The page lists 22 deliverables related to the research project "UnCoVerCPS".
title and desprition | type | last update |
Final report on dissemination and exploitationThis is the final summary of the dissimination and exploitation efforts in UnCoVerCPS. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Report on interleaving online control and reachability computation for certified behaviour of cyber-physical systemsThis deliverable documents the results obtained in task 2.4 on combining online control and online reachability computations for efficient decision-making in uncertain environments. The report will describe the developed techniques for embedding reachable set computation and constraint generation into model-predictive controllers for CPS. Furthermore, it will elaborate on the results of interleaving and complementing local safety computations and local trajectory optimization for real-time efficiency. The extensions to stochastic settings and the exemplary application to at least one of the case studies considered in WP5 will be covered. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
UnCoVerCPS tool chainUnCoVerCPS proposes to assemble a tool chain composed of the following tools: Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes | 2020-02-26 |
Report on application simulation data and experimental resultsThis report will detail the application set-up and the simulation results showing how our approach meets the criteria for safety in the specific applications: wind turbines, automated vehicles, smart girds, and manufacturing in the food industry. The report will also detail the experimental results obtained and detail how well these align with the expected results obtained from the simulations. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Assessment of the certifiability for the relevant safety standardsThis document describes the safety impacts due to the introduction of code generation and verification of hydrid controllers. Safety is adressed by standards such as ISO 26262, IEC 61508, EN 50128 or DO-178C, and their objectives/requirements are analyzed with respect to the UnCoVerCPS approach at application level. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Report on behaviour prediction for cyber-physical systemsThe report describes how the behavior prediction has been realized according to task 2.1. We describe the basic theory on how one can predict all possible behaviors of dynamic objects when the system dynamics and set-based uncertainties are given. The report will also show applications on the proposed realisations of cyber-physical systems as described in WP 5. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Report on application modelsThe report presents the obtained mathematical models for wind turbines, smart grids, and automated driving. The report includes preliminary simulation results of those models. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Report on pre-computation of reachable sets and advances in reachability analysisThis report presents the results of tasks 3.1 and 3.2. First, it described advances in the reachability analysis of nonlinear systems. Seond, it details how to generate and select partial reference trajectories and how to pre-compute reachable sets for them using the latest advances in reachability analysis. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
First report on dissemination and exploitationThis is the first summary of the dissimination and exploitation efforts in UnCoVerCPS. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
WebsiteOur project website will be hosted by the Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization (CPS-VO), see The website will provide preprints of publications, benchmark examples, software tools developed within the project, a forum, and links to dissemination activities. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. | 2020-02-26 |
Second report on dissemination and exploitationThis is the second summary of the dissimination and exploitation efforts in UnCoVerCPS. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Assessment of languages and tools for the automatic formalisation of system requirementsAs outlined in task 1.4. this deliverable comprises the selection of a requirements modeling language that will allow us to reason about formal properties of a cyber-physical system, the creation of user interfaces to input the requirements, and a process which describes how a safety requirement about the whole system can be represented in UnCoVerCPS. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Report on modelling of networked cyber-physical system for verification and controlThis document summarizes the main results on modeling, identification, and refinement techniques for networked cyber-physical systems, as obtained in the tasks 1.1 and 1.2. The report starts from a review of the state-of-the-art on such techniques before the project started, and describes the modeling framework for networked CPS as established in UnCoVerCPS. We detail which particular model properties are essential for the particular purposes of online control and verification, and we focus on coping with model uncertainties, real-time execution, and networked structures. The modeling procedures will be illustrated for the applications addressed in WP5. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Extension of the SCADE language for continuous modellingThis document describes the extensions to the SCADE Suite notation and/or Simplorer tool languages to support all together the description of discrete and continuous behaviors. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Theoretical foundation for combining zonotopes and support functionsThis report explores the theoretical foundation for combining zonotopes and support functions in reachability analysis, as outlined in task 4.3. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Report on reachability analysis of nonlinear systems and compositional verificationWe present new results on reachability analysis of nonlinear systems as described in task 3.1. Reachability analysis is a key technology for formal verification of cyber-physical systems. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Report on conformance testing of application modelsThe report describes the results of conformance testing of previous WPs, i.e. to what extend the proposed models match the actual behavior of the selected use cases. The report also contains the validation of results from the offline and on-the-fly verification in complex tasks like the control of a wind turbine, robust and fault-tolerant control of smart grids, verified automated driving, and planning in human-robot collaborative manufacturing. Simulation and experiment results are presented as means of verification. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Report on distributed model predictive control for cyber-physical systems and efficient computationThis deliverable will document the results achieved in tasks 2.2 and 2.3. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
First version of the data management planUnCoVerCPS is fully committed to the Open Research Data pilot. Besides ensuring accessibility of the results, this task will also evaluate the reproducibility of results of publications. The task leader will also make sure that after each presentation in consortium meetings, the partners have to be able to describe how the results can be reproduced. The assessment of the provided tools and data is assessed according to discoverability, accessibility, assessability, usability beyond intended purpose, and interoperability according to Annex 2 of the Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Open Research Data Pilot | 2020-02-26 |
Report on compositional verification, and incremental verification in interaction with online controller adaptationThis report presents the results of tasks 3.3 and 3.4. We first present how verification results can be obtained in a compositional way as described in task 3.3. The computational aspect is a further key technology to scale the methods up towards industrial applications. A special focus of the computational aspects will be on power systems as described in WP 5 since they are usually to large to verify monolithically. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Report on conformance testing in the development processThe report describes how conformance testing has been realized according to Task 1.3. We describe the various analysis and modelling techniques and tools for conformance testing, identify the issues that need to be solved to achieve their applicability in industry and propose solutions to these issues. We also evaluate these solutions by applying them to the proposed realisations of cyber-physical systems as described in WP5. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-26 |
Final version of the data management planThis is an extension of the first version of the data management plan. A detailed description of the data management plan can be found in deliverable 6.2. Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014 |
Open Research Data Pilot | 2020-02-26 |