The emerging of new technology platforms such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrie 4.0, the Industrial Internet, Cloud/Fog Computing, or the Human Intranet tremendously accelerate the adoption and commercialization of cyber-physical systems in a multitude of industrial...
The emerging of new technology platforms such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrie 4.0, the Industrial Internet, Cloud/Fog Computing,
or the Human Intranet tremendously accelerate the adoption and commercialization of cyber-physical systems in a multitude of industrial domains
such as highly automated vehicles, smart energy, smart manufacturing, smart cities, smart medical devices, smart logistics, and smart material.
The more the intrusion of smartness in our physical world advances, the more we have to rely on their performance, their robustness, and their security.
Delivery of a new generation of technology platforms that perform well and are safe, secure, and dependable therefore creates an ever-increasing demand and
urgency for new and expanded science and technology foundations. What exactly seems to be missing is the foundational element, the glue between them, the
force that should bring those elements together.
The United States and the European Union face a number of common challenges to push forward the limits of the science and technology, including:
* Technical challenges for designing and operating trustworthy CPS to which we do not have adequate solutions, at the state-of-the-art;
* The lack of accepted open and interoperable technology and platforms for CPS (such as in smart cities);
* Differences in technical standards across domains, including for safety and security, make it more difficult and costly to produce end-to-end quality and assurance;
* It is uncommon for engineers to be trained with the right mix of skills to address the technical issues in CPS;
* Fragmented eco-systems of CPS platforms prevent and limit the implementation of many new business ideas.
Scientific-technological challenges that are being worked-on in both the EU and the US include the cross-disciplinary and socio-technical character of CPS;
the lack of a common, integrated systems theory including cross-domain modeling and integration of large-scale, heterogeneous CPS; the interoperability between platforms,
infrastructures, frameworks, methods, and tools; predicting the complex, evolving behavior of autonomous systems to exclude emergence of unintended behavior;
substantial deficits of current infrastructures concerning protection of data privacy; insufficient dependability technology to avoid propagation of faults
or cyber-attacks; new design paradigms such as data-driven development for resource-optimized operation of CPS; provable robust abstraction between
real-world artefacts and its digital models; and the lack of a systematic approach to collect, aggregate, and apply incomplete and uncertain information
to ensure provision of services with sufficient level of confidence, specifically in the interaction with humans.
The biggest part of the CPS avenue is still in front of us. Despite tremendous progress in the last ten years on developing an integrated CPS science, there
are still mountains of questions and challenges to be solved, some of them fundamental and rooting in mathematical science and logic. And we still have to get
the design principles and fundamentals right for mastering the engineering of trustworthy CPS. Indeed, the magnitude of the CPS foundational challenge is so
great that a cooperation would prove to be beneficial for industry, academia, and governments, including:
* A synergistic research campaign significantly accelerates developments by pooling some of the best research teams across the Atlantic on some of the hardest
CPS research challenges.
* Creation of industrial CPS platforms, standards, and applications on the basis of cross-cutting design principles enables the sound implementation of
cross-domain, and possibly global, CPS-based value chains.
* The sharing of infrastructure and large-scale test beds for experimenting and validating CPS applications has not only synergetic potential but also
promotes and encourages
The CPS Summit identified and evaluated opportunities for substantially increasing EU-US collaboration on pre-competitive CPS research and development,
and it proposed and promoted recommendations for action for implementing a sustainable cooperation between CPS stakeholders in the EU and the US. The CPS
Summit Action Plan proposes concrete actions on
I. joint research for establishing a new systems science for predicable and trustworthy CPS,
II. driving open standards and platforms for capitalizing on synergies in building CPS,
III. creating and coordinating the operation of joint platforms and living labs for testing and experimenting with CPS, and
IV. the exchange of best practice for CPS training and education.
The proposed transatlantic research program shall promote synergistic and added-value collaboration based on results obtained in research projects from both sides of the
Atlantic, as outlined above.
The impact of the proposed joint transatlantic CPS initiative is expected to be global by reaching out beyond the United States and Europe; thereby promoting a
globalized CPS eco-system and marketplace. Together we are able to set global and cross-domain open standards for the interoperability and trustworthiness of
CPS-related platforms and applications, and to establish an educational framework for preparing and enabling the future workforce for designing, operating, and
maintaining CPS.
The alignment of the proposed EU-US collaboration campaign with on-going industry-driven initiatives and platforms
* Ensures a rapidly accelerated timeline and huge savings in the creation and operation of new technology platforms;
* Fosters end-to-end resilience against cyber attacks and failures;
* Prepares the future workforce by defining and facilitating education on CPS engineering.
* Enables the sound implementation of novel CPS-based value chains on the basis of open de facto standards;
* Promotes competitive ecosystems and cross-domain market-places based on open and interoperable CPS platforms.
Implementation of the CPS Summit action plan therefore directly contributes to the sustainable success of a large number of industry-driven initiatives and
platforms in the US and Europe, including the IIC (goal: increase of 3% of GDP), ECSEL (goal: create 250.000 new jobs), and IoT (projected global market volume
in the trillions €/US$).
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