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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PARTY (Participatory Tools for Human Development with the Youth)


PARTY aims to research and develop new participatory and empowering service design tools to be utilized by the youth, the NGOs and other service providers.The research questions that are examined during the project are:-What are the characteristics of an inclusive, context...


PARTY aims to research and develop new participatory and empowering service design tools to be utilized by the youth, the NGOs and other service providers.

The research questions that are examined during the project are:
-What are the characteristics of an inclusive, context aware collaborative methodology for facilitating or solving local wicked problems of the unemployed youth?
-How does the service design approach facilitate the development of the capabilities of young unemployed persons as part of their learning experiences?
-How can the service design approach assist the community-based organisations and other stakeholders in their interventions and activities aimed at the youth?
-What kinds of measures are needed to accommodate the different participant expectations, ambitions and limitations with a shared platform for a continuing dialogue?

Main impact of this project is 1) to enhance research- and innovation-related human resources, skills and working conditions to realize the potential of individuals and to provide new career perspectives organizations 2) to develop new and lasting research collaborations, to achieve transfer of knowledge between research institutions and to improve research and innovation potential at the European and global levels.

Work performed

Main research outcomes from the WP1 deliverables and milestones have been the use of visual management tools and agile management practices with smooth and transparent communication. All the African partners are investing and committing substantial amount of local resources in the project.

Deliverable 1.3: kick off meeting was one of the first results achieved. This established and consolidated management and administrative structures. One of the main outcomes was shared insights and vision on research questions, research strategy and approach as well as data collection during the mobilities.

Deliverable 1.4: progress report 1, was submitted as an analytical outcome that helped to evaluate structures and processes developed in the kick off meeting and refined in practice during the first year. Outcomes of the deliverable 1.6: PARTY project mid-term review meeting have been important, as this was valuable evaluation point for the project. Review meeting focused on discussing the project progress and achieved milestones. One of the main outcomes was presented model for north-south-south research collaboration on San Youth issues created by the consortium. Mid-term review meeting resulted number of recommendations that have been implemented and followed-up.

Deliverables of WP2 are to be delivered on schedule. The tasks in WP2 have been focusing on working with the San youth on developing self-documentation of the youth to identify their challenges, creating contextual knowledge on field sights and creating service concepts with the youth. One of the main achievements is the development of participatory service design practices and tool that engages youth and their stakeholders to work together as well as encourages and support San youth in developing ”training the trainers” model.

Deliverables for WP3 will be completed in December 2017. The tasks carried out are focusing on enabling communication, developing platform and system that enables the development of new service structures that support social innovation and wellbeing for the San youth through the stakeholder engagement and multi-stakeholders service development with the youth.

The main outcome for the WP4 handbook is taking place through handbook and strategy document development. The handbook is ensuring that the service design tools and methods are disseminated and accessible for the local stakeholders and youth. They need to be published online and in a format that is understandable and clear for implementation. The tools are developed, tested and evaluated through series of workshops implemented in WP4.

WP5 is focusing on second half of the PARTY project with special focus on developing electronic training platform, training and course units, training the trainees –program, collaboration with youth agencies and impact of policy development. One of the main achievements has already been the development of the training the trainees program and strong collaboration with youth agencies as well as policy development work with stakeholders.

Dissemination strategy has been the main outcome for the WP6. Dissemination strategy is based on stakeholder analysis. Dissemination strategy includes tools and channels for engagement as well as implementation plan for different activities. One of the milestones for the PARTY project is that project consortium established the proposal for the academic book about design for complexity and special journal issue for design with youth as main channels to deliver scientific knowledge about project scientific findings.

WP7 has produced two deliverables 7.2: Cross-sectoral model for knowledge transfer and 7.3: workshop methodology & participation models for internal collaboration. These outcomes are crucial outcomes to make sure that consortium is benefitting from joint actions, data and information collection. D 7.2 is focusing on a Storytelling Design for Knowledge Transfers (STD-KT) model. The model is based on cross-sector

Final results

Participatory methodologies are including the youth in the development processes and locating them in as focal points of development processes. The youth are learning how to manage stakeholders dialogue and collaboration processes that have high potential to impact their communities and extended networks. In addition to this the youth are learning to develop their service propositions and social innovations that benefit local communities. This is taking place for example through: ”training-the-trainers model”, curricula design in collaboration with main training center focusing on San youth and high impact stakeholder engagement. New kind of models for working with stakeholders can create the most impact and scalability of the project outcomes. The scalability of service design methodologies and models are key issue for creating high impact and outcomes for the PARTY project.

Consortium has been implementing high level engagement of the youth and their stakeholders. This engagement in producing now only new research knowledge of service design methodologies and models but also continuous development of local capabilities in design thinking and innovation to solve local societal challenges. These practical skills, methodologies, models and innovations can be scaled and disseminated in European and African practical and research communities.

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