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Preclinical Intra-Operative Image-Guided Surgery and Post-Operative Radiotherapy of Tumours

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






 PRISAR project word cloud

Explore the words cloud of the PRISAR project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "PRISAR" about.

camera    guided    risk    dye    oncology    lowering    hospital    resection    entity    subcellular    remaining    serve    twelve    handheld    definitive    benefits    fluorescent    recurrence    technologies    infra    life    radionuclide    image    synthesis    healthy    detection    antigen    mobility    operative    therapeutic    post    optoacoustic    radiotherapy    survival    tissue    quality    accelerate    peptide    morbidity    stay    tissues    combination    surgery    revolves    conjugated    cellular    clinicians    probes    countries    inter    health    training    clinical    macroscopic    tumour    margin    patients    levels    cross    removal    red    scientists    imaging    rates    patient    nirf    hypothesis    near    probe    fluorescence    molecular    cancer    detect    deep    hybrid    validate    postoperative    consequence    basic    revolutionary    surgeons    residual    surgical    construct    technologists    endoscopic    disciplinary    reference    minimised    intervention    implementing   

Project "PRISAR" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
address: PLESMANLAAN 1
city: LEIDEN
postcode: 2333 BZ

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Netherlands [NL]
 Project website
 Total cost 2˙430˙000 €
 EC max contribution 2˙430˙000 € (100%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.1.3.3. (Stimulating innovation by means of cross-fertilisation of knowledge)
 Code Call H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014
 Funding Scheme MSCA-RISE
 Starting year 2015
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2015-02-01   to  2019-01-31


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
1    PERCUROS BV NL (LEIDEN) coordinator 378˙000.00
2    ACADEMISCH ZIEKENHUIS LEIDEN NL (LEIDEN) participant 486˙000.00
4    RAYFOS LTD UK (BASINGSTOKE) participant 216˙000.00
6    GAMMA TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED UK (Camberley) participant 162˙000.00
8    MAUNA KEA TECHNOLOGIES FR (PARIS) participant 108˙000.00
10    TAGWORKS PHARMACEUTICALS BV NL (Eindhoven) participant 108˙000.00
11    TECOBIOSCIENCES GMBH DE (LANDSHUT) participant 108˙000.00
12    ANTIBODIES FOR RESEARCH APPLICATIONS BV NL (Gouda) participant 54˙000.00
14    ITHERA MEDICAL GMBH DE (MUNCHEN) participant 54˙000.00


 Project objective

The main objective and basic concept of our proposal is to improve intra-operative and post-operative targeted surgical probes and new detection systems for surgical intervention of cancer. The work revolves around the mobility of clinicians, scientists and technologists between twelve consortium partners and across four different countries. The goal is the implementation of inter-disciplinary, inter-sector, cross-training of personnel. As a consequence, this will serve to accelerate the development of improved imaging technologies and hybrid fluorescence/radionuclide probes for the surgical intervention of cancer. The hypothesis is that if we can develop a hybrid probe for both targeted image-guided surgery and post-operative molecular radiotherapy, we would be implementing a revolutionary imaging and therapeutic approach for oncology surgeons to help their patients by improving better overall survival and quality of life for the patient. There are four key objectives within this project: 1) synthesis of a near infra-red fluorescence (NIRF)-dye conjugated to a peptide that is targeted towards a tumour associated antigen, 2) deliver a novel clinical optoacoustic handheld camera to detect the fluorescence probe in deep tissue, 3) validate the probe/target combination across the subcellular, cellular, endoscopic and macroscopic levels with state-of-art technologies, and 4) develop the probe further by targeting a radionuclide entity to the fluorescent construct for postoperative radiotherapy. Surgeons would have a more definitive reference for resection, if the tumour margin can be clearly defined. If this can be achieved, the impact would be (a) reduced recurrence rates in patients by lowering the risk of residual tumour tissue remaining after surgery and as a consequence improve survival, (b) minimised removal of healthy tissues, c) reduced patient morbidity and hospital stay and d) significant health cost benefits.


year authors and title journal last update
List of publications.
2019 Timo Schomann, Laura Mezzanotte, John C.M.J. de Groot, Clemens W.G.M. Löwik, Johan H.M. Frijns, Margriet A. Huisman
Imaging bioluminescent exogenous stem cells in the intact guinea pig cochlea
published pages: , ISSN: 1932-8486, DOI: 10.1002/ar.24068
The Anatomical Record 2019-10-08
2018 Chih Kit Chung, C.G. Da Silva, Dana Kralisch, Alan Chan, Ferry Ossendorp, Luis J. Cruz
Combinatory therapy adopting nanoparticle-based cancer vaccination with immune checkpoint blockade for treatment of post-surgical tumor recurrences
published pages: 56-66, ISSN: 0168-3659, DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2018.07.011
Journal of Controlled Release 285 2019-10-08
2018 Timo Schomann, Dyan Ramekers, John C. M. J. de Groot, Carola H. van der Ploeg, Ferry G. J. Hendriksen, Stefan Böhringer, Sjaak F. L. Klis, Johan H. M. Frijns, Margriet A. Huisman
Ouabain Does Not Induce Selective Spiral Ganglion Cell Degeneration in Guinea Pigs
published pages: 1-15, ISSN: 2314-6133, DOI: 10.1155/2018/1568414
BioMed Research International 2018 2019-10-03
2016 Marieke A. Stammes, Vicky T. Knol-Blankevoort, Luis J. Cruz, Hans R. I. J. Feitsma, Laura Mezzanotte, Robert A. Cordfunke, Riccardo Sinisi, Elena A. Dubikovskaya, Azusa Maeda, Ralph S. DaCosta, Katja Bierau, Alan Chan, Eric L. Kaijzel, Thomas J. A. Snoeks, Ermond R. van Beek, Clemens W. G. M. Löwik
Pre-clinical Evaluation of a Cyanine-Based SPECT Probe for Multimodal Tumor Necrosis Imaging
published pages: , ISSN: 1536-1632, DOI: 10.1007/s11307-016-0972-7
Molecular Imaging and Biology 2019-10-03
2016 Susanna W. L. de Geus, Leonora S. F. Boogerd, Rutger-Jan Swijnenburg, J. Sven D. Mieog, Willemieke S. F. J. Tummers, Hendrica A. J. M. Prevoo, Cornelis F. M. Sier, Hans Morreau, Bert A. Bonsing, Cornelis J. H. van de Velde, Alexander L. Vahrmeijer, Peter J. K. Kuppen
Selecting Tumor-Specific Molecular Targets in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: Paving the Way for Image-Guided Pancreatic Surgery
published pages: 1-13, ISSN: 1536-1632, DOI: 10.1007/s11307-016-0959-4
Molecular Imaging and Biology 2019-10-03
2017 Eric L. Kaijzel, Ermond R. van Beek, Marieke A. Stammes, Ivo Que, Alan B. Chan, Clemens W.G.M. Löwik, Luis J. Cruz.
Traumatic Brain Injury: Preclinical Imaging Diagnostic(s) and Therapeutic Approaches
published pages: , ISSN: 1381-6128, DOI: 10.2174/1381612823666170116141116
Current Pharmaceutical Design 23 2019-10-03
2016 M Saccomano, M Stammes, A Chan, F Alves, J Napp
Intraoperative Bildgebung von Pankreastumoren: Präklinische Validierung von Cetuximab konjugiert an Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe im Nahen Infrarotbereich im orthotopen Pankreastumor-Mausmodell
published pages: , ISSN: 0044-2771, DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1587241
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 54/08 2019-10-03
2016 Löwik, Clemens; Fish, A.; Lelieveldt, Boudewijn; Dijkstra, Jouke; Cordfunke, R. A.; Tummers, Q.R.J.G.; Driel, Pieter; Vahrmeijer, A. L.; Snoeks, thomas; Velde, Cornelis; Boonstra, M.; Kuppen, P J K; Keereweer, Stijn; Van de Giessen, Martijn; Prevoo, H.A.J.M.; Sier, Cornelis; van Eendenburg, J. D. H.
EpCAM as multi-tumour target for near-infrared fluorescence guided surgery
published pages: , ISSN: 1471-2407, DOI: 10.1186/s12885-016-2932-7
B M C Cancer, 16(1) 1 2019-10-03
2016 Mara Saccomano, Christian Dullin, Frauke Alves, Joanna Napp
Preclinical evaluation of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescently labeled Cetuximab as a potential tool for fluorescence-guided surgery
published pages: , ISSN: 0020-7136, DOI: 10.1002/ijc.30277
International Journal of Cancer 2019-10-03
2015 Sier CF, Bhairosing S, Prevoo HA, van Vlierberghe RL, Hawinkels LJ, Mesker WE, Van de Velde CJ, Kuppen PJ, Vahrmeijer AL
Stromal cells as target for image-guided surgery of breast cancer.
published pages: 130-131, ISSN: , DOI: 10.1007/s12307-015-0175-9
Cancer Microenvironment 8 Suppl. 1 2019-10-03
2017 Inge A. Mulder, Artem Khmelinskii, Oleh Dzyubachyk, Sebastiaan de Jong, Nathalie Rieff, Marieke J. Wermer, Mathias Hoehn, Boudewijn Lelieveldt and Arn M. van den Maagdenberg
Automated ischemic lesion segmentation in MRI mouse brain data after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion
published pages: , ISSN: 1662-453X, DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2017.00003
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 11:3 2019-10-03
2016 Walid M. Abdelmoula, Benjamin Balluff, Sonja Englert, Jouke Dijkstra, Marcel J. T. Reinders, Axel Walch, Liam A. McDonnell, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt
Data-driven identification of prognostic tumor subpopulations using spatially mapped t-SNE of mass spectrometry imaging data
published pages: 12244-12249, ISSN: 0027-8424, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1510227113
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113/43 2019-10-03
2017 M.C. Boonstra, P.B.A.A. Van Driel, S. Keereweer, H.A.J.M. Prevoo, M.A. Stammes, V.M. Baart, C.W.G.M. Löwik, A.P. Mazar, C.J.H. van de Velde, A.L. Vahrmeijer, C.F.M. Sier
Preclinical uPAR-targeted multimodal imaging of locoregional oral cancer
published pages: 1-8, ISSN: 1368-8375, DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2016.12.026
Oral Oncology 2019-10-03
2016 Inge T. A. Peters, Carina G. J. M. Hilders, Cornelis F. M. Sier, Alexander L. Vahrmeijer, Vincent T. H. B. M. Smit, J. Baptist Trimbos, Peter J. K. Kuppen
Identification of cell-surface markers for detecting breast cancer cells in ovarian tissue
published pages: , ISSN: 0932-0067, DOI: 10.1007/s00404-016-4036-7
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2019-10-03
2016 Ivan Olefir, Elena Mercep, Neal C. Burton, Saak V. Ovsepian, Vasilis Ntziachristos
Hybrid multispectral optoacoustic and ultrasound tomography for morphological and physiological brain imaging
published pages: 86005, ISSN: 1083-3668, DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.8.086005
Journal of Biomedical Optics 21/8 2019-10-03
2017 Marieke A. Stammes, Hendrica A. J. M. Prevoo, Meyke C. Ter Horst, Stéphanie A. Groot, Cornelis J. H. Van de Velde, Alan B. Chan, Lioe-Fee de Geus-Oei, Peter J. K. Kuppen, Alexander L. Vahrmeijer, Elena B. Pasquale and Cornelis F. M. Sier
Evaluation of EphA2 and EphB4 as Targets for Image-Guided Colorectal Cancer Surgery
published pages: 307, ISSN: 1422-0067, DOI: 10.3390/ijms18020307
Int. J. Mol. Sci 2017, 18(2):307 2019-10-03
2016 Marieke A. Stammes, Azusa Maeda, Jiachuan Bu, Deborah A. Scollard, Iris Kulbatski, Philip J. Medeiros, Riccardo Sinisi, Elena A. Dubikovskaya, Thomas J. A. Snoeks, Ermond R. van Beek, Alan B. Chan, Clemens W. G. M. Löwik, Ralph S. DaCosta
The Necrosis-Avid Small Molecule HQ4-DTPA as a Multimodal Imaging Agent for Monitoring Radiation Therapy-Induced Tumor Cell Death
published pages: , ISSN: 2234-943X, DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2016.00221
Frontiers in Oncology 6 2019-10-03
2017 Joanna Napp, Marieke A. Stammes, Jing Claussen, Hendrica A.J.M. Prevoo, Cornelis F. M. Sier, Freek J. M. Hoeben, Marc S. Robillard, Alexander L. Vahrmeijer, Tim Devling, Alan B. Chan, Lioe-Fee de Geus-Oei, Frauke Alves
Fluorescence- and multispectral optoacoustic imaging for an optimised detection of deeply located tumours in an orthotopic mouse model of pancreatic carcinoma
published pages: , ISSN: 0020-7136, DOI: 10.1002/ijc.31236
International Journal of Cancer 2019-10-03
2016 Vahrmeijer, Alexander L.; Prevoo, Hendrica A.J.M; Hawinkels, Lukas J.A.C.; Kuppen, Peter J. K.; Boonstra, Martin C.; Cornelis F.M. Sier; de Geus, Susanna W L; van de Velde, Cornelis J.H.
Selecting Targets for Tumor Imaging: An Overview of Cancer-Associated Membrane Proteins
published pages: , ISSN: 1179-299X, DOI: 10.4137/BIC.S38542
Biomarkers in Cancer, Vol 2016, Iss 8, Pp 119-133 (2016) 1 2019-10-03
2016 Maria Anastasopoulou, Maximilian Koch, Dimitris Gorpas, Angelos Karlas, Uwe Klemm, Pilar Beatriz Garcia-Allende, Vasilis Ntziachristos
Comprehensive phantom for interventional fluorescence molecular imaging
published pages: 91309, ISSN: 1083-3668, DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.9.091309
Journal of Biomedical Optics 21/9 2019-10-03

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The information about "PRISAR" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.

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