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This action aims at bringing ICT innovation to the Music Industry. Voctro Labs develops and licenses proprietary singing voice synthesis technologies. The goal of the Phase 1 action is to validate an appropriate business model that maximizes the potential of this technology to...


This action aims at bringing ICT innovation to the Music Industry. Voctro Labs develops and licenses proprietary singing voice synthesis technologies. The goal of the Phase 1 action is to validate an appropriate business model that maximizes the potential of this technology to become a large-scale business.

We depart from the initial disruptive idea of reviving legendary singers through voice synthesis. It allows creating a new repertoire of songs with the voice of living or deceased legendary singers by means of synthesis that retain the character and expressiveness of the original singer.

Throughout the project, we carried out market study, meetings with advisors and user group sessions that validated the initial idea, and led us to upscale to a larger business opportunity for music content creators and copyright owners that can impact global audiences. The results are the basis for the SME Instrument Phase 2 application.

Work performed

Activities have been structured in three blocks: a) Demonstrators, b) Advisors and Expert Groups and c) Business Plan. We have collaborated with artists to create a valid demonstrator using our synthesis technology. Advisors meetings and expert groups have shaped the directives for preparing the business plan.

The main results achieved include:
● adaptation of the synthesis technology to create a demonstrator.
● expert user groups with Music Industry stakeholders.
● refinement of the business idea to a more scalable business model
● market study and preparation of a complete Business Plan
● selection of members for the Advisory Board.

Final results

The result of the Feasibility Study helped us to validate and refine the scope of our action. The possibility of reviving legendary singers using technology is clearly a disruptive and attractive business opportunity with a big socio-economic impact. Nevertheless to build a more scalable and recurrent business model with our technology, we had to redefine the implementation part, incorporating a large-scale platform for digital music content generation based on singing synthesis. With this platform, our proposal for the SME Instrument Phase 2 has a potential to open new cross-border markets for artists, producers, labels and publishers.

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