.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-25

inventory of the Stakeholders and Stakeholders’ needs

inventory of the Stakeholders and Stakeholders’ needs to refine SUCCESS dissemination strategy.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): BG-10-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-03-22