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HNN 2.0 project deliverables

The page lists 12 deliverables related to the research project "HNN 2.0".

 List of Deliverables

HNN 2.0: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

7 NCP Papers sent to EC

This task will be focused on providing organized feedback in the form of “NCP Experience papers” to the EC on specific issues identified by the NCP community and which they consider should be signaled to the EC. The EC and the NCPs need to work hand in hand, and the NCPs are in the best position to inform the EC on specific operational issues about the implementation of the SC1 programme they may detect. The experience papers will be very factual and brief, no longer than 1-2 pages.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-04-14

Report on the analysis questionnaire with suggested tools to improve the NCP services

Detailed analysis of the questionnaire. Based on the results, the Handbook will be adjusted and different trainings, mentoring programmes, checklists, templates, etc will be developed along the project. The analysis will result in a report that suggests input to several deliverables in other work packages.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-04-14

Report on decentralized international brokerage events

The idea of Brokerage events out of Brussels is funded on the basis of complementarity. It was noticed in the previous Health NCP Net project that there was a very high subscription to partnering event leading to booked out events very rapidly. The demand in more events is thus existing, and decentralizing them will give the possibility to communities of countries that could not afford to go to Brussels to participate to such events. The cross-border brokerage events will all be organized by a minimum of two countries and they need to bring together participants from a minimum of three different countries in order to gather a critical mass, and fully involve communities geographically close to the place of the event, attracting thus other communities throughout Europe. At least one of the three brokerage events planned will take place in EU-13.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-04-14

Project Website

A dedicated web portal will be developed and it will contain information on the aims, objectives and structure of the project, serving as a central information hub for NCPs for all materials developed in the project (under WP1, WP2 , WP3 and WP4). In addition it will provide a restricted area for SC1 NCPs where any information and promotional material produced can be found for download, and a restricted members’ area for beneficiaries in the form of an intranet, used in WP5, serving as well as a management tool for the project, where deliverables and reports will be accessible.
The Website will be created and launched during the first three months of the project and will be updated regularly (every 4 months at most), as it will be the main tool both for internal and external communication, to reach the entire SC1 NCP community. The majority of information and documents such as relevant event reports may also be accessed by the general public so that NCPs can refer their clients to the site.
A call calendar will inform NCPs and scientific community about all Health-related open (and upcoming) calls and provide a collection of links to related projects and initiatives.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-04-14

Report on NCP Mentoring programme

There will be a mentoring programme specially designed for EU-13 which will focus on a teaming like approach, where EU15 and EU13 NCPs will team up for sharing methods and practices in daily work, in a personalized approach according to previously expressed needs and interests (e.g. consultation with the clients; organization of information and trainings events, mobilization of critical mass). This programme, settled in virtual and on-site contacts during some weeks, aims at increasing the number of proposals submitted with participation from these countries, while helping the consolidation of the NCP strategy of support to clients of these countries in a more medium to long term.
HNN 2.0 will offer at least one NCP from each EU-13 the opportunity to participate in a mentoring programme, at least once during the project lifetime.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-04-14

Report on international brokerage events

International brokerage events will be organized back to back to the Open Info Day organized by the EC, usually once per year. In total 3 of these partnering events will be organized within the lifetime of the project. One of the major reasons of success gained by brokerage events organized within the “Health NCP Net” project was the very good cooperation with the EC and the Fit for Health project. The same approach will be continued in the HNN 2.0 project and the events will be organized in close cooperation with Fit for Health 2.0.
Because in 2014 the first brokerage event is foreseen to be organized by Fit for Health 2.0 in mid/end November, presumably little after the HNN 2.0 project will have started, HNN 2.0 will step in and collaborate as much as possible, although the biggest efforts for the organization of this type of events will be reflected in the three following years.
These brokerage events will bring together potential project coordinators and potential project partners, and the estimated number of participants will be 200 per event. The focus will be on matchmaking between relevant parties in order to meet the objective of supporting the formation of high quality consortia. All areas relevant to the current call will be addressed every year with special focus on the ICT sector related to the Health area. The impact of this activity will be based on the evaluations submitted by participants.
Special attention will be paid to stimulate EU-13 participation. Since the general interest in Brussels brokerage event is usually very high and all sits are booked within a very short time, it might be difficult for EU13 community to react and guarantee the necessary travel funds. To achieve the objective of wide European participation certain number of places will be reserved for researchers and SMEs coming from EU-13 countries. Successful applicants from EU-13 will also be invited as speakers.
One of the main objectives of the HNN 2.0 project is to improve the NCP services and knowledge under H2020. In order to achieve this task the less experienced partners (less experienced in terms of brokerage event organization) will be involved and perform minor tasks (learning by doing effect).

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-04-14

Report on online Trainings

Webinars are going to contribute to knowledge sharing and capacity building. They will alternate with on-site trainings.
They will tentatively take place in periods starting in MO (M6, M12, M18, M24, etc).The materials related to the webinars will be available online to the interested NCPs and to the applicants when and if relevant.
Webinars will be created to complement those offered by relevant support projects or networks like “Fit for Health 2.0” or “Ideal-IST”. When designing the work plan for collaboration with the different relevant networks (Task 4.6 Liaison with other NCP networks, support networks and projects) HNN 2.0 will offer the opportunity of opening their webinars to their networks and will also expect that other projects may open their webinars, when the thematic is relevant, to the SC1 NCPs.
Synergies with e.g. IMI2 webinars targeted to NCPs will also be sought.
Some webinars may be opened to national multipliers of SC1 NCP when the subject is relevant and appropriate. Even though multipliers are not the direct target group of the project activities, opening online training courses to this community has no additional costs and has previously proven to indirectly impact on the quality of submitted proposals.
A timetable with the virtual training courses will be provided to the network long time in advance so that NCPs can book them on their agendas.
A preliminary table with potential topics for the on-site and online courses is already foreseen, but should nevertheless be considered strictly as a tentative planning. The final training plan of HNN 2.0 will take into due consideration the needs of all the SC1 NCPs, namely within the remit of WP1 exercises. The training calendar of around 16 online and training courses, to be organized throughout the project, will be published in due time. In order to answer emerging training needs throughout the project, a certain degree of flexibility will be kept.
The preliminary table with potential topics for training courses and webinars is presented at the end of this WP.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-04-14

Report on Staff exchange programme

This programme grants the NCPs the opportunity to travel and learn on-site how the office of a homologue works whereby the host shows and shares with the visiting NCP their way of working at their institution and delivering NCP services to their clients. These exchanges will be based on a predefined programme agreed with the participants (both host and visitor), will have a duration of 2 days and will ideally take place back to back to an applicant targeted NCP activity (ex. Info day or training event) in the host NCP country that would involve the attending NCPs in the national activity.
HNN 2.0 will offer to at least one NCP from each MS and AC the opportunity to participate in a staff exchange programme, throughout the project lifetime. The project will ensure 40 NCPs participating in staff exchange trips. Following the experience from the previous “Health NCP Net” project, involving more than one NCP per staff exchange is also beneficial from the perspective of learning and exchanging practices for the group, and also a cost advantage arises for the host. Therefore the host office could accept up to 3-4 NCPs per visit.
Ideally the 13 partners of the consortium should each host one staff exchange.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-04-14

Report on on-site Training courses

2 on-site training courses will be organized per year. The subjects of these trainings will be dedicated to both newcomers and more experienced NCPs ensuring that both have a role in the knowledge circulation. In the previous project, it proved to be enriching both for newcomers and more experienced NCPs to be attending the same courses as there is a reciprocal exchange, so there will not be a distinction in the participants that can attend a training course.
Trainings are foreseen to last one day/one and a half days, and we foresee around 30 participants on average in each of them. According to our experience in the previous HNN project, we estimate that, in terms of sponsorship, about 25 will be needed, as funding for the remaining 5 seats may come from national funding, other projects, and synergies with another project activity, etc.
The pool of trainers will be nurtured from the own SC1 NCP Network; external experts and NCPs from other networks (i.e. SME, SC2, ICT, National Coordinators, Legal and Financial) will also be invited as speakers when the subject treated is not an inherent/natural competence of the SC1 NCP community.
Some of the training content will be on “soft skills”, e.g. Train the Trainer, how to moderate workshops, presentation skills, for which external trainers will be involved, as this type of training was already offered in the previous project and it was very well valued by the NCPs.
On-site trainings may be connected to other project activities so as to reduce travelling and minimizing costs, e.g. consortium meetings or SC1 NCP Meetings organized by the EC. It is foreseen that 3 training courses take place at host organizations of NCPs who are not partners of the consortium, e.g. in some EU-13 countries
One of the 8 courses will be organized by the horizontal “NCP Academy” project and will be dedicated to cross-cutting issues such as legal and financial aspects, IPR, innovation, international cooperation, social sciences and humanities, ethics or gender. The Yellowindow Gender Toolkit project will also provide specialized trainings on gender in H2020 and a training course on that subject may also be instructed by them.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-04-14

Report on “meet and exchange workshops”

Joint Meet and Exchange workshops will be organized with other relevant stakeholders (relevant networks and projects) in order to provide Health NCPs with the possibility to offer an enhanced support to their clients for the formation of high quality consortia.
By “Meet and Exchange” workshops it is understood that exchange of experiences, learning from each other on certain topics to be defined will happen. These workshops can take different forms and have as main aim to be practical and constructive.
Subtask 3.3.1. Enterprise Europe Network
The objective of this task is to jointly organize a workshop addressed to both SC1 NCPs and Sectorial Group Healthcare EEN advisors so as to learn from each other, to exchange experiences and see how the networks can collaborate in the future. The outcomes of the workshop will be used by the HNN 2.0 representative who will liaise with EEN to define the collaboration guidelines for H2020. This workshop would be led by members of both NCP networks.
Subtask 3.3.2. Ideal-ist
The collaboration with ICT NCPs is crucial to better serve the clients as ICT is a determinant element in SC1. One joint workshop will be organized with the main aim to gain knowledge about each other and to establish guidelines for collaboration under H2020. This workshop would be led by members of both NCP networks.
In case of identified needs, dedicated workshops may be organized for the collaboration with other initiatives like EMA or the IPR Helpdesk, although mutual learning will be sought by inviting them as speakers to training courses or webinars under WP2.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-04-14

Modular Health NCP Handbook and other support material

The already existing “Health NCP Net Handbook” that was a result from the previous Health NCP Net will undergo major adjustments, and will be updated to Horizon 2020. Since the SC1 Challenge under Horizon 2020 is more than just a continuation of FP7, the handbook will be enlarged and also adapted to the minimum guidelines for NCPs for Horizon 2020. It will include the work done by the Ethics Advisory Workgroup in the previous HNN project, to summarize how to address ethical issues in Health research projects. Changes that need to be taken up are for example: collaboration with EEN, better support to SMEs, better support of service multipliers, health-related transnational programmes, etc. In order to make it more user-friendly and easier to “digest”, the updated Handbook will be developed in a modular scheme, where chapters will be presented as modules that can be downloaded in the joint workspace on the homepage. The Handbook will also be presented to the NCPs via a webinar.
The Handbook will be updated in three major rounds:
1st round (Year 1): Roles and Responsibilities of an NCP, Getting started, how to build your website, how to organize a training activity, person-to-person consultation, proposal preparation, etc.
2nd round (Year 2): To provide all NCPs with important background information for their daily work and to assure quality and the same level of standardized information within the NCP network, factsheets on health-related programmes and initiatives will be created and included in the modular Handbook:
• Joint Programming Initiatives (JPND, JPI HDHL, JPI MYBL, JPI AMR)
• Innovative Medicine Initiative-2
• Article 185 Initiatives (EDCTP 2, AAL 2, Eurostars)
• EIT KIC Active and Healthy Ageing
• Health-related ERA-NETs
• European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing
3rd round (Year 3): Analysis of Evaluation summary reports - most frequent errors

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-04-14

Corporate and promotional materials

This will include a project logo, a project flyer, a roll up and other promotional materials. Like in the previous HNN project, a welcome kit on the project activities and support to newcomers will also be developed, and will be sent to every new appointed NCP in order to integrate and involve them in the network.
Furthermore, it is foreseen to develop videos to promote NCP services to the clients to be used, e.g. as an eye-catcher at conferences by NCPs, or even by the EC.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1. - Topic(s): HCO-16-2014

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-04-14