Future Sky Safety (FSS) is the largest European safety research and innovation action currently ongoing. The Programme develops new tools and new approaches to further improve aeronautic safety. Future Sky Safety contributes to the achievement less than 1 accident per 10...
Future Sky Safety (FSS) is the largest European safety research and innovation action currently ongoing. The Programme develops new tools and new approaches to further improve aeronautic safety. Future Sky Safety contributes to the achievement less than 1 accident per 10 million commercial aircraft flight departures, and an 80% reduction of the accident rate compared to 2000 for specific operations. FSS helps to coordinate the research and innovation agendas of the main national aeronautical research establishments in Europe, and to create synergies with other EU initiatives in the field (e.g. SESAR, Clean Sky). FSS provides safety research in direct support of new safety rules, regulations, measures and standards, and in the longer term to fulfil the ACARE SRIA and Flightpath 2050 safety challenges. Specific objectives are:
1. To coordinate institutional safety research programmes (WP1), and connect and drive institutionally funded safety research by EREA to safety priorities in the ACARE SRIA on Safety and Security.
2. To perform dissemination, exploitation & communication (WP2), and maximize the impact of results.
3. To perform collaborative safety research on safety risk priority areas. The associated objectives are:
a) Solutions for runway excursions (WP3). Perform breakthrough safety research, in accordance with European Action Plan for Prevention of Runway Excursions, to enable reduction of runway excursion risk.
b) Total system risk assessment (WP4). Develop a prototype risk observatory to assess and monitor safety risks throughout the total aviation system and allow frequent update of risk assessments.
c) Resolving the organizational accident (WP5). Reduce the likelihood of organizational accidents in aviation via development and implementation of a Safe Performance System.
d) Human Performance Envelope (WP6). Define and apply the Human Performance Envelope for cockpit operations and design, and determine methods to recover crew’s performance.
e) Mitigating risk of fire, smoke and fumes (WP7). Develop solutions to mitigate fire, smoke and fumes related (fatal) accidents.
\"With its Flight Path 2050 Vision, the European Commission aims to achieve the highest level of safety in air transportation ever – both for passengers and for freight. The Future Sky Safety (FSS) programme contributes by bringing together 35 European partners to develop new tools and new approaches to aeronautics safety.
As a result of coordination by EREA, a range of new, cooperative safety projects materialised in FSS. For example, a project on runway excursions developed algorithms and monitoring techniques for reducing the risk of runway veer-offs. Following three successful flight tests, these tools can be used by both airlines and flight data monitoring software developers. Likewise, thanks to a pan-European safety culture survey of 7239 European pilots and their perceptions on the safety culture in European aviation, FSS-developed guidance on advancing the safety management of organisations was adopted by the European Aviation Safety Agency. Another important result is the development of the Human Performance Envelope (HPE), a new concept for cockpit operations and design. Through flight simulations, researchers have shown how the HPE approach can contribute to safeguarding human performance in flight upset conditions. In another project, researchers tested the fire resistance of advanced composite materials in an aircraft. This work has demonstrated the potential of geo-polymers for improving the fire behavior of cabin materials.\"\"
FSS is improving cabin safety, reducing the risk of accidents, achieving near-total control over safety risks and enhancing safety performance under unexpected circumstances. FSS expect impact in terms of future changes to regulations, standards and guidance material for aviation safety, in particular for the braking performance of aircraft on contaminated runways, safety management of service providers, and the use of advanced composites in aircraft. Research is mainly positioned at Technological Readiness Levels (TRL) ranging from TRL3 (experimental proof of concept) to TRL5 (technology validated in industrially relevant environment).
Future Sky Safety was invited and recognized by members of the Employment and Transport committees of the European Parliament to learn about the study and its findings. The project contributes to Open Science policy through realisation of more than 30 Open Access publications, which will be made available through OpenAire. Future Sky Safety cooperates with non-EU countries through direct involvement of its research partners TsAGI (Russia), CSEM (Switzerland), Embraer (Portugal, Brasil) and receives advice from various stakeholders, including ICAO, EASA, CAA, FAA (United States), National Aviation Authorities, Aircraft Manufacturers.
Future Sky Safety contributes directly to the long term aviation vision, issued by the EC as Flight Path 2050, which includes safety as one of the most important European priorities. Future Sky Safety is specifically designed to contribute to the following expected impacts:
• To reach by 2050 less than one accident per 10 million commercial aircraft flights, and an 80% reduction of the accident rate compared to 2000 for specific operations, where weather hazards are evaluated and mitigated, in a system which includes all types of air vehicles, manned and unmanned, while preserving cost and time efficiency.
• To gather pan-European critical mass, overcoming gaps, duplication and fragmentation, create a leverage effect, enhance coherence and efficiency of aviation safety research in Europe and underpin development of future safety regulation, operations and technology.
The aim to contribute to reaching, by 2050, less than one accident per 10 million commercial aircraft flight departures and an 80% reduction of the accident rate compared to 2000 for specific operations, is specifically addressed in five Technical Work Packages: WP3, Solutions for runway excursions, WP4 Total system risk assessment, WP5 Resolving the organisational accident, WP6 Human performance envelope and WP7 Mitigation the risks of fire, smoke and fumes.
More info: http://www.futuresky-safety.eu.